Recruiting blues

mrsx said:
Dear gop_jeff - I went to the link and it has nothing to do with economic reform in Latin America, just the usual amateur speculation about "free markets." Woof Woof!
P.S. you might find some of the history and statistics in this article interesting:

You made the claims... but I see you are not willing to defend them. How big of you.
mrsx: I've seen your anti-american and anti-military posts and quite frankly, you are lucky not to've said that trash to my face.

A few simple points.
--Most of Iraq is stable and quiet, only a small portion makes the news.
--The only person openly calling for a draft is Charlie Rangel.
--The reason the kill ratio is only 2-1 is that we are restrained by a humanitarian and political desire not to flatten the place. If the ROE's were modified, there would be far fewer American deaths.

Item Last:
Do Not, Do Not, Do Not try the why aren't you ........... etc bs with me. Been there and done that. I will eat your lunch.
pegwinn said:
mrsx: I've seen your anti-american and anti-military posts and quite frankly, you are lucky not to've said that trash to my face.

A few simple points.
--Most of Iraq is stable and quiet, only a small portion makes the news.
--The only person openly calling for a draft is Charlie Rangel.
--The reason the kill ratio is only 2-1 is that we are restrained by a humanitarian and political desire not to flatten the place. If the ROE's were modified, there would be far fewer American deaths.

Item Last:
Do Not, Do Not, Do Not try the why aren't you ........... etc bs with me. Been there and done that. I will eat your lunch.
You might be better off eating lunch than whatever is causing you to bluster these ridiculous threats. The world has watched your president make a fool of himself with such threats against Iran and North Korea. Look in the lunchbox you foaming dwarf, that's a big fat crow in there. Ha Ha!
gop_jeff said:
Piss poor commentary on military recruits... way to show support for the troops! :finger:
I have been told repeatedly on this board that it is impossible to support the troops without supporting their mission. Your problem isn't with me; it's with the 93% of elibigles who don't support the troops either.
Shattered said:
Gee. Thought ya didn't know who Wade was? Nah.. Sweet little old ladies don't lie...
I didn't... see the Little Devil and me been funin' ya. Geez, you're dumber than a box of rocks. No wonder you believe Daddy's Little War Criminal.
Kathianne said:
Don't you tell me what I'm stipulating to, asshat!
I think you have demonstrated that you don't know beans about franks. You're a feisty little critter, though, I'll give ya that.
mrsx said:
I think you have demonstrated that you don't know beans about franks. You're a feisty little critter, though, I'll give ya that.

Shit mizz-x, you are the smelliest turd we've had in here in awhile. But, keep up your toilet mouth and I'm sure you'll be flushed out like the huge floater you are pretty quick...

By the way, nice rep. People must really love your rabid, twisted, liberal bull shit... :finger3:
Pale Rider said:
Shit mizz-x, you are the smelliest turd we've had in here in awhile. But, keep up your toilet mouth and I'm sure you'll be flushed out like the huge floater you are pretty quick...

By the way, nice rep. People must really love your rabid, twisted, liberal bull shit... :finger3:
Don Edwards retired from the U.S. Army as a major general in 1997 after more than 37 years of service, including two tours in Vietnam. In this essay he discusses why the Army is going about addressing the recruiting shortfall the wrong way, why mishandling the crisis will bring permanent damage to the Army, and what should be done instead.

Those who share my concern for the damage being done to our armed forces by the current political leadership would do well to read it. The reaction of soldiers past and present would be particularly valuable to know. The infantile scatology, of which this latest raving is typical, does a disservice to the issue and so to the very troops he professes so loudly to serve.
mrsx said:
Those who share my concern for the damage being done to our armed forces by the current political leadership would do well to read it.

Your premise is wrong. There no damage being done to the armed forces by our leadership. It's all in your mind, lib-lemming.
mrsx said:
Those who share my concern for the damage being done to our armed forces by the current political leadership would do well to read it. The reaction of soldiers past and present would be particularly valuable to know. The infantile scatology, of which this latest raving is typical, does a disservice to the issue and so to the very troops he professes so loudly to serve.

Once again you continue your tradition of twisting the truth to fit into your warped frame of reference.

The problem with the current force structure started shortly after the reduction in force following the end of the Viet Nam war. Tens of thousands of experienced veterans either left the service entirely or joined the guard or reserves.

There followed decades of fiscal policy which severely restricted spending on the military. The force was whittled down to what I would consider skeletal. Over time, the Joint Chiefs and the White House started a shell game using the guard and reserves. Traditionally, the guard and reserves existed as a trained backup force which would be called to active duty only in the event of an all-out war, such as WWII. But that changed because politicians would rather buy votes through pork and handout programs than invest in our own defense. So the guard and reserves are now considered to be part of the active forces. Fact is, that most of our armed services cannot deploy without augmentation from the guard or reserves.

The problem with that policy is that deployments destroy the business lives of reservists. Doctors, lawyers, plumbers, small business owners, accountants, etc etc see their businesses suffer or worse, disappear while they are on deployment. To further exacerbate the problem, these people face not one, but multiple deployments. So it should be no surprise that a great many reservists are opting to bail out.

Couple that with the military's ridiculous retention policy. Anyone not selected for promotion is kicked out. I don't know which moron was responsible for that policy, but it's ridiculous. If an NCO is performing well at the E6 level, but can't hack it as an E7, why kick him out? Make him an E6 again and as long as he performs, keep him. Same thing with officers. Not everyone is cut out to wear four stars. Don't we need competent captains or majors? Then there's the idiotic weight standard. Currently, it doesn't matter how good a soldier you may be, if you're over the weight limit, you get the boot. It doesn't matter that you're in good enough shape to max the PT test, you're overweight - see ya.

