Reagan/Bush Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's anticipated order that would shield millions of immigrants now living illegally in the U.S. from deportation is not without precedent.

Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.

There was no political explosion then comparable to the one Republicans are threatening now.

A tea party-influenced GOP is poised to erupt if and when Obama follows through on his promise. He wants to extend protection from deportation to millions of immigrant parents and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and expand his 2-year-old program that shields immigrants brought illegally to this country as children.

"The audacity of this president to think he can completely destroy the rule of law with the stroke of a pen is unfathomable to me," said GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa, an outspoken opponent of relaxing U.S. immigration law. "It is unconstitutional, it is cynical, and it violates the will of the American people."

Such strong feelings are common among congressional Republicans. GOP leaders warn that an executive order from Obama would "poison the well" and severely damage Republicans' willingness to work with the president during his final two years in office.

Some Republicans have even raised the possibility of impeachment.

More: Reagan, Bush Also Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

Yeah, but it's different when a black man wants to do it. It just is...somehow...
Of course....they'll claim that when Reagan and George H.W. Bush did it, it was different. They are just looking for some way to come up with a reason to impeach Obama. They are the "repeal and impeach" masters. I guess they didn't learn a single thing, when they did that to Clinton, who is now more popular than he ever was and whose wife will most likely be our next President....oh well, they like to dig their own graves.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's anticipated order that would shield millions of immigrants now living illegally in the U.S. from deportation is not without precedent.

Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.

There was no political explosion then comparable to the one Republicans are threatening now.

A tea party-influenced GOP is poised to erupt if and when Obama follows through on his promise. He wants to extend protection from deportation to millions of immigrant parents and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and expand his 2-year-old program that shields immigrants brought illegally to this country as children.

"The audacity of this president to think he can completely destroy the rule of law with the stroke of a pen is unfathomable to me," said GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa, an outspoken opponent of relaxing U.S. immigration law. "It is unconstitutional, it is cynical, and it violates the will of the American people."

Such strong feelings are common among congressional Republicans. GOP leaders warn that an executive order from Obama would "poison the well" and severely damage Republicans' willingness to work with the president during his final two years in office.

Some Republicans have even raised the possibility of impeachment.

More: Reagan, Bush Also Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

Yeah, but it's different when a black man wants to do it. It just is...somehow...
it has nothing to do with his color even though you want it to be........its called learning from the last time we did this.....AND there was lots of flak from the citizens last time this stick your color bullshit up your ass Chief.....
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's anticipated order that would shield millions of immigrants now living illegally in the U.S. from deportation is not without precedent.

Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.

There was no political explosion then comparable to the one Republicans are threatening now.

A tea party-influenced GOP is poised to erupt if and when Obama follows through on his promise. He wants to extend protection from deportation to millions of immigrant parents and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and expand his 2-year-old program that shields immigrants brought illegally to this country as children.

"The audacity of this president to think he can completely destroy the rule of law with the stroke of a pen is unfathomable to me," said GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa, an outspoken opponent of relaxing U.S. immigration law. "It is unconstitutional, it is cynical, and it violates the will of the American people."

Such strong feelings are common among congressional Republicans. GOP leaders warn that an executive order from Obama would "poison the well" and severely damage Republicans' willingness to work with the president during his final two years in office.

Some Republicans have even raised the possibility of impeachment.

More: Reagan, Bush Also Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

Yeah, but it's different when a black man wants to do it. It just is...somehow...
it has nothing to do with his color even though you want it to be........its called learning from the last time we did this.....AND there was lots of flak from the citizens last time this stick your color bullshit up your ass Chief.....

As usual, the right shows their ass by having to be nasty. As for can't even say that.....that impeachment of did that work for you? :rolleyes:
Since Reagan's amnesty we have had to absorb another ten million illegal criminals. Some of the 9-11 terrorists were in the US illegally with expired visas and the freaking idiot in the White House pretended everything was fine even after the first attack on the WTC and the illegals were allowed to attend flight school. First tighten up the borders and then we will talk.
How is it fair to those that applied for and spent years waiting, and untold dollars, the legal way to get US citizenship, and had to study and pass a test? If they failed, they had to try again. They also had to be sponsored by a citizen, as well as be able to show proof of income to sustain them for so long, so they would not be an added burden here, either.

