Reality Versus Racism


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
The question advanced in this thread is similar to the often-discussed one about whether Lincoln defended the nation from the attack by the South, to maintain a United States, or to end slavery. And the relative importance of each motivation.

The recent Heather MacDonald article in the Wall Street Journal juxtaposes whether racial quotas are as, or more, important than science.

“The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science
A project to understand the brain becomes a futile effort to make up for educational disparities.”
Opinion | The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science

For context, let’s remember that our existential foe, China, in the battle for science superiority, is ruthlessly meritocratic. If your laboratory is all male, or all female or all white or black…..why does it matter in the pursuit of excellence?

1.”On June 10, NIH director Francis Collins announced a new requirement for participating in the brain initiative. Neurologists, molecular biologists and nanophysicists seeking NIH funding must now submit a plan showing how they will “enhance diverse perspectives” [that means racial quotas] throughout their research. Scores on the “plan for enhancing diverse perspectives” will inform funding decisions [bean counters will check skin color before you get any $].

This new requirement is part of Dr. Collins’s continuing effort to atone for what he calls biomedical science’s “stain” of “structural racism.” The NIH already supports more than 60 “diversity and inclusion initiatives,” but those have apparently failed to eradicate NIH’s own “systemic and structural racism.”
[Read this thread and you will realize that there is no such stain of 'systemic racism.']

…must show how the principal investigator will
Opinion | The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science

2. And now, in black and white….pun intended….we have the proof that one need not be smart to head a science organization like The National Institutes of Health. Somehow, according to this dunce, Collins, having just the right rations of all the authorized groups, we will find the answers….the scientific answers….to all of our problems… including treatments for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism and depression.

3. What passes for thinking on Collin’s part is the very same one finds when questioning any Liberal to prove the contentions of the party, that chimera, ‘systemic racism.’
Like this one:
“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.” The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Any distribution is based on a hundred decisions and behaviors, not racism.

Another lie….there are no such laws in America.

3. Rebuttal from an actual genius:

"If there were a contest for the most stupid idea in politics, my choice would be the assumption that people would be evenly or randomly distributed in incomes, institutions, occupations or awards, in the absence of somebody doing somebody wrong."
Thomas Sowell - The Dumbest Idea

Heather MacDonald explains the disproportions with real data, in the following posts.
As near as I can understand it, the Left's motivating belief is that any phenomenon that results in a racial disparity to the detriment of POC's MUST have been caused by some form of racial discrimination, and more importantly, MUST be "corrected" by racial discrimination in the opposite direction.

So if the researchers in this brain thing turn out to be 99% "white" and Asian - which is in fact the case - it's not because those people have the innate talent, have worked hard to get in this position, and have produced work product that is relevant to the studies, it is because someone or something selected them, rather than other POC's, due to racial animus against non-Asian POC's. The solution, of course, is overt, intentional racial bias IN FAVOR OF non-Asian POC's.

The rational world MUST point out and emphasize the illogic and harmfulness of this Leftist belief. If a phenomenon reflects poorly on non-Asian POC's, then go ahead and look as closely as possible to discern whether some racial animus is at play, but the far greater likelihood, especially in academe, is that the racial discrepancy is entirely justified by the facts.

If American Blacks have a mean Math-SAT that is a full Standard Deviation below the norm, then it is entirely predictable that fields of study that require a science and math aptitude will reflect a very low percentage of Blacks in its higher echelons. Recall that an IQ of 130 is TWO Standard Deviations above the mean for the general population, but THREE Standard Deviations above the mean for Blacks, which means that less then one percent of Blacks are at that intellectual level. Reality follows this unfortunate truth. It is NOT racism - overt, endemic, systemic, or otherwise.

DO NOT LET LEFTISTS GET AWAY WITH THE LIE that any racial discrepancy is the product of insidious discrimination. It is usually NATURAL discrimination - the talented versus the un-talented.
As near as I can understand it, the Left's motivating belief is that any phenomenon that results in a racial disparity to the detriment of POC's MUST have been caused by some form of racial discrimination, and more importantly, MUST be "corrected" by racial discrimination in the opposite direction.

So if the researchers in this brain thing turn out to be 99% "white" and Asian - which is in fact the case - it's not because those people have the innate talent, have worked hard to get in this position, and have produced work product that is relevant to the studies, it is because someone or something selected them, rather than other POC's, due to racial animus against non-Asian POC's. The solution, of course, is overt, intentional racial bias IN FAVOR OF non-Asian POC's.

