"Red" States, "Blue" States....Why.

I'd bet the farm that you have no idea that the two sentences in your post contradict each other.


No more than you thinking colors make a difference. I'll bet the farm that you can't point out my "contradiction" without looking totally foolish. What you're calling a "contradiction" isn't about politics at all, but the mental disabilities of the right wing.

The is the time for me to remind you of the old saw:

"When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."

You're the one in the hole. You seem to think color means something. When I said "stroke of genius" it wasn't, as you presumed, me assuming that colors meant something, but an acknowledgement that it means something to you. Understand? This isn't about the politics, but how the right has things twisted in their minds.
No more than you thinking colors make a difference. I'll bet the farm that you can't point out my "contradiction" without looking totally foolish. What you're calling a "contradiction" isn't about politics at all, but the mental disabilities of the right wing.

The is the time for me to remind you of the old saw:

"When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."

You're the one in the hole. You seem to think color means something. When I said "stroke of genius" it wasn't, as you presumed, me assuming that colors meant something, but an acknowledgement that it means something to you. Understand? This isn't about the politics, but how the right has things twisted in their minds.

1. Seems you still require that Special Needs Protective Helmet that they had you wear in school.....

2. Here you are, reality be damned, banging your head against the wall.

3. "You seem to think color means something."
Not only do I, but it was proven in posts #1 and #5...
....and, so do you, as documented in your inane post cheering that it had been assigned to the Republicans.

So...is it your position that nations choose the colors in their flags randomly?
"You seem to think color means something."
Yeah, you probably do.

4. But I’m proud of you! Not only are you a fool, but you have the energy to let everyone know it!
C'mon....what's your secret: "Red Bull" or "5 Hour Energy"?
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"Your professors must be proud of you."

You reveal another difference between us: character

...The mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.

I stand on my own feet. For me, all that is necessary is whether I am proud of myself.
At the risk of gilding the lily, I will say: I am.

Not so for you? How sad.

It is sad that you have wasted such an extensive education. What a lost opportunity. All that time and all your parents money and all you can do is parrot the opinions from rightwing bloggers

Cut and Paste 101........."A mind is a horrible thing to waste"

It is amusing that your response to my posts is never anything but complaints about the format.

Had there have been people who loved you enough to provide an education, you might....hypothetically, of course....have been able to assemble responses beyond the superficial.

But....that would also require a natural intelligence, not yet in evidence.

I suggest you stick to carping about style, and stay off the thin ice of substance.
Work to ability.

It is not the format of your posts, but the complete lack of critical thinking, independent conclusions and self generated opinions.

Using cut and paste to support your own opinion or generate debate is perfectly acceptable. But to use it in place of your own intellectual contributions to the board is intellectually lazy

Like I said.....You make your professors proud
It is sad that you have wasted such an extensive education. What a lost opportunity. All that time and all your parents money and all you can do is parrot the opinions from rightwing bloggers

Cut and Paste 101........."A mind is a horrible thing to waste"

It is amusing that your response to my posts is never anything but complaints about the format.

Had there have been people who loved you enough to provide an education, you might....hypothetically, of course....have been able to assemble responses beyond the superficial.

But....that would also require a natural intelligence, not yet in evidence.

I suggest you stick to carping about style, and stay off the thin ice of substance.
Work to ability.

It is not the format of your posts, but the complete lack of critical thinking, independent conclusions and self generated opinions.

Using cut and paste to support your own opinion or generate debate is perfectly acceptable. But to use it in place of your own intellectual contributions to the board is intellectually lazy

Like I said.....You make your professors proud

What a transparent defense of your jealousy...

"but the complete lack of critical thinking, independent conclusions and self generated opinions."

No one has self-generated opinions....you, being the proof of that.

You are a doctrinaire Leftist and my well-constructed destruction of your worldview is the provenance of your complaints....

I was going to suggest that you be honest and admit it...but the very name you chose proves that that would be antithetical to your personae....and anathema to a Leftist.

So...once again, you have nothing but the kind of grumbling that may, in fact, be a characteristic of advancing age.

As a consequence, I doubt that your posts will ever be else.

"Like I said.....You make your professors proud."

It's 'As I said."

You're welcome.
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It is amusing that your response to my posts is never anything but complaints about the format.

Had there have been people who loved you enough to provide an education, you might....hypothetically, of course....have been able to assemble responses beyond the superficial.

But....that would also require a natural intelligence, not yet in evidence.

I suggest you stick to carping about style, and stay off the thin ice of substance.
Work to ability.

It is not the format of your posts, but the complete lack of critical thinking, independent conclusions and self generated opinions.

Using cut and paste to support your own opinion or generate debate is perfectly acceptable. But to use it in place of your own intellectual contributions to the board is intellectually lazy

Like I said.....You make your professors proud

What a transparent defense of your jealousy...

"but the complete lack of critical thinking, independent conclusions and self generated opinions."

No one has self-generated opinions....you, being the proof of that.

You are a doctrinaire Leftist and my well-constructed destruction of your worldview is the provenance of your complaints....

I was going to suggest that you be honest and admit it...but the very name you chose proves that that would be antithetical to your personae....and anathema to a Leftist.

So...once again, you have nothing but the kind of grumbling that may, in fact, be a characteristic of advancing age.

As a consequence, I doubt that your posts will ever be else.

"Like I said.....You make your professors proud."

It's 'As I said."

You're welcome.