Yet you want those that have broken the law to be allowed to waltz in here doing none of that to be granted citizenship? Another requirement is speaking english, yet I seriously doubt that many of these illegal aliens can.
1986 Amnesty of 3 million illegals, that didn't work well. A sign of insanity is repeating the same thing over again and expecting different results.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's anticipated order that would shield millions of immigrants now living illegally in the U.S. from deportation is not without precedent.

Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.

There was no political explosion then comparable to the one Republicans are threatening now.

A tea party-influenced GOP is poised to erupt if and when Obama follows through on his promise. He wants to extend protection from deportation to millions of immigrant parents and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and expand his 2-year-old program that shields immigrants brought illegally to this country as children.

"The audacity of this president to think he can completely destroy the rule of law with the stroke of a pen is unfathomable to me," said GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa, an outspoken opponent of relaxing U.S. immigration law. "It is unconstitutional, it is cynical, and it violates the will of the American people."

Such strong feelings are common among congressional Republicans. GOP leaders warn that an executive order from Obama would "poison the well" and severely damage Republicans' willingness to work with the president during his final two years in office.

Some Republicans have even raised the possibility of impeachment.

More: Reagan, Bush Also Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

Yeah, but it's different when a black man wants to do it. It just is...somehow...
it has nothing to do with his color even though you want it to be........its called learning from the last time we did this.....AND there was lots of flak from the citizens last time this stick your color bullshit up your ass Chief.....

As usual, the right shows their ass by having to be nasty. As for can't even say that.....that impeachment of did that work for you? :rolleyes:
the right? must be one of them RINO's since i dont hold very many righty views.....and i voted for Clinton twice and would do so maybe you should learn before you label... so are you speaking for Lakota know?.....
How is it fair to those that applied for and spent years waiting, and untold dollars, the legal way to get US citizenship, and had to study and pass a test? If they failed, they had to try again. They also had to be sponsored by a citizen, as well as be able to show proof of income to sustain them for so long, so they would not be an added burden here, either.

Yet you want those that have broken the law to be allowed to waltz in here doing none of that to be granted citizenship? Another requirement is speaking english, yet I seriously doubt that many of these illegal aliens can.
a good many of them know English......dont be fooled by them....many enjoy fucking with Americans trying to communicate with nephew does it all the time.....and he is legal.....
It's going to happen, folks, and nothing the GOP can do will stop it or reverse it.

Accept that.

Accept that if we piss of the minorities over immigration, we lose massively in 2016. They will join with the Dems and beat our political asses into the ground.
Two people they hate with a passion except when they want to cover for obama's ass

just how pathetic can they be
I love how some think that pointing out the mistakes of the past somehow justify repeating the same mistake today. By the way how many of you who are so supportive of the black man doing this today supported the two white men? If people give an honest answer my guess is the number would be zero.
I love how some think that pointing out the mistakes of the past somehow justify repeating the same mistake today. By the way how many of you who are so supportive of the black man doing this today supported the two white men? If people give an honest answer my guess is the number would be zero.

As a Liberal with an open mind - I was totally indifferent when the two white men did it.
I did not care then, I don't care now, and race has nothing to do with it.

But and all good Republicans who see shit like "when a black man" whatever work twice as hard against the far right racists. We despise their hate ideology and won't have it.
I love how some think that pointing out the mistakes of the past somehow justify repeating the same mistake today. By the way how many of you who are so supportive of the black man doing this today supported the two white men? If people give an honest answer my guess is the number would be zero.

As a Liberal with an open mind - I was totally indifferent when the two white men did it.
We have seen how open your mind is so I really doubt you were indifferent. If you were though one has to wonder why you care about the issue now that the black man wants to do it.
I love how some think that pointing out the mistakes of the past somehow justify repeating the same mistake today. By the way how many of you who are so supportive of the black man doing this today supported the two white men? If people give an honest answer my guess is the number would be zero.

As a Liberal with an open mind - I was totally indifferent when the two white men did it.

wow, you're losing your mind. seek help

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