The rational world MUST point out and emphasize the illogic and harmfulness of this Leftist belief. If a phenomenon reflects poorly on non-Asian POC's, then go ahead and look as closely as possible to discern whether some racial animus is at play, but the far greater likelihood, especially in academe, is that the racial discrepancy is entirely justified by the facts.

If American Blacks have a mean Math-SAT that is a full Standard Deviation below the norm, then it is entirely predictable that fields of study that require a science and math aptitude will reflect a very low percentage of Blacks in its higher echelons. Recall that an IQ of 130 is TWO Standard Deviations above the mean for the general population, but THREE Standard Deviations above the mean for Blacks, which means that less then one percent of Blacks are at that intellectual level. Reality follows this unfortunate truth. It is NOT racism - overt, endemic, systemic, or otherwise.

DO NOT LET LEFTISTS GET AWAY WITH THE LIE that any racial discrepancy is the product of insidious discrimination. It is usually NATURAL discrimination - the talented versus the un-talented.

You have summarized the main points of this thread that I have prepared.

It will not stop me.....I am immovable, like General Jackson’s Virginians at First Manassas: a veritable stone wall.
4. It is always the same bogus ‘documentation’ of racism: the percent of a particular group in the data.

“…evidence for “structural racism” … demographic data on NIH’s grant applicants and recipients. Black applicants are “present in far fewer numbers compared with their representation in the US population, 13.4%,” according to Dr. Collins’s announcement. In 2020 black scientists made up 2.3% of the 30,061 funding applications the NIH received. Less than 2% of NIH grants go to black principal investigators.

… such disparities are virtually irrefutable evidence of discrimination, though grant reviewers don’t see an applicant’s race. But the use of population data as a benchmark for assessing institutional racism ignores racial disparities in academic skills, achievement and study practices that the NIH didn’t cause and couldn’t possibly do anything to remedy.”
Opinion | The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science

5. Here is the real test for racism: how is it that 'racism' is responsible for these areas in which black students fall short when compared to white and Asian students:

The number of days absent from school

The number of hours spent watching TV

The number of pages read for homework

Quantity and quality of reading material in the home

The presence of two parents in the home.

How does 'racism' explain these ...deficiencies????

How are white folks responsible???

No Democrat/Liberal/Progressive has ever been able to answer these facts.
The question advanced in this thread is similar to the often-discussed one about whether Lincoln defended the nation from the attack by the South, to maintain a United States, or to end slavery. And the relative importance of each motivation.

The recent Heather MacDonald article in the Wall Street Journal juxtaposes whether racial quotas are as, or more, important than science.

“The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science
A project to understand the brain becomes a futile effort to make up for educational disparities.”
Opinion | The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science

For context, let’s remember that our existential foe, China, in the battle for science superiority, is ruthlessly meritocratic. If your laboratory is all male, or all female or all white or black…..why does it matter in the pursuit of excellence?

1.”On June 10, NIH director Francis Collins announced a new requirement for participating in the brain initiative. Neurologists, molecular biologists and nanophysicists seeking NIH funding must now submit a plan showing how they will “enhance diverse perspectives” [that means racial quotas] throughout their research. Scores on the “plan for enhancing diverse perspectives” will inform funding decisions [bean counters will check skin color before you get any $].

This new requirement is part of Dr. Collins’s continuing effort to atone for what he calls biomedical science’s “stain” of “structural racism.” The NIH already supports more than 60 “diversity and inclusion initiatives,” but those have apparently failed to eradicate NIH’s own “systemic and structural racism.”
[Read this thread and you will realize that there is no such stain of 'systemic racism.']

…must show how the principal investigator will
Opinion | The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science

2. And now, in black and white….pun intended….we have the proof that one need not be smart to head a science organization like The National Institutes of Health. Somehow, according to this dunce, Collins, having just the right rations of all the authorized groups, we will find the answers….the scientific answers….to all of our problems… including treatments for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, autism and depression.

3. What passes for thinking on Collin’s part is the very same one finds when questioning any Liberal to prove the contentions of the party, that chimera, ‘systemic racism.’
Like this one:
“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.” The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Any distribution is based on a hundred decisions and behaviors, not racism.

