Red Meat For Our Leftist Friends


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
“Hostile Takeover: How Big Money & Corruption Conquered Our Government- And How We Take It Back,” by David Sirota

This book is one of the important ones for conservatives, or even moderates, to read…’else one could not believe an intelligent and educated individual could believe this stuff.
If I say ‘far-left wacko,’ there are a half dozen of our colleagues that immediately leap to mind, and fit that description…but here are their ideas, their words.

Want some insight into the far-left? Read Sirota’s book!

1. David Sirota begins with a two page rant as to how a plane flight was cancelled and he had to sleep on the floor, wait a considerable time for the next flight, the hardship that he, elderly passengers, a soldier, etc., etc had to contend with….and how evil corporations are responsible, and scam all of us!! “Our government, which used to be in the business of protecting us, now sits by and allows us to be abused, or worse- actually helps the abusers!”

2. Sirota then goes on to give some specific ‘abuses’ such as: some fat cat is taking a cut of your paycheck, wage violations, your pension is stolen, credit card companies go after your life savings, and is allowed to charge ‘the most disgusting forms of usury’! The government allows business to destroy society, and the environment, sweatshops, doesn’t demand better wages! Then, there’s the end of the mom-and-pop stores, door-to-door salesmen, slick PR campaigns push corporate-written legislation….

3. The society in which we live “is a Clockwork-Orange style system of brain-washing, where the supremacy of corporate cash…” buys politicians and corporate loop-holes.

4. A prime belief is that the economy is a zero-sum game, and the author hammers away at an imagined link between increased corporate profits and an increase in poverty. The former is true, the latter is not. He says “…the only people who get tax cuts are the super-wealthy.” Really?
How many times has this been promulgated in posts on the board?

5. The self-deluded have mechanisms such as the following: “Worst of all, we get a flood of Orwellian messages from the Establishment that deny the existence of our very own beliefs. Almost every time you tune in to politics on TV, some know-it-all is claiming the solution that polls show the public widely supports are actually considered ‘out of the mainstream.’” And the free market “means we must have fewer regulaitions that protect citizens’ rights, less taxation of the rich, and no mandates on business to fulfill andy social responsibilities other than increasing corporations’ bottom line.”

6. For those who see business as not only separate from, but antagonistic to, the lives of Americans, this book will be a heart-warming validation of every conspiracy theory and rationalization for every failure in your life.

Enjoy, Lefties!
It's not a zero-sum economic game and frankly, I do not know a single person, leaning left OR right, who imagines that it is, either.

It is, however, a sum-relative economic game we're playing.

Sum-relative is just another way of saying MARKET FORCES.

And those with the greatest SUMS, relative to others, are the winners of the game.
It's not a zero-sum economic game and frankly, I do not know a single person, leaning left OR right, who imagines that it is, either.

It is, however, a sum-relative economic game we're playing.

Sum-relative is just another way of saying MARKET FORCES.

And those with the greatest SUMS, relative to others, are the winners of the game.

"It's not a zero-sum economic game and frankly, I do not know a single person, leaning left OR right, who imagines that it is, either."

Well, then....let me introduce you to one!

"David J. Sirota (born November 2, 1975) is a progressive Denver-based American political figure, radio show host and commentator.[1] He is an author,[2] book reviewer,[3] nationally syndicated newspaper columnist,[4] a Democratic political strategist,[5] political operative,[6] Democratic spokesperson,[7] and blogger.[8] He is generally considered to be a political progressive[9] as well as a critic of neoliberal economic policies.[10] He has criticized both left[11] and right[12] as well as excessive presidential power.[13]"
David Sirota - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now, you may hide behind the term 'know,' but surely you have seen the perspective here on the USMB...