But now I'm sitting here kicking myself for what is most certainly a total waste of keystrokes. A fair and balanced perspective has never been your strong suit and I doubt anything would ever change that. Anyone who would call our president a war criminal is not a rational, thinking human being, but simply a pathetic echo of a discredited and disreputable leftist propoganda machine.
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rtwngAvngr said:

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

DAMN! Good one! Wish I'd thought of that. If that doesn't describe most libs to a "T", then I don't know what does.
mrsx said:
Those who share my concern for the damage being done to our armed forces by the current political leadership would do well to read it. The reaction of soldiers past and present would be particularly valuable to know.

Right premise, wrong administration. The worst damage ever done to our armed forces was done by your little demi-god Clinton. He and his harpy wife had nothing but contempt for the armed services.

The military, in return, hated Clinton and held him in such contempt that some soldiers refused to accept medals awarded by him. George Bush restored morale. He didn't destroy it. If you weren't such a slavish idealogue, you might realize that.
Merlin1047 said:
Right premise, wrong administration. The worst damage ever done to our armed forces was done by your little demi-god Clinton. He and his harpy wife had nothing but contempt for the armed services.

The military, in return, hated Clinton and held him in such contempt that some soldiers refused to accept medals awarded by him. George Bush restored morale. He didn't destroy it. If you weren't such a slavish idealogue, you might realize that.
Representative Walter Jones of North Carolina's 3rd Congressional District is another left-wing hippie against the Baghdad Madness. "When I voted two years ago to submit the troops, I was making my decisions on facts. Since that time, I've been very disappointed on what I've learned about the justification of going into Iraq. Afghanistan, absolutely, we should be there. We should have more troops, but we can't have more troops there when they're in Iraq." * When men like this are beginning to see the light, how much longer is it going to take our superPatriots?

*Congressional Record, May 26, 2005
Merlin1047 said:
Anyone who would call our president a war criminal is not a rational, thinking human being, but simply a pathetic echo of a discredited and disreputable leftist propoganda machine.

There's that articulate *Merlin1047* FLAIR that I so dearly love... :clap:

And even though it is infallibly accurate, all it's splender is wasted on a moron so dense as to not have an effect.
mrsx said:
You might be better off eating lunch than whatever is causing you to bluster these ridiculous threats. The world has watched your president make a fool of himself with such threats against Iran and North Korea. Look in the lunchbox you foaming dwarf, that's a big fat crow in there. Ha Ha!

Which threat has you shaking there wierd one? Since you are cowering in fear of discussion I will add my expansions to the original in bold type.

To restate A few simple points that you are afraid/unable to address.
--Most of Iraq is stable and quiet, only a small portion makes the news. Yet, even though 95 percent of the country is rebuilding, and the elected government is gaining in the peoples hearts and minds, you focus on the bottom five percent of the Iraqi nation that kills its own people.
--The only person openly calling for a draft is Charlie Rangel. Yep, a liberal democrat from NY. He actually stated that the all volunteer force was wrong. That paying enlistment bonuses to those who volunteer is immoral. He openly calls for a draft. This is your posterboy, your hero, are you proud?
--The reason the kill ratio is only 2-1 is that we are restrained by a humanitarian and political desire not to flatten the place. If the ROE's were modified, there would be far fewer American deaths. Imagine how few Americans would die if we simply carpet bombed every grid square that contained enough concentrations of metal to be weapons. Let's simply place a recon drone over the "no life" zones and drop arty on them whenever movement is detected. Why if the USA actually decided to exterminate the vermin, we might reach the mythical 100K you prattle on about.

Item Last:
Do Not, Do Not, Do Not try the why aren't you ........... etc bs with me. Been there and done that. I will eat your lunch. Likely I have more time on the shitter in a non-industrialized portion of some gawdforsaken third world cesspit than you have in service, in total. When I said I'd eat your lunch, I meant that I would take your food away from you and consume it. You, personally are not worthy of bruising my knuckles or wasting my powder. I pity you only slightly less than the victims of child molestation.
Sir Evil said:
When you voted to submit the troops? what a moron!

You have to be the most retarded user to hit this board, have to hide behind a character intead of being yourself so you can submit this inane dribble! too impressive......:rolleyes:

You are a pure loser!
Just when I think you can't possibly be any dumber, you always manage to surprise me. I didn't say "submit the troops," Rep. Jones did. Perhaps you should check the source of the quote before flying off the handle with your childish name calling. Mr. Jones' district includes Camp Lejeune. He is one of the most pro-military, pro-life conservative Republicans in the Congress. If you want to call him a moron, I'm not going to argue with you, but a lot of your so-called buddies might. Your response to his remarks shows how you go off half-cocked, fueled by unexamined rage and hate. Very sad. I think you are about to lose it completely. Better have some lemonade and take a nap.
mrsx said:
Just when I think you can't possibly be any dumber, you always manage to surprise me. I didn't say "submit the troops," Rep. Jones did. Perhaps you should check the source of the quote before flying off the handle with your childish name calling. Mr. Jones' district includes Camp Lejeune. He is one of the most pro-military, pro-life conservative Republicans in the Congress. If you want to call him a moron, I'm not going to argue with you, but a lot of your so-called buddies might. Your response to his remarks shows how you go off half-cocked, fueled by unexamined rage and hate. Very sad. I think you are about to lose it completely. Better have some lemonade and take a nap.

Uuummmmm.... pssst, mizz ienstien... do you see the little stuff in the upper right hand corner of Sir Evils posts? The stuff that says he's "US MESSAGE BOARD STAFF"?

Being an idiot is something I'm quite sure you can't help... it's a liberal trait, but you're fucking with a moderator... you know, the kind that can BAN YOU!

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