Another lie….there are no such laws in America.

3. Rebuttal from an actual genius:

"If there were a contest for the most stupid idea in politics, my choice would be the assumption that people would be evenly or randomly distributed in incomes, institutions, occupations or awards, in the absence of somebody doing somebody wrong."
Thomas Sowell - The Dumbest Idea

Heather MacDonald explains the disproportions with real data, in the following posts.

The ‘funny’ emoticon appears to mean ‘That hurt…I wish I had a way to dispute it.”
6. How can one expect equal participation in advanced science degrees if the pool of science achievement does not include certain authorized minorities?

“According to research by the Brookings Institution’s Michael Hansen and Diana Quintero, black high-school students spend a little more than a quarter of the time on homework that Asian students do, and half the time of white students. [How is this due to racism?]

The average black math score on the SAT in 2020 was 454 on an 800-point scale, compared with 547 for whites and 632 for Asians. [How is this due to racism?]

The College Board calculates an SAT score that predicts, with 75% certainty, that a college freshman will receive at least a C-plus in his first-year math and English courses.

That benchmark SAT score for math is 530. Only 21% of black SAT takers met the math benchmark, and 54% of black SAT takers met neither the math nor the reading benchmark. [How is this due to racism?]
Someone who can’t muster a C-plus in freshman calculus will be unlikely to graduate with a STEM degree.

By comparison, 80% of Asian SAT takers and 59% of white SAT takers met the math benchmark.

One percent of black SAT takers scored in the 700 to 800 range in math (putting them in the pool from which most cutting-edge researchers will be drawn). Thirty-five percent of Asian SAT takers and 9% of whites scored in the 700 to 800 range on math.”
Opinion | The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science

The real question is why Democrats/Liberals/Progressives provide midnight basketball instead of remedial and advanced classes.

I guess it is simpler to lie and blame the white folks.

And a deafening silence from Democrats/Liberals/Progressives, Critical Race Theory enthusiasts.
7. “Educational attainment, particularly in STEM fields, reflects this skills gap. In 2019, 20 blacks nationwide received a doctorate in a neuroscience field—1.9% of all such degrees awarded in the neurosciences. There were three newly minted black Ph.D.s in biophysics (1.7% of the total) and 21 in biochemistry (2.6% of the total). Genetics and genomics departments graduated three black Ph.D.s (2.3% of the total), and molecular-biology departments 14 (2.5% of the total). In electrical engineering, a feeder into nanotechnology, there were 18 black Ph.D.s (1% of the total). Opinion | The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science

8. Instead of excuses, it’s time for black folks to get their children off the basketball courts, and into homework, reading, and educational course.

They need to make this sort of commitment:
"First is a cultural trait that has become a cliché in the model-minority discussion: a zealous focus on education. .... education for the next generation is close to a religion..... One recent college graduate, now a public school math teacher, told me that his mother would wake him at 5 AM to go over math problems—when he was in the first and second grade. ..
.... one kindergartner’s mother said, in faltering English: “My son must go Harvard.”

No matter how poor they are, parents find a way to get their fourth- or fifth-graders into test-prep classes. WNYC found one Sunset Park family who put aside $5,000 for classes for their three sons out of a yearly household income of just $26,000."
Brooklyn's Chinese Pioneers by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Spring 2014

We on the Right believe that black Americans can compete and accomplish just as well as every other group.

Liberals seem not to have this same belief about blacks.
9. In this Wall Street Journal article, we find the absolute shredding of the claim of racism being responsible for the low numbers of minorities in science careers and advanced academic degrees.
The same applies to every other venue in which racism is claimed.

“Science isn’t a social-justice endeavor, despite NIH’s determination to “provide full opportunity and participation to individuals and groups underrepresented in neuroscience.” Those groups are underrepresented for reasons unrelated to discrimination by the academy. Science has one purpose: to advance knowledge about the fundamental workings of nature.

Any agenda that imposes extraneous criteria will reduce the quality of the talent pool and divert attention away from the generation of new knowledge. China imposes no such deadweight on its cutthroat race for scientific dominance."

Beware, Liberals, Democrats, adherents to the bogus Critical Race Agenda......

