Regime assault on Native Americans


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts
The leftist view of Native Americans - so loving and caring - seems to be ringing a tad hollow among those indigenous peoples these days!

In fact, it's amounting to an assault on them - perhaps approaching, it seems, genocide.

Of course such an accusation could only come from a right wing group, maybe those evil Koch Brothers, right?

But wait.....this time it's different!

ANWR worshippers fail to consider the I upiat Alaska Dispatch News

The author is full-blooded Native American Charlotte Brower who is mayor of the North Slope Borough. The Borough consists of extreme Northern Alaska, an area larger than many states.

"Today, we are under assault by people who seek another resource -- wilderness. And just like those who came before them, they threaten the health of our communities, our culture and our way of life. President Obama’s announcement to seek wilderness designations throughout the entire Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, represents the latest salvo by the powerful environmental lobby to obtain their El Dorado."...........

Further commenting on the recent Obama regime announcement of their planned lockup of natural resources Ms. Bower continues.....

"But land management designations aimed at blocking resource development across the North Slope will usher in the end of this era of prosperity. And when these decisions are made without meaningful local input, they are at best paternalistic, and at worst exploitative. We also did not miss the irony that the ANWR announcement came less than one week following an executive order calling for federal agencies to consult more with Alaska Native people over Arctic issues."

Up until now The North Slope Borough voted heavily for Democrats at all levels.

Up until now.
The leftist view of Native Americans - so loving and caring - seems to be ringing a tad hollow among those indigenous peoples these days!

In fact, it's amounting to an assault on them - perhaps approaching, it seems, genocide.

Of course such an accusation could only come from a right wing group, maybe those evil Koch Brothers, right?

But wait.....this time it's different!

ANWR worshippers fail to consider the I upiat Alaska Dispatch News

The author is full-blooded Native American Charlotte Brower who is mayor of the North Slope Borough. The Borough consists of extreme Northern Alaska, an area larger than many states.

"Today, we are under assault by people who seek another resource -- wilderness. And just like those who came before them, they threaten the health of our communities, our culture and our way of life. President Obama’s announcement to seek wilderness designations throughout the entire Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, represents the latest salvo by the powerful environmental lobby to obtain their El Dorado."...........

Further commenting on the recent Obama regime announcement of their planned lockup of natural resources Ms. Bower continues.....

"But land management designations aimed at blocking resource development across the North Slope will usher in the end of this era of prosperity. And when these decisions are made without meaningful local input, they are at best paternalistic, and at worst exploitative. We also did not miss the irony that the ANWR announcement came less than one week following an executive order calling for federal agencies to consult more with Alaska Native people over Arctic issues."

Up until now The North Slope Borough voted heavily for Democrats at all levels.

Up until now.
He better STFU before Holder declares him "droneable" for disputing the Obama.
I always laugh when I hear the bed wetters croon about what noble people the injuns were.....the same injuns who set miles of prairie grass on fire to drive buffalo over cliffs...the same injuns who bought and sold slaves, scalped, treated women like livestock, and murdered other tribes with great relish....wonderful people don't stake out others on fire ant hills, or cut off their genitals, or burn them alive....NOBLE SAVAGES? now there's an oxymoron for morons.
The govt. has a long history of screwing the Native American Indians...So this is nothing matter who is the president...Christians burned people alive, they are not noble either.....

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