So the take-away from your post is that you are not one of the far-Left wackos? you say now....but once the sun goes down.........
PC, If I were to quote a wacko on the right would that change your worldview? In life wackos are everywhere and quoting one as if it has great meaning is a sign of an empty weapon. Get something interesting next time. Where's the beef? None here.

from wikipedia

'Criticism of Sirota' "Other prominent journalists and political analysts have been critical of Sirota. In his article comparing two approaches to progressive politics, Nate Silver described Sirota's approach as "playing fast and loose with the truth and using some of the same demagogic precepts that the right wing does".[55] Regarding Sirota's political analysis and projections, including his predictions during the 2008 presidential election, Al Giordano described him as "an inverted compass: when Sirota says 'heads,' you can make a lot of money betting on 'tails.'"[56]" David Sirota - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
PC, If I were to quote a wacko on the right would that change your worldview? In life wackos are everywhere and quoting one as if it has great meaning is a sign of an empty weapon. Get something interesting next time. Where's the beef? None here.

from wikipedia

'Criticism of Sirota' "Other prominent journalists and political analysts have been critical of Sirota. In his article comparing two approaches to progressive politics, Nate Silver described Sirota's approach as "playing fast and loose with the truth and using some of the same demagogic precepts that the right wing does".[55] Regarding Sirota's political analysis and projections, including his predictions during the 2008 presidential election, Al Giordano described him as "an inverted compass: when Sirota says 'heads,' you can make a lot of money betting on 'tails.'"[56]" David Sirota - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Mr. Potatohead, are you wearing your angry eyes?
Let's see what set you off....

1. "....would that change your worldview?"
Who said anything about changing anyone's worldview???

I LOVE to fight you guys! My motto is 'fighting libs and thugs."

2. When I don't get enough Left-wing wackos here....(if the shoe fits...)....I read guys like Sirota and Eric Alterman, and others!

3. "...quoting one as if it has great meaning is a sign of an empty weapon."
Wrong! I love to quote guys like this to show the 'empty head'!

4. Now, with your wikipedia quote you seem to imply that you guys don't really agree with him....
I guess you would like to pretend that his words, (see the OP) aren't carbon copies of so many of you Leties on the board...

...or that he isn't a well-known Progressive...even noted in wikipedia...

....or that he doesn't make his living selling books and having a radio show spouting the Progressive message...

From that source, again: "is a progressive Denver-based American political figure, radio show host and commentator.[1] He is an author,[2] book reviewer,[3] nationally syndicated newspaper columnist,[4] a Democratic political strategist,[5] political operative,[6] Democratic spokesperson..."

5. "Get something interesting next time. Where's the beef? None here."

Hey, Middy...Shakespeare nailed you with this one: " The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

So....what? The OP held you up to the mirror, and you saw what you guys look like??
That's not a beef, at least from's a source of amusement.

Middy...another quote? From the Brown Bomber:
You can run, but you can't hide.

Hope that doesn't change your worldview.
“Hostile Takeover: How Big Money & Corruption Conquered Our Government- And How We Take It Back,” by David Sirota

This book is one of the important ones for conservatives, or even moderates, to read…’else one could not believe an intelligent and educated individual could believe this stuff.
If I say ‘far-left wacko,’ there are a half dozen of our colleagues that immediately leap to mind, and fit that description…but here are their ideas, their words.

Want some insight into the far-left? Read Sirota’s book!

1. David Sirota begins with a two page rant as to how a plane flight was cancelled and he had to sleep on the floor, wait a considerable time for the next flight, the hardship that he, elderly passengers, a soldier, etc., etc had to contend with….and how evil corporations are responsible, and scam all of us!! “Our government, which used to be in the business of protecting us, now sits by and allows us to be abused, or worse- actually helps the abusers!”

2. Sirota then goes on to give some specific ‘abuses’ such as: some fat cat is taking a cut of your paycheck, wage violations, your pension is stolen, credit card companies go after your life savings, and is allowed to charge ‘the most disgusting forms of usury’! The government allows business to destroy society, and the environment, sweatshops, doesn’t demand better wages! Then, there’s the end of the mom-and-pop stores, door-to-door salesmen, slick PR campaigns push corporate-written legislation….

3. The society in which we live “is a Clockwork-Orange style system of brain-washing, where the supremacy of corporate cash…” buys politicians and corporate loop-holes.

4. A prime belief is that the economy is a zero-sum game, and the author hammers away at an imagined link between increased corporate profits and an increase in poverty. The former is true, the latter is not. He says “…the only people who get tax cuts are the super-wealthy.” Really?
How many times has this been promulgated in posts on the board?

5. The self-deluded have mechanisms such as the following: “Worst of all, we get a flood of Orwellian messages from the Establishment that deny the existence of our very own beliefs. Almost every time you tune in to politics on TV, some know-it-all is claiming the solution that polls show the public widely supports are actually considered ‘out of the mainstream.’” And the free market “means we must have fewer regulaitions that protect citizens’ rights, less taxation of the rich, and no mandates on business to fulfill andy social responsibilities other than increasing corporations’ bottom line.”