....if you get what you want, it will be the end of you as well as the normal people.
7. “Educational attainment, particularly in STEM fields, reflects this skills gap. In 2019, 20 blacks nationwide received a doctorate in a neuroscience field—1.9% of all such degrees awarded in the neurosciences. There were three newly minted black Ph.D.s in biophysics (1.7% of the total) and 21 in biochemistry (2.6% of the total). Genetics and genomics departments graduated three black Ph.D.s (2.3% of the total), and molecular-biology departments 14 (2.5% of the total). In electrical engineering, a feeder into nanotechnology, there were 18 black Ph.D.s (1% of the total). Opinion | The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science

8. Instead of excuses, it’s time for black folks to get their children off the basketball courts, and into homework, reading, and educational course.

They need to make this sort of commitment:
"First is a cultural trait that has become a cliché in the model-minority discussion: a zealous focus on education. .... education for the next generation is close to a religion..... One recent college graduate, now a public school math teacher, told me that his mother would wake him at 5 AM to go over math problems—when he was in the first and second grade. ..
.... one kindergartner’s mother said, in faltering English: “My son must go Harvard.”

No matter how poor they are, parents find a way to get their fourth- or fifth-graders into test-prep classes. WNYC found one Sunset Park family who put aside $5,000 for classes for their three sons out of a yearly household income of just $26,000."
Brooklyn's Chinese Pioneers by Kay S. Hymowitz, City Journal Spring 2014

We on the Right believe that black Americans can compete and accomplish just as well as every other group.

Liberals seem not to have this same belief about blacks.
It was not the left who came up with black codes instead of proclaiming how Capitalism is the best system in the world.
10. “The diversity agenda subverts science in a more fundamental way. The standard argument for what is called “inclusive excellence” is that being black or female affects how one analyzes scientific problems. Skin color even influences the perception of scientific merit. The NIH intends to put more blacks on grant-review panels to increase the number of blacks getting grants.

…science is a universal language, one that unites its participants in a discourse of reason, transcending the particularities of today’s grievance-inspired identity categories. That universality is science’s beauty and its strength.

NIH’s diversity obsession, now pervasive throughout the federal science bureaucracies and in academic STEM departments, is a betrayal ….” Opinion | The NIH’s Diversity Obsession Subverts Science

Should we await the proof of the importance of skin color proven by the Scientific Method????
How are white folks responsible???

No Democrat/Liberal/Progressive has ever been able to answer these facts.
White racists in America's south are largely responsible for creating the 'race' problems you've mentioned. Now it is racism and no solution is being considered other than more police brutality.

A Canadian can answer but for obvious reasons few Americans will. People choose to not indict themselves.

You should know this Chicy but you have bad feelings about everything we try to talk about.

Was it daddy or was it the husband that made you so toxic and bitter. I've pretty much settled on the former now hon.
White racists in America's south are largely responsible for creating the 'race' problems you've mentioned. Now it is racism and no solution is being considered other than more police brutality.

A Canadian can answer but for obvious reasons few Americans will. People choose to not indict themselves.

You should know this Chicy but you have bad feelings about everything we try to talk about.

Was it daddy or was it the husband that made you so toxic and bitter. I've pretty much settled on the former now hon.


And here you are living in a second rate nation run by the same principles as the Democrat Party.

The Canadian government has just forbidden its employees from using the phrase made popular at a recent NASCAR event "Let's Go Brandon". Seriously: The letter was revealed yesterday on Twitter by Peter McCaffrey. In the letter, it says that all correspondence must be approved by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) prior to being released for.....

No wonder you're so bitter and resentful of America.

And here you are living in a second rate nation run by the same principles as the Democrat Party.

The Canadian government has just forbidden its employees from using the phrase made popular at a recent NASCAR event "Let's Go Brandon". Seriously: The letter was revealed yesterday on Twitter by Peter McCaffrey. In the letter, it says that all correspondence must be approved by the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) prior to being released for.....

No wonder you're so bitter and resentful of America.
It's a time for Canada to take precautions on not allowing extreme right fascism from being born in Canada. We do have extremists and especially in Alberta now.

This is the first time you've acted like a grown up. I think you want to work on your toxicity and bitterness issues.
It's a time for Canada to take precautions on not allowing extreme right fascism from being born in Canada. We do have extremists and especially in Alberta now.

This is the first time you've acted like a grown up. I think you want to work on your toxicity and bitterness issues.

