Ray Epps

If the US Justice System protects Democrats and imprisons Republicans for exactly the same "crime" we don't have America anymore. It's as simple as that.
No president boldly broke laws like Trump did. They may have all broke a law here or there but none of them were criminal enterprises. The closest we came to that was Bush who stole 2000 and lied us into Iraq.

One year probation?

that's it?
The average time incarcerated is 60 days. A year probation is in line with that.
Based on the precedent of imprisoning citizens to 15 years who WEREN"T EVEN THERE, I'd say Epps deserves 20 years in the Penn at a minimum.
I think all who were there should be sent to GITMO. You guys wanted to keep it open for terrorists. So it’s time to use it for that purpose.
The more information that comes out the more suspicious people are. The FBI is doing its best to coverup its involvement in this but the agency has suffered a black eye.
As of last May more than 1,033 of the rioters have been arrested, with approximately 485 federal defendants receiving sentences. Only 277 received time in jail and another 113 home detention.

All in all very few received jail time, with harsher sentences reserved for those actually entered the Capitol, participated in violence against the police, orchestrated, coordinated or planned violence.

Epps was charged with disorderly conduct and entering a restricted area. He never entered the Capitol or struck a policeman. He turned himself in shortly after being identified on video and expressed regrets/apologized for his acts. Typically, I think that tends to reduce the sentence doesn’t it? The charge carried a maximum of one year, the vast majority of those charged with that (and I think the bulk of the charges were of that sort) received no jail time.

So…I guess, how is this out line with the norm here?

To be honest, I find myself almost feeling sorry for him. Because of the insanity of MAGA conspiracy theorists and their rabid believers, he and his FAMILY have flooded with threats, including death threats. He has had to completely uproot his family, sell his home and live largely in hiding. In reality, that is a far worse sentence.

These extremists eat their own…just point them, arm them with a conspiracy claim, and let them loose. Their masters maintain credible deniability.
Why make excuses for that agitator?

One year probation?

that's it?
Proud Boy Ray Epps never entered the Capitol.

So yeah.
Please link to this supposed proof.

Why do people here so often think you can just say something like this without proof?

You have it ass backwards.

Epps was accused of being a Fed with no proof.
Epps was accused of being a Fed with no proof.
What other reason would be reasonable when the FBI was turning over every rock to find anyone near the Capitol that day, Epps was on the most wanted list and mysteriously removed, though never arrested, and he was videotaped both encouraging and trying to talk protestors into breach the Capitol?

What would be your conclusion, Einstein?
Please link to this supposed proof.

Why do people here so often think you can just say something like this without proof?
Because I don't have to provide it. Anyone who is lazy...(such as you) can type in a simple Google search and literally stumble over dozens of articles detailing it.
But since you asked somewhat politely, here you go..and I know this one will piss you off the most. :)

Why make excuses for that agitator?
He’s no different than many of the others involved. Well, except he got caught in the MAGA-Twilight-Zone and now they want to kill him like a sacrificial goat rather than admit to their own culpability. MAGA is just that crazy.
A person on video telling people to go into the Capitol and on video overturning barricades gets probation?

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Ray Epps is a Fed. Anyone who can’t see that is a drooling dipshit or a liar.
Lets compare what happened to Owen Troyer and Ray Epps.

The Biden administration is disgusting. Fucking disgusting.

Any of you defending this, I hope it happens to you.
Lets compare what happened to Owen Troyer and Ray Epps.

The Biden administration is disgusting. Fucking disgusting.

Any of you defending this, I hope it happens to you.
Owen Shroyer is a repeat offender.

What exactly is going to happen to me? I don’t participate in riots.

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