Rasmussen: Obama +4, McCain gains 2 points

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Democrat Barack Obama has opened an 8-point lead over Republican John McCain two weeks before the U.S. presidential election, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Tuesday.

Obama leads McCain 50 percent to 42 percent among likely U.S. voters in the latest three-day tracking poll, up from a 6-point advantage for Obama on Monday. The telephone poll has a margin of error of 2.9 percentage points.

"It was another very big day for Obama," said pollster John Zogby. "Things clearly are moving in Obama's direction."
Obama +8 two weeks ago:

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The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Barack Obama attracting 50% of the vote while John McCain earns 46%. The race has remained very stable over the past month and Obama’s support has not dipped below 50% in nearly a month (see trends).

Forty-eight percent (48%) of voters now say that Obama is a better leader than McCain while 42% hold the opposite view. That’s the first time all year that Obama has held the advantage on this question (see trends).
a tie would go to Obama due to the electoral map and many of the close states going his direction

More than that... the widdle paper boy on his tricycle knows that his post titles are garbage. He just likes making people look. He also knows that the spread was only 8 points for a couple of days after Sawwah failed miserably with Katie Couric. That was before the debates. This is a pretty stable race, actually.

Which is why the losers are suddenly trying to pretend rev wright is an issue that anyone who's already chosen to vote for Obama cares about. They're doing a hail mary thing while they pray they can CREATE a bradley effect.
I'm glad O-bomb-a is leading at this point. The GOP needs to get out the vote. We need 90% of the registered GOP to vote. Most of my fellow Independent voters that I've spoken to are voting for McCain--let's get the all of those voters out on election day too!
More than that... the widdle paper boy on his tricycle knows that his post titles are garbage. He just likes making people look. He also knows that the spread was only 8 points for a couple of days after Sawwah failed miserably with Katie Couric. That was before the debates. This is a pretty stable race, actually.

Which is why the losers are suddenly trying to pretend rev wright is an issue that anyone who's already chosen to vote for Obama cares about. They're doing a hail mary thing while they pray they can CREATE a bradley effect.

The Bradley Effect is not about racism though there is certainly racism. The Bradley Effect is about political correctness and there is certainly plenty of that as well. If there is a Bradely Effect it will because people were concerned while being polled about being thought of as being racist so they say they support Obama or mostly they say they are undecided.

If the polls are right obviously Obama will win. But if the polls are wrong Obama (and the major media) will be partly to blame for playing the race card at every opportunity.
can't you find the thread you started the day before and edit yourself?

Do you need a new thread every single day for this nonsense?

I'm glad O-bomb-a is leading at this point. The GOP needs to get out the vote. We need 90% of the registered GOP to vote. Most of my fellow Independent voters that I've spoken to are voting for McCain--let's get the all of those voters out on election day too!

do you actually think 90% of the Republican party is going to vote? :lol: a good majority of them don't like McCain and they certainly don't trust Palin to be a heartbeat away.

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