Reagan/Bush Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

Why do Republicans hate blacks and Latinos?

I think it is probably something environmentally related. I know may people who grow up in republican households who just never hear anything but hate. They are taught how to think and never really think for themselves. It is being handed down through generations. It is sad in many cases.

Do you know households that have had all news cable stations, other than FOX removed from their subscription to satellite or cable? I certainly do. I assume there is a fear that an opinion other than the GOP indoctrinated line of thought might sneak in.
The President’s Precedents

Obama won’t be the first executive to go it alone on immigration. Does that make Republican outrage unjustified?


This question emerged on Monday when the Associated Press published a national story that included this matter-of-fact opening sentence: “Two presidents have acted unilaterally on immigration—and both were Republican.” The report pointed out that both Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush extended reprieves from deportation to family members who were not covered by a 1986 congressional overhaul of the nation’s immigration system. Neither man faced the type of blowback that Obama is getting prior to his own announcement.

In fact, there’s a long history of presidents taking immigration action on their own. As the Los Angeles Times documented earlier this week, the list of executives pushing through reforms includes: George W. Bush, who allowed members of the military with green cards to expedite their citizenship process in the wake of 9/11; Bill Clinton, who eased deportation of refugees from El Salvador and Haiti; and Jimmy Carter, who granted a wide range of refugee groups temporary relief from deportation. The list doesn’t stop there: John F. Kennedy created a federal program for Cuban refugees, Harry Truman launched his own commission to study immigration reform after Congress refused his request to do so, and Franklin Roosevelt initiated the Bracero program, which brought 2 million short-term Mexican farm workers to the country.

More at the link.

RWs are amazingly ignorant on this. I remember when I first started posting about illegal immigration, most didn't even know about the Bracero program. Just as they had to be educated that Hawaii really is a state.

Biggest difference is that former presidents weren't fighting a Do Nothing congress sworn to bringing down the president and the country. They also weren't all black and junk. :rolleyes-41:
anyone got a copy of reagans EO on amnesty

Executive Order 12324 - Interdiction of Illegal AliensSeptember 29, 1981

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and statutes of the United States of America, including Sections 212(f) and 215(a)(1) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended (8 U.S.C. 1182(f) and 1185(a)(1)), in view of the continuing problem of migrants coming to the United States, by sea, without necessary entry documents, and in order to carry out the suspension and interdiction of such entry which have concurrently been proclaimed, it is hereby ordered as follows:

The rest of it at this link.
Ronald Reagan Executive Order 12324 - Interdiction of Illegal Aliens
The GOP has been telling you that there was no such executive order for MONTHS. Democrats are just too stupid to understand what an executive order to implement an act of Congress means.
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama's anticipated order that would shield millions of immigrants now living illegally in the U.S. from deportation is not without precedent.

Two of the last three Republican presidents — Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush — did the same thing in extending amnesty to family members who were not covered by the last major overhaul of immigration law in 1986.

There was no political explosion then comparable to the one Republicans are threatening now.

A tea party-influenced GOP is poised to erupt if and when Obama follows through on his promise. He wants to extend protection from deportation to millions of immigrant parents and spouses of U.S. citizens and permanent residents, and expand his 2-year-old program that shields immigrants brought illegally to this country as children.

"The audacity of this president to think he can completely destroy the rule of law with the stroke of a pen is unfathomable to me," said GOP Rep. Steve King of Iowa, an outspoken opponent of relaxing U.S. immigration law. "It is unconstitutional, it is cynical, and it violates the will of the American people."

Such strong feelings are common among congressional Republicans. GOP leaders warn that an executive order from Obama would "poison the well" and severely damage Republicans' willingness to work with the president during his final two years in office.

Some Republicans have even raised the possibility of impeachment.

More: Reagan, Bush Also Acted Without Congress To Shield Immigrants From Deportation

Yeah, but it's different when a black man wants to do it. It just is...somehow...
it has nothing to do with his color even though you want it to be........its called learning from the last time we did this.....AND there was lots of flak from the citizens last time this stick your color bullshit up your ass Chief.....
How's junior high treating you?

How is trolling treating you?
Why do Republicans hate blacks and Latinos?

I think it is probably something environmentally related. I know may people who grow up in republican households who just never hear anything but hate. They are taught how to think and never really think for themselves. It is being handed down through generations. It is sad in many cases.

