Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI

“Ideological descendants of Marx and Rousseau now lead the Democratic Party and they have turned it into a disloyal opposition to an increasingly accommodating GOP. They have molded the Party into a force working stridently and unashamedly against a Commander in Chief during wartime. They have made it a den of treachery devoted to American defeat in Iraq. They preside over an institution advised and influenced by moneyed, non-governmental groups and individuals with unquestionably anti-U.S. agendas who help make the Party a pseudo-intellectual sinkhole filled with perverse, tried-and-failed ideas repulsive to the majority of Americans. Those ideas are shaped into agendas which are then forced on the public by an activist leftwing judiciary and by a major media and arts consortium shot through with utter disrespect, indeed contempt, for traditional American values, religions and institutions. The Democratic Party has devolved into a club for the illegitimately aggrieved, the self-absorbed, the self-hating and the perpetually [angry]. It is a sanctuary where solipsistic malcontents and their disjointed causes find refuge and support. It has long ceased being an earnest gathering of broad minds where man’s timeless problems are examined against the backdrop of the Constitution and solutions to them proposed based on the actual realities of the human condition...[Barack] Obama is in step with that radical element and with that leadership.” —Rocco DiPippo

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the democrats passed a law in 2007 that stopped excessive oil specuation. they actually fixed the problem! too bad the bush crony appointed to that won't do anything about it. that's another reason we need to get the gop out of the white house. all the right wing political hacks would stay in the justice dept and gao and fema. there are 100 reasons not to vote for mccain. where are all the neo nutz? you guys are pathetic. house slaves. if you don't make $200,000 then vote obama. don't care what color, gender, religion. this is the next great depression where the super rich make a power grab. mission accomplished. the only reason I come here is I want to cure coservatives. i'm fascinated. if u r rich, never mind. then I bunderstand.
Some self-described "patriot" writes a stupid opinion piece and we're supposed to find that compelling?

Stupidity.... the more I see things like this, the more I realize how out of touch the radical right is. and how completely misinformed as to their verbiage. Working against a commander in chief during wartime, my butt. he's only a commander in chief in wartime because he CHOSE to be. Too bad the extremists can't stand him being called on the pathetic mess he's made of things.
daily show talking about the talking heads, hanity, smear emails going around. michelle obama is apparently angry. yet no word on cindy mccain, and mccain left his first wife 4 rich druggy cindy 20 yrs younger than mccain. mccain is proof gop doesn't care about values. they just use that on us.
Some self-described "patriot" writes a stupid opinion piece and we're supposed to find that compelling?

Stupidity.... the more I see things like this, the more I realize how out of touch the radical right is. and how completely misinformed as to their verbiage. Working against a commander in chief during wartime, my butt. he's only a commander in chief in wartime because he CHOSE to be. Too bad the extremists can't stand him being called on the pathetic mess he's made of things.

It's just fun to watch the liberal attack machine come out in force and do everything BUT refute anything said in the article. More to the point, PROVE everything in the article.
It's just someone's opinion, there are no facts in there, just assertions. Nothing to be refuted in other words.

No, it's your opinion that it's someone's opinion. Everything said in the description of the left is a fact. Take for example this statement... "Those ideas are shaped into agendas which are then forced on the public by an activist leftwing judiciary and by a major media and arts consortium shot through with utter disrespect, indeed contempt, for traditional American values, religions and institutions." Nothing could be more true. One only need look to the big story going on in Kullyfornia as we speak.
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Some self-described "patriot" writes a stupid opinion piece and we're supposed to find that compelling?

Stupidity.... the more I see things like this, the more I realize how out of touch the radical right is. and how completely misinformed as to their verbiage. Working against a commander in chief during wartime, my butt. he's only a commander in chief in wartime because he CHOSE to be. Too bad the extremists can't stand him being called on the pathetic mess he's made of things.

I dont see you refuting anything...Perhaps its because you WANT a socialist world? Oh and how soon you forget that Bush didnt become a wartime chief alone. He had congress to back in him FULLY. AND......I dont see any of them rushing in legislation to stop it. It is all hot air and nothing else.
This thread just furthers my belief that the right wing is basically retarded.

This just proves my theory that people like you dont give a fuck about where our country is headed and cant WAIT for socialism to just take over. Because it is all good right?
"Idealogical descendants of Mussolini and Hitler now lead the Republican Party and they have turned it into a disloyal opposition to an increasingly accommodating American Citizenry. They have molded the Party into a force working stridently and unashamedly against the fundamental principles laid out in our Constitution. They have made it a den of treachery devoted to American imperialism. They preside over an institution advised and influenced by moneyed, non-governmental groups and individuals with unquestionably anti-U.S. agendas who help make the Party a pseudo-intellectual sinkhole filled with perverse, tried-and-failed ideas repulsive to the majority of Americans. Those ideas are shaped into agendas which are then forced on the public by an activist rightwing judiciary and by a major media and religious consortium shot through with utter disrespect, indeed contempt, for traditional American values and institutions. The Republican Party has devolved into a club for the illegitimately aggrieved, the self-absorbed, the self-hating and the perpetually aggressive. It is a sanctuary where simplistic malcontents and their disjointed causes find refuge and support. It has long ceased being an earnest gathering of broad minds where human being's timeless problems are examined against the backdrop of the Constitution and solutions to them proposed based on the actual realities of the human condition...John McCain is in step with that radical element and with that leadership.” —Rockhead DePoop
Funny, most of those judges in California that ruled are conservative.

Ppphht... thanks for the laugh. The 9th court of appeals in kullyfornia, is the most liberal court in America. Who in the fuck are you trying to kid?
This thread just furthers my belief that the right wing is basically retarded.

And comments like this just furthers my belief.... scratch that... my KNOWLEDGE, that the left wing is basically a bunch of sassy pricks with nothing more than insults and shit talk to counter conservative intelligence with.
How the heck will you fit all those fruits and nuts from Callyfornia and other places into that tiny state...i think SanFransicko itself is almost as big as Massatwoshits...:eek:

...on second thought...libs like crowded perpendicular box living...

Don't worry about the moon bats in kullyfornia... that whole state will be demolished in due time by earth quakes, and the liberal scum that's been infecting it.

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