Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria

These are certainly positive developments for the people of Syria.

The sooner they get these foreign agitators out of Syria, the better for the people of Syria.
Yeah, the sooner Iran, Hezbollah, and the Palestinians stop supporting Assad and get their butts out of Syria, the better of Syria and the entire Middle East will be. :clap: :clap:
This is some entertaining shit. Thanks to Obama's big negro lips and Kerry's stupidity, it looks as if Assad, Putin, and China will thwart this path to Iran temporarily. Sunni's murdering Sunnis should be a Youtube masterpiece. I hope at some point someone bombs Saudi into the dust bin of history. Putin?
Response to Post 20

I do not give up any claims, learn English please. I continue to maintain outsiders, to include the ethnic cleanser and outside Colonizers of Israel, have been trying to stir up dissension in Syria and support infighting there. Israel has used and continues to use Propaganda to demonize Muslims, your Zionazi article is a perfect example.

I see no benefit in demonizing Muslims, unlike you. I see no benefit in stirring up fighting and killing in Syria, unlike you.

I am just so thankful to God I do not live in a Nation as a member of a Colonizing Ethnic Cleansing people whose people are indoctrinated from the womb to see themselves as the chosen people superior to all others and their existence as dependent on further ethnic cleansing and land thefts and baby killings and demonizing of Muslims. I was not taught to hate and kill, and do not teach my children to hate and kill either.

Assads family has ruled Syria for decades, and there was relative stability there until the CIA and Mossad began Special Operations there a few years ago with Regime change as their goal.

Lets be honest, the violence in Syria, Israel has had a hand in creating it. You are not fooling anyone here blaming Muslims for all of it.

I think about all Israel has done to contribute to death and violence in Lebanon, that includes massacring close to 20000 Lebanese in airstrikes in Beirut in 1982, a 18 year Occupation of lands there, from 1982 to 2000, the Sabra and Shatila massacre , an invasion and slaughter of civilians in 2006 that killed over 1000, over 90% were civilians and the massacred included about 400 children.
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Response to Post 20

I do not give up any claims, learn English please. I continue to maintain outsiders, to include the ethnic cleanser and outside Colonizers of Israel, have been trying to stir up dissension in Syria and support infighting there. Israel has used and continues to use Propaganda to demonize Muslims, your Zionazi article is a perfect example.

I see no benefit in demonizing Muslims, unlike you. I see no benefit in stirring up fighting and killing in Syria, unlike you.

I am just so thankful to God I do not live in a Nation as a member of a Colonizing Ethnic Cleansing people whose people are indoctrinated from the womb to see themselves as the chosen people superior to all others and their existence as dependent on further ethnic cleansing and land thefts and baby killings and demonizing of Muslims. I was not taught to hate and kill, and do not teach my children to hate and kill either.

Assads family has ruled Syria for decades, and there was relative stability there until the CIA and Mossad began Special Operations there a few years ago with Regime change as their goal.

Lets be honest, the violence in Syria, Israel has had a hand in creating it. You are not fooling anyone here blaming Muslims for all of it.

I think about all Israel has done to contribute to death and violence in Lebanon, that includes massacring close to 20000 Lebanese in airstrikes in Beirut in 1982, a 18 year Occupation of lands there, from 1982 to 2000, the Sabra and Shatila massacre , an invasion and slaughter of civilians in 2006 that killed over 1000, over 90% were civilians and the massacred included about 400 children.
Get a grip on yourself, crazy one, and admit that the Palestinians, Iran and Hezbollah have been the real "foreign invaders" in Syria and elsewhere. Their bloody footprints can be found everywhere in the Middle East.

Now, we know your concern for 100,000 dead Syrians is ZERO, so is your concern for "foreign invaders", including Hezbollah and Iran that have basically taken over Lebanon at gunpoint, and managed to kill the Lebanese Christian president (with the help of Syria, of course).

Otherwise you'd be pointing your hoof at the right people. You're just another phony baloney bullshit propagandist.
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This is some entertaining shit. Thanks to Obama's big negro lips and Kerry's stupidity, it looks as if Assad, Putin, and China will thwart this path to Iran temporarily. Sunni's murdering Sunnis should be a Youtube masterpiece. I hope at some point someone bombs Saudi into the dust bin of history. Putin?

The human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia seem to escape all criticism by our government. It is illegal for Christians to pray or even be buried there. And human rights abuses against minority Shiites are horrendous. I would like to see them getting some of what they deserve, too.
Al-Qaida-linked gunmen in northern Syria captured a town near the Turkish border after heavy clashes with a rebel group in the area, activists said Thursday.
Jihadis capture northern Syrian town near Turkey - World news
Yes, that the blueprint for the future of Syria. Once the Assad govt. falls, groups like this will fight each other for decades. By the time it's over Syria will be an unrecognizable war torn wasteland.

typical muslim nation.... they all hate each other and want everyone dead.
Yes, that the blueprint for the future of Syria. Once the Assad govt. falls, groups like this will fight each other for decades. By the time it's over Syria will be an unrecognizable war torn wasteland.

typical muslim nation.... they all hate each other and want everyone dead.