6. For those who see business as not only separate from, but antagonistic to, the lives of Americans, this book will be a heart-warming validation of every conspiracy theory and rationalization for every failure in your life.

Enjoy, Lefties!

PC clearly you are confusing the Priorities of The Left.

Policing their own wackos is not a priority when they're busy finding fault in women that choose to have children and dare to criticize the massive size of the federal government.
your motto is kind of pathetic, PC...

just saying...

Ya' got a point there, Jilli....

I especially when so many folks voted to assign you yours!

pa·thet·ic Adjective/pəˈTHetik/1. Arousing pity, esp. through vulnerability or sadness.


“Hostile Takeover: How Big Money & Corruption Conquered Our Government- And How We Take It Back,” by David Sirota

This book is one of the important ones for conservatives, or even moderates, to read…’else one could not believe an intelligent and educated individual could believe this stuff.
If I say ‘far-left wacko,’ there are a half dozen of our colleagues that immediately leap to mind, and fit that description…but here are their ideas, their words.

Want some insight into the far-left? Read Sirota’s book!

1. David Sirota begins with a two page rant as to how a plane flight was cancelled and he had to sleep on the floor, wait a considerable time for the next flight, the hardship that he, elderly passengers, a soldier, etc., etc had to contend with….and how evil corporations are responsible, and scam all of us!! “Our government, which used to be in the business of protecting us, now sits by and allows us to be abused, or worse- actually helps the abusers!”

2. Sirota then goes on to give some specific ‘abuses’ such as: some fat cat is taking a cut of your paycheck, wage violations, your pension is stolen, credit card companies go after your life savings, and is allowed to charge ‘the most disgusting forms of usury’! The government allows business to destroy society, and the environment, sweatshops, doesn’t demand better wages! Then, there’s the end of the mom-and-pop stores, door-to-door salesmen, slick PR campaigns push corporate-written legislation….

3. The society in which we live “is a Clockwork-Orange style system of brain-washing, where the supremacy of corporate cash…” buys politicians and corporate loop-holes.

4. A prime belief is that the economy is a zero-sum game, and the author hammers away at an imagined link between increased corporate profits and an increase in poverty. The former is true, the latter is not. He says “…the only people who get tax cuts are the super-wealthy.” Really?
How many times has this been promulgated in posts on the board?

5. The self-deluded have mechanisms such as the following: “Worst of all, we get a flood of Orwellian messages from the Establishment that deny the existence of our very own beliefs. Almost every time you tune in to politics on TV, some know-it-all is claiming the solution that polls show the public widely supports are actually considered ‘out of the mainstream.’” And the free market “means we must have fewer regulaitions that protect citizens’ rights, less taxation of the rich, and no mandates on business to fulfill andy social responsibilities other than increasing corporations’ bottom line.”

6. For those who see business as not only separate from, but antagonistic to, the lives of Americans, this book will be a heart-warming validation of every conspiracy theory and rationalization for every failure in your life.

Enjoy, Lefties!

PC clearly you are confusing the Priorities of The Left.

Policing their own wackos is not a priority when they're busy finding fault in women that choose to have children and dare to criticize the massive size of the federal government.

Good to see you, Samson....been a while.

Now, as for "Policing their own wackos...." I didn't mean that at, of course they won't 'police' them.....

....they agree with them!

My point is for right-thinking folks, educated folks, to see that there will never be an epiphany...they accept this stuff and adore those who pervey it!
No compromise is the book and you'll see some amazing statements...I bolded some in the OP.
It is jaw-dropping in its stupidity.

"...busy finding fault in women that choose to have children and dare to criticize the massive size of the federal government."
And, same folks who found honor in the anti-war protests criticize the peaceful protests of the Tea Party folks.....

Oh, well....we live in interesting times.
I think the place where we most often disagree is the definition of who is a leftie.

No prominent DEMOCRAT is remotely a leftie.

They're something, alright, even something that most of the rightest here and I might agree to hate, but when push comes to shove (like it did when the Banksters melted down) the Dems are about as LEFTIST as Rabbi is as WHITE SUPREMICIST JEW BAITING NAZI.