One can only guess whether you are as stupid as you appear....or simply an inveterate liar.
Or, both.

"...extreme right fascism...."

Clearly an impossible term of art and propaganda.

Fascism, Liberalism, Communism, Nazism, Socialism, Progressivism are all Left wing.

Your remedial:

The Founders, classical liberals, conservatives
a. individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.
“free markets, free voices, free people”

Fascists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Socialists, Communists, Democrats
b. the collective, command and control regulation of private industry, and overarching government that can order every aspect of the private citizen's life....right down to control of his thoughts and speech.

None of the totalitarian forms of political plague have the slightest concern for human life: not communism (gulags), not Nazism (concentration camps), not Liberalism (abortion), not Progressivism (eugenics), not socialism (theft), not fascism (murder).

The Democrats check every one of those boxes.

They only differ in the final outcome: slavery, serfdom, or death.

They all follow Trotsky: "We must rid ourselves once and for all of the Quaker-Papist babble about the sanctity of human life."

Your claim, "Better Red Than Dead," clearly marks you as a self-described extreme Leftist.

your toxicity and bitterness issues.

An example of Rule #2
To know what the Left is guilty of, just watch what they blame the other side of doing.

2a. If not for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.
Your claim, "Better Red Than Dead," clearly marks you as a self-described extreme Leftist.
It does!
Considering that everybody and every country is leftist compared to the land of the gun.
And fascism is extreme right, so you're telling little white lies again hon.

I'm going to stay with you because I've detected a cry for help.
It does!
Considering that everybody and every country is leftist compared to the land of the gun.
And fascism is extreme right, so you're telling little white lies again hon.

I'm going to stay with you because I've detected a cry for help.

"And fascism is extreme right,"


I love exposing your lies.

All of these are under one big tent: Fascism, Nazism, Communism, The Democrat Party.

MayDay is the Litmus Test:

Government school, an arm of the Left, attempts to pretend that there is even a 1° of difference between Communism and Nazism, or Fascism.

There isn't.

Those three and these three....Liberalism, Progressivism, and Socialism, all have the very same collectivist, statist aim for society.

The celebration of May Day gives a clue.


On this day in 1889, May Day—traditionally a celebration of the return of spring, marked by dancing around a Maypole—was first observed as a labour holiday, designated as such by the International Socialist Congress.

One of those interesting facts that helps verify that Hitler was as much a Leftist as Stalin is that Hitler made MayDay his Nazi holiday, too.

The Nazis sought to gain support of workers by declaring May Day, a day celebrated by organized labour, to be a paid holiday and held celebrations on 1 May 1933 to honour German workers Life and Death in the Third ReichFirst Edition Edition
byPeter Fritzsche p. 45

The regime also insisted through propaganda that all Germans take part in the May Day celebrations in the hope that this would help break down class hostility between workers and burghers.[13]Songs in praise of labour and workers were played by state radio throughout May Day as well as an airshow in Berlin and fireworks.[13]Hitler spoke of workers as patriots who had built Germany's industrial strength and had honourably served in the war and claimed that they had been oppressed undereconomic liberalism.[14]Berliner Morgenpostthat had been strongly associated with the political left in the past praised the regime's May Day celebrations.[14]
Volksgemeinschaft - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here's Stalin's version....

Stalin helped Mussolini set up his May Day celebration...

'The youngest prime minister in Italian history,....Mussolini was showered with accolades from sundry quarters.... Stalin supplied Mussolini with the plans of the May Day parades in Red Square,to help him polish up his Fascist pageants....He conquered Ethiopia, madea Pact of Steel with Germany, introduced anti-Jewish measures in 1938,came into the war as Hitler's very junior partner,..."
The Mystery of Fascism by David Ramsay Steele

Socialist, fascists, Nazis, communists......Leftist all.
As are Progressives and Modern Liberals.

Lie again and I will destroy both you and the lies as well.

Lie again and I will destroy both you and the lies as well.
Your life seems to be all about believing that you are destroying people. What's the problem hon?
I'm not going to ignore you because I detect a cry for help, coming through above all the hating and toxicity.
Your life seems to be all about believing that you are destroying people. What's the problem hon?
I'm not going to ignore you because I detect a cry for help, coming through above all the hating and toxicity.

You didn't repeat your lie, huh?

Destruction complete.

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