Recent LIES Fox News has spewed

What is most telling about conservatives is, they are shown in black and white Faux News is lying, and they don't care. They've given up, if they have to lie to win then they are ok with that.

Actually what's most telling about conservatives is they can readily point out the problems with you claiming someone is lying and yet you still insist they are lying despite making no effort to do anything by assert it
For example, you've made no attempt to address the lack of evidence of intent to deceive, which is essential to proving so lie. Yet you continue to assert that they are lying.

If you were a prosecutor and failed to prove intent, you failed to prove the crime and the case would be thrown out without question.

Lies require intent. Something that's already been explained to you.

And that's not even addressing the various posts disputing what the website claims are lies. Somehow you seem to think we need to blindly believe what you claim is a lie simply because you claim it is. Sorry that's not how life works.
If they cared half much about all the lies this President and his party of liars has told them instead of pouring all their effort into Fox news, we might not be in this mess we have going in our country and what other countries is having to deal with too.

He won lie of the year for ObamaNoCare and should have never been re-elected with the record of unemployment, record of people on Taxpayers assistance, records all over the place and none of them good for us.

but instead, they can find the time to look at a news station and whine over it.
Why on earth would you watch or listen to anyone you think is lying to you? That's just insane to me.

That gives credibility to the assertion that liberalism is a mental disorder.

I knew a moonbat who listened to Rush religiously, just so that she could "catch him in a lie", or say something she interpreted as bigoted.

She never was able to provide examples of such, but was certain it was there.

How do you know if Faux News is lying to you.

You have Faux News on!
That's kinda funny.

Bed wetters don't watch Fox, but insist that Fox lies because some other bed wetter told them so.

Fucking morons.

I watch the liars on Faux every day. What's the point of watching pundants you agree with? In the coverage of the Paris attack it took them less than two hours to blame President Obama and his "Containment" statement. That's like blaming Nellie Connally for saying "Mr. President, you can't say Dallas doesn't love you." for Kennedy's assassination.

Why on earth would you watch or listen to anyone you think is lying to you? That's just insane to me.

For every lie I catch I get a bong hit?

Three lies and I'm looking for the remote..........
Don't bogart that joint my friend......................pass it over to me

A toke for,every lie, I would be perpetually unconscious and broke

Sure am glad it's not 20 push ups a lie, I'd never make it up off the floor!

It's a three lie an hour limit, depending........

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