Recall the racist Red Lobster receipt story a month back? HOAX

If one compiled a short list of the universally recognized greatest minds in that field, America would be underrepresented, as the most noteworthy physicists in history have been European.

After the United States was founded? I'm not so sure about that one.

Yes. Just to name a few, Einstein, the Curies, Planck and Bohr were all European born. I remember reading a survey of the top 10 physicists based on their number of Google hits and their theories being the most commonly discussed. I'm sure there is a link on it out there.

Actually, there IS a great physicist who is black. His name is Dr. Neil Degrasse Tyson.


HAHAHA.. You numbskulll . Tyson is in NO WAY a great physicist. He's just a science popularizer who goes on tv shows and writes books like "physics for poets.". He admitted he's an affirmative action baby. I doubt he can even add up a column of numbers.

BTW - no black has ever won a science nobel prize. It's not due to racism; they've won lots on NPs in no-brain fields like peace and literature.

Actually...................if you can win a Nobel for peace rather than physics, I'd hold the peace winner above those who won it for physics.


Simple.................I'd rather that the human race could learn to live together in peace rather than live together by pointing nuclear weapons at each other.
If one compiled a short list of the universally recognized greatest minds in that field, America would be underrepresented, as the most noteworthy physicists in history have been European.

After the United States was founded? I'm not so sure about that one.

Yes. Just to name a few, Einstein, the Curies, Planck and Bohr were all European born. I remember reading a survey of the top 10 physicists based on their number of Google hits and their theories being the most commonly discussed. I'm sure there is a link on it out there.

Take a look at the list of winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics by country. No other country even comes close to the US.
After the United States was founded? I'm not so sure about that one.

Yes. Just to name a few, Einstein, the Curies, Planck and Bohr were all European born. I remember reading a survey of the top 10 physicists based on their number of Google hits and their theories being the most commonly discussed. I'm sure there is a link on it out there.

Take a look at the list of winners of the Nobel Prize in Physics by country. No other country even comes close to the US.

Good point. I guess we are looking at it two different ways. The Nobel prize is awarded for special achievements within a given year. I was looking at from the standpoint of universal individual recognition over a sustained period of time.
All good. And the list goes on endlessly. Kazumi Wantanabe, Yngwie Malmsteen, Norman Brown. There is a vast number of guitarists out there who are excellent.

Though not strictly rock, Al Ciner of the 70's band Rufus was a virtuoso. Rick Ocasec credits Ciner for the clipped staccato style that not only the Cars, but the entire New Wave movement incorporated.
HAHAHA.. You numbskulll . Tyson is in NO WAY a great physicist. He's just a science popularizer who goes on tv shows and writes books like "physics for poets.". He admitted he's an affirmative action baby. I doubt he can even add up a column of numbers.

BTW - no black has ever won a science nobel prize. It's not due to racism; they've won lots on NPs in no-brain fields like peace and literature.

Actually...................if you can win a Nobel for peace rather than physics, I'd hold the peace winner above those who won it for physics.


Simple.................I'd rather that the human race could learn to live together in peace rather than live together by pointing nuclear weapons at each other.

HAHAHA. You didn't understand a word I said, did you.? A peace prize may be more IMPORTANT than a physics prize but the issue was brains and it takes no brains to win a peace prize. THINK, you hatefilled miserable wretch.

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