It's not that simple.

and...i really dont care.

the more of them that are dead.... the better off the world will be. I hope they kill each other off and leave us out of it.
Roudy,we know your concern for 100,000 dead Syrians is ZERO, so is your concern for "foreign invaders",
Otherwise you'd be pointing your hoof at̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ Israel. You're just another phony baloney bullshit propagandist.
Roudy,we know your concern for 100,000 dead Syrians is ZERO, so is your concern for "foreign invaders",
Otherwise you'd be pointing your hoof at̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶r̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ ̶p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ Israel. You're just another phony baloney bullshit propagandist.

A bullshit propagandist lying sack of trash calling some else a bullshit propagandist; haha that never gets old !!
Can you not comprehend the fact your source, a Zionazi propaganda rag, has no credibility?

I am not angry, what is there to be angry about?

It is really getting old, this Zionazi technique of alleging an individual is an extremist in a Propaganda Hasbara Report, and attributing one man's alleged extremism to all Muslims in our world.

We don't buy it, the Zionazis need to try another technique, present Propaganda techniques are failures!

You're not paying attention. I already identified for you that the linked article was carried by the MSM. Here's your homework assignment. Put the following into a browser and report back to us what you find:

"Revered Saudi cleric denounces Shi'ites as infidels"

Honestly, dear, but your insensate joooooo hatred makes you a poor candidate to be taken seriously. This pathology you suffer from colors your every post and only makes you appear to be the hyper-ventilating, saliva-slinging loon.

Who cares what one Islamic cleric allegedly said? He does not speak for all Muslims. Most Muslims do not hate other Muslims. Most Muslims do not want to kill other Muslims. Before the US invaded Iraq, after Israel encouraged them to do so, most Muslims in Iraq got along. There were issues with the Kurds, but that was tied up with their desire for their own country and they were Sunni, as was Saddam.

The fact is Israel is trying to stir up fighting between Sunnis and Shiites.
Your Jew hatred is getting the best of you, Frau Sherri. Tell us, are the Jews egging on the Sunnis to suicide and car bomb the Shiites and Ahmadis in Pakistan? In fact, tell us what is happening in the last year to the Shiites in Bahrain. I don't think there are any Jews telling the Bahrani government to go after the Shiites. By the way, there was no State of Israel when the Sunnis and Shiites happened to start killing each other, of which we all know happened centuries and centuries ago. No doubt Frau Sherri will be telling us that it was really Israeli Jews who murdered these truck drivers.

[ame=]Islamic State in Iraq Execute Syrian Truck Drivers ?????? ????????? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ???? ?????? - YouTube[/ame]
An al Qaeda spinoff operating near Aleppo, Syria's largest city, last week began a new battle campaign it dubbed "Expunging Filth."

The target wasn't their avowed enemy, the Syrian government. Instead, it was their nominal ally, the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army.

Across northern and eastern Syria, units of the jihadist group known as ISIS are seizing territory—on the battlefield and behind the front lines—from Western-backed rebels.

Some FSA fighters now consider the extremists to be as big a threat to their survival as the forces of President Bashar al-Assad.
Rebel-on-Rebel Violence Seizes Syria -
Doesn't look like a place that we should trust.

good. let them kill each other off and let allah sort them out.
How nice that Yousef Mohammed knows where to find the hate sites which feature anti-Semitic cartoons!!! Meanwhile, Youself, why not tell us about how the radical Muslims are dreaming of a worldwide caliphate and they will not hesitate to kill anyone in their way. No doubt Yousef would have salivated if he had read some Iranian Muslim once saying on a post of his that Islam is not just for the Iranians, not just for the Arabs, but for the entire world. I don't think anyone on this forum is exactly ready to become a dhimmi for your friends, Yousef.
This is some entertaining shit. Thanks to Obama's big negro lips and Kerry's stupidity, it looks as if Assad, Putin, and China will thwart this path to Iran temporarily. Sunni's murdering Sunnis should be a Youtube masterpiece. I hope at some point someone bombs Saudi into the dust bin of history. Putin?

The human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia seem to escape all criticism by our government. It is illegal for Christians to pray or even be buried there. And human rights abuses against minority Shiites are horrendous. I would like to see them getting some of what they deserve, too.

Sherri I am delighted to note that you are learning something about Shariah law. Is
there some reason that you failed to note that hindus, jews, Buddhists, Zoroastrians----in
fact ALL non muslims face the same restrictions in Saudi arabia? For the basis of the
disgusting laws of saudi arabia-----read the koran------on the other hand-----they got it
from the pig CONSTANTINE-------it is all part and parcel of "isa respect"

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