Do you know households that have had all news cable stations, other than FOX removed from their subscription to satellite or cable? I certainly do. I assume there is a fear that an opinion other than the GOP indoctrinated line of thought might sneak in.

If that is the case then why are students going around shooting people in our schools?
Are you people SERIOUS? That was 20 something years ago

For calling yourselves progressives you all sure Regress a lot.

Reagan worked through CONGRESS. come into the here and now. thanks
frikken 10 threads on this same BS
Sure, it legalized them, very fast. It brought them to the top of the line. Nice try at being cute, it failed. Thank you for playing.


That is one of the most insanely stupid things I've read on this site. And there's alot of birthers around here. You don't have the first clue what you're talking about. Reagan did not legalize anyone with that Executive Order. Nobody was brought to "the top of the line." It was nothing more than an administrative action, particularly referencing this:

[S}ervice in the military, air or naval forces of the United States shall be proved by a duly authenticated certification from the executive department under which the applicant served or is serving, which shall state whether the applicant served honorably in an active-duty status during either World War I or during a period beginning September 1, 1939, and ending December 31, 1946, or during a period beginning June 25, 1950, and ending July 1, 1955, or during a period beginning February 28, 1961, and ending on a date designated by the President by Executive order as the date of termination of the Vietnam hostilities, or thereafter during any other period which the President by Executive order shall designate as a period in which Armed Forces of the United States are or were engaged in military operations involving armed conflict with a hostile foreign force, and was separated from such service under honorable conditions.

Reagan was acting explicitly within statutory prescriptions of a law that was created by Congress. Also, what you either are too stupid to understand, or are too dishonest to admit, is that these were applications for naturalization by legal aliens, following the legally prescribed avenues to citizenship.

Tsk, tsk, you know not what you write, but you scream a lot.

Executive Orders

"Executive Order 12582--Naturalization requirements exceptions for aliens and non-citizen nationals of the United States who served in the Grenada campaign

Source: The provisions of Executive Order 12582 of Feb. 2, 1987, appear at 52 FR 3395, 3 CFR, 1987 Comp., p. 201, unless otherwise noted.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including Section 1440 of Title 8, United States Code, and in order to provide expedited naturalization for aliens and non-citizens who served in the Armed Forces in the Grenada campaign, it is hereby ordered as follows:

For the purpose of determining qualification for the exceptions from the usual requirements for naturalization, the period of Grenada military operations in which the Armed Forces of the United States were engaged in armed conflict with a hostile foreign force commenced on October 25, 1983, and terminated on November 2, 1983. Those persons serving honorably in active-duty status in the Armed Forces of the United States during this period, in the Grenada campaign, are eligible for naturalization in accordance with the statutory exceptions to the naturalization requirements, as provided in Section 1440(b) of Title 8, United States Code. Qualifying active-duty service includes service conducted, during this period, on the islands of Grenada, Carriacou, Green Hog, and those islands adjacent to Grenada in the Atlantic Seaboard where such service was in direct support of the military operations in Grenada. Qualifying active-duty service during this period also includes service conducted in the air space above Grenada, in the adjacent seas where operations were conducted, and at the Grantly Adams International Airport in Barbados."

That is called "front of the line", just as I described it. That is what the word "expedited" means.

Care to try again, or are you going to call this bunk?

Because it is not, it is directly from the national archives and was signed as an EO on Feb. 2, 1987, by then Pres. Reagan.

Thank you for playing.

Now, show me the authority that Obama used to change the immigration laws.

This is what Reagan used as Commander in Chief of the US armed forces.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including Section 1440 of Title 8, United States Code,

Now, show me the authority that Obama used to change the immigration laws yesterday.
Why do Republicans hate blacks and Latinos?

I think it is probably something environmentally related. I know may people who grow up in republican households who just never hear anything but hate. They are taught how to think and never really think for themselves. It is being handed down through generations. It is sad in many cases.

Do you know households that have had all news cable stations, other than FOX removed from their subscription to satellite or cable? I certainly do. I assume there is a fear that an opinion other than the GOP indoctrinated line of thought might sneak in.

You need to shoot that high horse of yours. It's too ugly to live. Now if you'll excuse me I have to barf up my breakfast reading that nasty stuff you posted
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Well, tonight is the night. Several major networks aren't airing it - but CNN is.
NONE of the majors aired it, a number of cable and satellite companies did, including CNN, FOX and MSNBC.
The networks reason for not airing it is because they considered it a political speech
I see another poster has unmasked himself as an idiot.
From now on your Delta Chi name is:

Idiot libs cry Reagan and BUsh were the worst presidents ever.
And then justify everything Obama does by pointing to them.
Why do Republicans hate blacks and Latinos?