The DNC and RNC aren't polar opposites politically.

They are competing teams of vultures squabbling over control of the body politic.
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I think the place where we most often disagree is the definition of who is a leftie.

No prominent DEMOCRAT is remotely a leftie.

They're something, alright, even something that most of the rightest here and I might agree to hate, but when push comes to shove (like it did when the Banksters melted down) the Dems are about as LEFTIST as Rabbi is as WHITE SUPREMICIST JEW BAITING NAZI.

The DNC and RNC aren't polar opposites politically.

They are competing teams of vultures squabbling over control of the body politic.

I love it when you guys try to hide....

...proves what a detriment being a Leftie is....

and every intelligent person knows all the leading Dem and liberals and progressives...
are sure-a-shootin'...

“Hostile Takeover: How Big Money & Corruption Conquered Our Government- And How We Take It Back,” by David Sirota

This book is one of the important ones for conservatives, or even moderates, to read…’else one could not believe an intelligent and educated individual could believe this stuff.
If I say ‘far-left wacko,’ there are a half dozen of our colleagues that immediately leap to mind, and fit that description…but here are their ideas, their words.

Want some insight into the far-left? Read Sirota’s book!

1. David Sirota begins with a two page rant as to how a plane flight was cancelled and he had to sleep on the floor, wait a considerable time for the next flight, the hardship that he, elderly passengers, a soldier, etc., etc had to contend with….and how evil corporations are responsible, and scam all of us!! “Our government, which used to be in the business of protecting us, now sits by and allows us to be abused, or worse- actually helps the abusers!”

2. Sirota then goes on to give some specific ‘abuses’ such as: some fat cat is taking a cut of your paycheck, wage violations, your pension is stolen, credit card companies go after your life savings, and is allowed to charge ‘the most disgusting forms of usury’! The government allows business to destroy society, and the environment, sweatshops, doesn’t demand better wages! Then, there’s the end of the mom-and-pop stores, door-to-door salesmen, slick PR campaigns push corporate-written legislation….

3. The society in which we live “is a Clockwork-Orange style system of brain-washing, where the supremacy of corporate cash…” buys politicians and corporate loop-holes.

4. A prime belief is that the economy is a zero-sum game, and the author hammers away at an imagined link between increased corporate profits and an increase in poverty. The former is true, the latter is not. He says “…the only people who get tax cuts are the super-wealthy.” Really?
How many times has this been promulgated in posts on the board?

5. The self-deluded have mechanisms such as the following: “Worst of all, we get a flood of Orwellian messages from the Establishment that deny the existence of our very own beliefs. Almost every time you tune in to politics on TV, some know-it-all is claiming the solution that polls show the public widely supports are actually considered ‘out of the mainstream.’” And the free market “means we must have fewer regulaitions that protect citizens’ rights, less taxation of the rich, and no mandates on business to fulfill andy social responsibilities other than increasing corporations’ bottom line.”

6. For those who see business as not only separate from, but antagonistic to, the lives of Americans, this book will be a heart-warming validation of every conspiracy theory and rationalization for every failure in your life.

Enjoy, Lefties!

PC clearly you are confusing the Priorities of The Left.

Policing their own wackos is not a priority when they're busy finding fault in women that choose to have children and dare to criticize the massive size of the federal government.

Good to see you, Samson....been a while.

Now, as for "Policing their own wackos...." I didn't mean that at, of course they won't 'police' them.....

....they agree with them!

My point is for right-thinking folks, educated folks, to see that there will never be an epiphany...they accept this stuff and adore those who pervey it!
No compromise is the book and you'll see some amazing statements...I bolded some in the OP.
It is jaw-dropping in its stupidity.

"...busy finding fault in women that choose to have children and dare to criticize the massive size of the federal government."
And, same folks who found honor in the anti-war protests criticize the peaceful protests of the Tea Party folks.....

Oh, well....we live in interesting times.

Indeed, they are interesting times: What can the left say after they've implemented huge government and it falls flat?

