Reducing salt can lower blood pressure.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
I love salt but it doesn't love me. My bp was too high and I was in denial about the effect of too much salt until I made a concentrated effort to greatly reduce it. I ate virtually no salt or salty foods for three weeks during which time I monitored the salt in my urine. Even though I was not ingesting salt I was excreting huge amounts of it daily. At the end of three weeks my systolic bp went down by a full 10 points and has remained there. My diastolic bp is always low so I wasn't concerned about that.

I hope this is of interest to someone. :)
I love salt but it doesn't love me. My bp was too high and I was in denial about the effect of too much salt until I made a concentrated effort to greatly reduce it. I ate virtually no salt or salty foods for three weeks during which time I monitored the salt in my urine. Even though I was not ingesting salt I was excreting huge amounts of it daily. At the end of three weeks my systolic bp went down by a full 10 points and has remained there. My diastolic bp is always low so I wasn't concerned about that.

I hope this is of interest to someone. :)
In the SAD, or Standard American Diet, large quantities of salt are added to foods that have had most of the flavor processed out of them. Actually reading labels is horrifying when you realize how much salt and sugar are added to virtually everything just to make them palatable.
In the SAD, or Standard American Diet, large quantities of salt are added to foods that have had most of the flavor processed out of them. Actually reading labels is horrifying when you realize how much salt and sugar are added to virtually everything just to make them palatable.
Not to mention that our taste for salt has been so inured that we need more and more to satisfy our taste for it. After my 'salt fast' I noticed that just a few grains of salt are all I need to season my food.
I love salt but it doesn't love me. My bp was too high and I was in denial about the effect of too much salt until I made a concentrated effort to greatly reduce it. I ate virtually no salt or salty foods for three weeks during which time I monitored the salt in my urine. Even though I was not ingesting salt I was excreting huge amounts of it daily. At the end of three weeks my systolic bp went down by a full 10 points and has remained there. My diastolic bp is always low so I wasn't concerned about that.

I hope this is of interest to someone. :)
Don't let it get too low. I have been to ER 4 times in the past year for the following. Pumped up with sodium.

Don't let it get too low. I have been to ER 4 times in the past year for the following. Pumped up with sodium.

Thanks. I'm in no danger of that as I'm still excreting large amounts of salt. The body holds quite a bit of salt in reserve, up to nine ounces. Anything it casts off is generally not needed as the kidneys are pretty good at regulating salt levels in the body. As an older person my kidneys don't remove excess salt as efficiently, so it builds up in my tissues, thus the constant higher bp and the need to flush some of it out.
I love salt but it doesn't love me. My bp was too high and I was in denial about the effect of too much salt until I made a concentrated effort to greatly reduce it. I ate virtually no salt or salty foods for three weeks during which time I monitored the salt in my urine. Even though I was not ingesting salt I was excreting huge amounts of it daily. At the end of three weeks my systolic bp went down by a full 10 points and has remained there. My diastolic bp is always low so I wasn't concerned about that.

I hope this is of interest to someone. :)
That's a great idea! What test kit did you use?
That's a great idea! What test kit did you use?
I catch a little pee in a cup then use an eyedropper to place a drop or three on a hand mirror or glass slide. When dry the salt crystals are revealed. It also reveals the fat in your urine.
Once you get used to using a salt substitute, you don’t miss table salt hardly at all

The hard part is that transitional phase
I started paying more attention to my health when I was in my mid 30's. I have had some bumps along the way, but it has served me pretty well. I'll be 84 in April and still going pretty strong. :)
American fitness bloggers began to study Russian diets. It turns out that slow carbohydrates, pickled vegetables and meat in the diet are very healthy
I just analyzed my breakfast diet, a slice of ww toast w/peanut butter and half a banana and a glass of 1% milk

Protein-20 gr
Calories 540.
Sodium-530 mg.

That's as bad as a McDonald's sandwich. :omg: I'll probably have to start eating unsalted peanut butter as well as unsalted butter. Worse still, a bowl of Kellogg's cornflakes contains 300 mgs. of sodium. That's half of what you need daily, which is 600 mgs., one third of the 'recommended' amount.
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I try to eat in a reasonable and healthy way. And I don't eat fast food. But, I am still going to salt my food regardless. Highly recommend getting some celtic salt.
I try to eat in a reasonable and healthy way. And I don't eat fast food. But, I am still going to salt my food regardless. Highly recommend getting some celtic salt.
I use salt as well, just not so much. It's the hidden salt that's hard to avoid.

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