I think it is probably something environmentally related. I know may people who grow up in republican households who just never hear anything but hate. They are taught how to think and never really think for themselves. It is being handed down through generations. It is sad in many cases.

Do you know households that have had all news cable stations, other than FOX removed from their subscription to satellite or cable? I certainly do. I assume there is a fear that an opinion other than the GOP indoctrinated line of thought might sneak in.

You need to shoot that high horse of yours. It's too ugly to live. Now if you'll excuse I have to barf up my breakfast reading that nasty stuff you posted

So with all the whining and moaning the repubs are doing, not a murmur of something to address the immigration problem. Obama has laid down a challenge to the gop.


And all they can do is hyddle together to see how they can punish the President. They have had years to pass a bipartisanly approved immigration plan and they have blocked it from coming to vote. So.....

Oh my another known far left blog site repeating the mantra of the far left and the far left drones believing it without question or hesitation..

Obama 8217 s Immigration Amnesia

It seems quite a few of them are sheep that evidently needs to be led around by a ring in their nose. Do they ever think for themselves. doesn't seem like it.
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Read Ronald Reagan’s executive order on immigration the GOP won’t talk about

The following statement was made by then-President Ronald Reagan on July 30, 1981:

Our nation is a nation of immigrants. More than any other country, our strength comes from our own immigrant heritage and our capacity to welcome those from other lands. No free and prosperous nation can by itself accommodate all those who seek a better life or flee persecution. We must share this responsibility with other countries.

The bipartisan select commission which reported this spring concluded that the Cuban influx to Florida made the United States sharply aware of the need for more effective immigration policies and the need for legislation to support those policies.

For these reasons, I asked the Attorney General last March to chair a Task Force on Immigration and Refugee Policy. We discussed the matter when President Lopez Portillo visited me last month, and we have carefully considered the views of our Mexican friends. In addition, the Attorney General has consulted with those concerned in Congress and in affected States and localities and with interested members of the public.

The Attorney General is undertaking administrative actions and submitting to Congress, on behalf of the administration, a legislative package, based on eight principles. These principles are designed to preserve our tradition of accepting foreigners to our shores, but to accept them in a controlled and orderly fashion:

  • We shall continue America’s tradition as a land that welcomes peoples from other countries. We shall also, with other countries, continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression.
  • At the same time, we must ensure adequate legal authority to establish control over immigration: to enable us, when sudden influxes of foreigners occur, to decide to whom we grant the status of refugee or asylee; to improve our border control; to expedite (consistent with fair procedures and our Constitution) return of those coming here illegally; to strengthen enforcement of our fair labor standards and laws; and to penalize those who would knowingly encourage violation of our laws. The steps we take to further these objectives, however, must also be consistent with our values of individual privacy and freedom.
  • We have a special relationship with our closest neighbors, Canada and Mexico. Our immigration policy should reflect this relationship.
  • We must also recognize that both the United States and Mexico have historically benefited from Mexicans obtaining employment in the United States. A number of our States have special labor needs, and we should take these into account.
  • Illegal immigrants in considerable numbers have become productive members of our society and are a basic part of our work force. Those who have established equities in the United States should be recognized and accorded legal status. At the same time, in so doing, we must not encourage illegal immigration.
  • We shall strive to distribute fairly, among the various localities of this country, the impacts of our national immigration and refugee policy, and we shall improve the capability of those agencies of the Federal Government which deal with these matters.
  • We shall seek new ways to integrate refugees into our society without nurturing their dependence on welfare.
  • Finally, we recognize that immigration and refugee problems require international solutions. We will seek greater international cooperation in the resettlement of refugees and, in the Caribbean Basin, international cooperation to assist accelerated economic development to reduce motivations for illegal immigration.

Immigration and refugee policy is an important part of our past and fundamental to our national interest. With the help of the Congress and the American people, we will work towards a new and realistic immigration policy, a policy that will be fair to our own citizens while it opens the door of opportunity for those who seek a new life in America.
Republicans talk about it. Fox even talks about it. Reagan issued an order to implement immigration policies already approved by congress. King Hussein thinks he can bypass congress and the Constitution and make his own laws.
The problem is that smart people look at two similar things and see the differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similiarities.
Guess which ones the libs are.

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