"But...but, Our Leader...(um).....Our Congress.....(opps).........WE NEED MORE TIME AND MONEY!!!":lol:

Shit, who doesn't? the new avatar.
Well Ms. Political Chic.........your opinions clearly preempt any notions you may considered in the arena of
intellectual observations. If one were to be paying attention to the sequence of events that brought our
Nation to it's knees, one would be in solidarity with the observations documented in David Sirota's
And to imply that his documentations are the result of left-wing wackoism, is in fact intellectually dishonest.
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Well Ms. Political Chic.........your opinions clearly preempt any notions you may considered in the arena of
intellectual observations. If one were to be paying attention to the sequence of events that brought our
Nation to it's knees, one would be in solidarity with the observations documented in David Sitota's
And to imply that his documentations are the result of left-wing wackoism, is in fact intellectually dishonest.

See what I mean.
Well Ms. Political Chic.........your opinions clearly preempt any notions you may considered in the arena of
intellectual observations. If one were to be paying attention to the sequence of events that brought our
Nation to it's knees, one would be in solidarity with the observations documented in David Sitota's
And to imply that his documentations are the result of left-wing wackoism, is in fact intellectually dishonest.

See what I mean.
NO, nobody "sees" what you mean. You have not provided the audience with evidence to the contrary. We all have opinions, but they only have value when used in proper context.
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“Hostile Takeover: How Big Money & Corruption Conquered Our Government- And How We Take It Back,” by David Sirota

This book is one of the important ones for conservatives, or even moderates, to read…’else one could not believe an intelligent and educated individual could believe this stuff.
If I say ‘far-left wacko,’ there are a half dozen of our colleagues that immediately leap to mind, and fit that description…but here are their ideas, their words.

Want some insight into the far-left? Read Sirota’s book!

1. David Sirota begins with a two page rant as to how a plane flight was cancelled and he had to sleep on the floor, wait a considerable time for the next flight, the hardship that he, elderly passengers, a soldier, etc., etc had to contend with….and how evil corporations are responsible, and scam all of us!! “Our government, which used to be in the business of protecting us, now sits by and allows us to be abused, or worse- actually helps the abusers!”

2. Sirota then goes on to give some specific ‘abuses’ such as: some fat cat is taking a cut of your paycheck, wage violations, your pension is stolen, credit card companies go after your life savings, and is allowed to charge ‘the most disgusting forms of usury’! The government allows business to destroy society, and the environment, sweatshops, doesn’t demand better wages! Then, there’s the end of the mom-and-pop stores, door-to-door salesmen, slick PR campaigns push corporate-written legislation….

3. The society in which we live “is a Clockwork-Orange style system of brain-washing, where the supremacy of corporate cash…” buys politicians and corporate loop-holes.

4. A prime belief is that the economy is a zero-sum game, and the author hammers away at an imagined link between increased corporate profits and an increase in poverty. The former is true, the latter is not. He says “…the only people who get tax cuts are the super-wealthy.” Really?
How many times has this been promulgated in posts on the board?

5. The self-deluded have mechanisms such as the following: “Worst of all, we get a flood of Orwellian messages from the Establishment that deny the existence of our very own beliefs. Almost every time you tune in to politics on TV, some know-it-all is claiming the solution that polls show the public widely supports are actually considered ‘out of the mainstream.’” And the free market “means we must have fewer regulaitions that protect citizens’ rights, less taxation of the rich, and no mandates on business to fulfill andy social responsibilities other than increasing corporations’ bottom line.”

6. For those who see business as not only separate from, but antagonistic to, the lives of Americans, this book will be a heart-warming validation of every conspiracy theory and rationalization for every failure in your life.

Enjoy, Lefties!

David Sirota is just another leftist/progressive that thinks the government is supposed to nanny everybody except 'smart people' like him.
He ain't that smart and I don't need a nanny.
Well Ms. Political Chic.........your opinions clearly preempt any notions you may considered in the arena of
intellectual observations. If one were to be paying attention to the sequence of events that brought our
Nation to it's knees, one would be in solidarity with the observations documented in David Sitota's
And to imply that his documentations are the result of left-wing wackoism, is in fact intellectually dishonest.

See what I mean.
NO, nobody "sees" what you mean. You have not provide the audience with evidence to the contrary. We all have opinions, but they only have value when used in proper context.

Welcome to the board...

...a picture is certainly worth a bunch of words...

so it's helpful to have you when I need a Left-wing dolt to point to as an example.

So, you've been quite helpful...twice in this thread.

Don't go away....

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