Records Show FBI Lied To FISA Court


........Fake News, Fake News, Squawk!.......

The US IG reported weeks ago that the FBI abused the FISA Courts by lying to / misleading them.

Newly revealed evidence confirms it.

And the snowflakes show no concern for their own image or credibility as they continue to lie, deny, and try to 'wish' it away.

NOT happening!

What started out as a faux 'Illegal Russian Collusion' witch hunt has dissolved into all of their hopes of taking down the President depending on a porn star and the illegal attempt to get around attorney-client privilege.




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FBI told FISA court Steele wasn't source of report used to justify surveilling Trump team, docs show

'On four occasions, the FBI told the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (FISA) court that it "did not believe" former British spy Christopher Steele was the direct source for a Yahoo News article implicating former Trump aide Carter Page in Russian collusion, newly released documents reveal.

Instead, the FBI suggested to the court, the September 2016 article by Michael Isikoff was independent corroboration of the salacious, unverified allegations against Trump in the infamous Steele Dossier. Federal authorities used both the Steele Dossier and Yahoo News article to convince the FISA court to authorize a surveillance warrant for Page.

But London court records show that contrary to the FBI's assessments, Steele briefed Yahoo News and other reporters in the fall of 2016 at the direction of Fusion GPS -- the opposition research firm behind the dossier.'

More and more evidence keeps coming out, continuing to expose the FBI's crimes, their part in the Obama administration's own 'Watergate' and anti-Trump 2016 election Conspiracy.

It-s getting harder and harder for snowflakes to keep denying it....

FBI told FISA court Steele wasn't source of report used to justify surveilling Trump team, docs show
Session is all over this like a junkyard dog on a bone.

All over it.
Did Steele brief the FBI also?

THIS is your lamest attempt to talk around the proven FACT that the FBI illegally used the unverified Dossier to abuse the FISA Court to illegally obtain warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate' during an election.

Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians to obtain an unverified Russian-propaganda-filled report on Trump. She then illegally used it during the election.

This report was also used illegally by the FBI who pushed in on the FISA Court, claiming the information was 100% accurate and claiming the Dossier was not the core source of data they were using to obtain FISA warrants....100% BULLSHIT! The FBI is BUSTED. They were busted by the US IG.

CIA Director Brennan lied multiple times when asked under oath about the Dossier. He stated he did know about it; yet, official records show he briefed members of Congress on the Dossier, also claiming it was confirmed fact (A LIE) and that based on the Dossier Congress HAD TO appoint a Special Counsel.

Gee, Trump doesn't fully trust the FBI and the CIA.... I wonder why? Maybe it has something to do with the US IG reporting the FBI committed crimes in a conspiracy against Trump and because Brennan got caught perjuring himself.
...As pointed out before, the US IG already reported the FBI abused the FISA Courts. This only confirms it.

The FBI didn't 'abuse' the FISA court, those judges are just there to rubberstamp applications and make the Orwellian spy state look legal, I doubt they even read what's presented to them....

The problem is that the FBI was also convinced that there was no way the psycho princess could possibly lose so they didn't bother to cover their tracks
How criminal the DOJ & FBI STILL are will be proven by nothing coming of this.

Of course nothing will happen but the deep state has a serious pr issue now, blaming the Russians will only convince the already brainwashed faithful...

Did Steele brief the FBI also?

THIS is your lamest attempt to talk around the proven FACT that the FBI illegally used the unverified Dossier to abuse the FISA Court to illegally obtain warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate' during an election.

Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians to obtain an unverified Russian-propaganda-filled report on Trump. She then illegally used it during the election.

This report was also used illegally by the FBI who pushed in on the FISA Court, claiming the information was 100% accurate and claiming the Dossier was not the core source of data they were using to obtain FISA warrants....100% BULLSHIT! The FBI is BUSTED. They were busted by the US IG.

CIA Director Brennan lied multiple times when asked under oath about the Dossier. He stated he did know about it; yet, official records show he briefed members of Congress on the Dossier, also claiming it was confirmed fact (A LIE) and that based on the Dossier Congress HAD TO appoint a Special Counsel.

Gee, Trump doesn't fully trust the FBI and the CIA.... I wonder why? Maybe it has something to do with the US IG reporting the FBI committed crimes in a conspiracy against Trump and because Brennan got caught perjuring himself.
What a complete load of BULLSHIT. The footnote showing the dossier came from opposition research took over one whole page, so there is no way the lying scum Right can claim the FISA court was not informed or misinformed, and all of Donnie Dirt Bag and the GOP's lies are built on the court being misinformed. But you knew that already!
Did Steele brief the FBI also?

THIS is your lamest attempt to talk around the proven FACT that the FBI illegally used the unverified Dossier to abuse the FISA Court to illegally obtain warrants to conduct their own 'Watergate' during an election.

Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians to obtain an unverified Russian-propaganda-filled report on Trump. She then illegally used it during the election.

This report was also used illegally by the FBI who pushed in on the FISA Court, claiming the information was 100% accurate and claiming the Dossier was not the core source of data they were using to obtain FISA warrants....100% BULLSHIT! The FBI is BUSTED. They were busted by the US IG.

CIA Director Brennan lied multiple times when asked under oath about the Dossier. He stated he did know about it; yet, official records show he briefed members of Congress on the Dossier, also claiming it was confirmed fact (A LIE) and that based on the Dossier Congress HAD TO appoint a Special Counsel.

Gee, Trump doesn't fully trust the FBI and the CIA.... I wonder why? Maybe it has something to do with the US IG reporting the FBI committed crimes in a conspiracy against Trump and because Brennan got caught perjuring himself.
What a complete load of BULLSHIT. The footnote showing the dossier came from opposition research took over one whole page, so there is no way the lying scum Right can claim the FISA court was not informed or misinformed, and all of Donnie Dirt Bag and the GOP's lies are built on the court being misinformed. But you knew that already!
Snowflake Translation:


What a complete load of BULLSHIT. The footnote showing the dossier came from opposition research took over one whole page, so there is no way the lying scum Right can claim the FISA court was not informed or misinformed, and all of Donnie Dirt Bag and the GOP's lies are built on the court being misinformed. But you knew that already!
Tell that to / Convince the US IG of that BS, snowflake. HE was the one who already reported the FNI abused the FISA Courts.

I will take his word over your 'Nuh-Uh!'
What a complete load of BULLSHIT. The footnote showing the dossier came from opposition research took over one whole page, so there is no way the lying scum Right can claim the FISA court was not informed or misinformed, and all of Donnie Dirt Bag and the GOP's lies are built on the court being misinformed. But you knew that already!
Tell that to / Convince the US IG of that BS, snowflake. HE was the one who already reported the FNI abused the FISA Courts.

I will take his word over your 'Nuh-Uh!'
When you lie about the FISA report, why would anyone believe your lies about the IG??????
What a complete load of BULLSHIT. The footnote showing the dossier came from opposition research took over one whole page, so there is no way the lying scum Right can claim the FISA court was not informed or misinformed, and all of Donnie Dirt Bag and the GOP's lies are built on the court being misinformed. But you knew that already!
Tell that to / Convince the US IG of that BS, snowflake. HE was the one who already reported the FNI abused the FISA Courts.

I will take his word over your 'Nuh-Uh!'

Be sure to let me know when something more comes of this than partisan hacks fighting about it over the Internet.

Till then it is just one more of your long list of nothing burgers

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