Rasmussen: 45% of Democrats want the unvaccinated forced into "designated facilities," -- that is, concentration camps

This was a dress rehearsal. Next up is no cars and heat on 55 to save the planet.
Democrats will lie and deny they support it until the day to vote on it comes. Anyone who believes their lies deserves to share their fate.
Negroes are the largest group not vaccinated.

Good luck with the stupid Democrats throwing their main voting block in concentration camps.

Black folk have history of your sort testing shit on them. They are right to be wary.
I ran the numbers. And the problem isn't black people. Blacks are only 13% of the population, which means they're 1/4th of the white population, and with 50% of white males not getting vaccinated, it would take 100% of the black population not vaccinated to even come close.
Why does insulting people make you fel better?
Actually his retard black hole theory is strangely parallel to the movie Idiocracy

In 2005, average in every way private Joe Bowers is selected to take part in a secret military experiment to put him in hibernation for a year ... forgotten when the base is closed down and left in stasis until 2505. When they finally wake up, they discover the average intelligence of humans has decreased so much that Joe is now the smartest man in the world.
And when they do, you and your ilk will support it.
First there are no places to lock up that many people. Second there's no budget to support locking up that many people. So it's just like Trumps walls. People support doing it, as long as somebody else pays for it.
If you are unvaccinated:
55% of Democrats want to fine you
59% want you confined to your home
48% want you fined/imprisoned for questioning vaccine efficacy,
45% want you forced into "designated facilities,"
46% want you digitally tracked
29% want to take your children.

I'm not sure if this is an illustration of the ignorance of democrats, their inherent authoritarian disposition, or both.
Concentration camps for the unvaccinated might work in Cuba, Venezuela or China. It would not be wise to try that tactic in a nation as well armed as this one is.
Black folk have history of your sort testing shit on them. They are right to be wary.

Negroes haves shitted on America for a long time. They are ones that commit the crimes, don't take care of their families, are on welfare and are the main voting block of the filthy ass Democrat party.
Concentration camps for the unvaccinated might work in Cuba, Venezuela or China. It would not be wise to try that tactic in a nation as well armed as this one is.
How has that ever worked out. A standoff between an armed citizen and the police, and the FBI.
Negroes haves shitted on America for a long time. They are ones that commit the crimes, don't take care of their families, are on welfare and are the main voting block of the filthy ass Democrat party.

More white people are on welfare than black people.
How has that ever worked out. A standoff between an armed citizen and the police, and the FBI.
WTF are you babbling about? You clowns have been bleating for over a year how our entire government was seconds away from being overthrown by some guy with zip ties and another guy in a horn hat.
trump supporters would be more than happy to lock Democrats into concentration camps.
Where do you come up with this shit from?

Trump supporters want criminals like PELOSI and BIDEN locked up for specific crimes--------locked up in prison...not concentration camps. We don't call for locking up people for being just supper stupid---such as most of the dem supporters are.

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