Rating the Dem candidates on the issue of Zionist Warmongering


Gold Member
May 9, 2019
Which of the Dem candidates are most likely to lie/commit other "offenses" to sell out our troops to help Israel???

1. Mikey Bloomberg - he's by far the worst. Most Dem voters don't know it, but Mikey is about the worst Zionist Warmonger on the planet, on par with John Bolton, Netanyahu, and Joe Lieberman. Elect Mikey and we'd be at war in the Middle East over lies for the duration of his tenure, something "peace loving" Dem voters might want to consider before voting for him.

2. Low IQ Joe - Joe is a totally bought and paid for sellout to the AIPAC Lobby. The Atlanta Jewish Times believed that if the Mossad offed Obama, Low IQ Joe would lie about it and start a war with Iran as Israel wants.

3. Mayor Pete - This is a new find, that 911 Insider Info hedge fund billionaire Seth Klarman is Mayor Pete's biggest backer. Mayor Pete seems like a timid non-violent gay, but be rest assured, if he wins, we'll have our troops in the Middle East fighting for Israel for the duration of his term.

4. Tom Steyer - Another billionaire off 911 Insider Info. As with Mikey, don't be fooled by his small stature and polite demeanor. This guy cares only about Israel, and he'd start wars in the Middle East over lies to help Israel as easily as he invested in defense stocks, oil, gold, and the long bond on 910.

If you care about America and think America has wasted enough lives and money fighting for Israel, stay away from these four. They are the really obvious Zionist Warmongers still alive in the Dem primary.
Money talks...bullshit walks.
Bloomberg, Bernie, Klobuchar, and Steyer are J's
Biden and Buttplug are not, but money talks.
Notice how no one is talking about Iran and their nuclear development program.

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