Reasons To Vote For Trump

Furthermore, Clinton will usher in the greatest wave of Muslim population increase in US History. Look at how that's worked out in every country that's happened over the last 1000 years. Look at what is happening in Europe.
Geeze Louise!!!!

First we have the Irish!

Then the Italians and Jews!!!!

And the boat people!

And East Indians!

And now Muslims!!!!

What theee hell!!!!!!
It’s this sort of ignorance and stupidity which pose a threat to the American Nation.

So, what are you planning to do to alleviate the ignorance and stupidity which is a threat to the "American Nation"?

Vote for Hillary?

Yeah, you go with that.

you guys should not waste your time on this troll.He is a paid shill of the governments sent by his handlers to troll these trump threads.
If for no other reason than he is the lesser of two evils.

Evil is evil, regardless of if it's lesser or greater.

exactly. thats why the american sheep have been fools for decades now settling for the lesser evil because evil is evil and if you vote for evil,then you are the one to blame for why things get worse and worse each decade with each president settling for voting for evil.:rolleyes:

the Bushs.the clintons,Bob Dole.John Mccain,Romney,Obama,all evil monsters who if you voted for them you are the far as we know at least there is noting to suggest Trump is evil because he is not part of the establishment to destroy america they are all part of.He is not a member of the CFR that they are all a member of.

The voters aren’t ‘sheep,’ and the ‘lesser evil’ metaphor is devoid of merit.
whatever you say paid shill.:bsflag:
It’s this sort of ignorance and stupidity which pose a threat to the American Nation.

So, what are you planning to do to alleviate the ignorance and stupidity which is a threat to the "American Nation"?

Vote for Hillary?

Yeah, you go with that.

you guys should not waste your time on this troll.He is a paid shill of the governments sent by his handlers to troll these trump threads.
Wow, somebody is really misallocating $$$ resources if they're spending much time on little old USmessageboard.

We've all already made up our minds
Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary (Billary) had their chance. It's time for some new blood. Let's not forget that Hillary was ultimately responsible for a U.S. ambassador being murdered in Libya. Also, when Bill was in office, they pretty much sold the U.S. on the fairy tale that they had balanced the budget. Which was a load of crap that was all smoke and mirrors. Using accounting practices that would have been ILLEGAL in the private sector. No doubt there will be more such shenanigans if Hillary is elected.

Also, when Ross Perot was running against Bill, the prediction that Ross made if Bill was elected basically came to pass. Which was that a huge sucking sound was heard as jobs left the U.S. I fully expect even more anti-American globalization if Hillary is elected. I could go on and on and on. But I think you get the point. Vote for Trump! If for no other reason than he is the lesser of two evils.
Here is the big problem with the idea that Trump is the lesser of two evils.

The debates created the impression, with undecided voters, that Hillary is the lesser of two evils

thats because the media is a tool for the government and many of the sheep dont get it that hellery is a criminal and mass murderer.

Hillery is a criminal. But as far as "mass" murderer, I haven't heard that one.

wow you dont know much about the they started wars with other countries while slick willie was in office and had many of their so called friends murdered off over the years,what deserted island you been living on? lol

I don't know what war Bill Clinton started. As for the people the Clinton's supposedly murdered, I have heard rumors of many people they knew having ended up dead. But I haven't looked into it. But right now, there are bigger fish to fry. Like not electing Hillary. Delving into conspiracy theories isn't the best way to go on that point.
If for no other reason than he is the lesser of two evils.

Evil is evil, regardless of if it's lesser or greater.

That is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. What if you had a child that was sexually molested. And what if you had a child that was brutally murdered. Which would you think is worse.
If for no other reason than he is the lesser of two evils.

Evil is evil, regardless of if it's lesser or greater.

exactly. thats why the american sheep have been fools for decades now settling for the lesser evil because evil is evil and if you vote for evil,then you are the one to blame for why things get worse and worse each decade with each president settling for voting for evil.:rolleyes:

the Bushs.the clintons,Bob Dole.John Mccain,Romney,Obama,all evil monsters who if you voted for them you are the far as we know at least there is noting to suggest Trump is evil because he is not part of the establishment to destroy america they are all part of.He is not a member of the CFR that they are all a member of.

The voters aren’t ‘sheep,’ and the ‘lesser evil’ metaphor is devoid of merit.

Do you enjoy being wrong?
What if you had a child that was sexually molested. And what if you had a child that was brutally murdered. Which would you think is worse.

That is a terrible analogy. Both are equal. There is no lesser or greater crime here. In both instances, the life of a child is drastically affected. One through death, the other through perversion.
What if you had a child that was sexually molested. And what if you had a child that was brutally murdered. Which would you think is worse.

That is a terrible analogy. Both are equal. There is no lesser or greater crime here. In both instances, the life of a child is drastically affected. One through death, the other through perversion.

Your stupidity is epic! Child molestation and murder are miles apart. Let's put it this way. What if you were sexually molested as a child. Then, what if you were brutally murdered. In the second instance, you would be dead! Your future, ended! Any pleasant thing that you experienced since being a child wouldn't have happened. Because you would be dead! Though one good aspect is that you wouldn't be here saying such stupid things.
What candidate is a criminal.
The one who reduced Libya to ashes Obama style.

Or I should say, a bigger criminal. Because I say with Hillary being a politician, she wins on that account by a long shot.
Whatever Trump does it will be almost impossible to catch up with Hillary in that regard.

And by, "That guy in Libya," do you mean the U.S. ambassador?
Yeah, that "ambassador". He was killed by his beneficiaries so that he will remain silent about their nature. Crooked as Hillary, I guess, but not as smart.
seems to me that if trump is elected, 4 years from now it's possible people will debate whether or not the uk, the eu, and canada become the 51st, 52nd, and 53rd states, respectively. or not.
"Reasons To Vote For Trump"

...are far outnumbered by reasons to not vote for Trump.

You are wrong. I have another reason to vote for Trump. He is already a multi-billioniare. That would make him much harder to bribe. Hillary is probably a bribe magnet.

She does have a history of being bribed. Such as her $400k speaking fees to wall street that are kept top secret from the public.

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