Red State Governors Reject Obamacare Exchanges - Premiums Skyrocket


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2013
Ohio Gov. John Kasich and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker have said they will not set up state-based insurance exchanges under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, meaning the federal government will have to step in to run the exchanges in those states, according to The Hill's Healthwatch report.

Gov. Kasich said he rejected the state-based exchange because PPACA does not provide enough flexibility to states. Due to his rejection, the federal government will now have total control over all the functions of Ohio's exchange, such as the number of plans that can participate and whether to impose requirements above and beyond those spelled out in PPACA, according to the report.

Ohio, Wisconsin Governors Reject Health Insurance Exchanges
John Boehner

Ohio middle-class families “will pay more in taxes… and more in premiums” under the president’s health care law, according to projected rates released by the state’s department of insurance.

True John, but you failed to mention it's because you and Kasich rejected Obamacare's insurance exchanges and Medicaid expansion

.... and chose to reject competition and feed the insurance cartels.

Bad fella, bad


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