Your reliance on regurgitating rightwing blogs from people with half of your education is amusing. Your inability to provide any context or credibility by providing your own opinion or definition of relevance is an embarrassment to those who spent years providing you with higher education
It is not the format of your posts, but the complete lack of critical thinking, independent conclusions and self generated opinions.

Using cut and paste to support your own opinion or generate debate is perfectly acceptable. But to use it in place of your own intellectual contributions to the board is intellectually lazy

Like I said.....You make your professors proud

What a transparent defense of your jealousy...

"but the complete lack of critical thinking, independent conclusions and self generated opinions."

No one has self-generated opinions....you, being the proof of that.

You are a doctrinaire Leftist and my well-constructed destruction of your worldview is the provenance of your complaints....

I was going to suggest that you be honest and admit it...but the very name you chose proves that that would be antithetical to your personae....and anathema to a Leftist.

So...once again, you have nothing but the kind of grumbling that may, in fact, be a characteristic of advancing age.

As a consequence, I doubt that your posts will ever be else.

"Like I said.....You make your professors proud."

It's 'As I said."

You're welcome.


Your reliance on regurgitating rightwing blogs from people with half of your education is amusing. Your inability to provide any context or credibility by providing your own opinion or definition of relevance is an embarrassment to those who spent years providing you with higher education

"Your inability to provide any context or credibility.....blah blah blah....."

Actually, ol' fella, I always provide both.

If one can accept your post as representing your reality, it gives testimony, rather, to your difficulty in assimilation of the posts.....

Stick to nitpicking about format.
If this is so objectionable to conservatives, why did Fox News go along with it?

But you agree that 'red' is most correctly identified with communist, socialist, liberal, etc., and, therefore denotes Democrats....


Red is associated with being in debt so therefore denotes Republicans

If this is so objectionable to conservatives, why did Fox News go along with it?

But you agree that 'red' is most correctly identified with communist, socialist, liberal, etc., and, therefore denotes Democrats....



As the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States intensified in the late 1940s and early 1950s, hysteria over the perceived threat posed by Communists in the U.S. became known as the Red Scare. (Communists were often referred to as "Reds" for their allegiance to the red Soviet flag.)
PC, I think it was done for three reasons: 1. denial of the relationship with communism of leftists (allowing for more leftism in the Dem Party) and
2. to suggest that Republicans and conservative are angry (red), and
3. dangerous (red)
If this is so objectionable to conservatives, why did Fox News go along with it?

But you agree that 'red' is most correctly identified with communist, socialist, liberal, etc., and, therefore denotes Democrats....


Red is associated with being in debt so therefore denotes Republicans


OMG....you're learning how to post!

And all those folks who said you were ineducable!
If this is so objectionable to conservatives, why did Fox News go along with it?

But you agree that 'red' is most correctly identified with communist, socialist, liberal, etc., and, therefore denotes Democrats....



As the Cold War between the Soviet Union and the United States intensified in the late 1940s and early 1950s, hysteria over the perceived threat posed by Communists in the U.S. became known as the Red Scare. (Communists were often referred to as "Reds" for their allegiance to the red Soviet flag.)
Red Scare — History.com Articles, Video, Pictures and Facts

Makes sense....straight like from the USSR to the DNC.....

And, from chapter one of Prager's "Still The Best Hope,"

1. Every Leftist is, essentially, a Marxist…even though most eschew the title since the fall of the Soviet Union. Even so, Left-wing ideas are predicated on Marx’s materialist view. Philosophically, the term implies that only material things are real.

a. Therefore, emotions, such as love, are no more than chemistry. And it suggests that it is only genes and environment that determine our actions, and free will plays no role. And, of course, God and religious beliefs are nonsense.

2. From Marx on, the Left has fought against religion for the above reason, and because they understood how difficult it is to get religious people to engage in revolution for the purpose of bettering their material lives. Such folks often relegate the material world to lower priority than the spiritual, moral and intellectual world.

a. While the Judeo-Christian society labels actions as ‘good’ or ‘evil,’ due to morality and/or self-control, the Left sees the results as due to material inequality, i.e., violent crime due to poverty.

b. The Left has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.

c. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it.

Now, doesn't that sound like Democrats?

They certainly don't want to remind the voters.....
PC, I think it was done for three reasons: 1. denial of the relationship with communism of leftists (allowing for more leftism in the Dem Party) and
2. to suggest that Republicans and conservative are angry (red), and
3. dangerous (red)

Yup.....and I like that 'angry' part....

I was a little bothered in 2000 when we were called "red". I couldn't help suspecting it was a politically motivated choice.

Then in 2010 I learned to like red. It was awesome to watch that results map of the U.S. turn red as we took the country over from congress to the state houses. That was sweet.
I was a little bothered in 2000 when we were called "red". I couldn't help suspecting it was a politically motivated choice.

Then in 2010 I learned to like red. It was awesome to watch that results map of the U.S. turn red as we took the country over from congress to the state houses. That was sweet.

You have a good attitude.

While, with my ethnic background, I should be 'inscrutable,' have that equanimity....I go with your first reaction.

Because we are familiar with history....we saw the gambit from the start.

Just like to get 'em to admit it.
If this is so objectionable to conservatives, why did Fox News go along with it?

But you agree that 'red' is most correctly identified with communist, socialist, liberal, etc., and, therefore denotes Democrats....


Talk about ineducable! Color has nothing to do with politics.

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