"... raped by her uncle t... has to carry the child to term?"


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
While the real reason that the Left.....the forces arrayed against the values of Western Civilization, ie, the value of human life....opposes any restrictions on abortion, is the gratification of the desire to use abortion as birth control, a Mississippi law is about to put this question in the spotlight yet again.

1. "On Sunday's State of the Union show. CNN host Jake Tapper fretted over a Mississippi law that tries to abolish abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, bringing up the issue of the bill not allowing rape as an exception to the 15-week rule.

After Tapper raised the law by asking Governor Tate Reeves (R-MS) if he hoped that that it would result in the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, and then followed up: "And what do you say to a Mississippian who says, "Why are you telling a girl who has been raped by her uncle that she has to carry the child to term?"

2. What is most interesting is not that the Left objects to the 15-week as the time of viability outside the womb.....as of now it is about 20 weeks.......but that they are not claiming that either the unborn is a human being, or that it would go on to be a human being sans the bloody hands of the infanticide party killing it.

3. Now......the hand-wringing over carrying a child created by incest or rape....
By now, most know- whether they will admit it or not- that abortion is basically the coward's chosen method of birth control.

3. Never mind the bogus 'incest, and rape' ....

The concept that there are "cases of rape or incest" is a chimera
They really don't exist.....well, the fact is that 98.5% of abortion don't involve either abhorrent event.

The cases in which abortion is for rape, 1%; and .5% incest.http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/psrh/full/3711005.pdf

How about simply outlawing all fetus-murders that don't involve incest or rape?

Are Democrats down with that???

4. The overwhelming basis used for killing the unborn is convenience.

Convenience, as in having your groceries delivered rather than having to walk across the street to pick them up.....this level of effort in deciding to execute the child you've created.

Nearly all abortions are based on the birth being inconvenient......as though the 'client' didn't know about the causation of pregnancy,

5. And let's be clear: the Democrat Party is fully in favor of killing not just the unborn, but the new born as well.
Democrat Virginia Governor, and medical doctor, Northam, adhered to and explained that Democrat principle, here: "If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die.” Fake News: Liberal Rag Says Trump Lied About VA Governor's Support For After Birth Abortion. Uh, There's Tape.

Do you need the definition of 'infanticide'?

“What happens when the mother and doctor decide not to let the infant live?

Do they withhold care and let the infant die on its own or do they kill the infant? And how?

The media claims Trump’s comment is incorrect, but no one in the abortion industry will answer the question.”
What Happens to a Child Born-alive? The Media Won’t Tell Us.

"Exactly zero Democratic senators voted to protect pain-capable children? Have they not been paying attention to the laws in states like Illinois, New Mexico, New York, Vermont, and Virginia? The Democratic governor of Virginia — a man considered a moderate in his party — proved on live radio that the Post’s description is inaccurate.

A born, living human being—with no human rights. That is the position of the Democratic Party. The Democratic platform calls for worldwide, unlimited, taxpayer-funded elective abortion on demand. Not only that, but the Democratic establishment also promises a litmus test for federal judges who will rule without fail for elective abortion on demand, no matter what the law or facts provide. The Democratic establishment is a hotbed of abortion extremism the likes of which we have never before seen on a national scale.”
Washington Post Lies About Democratic Party’s Support For Infanticide

I don't have much faith in the Supreme Court.....

......but I do know the difference between right and wrong.
Look at the horrible animals here wanting a woman to carry an incest rape baby to term. The world would be better if it were rid of these vile monsters.
Tell you what. I’ll make the same offer I’ve made before. I’ll sign on to abolishing Abortion if you can guarantee that Republicans will fully fund Welfare, WIC, schools, and health care for the kids.
Just take the children. Adopt them out. Like any responsible pet parent, society should spay and neuter the mother and father.
Tell you what. I’ll make the same offer I’ve made before. I’ll sign on to abolishing Abortion if you can guarantee that Republicans will fully fund Welfare, WIC, schools, and health care for the kids.
It isnt the taxpayer's responsibility. It is ONLY the responsibility of the mother and father. They take care of their child or do time.
It isnt the taxpayer's responsibility. It is ONLY the responsibility of the mother and father. They take care of their child or do time.
Put both of the pieces of shit in jail ! $3500 /mon each, free medical, glasses, school, gym membership, laundry, legal assistance,3 hots and a cot.
The chimp can go to child services.
What was the "taxpayer' statement again ?
So like every other conservative you lose interest in the child ten seconds after they come squeezing out of the fun factory of life.
A loving adoptive family is hardly losing interest. Then be a responsible society of pet owners. Spay and neuter so unfortunate pregnancies no longer happen. It's the loving thing to do.
It isnt the taxpayer's responsibility. It is ONLY the responsibility of the mother and father. They take care of their child or do time.
It becomes the taxpayer's responsibility by default. There is no one else. We could stand around and blame feral cats for their colonies. It just wouldn't do any good. The cats certainly don't care. The females will just get another litter. Taxpayers who choose to be humane will have a catch, neuter, release program. That's how to deal with litter bearing humans as well.
It becomes the taxpayer's responsibility by default. There is no one else. We could stand around and blame feral cats for their colonies. It just wouldn't do any good. The cats certainly don't care. The females will just get another litter. Taxpayers who choose to be humane will have a catch, neuter, release program. That's how to deal with litter bearing humans as well.
No, the only time the Taxpayer pays is when they (breeding female and male) are jailed for abandonment. They take care of the life they created until he is 18 or off to jail.

Killing your baby and abandoning your baby is not an option
Put both of the pieces of shit in jail ! $3500 /mon each, free medical, glasses, school, gym membership, laundry, legal assistance,3 hots and a cot.
The chimp can go to child services.
What was the "taxpayer' statement again ?
They you can take care of their litter. Thanks for stepping up
No, the only time the Taxpayer pays is when they (breeding female and male) are jailed for abandonment. They take care of the life they created until he is 18 or off to jail.

Killing your baby and abandoning your baby is not an option
We can't be moral FOR someone else. Nor force someone else into it. Our little corner of the world is becoming a lopsided jungle. There are more wild animals than humans. More arriving all the time. If you don't believe in abortion then have more children. Encourage big families among those you know. But don't encourage the cat colonies and wild dog packs to increase. We can't afford it for one thing. A hundred years ago women were sterilized without their knowledge or permission. Get your very last abortion. Have a wonderful sex life after that.

Every time I see a nice white couple with 3,4 or 5 children I make it a point to tell them what a beautiful family they have.
While the real reason that the Left.....the forces arrayed against the values of Western Civilization, ie, the value of human life....opposes any restrictions on abortion, is the gratification of the desire to use abortion as birth control, a Mississippi law is about to put this question in the spotlight yet again.

1. "On Sunday's State of the Union show. CNN host Jake Tapper fretted over a Mississippi law that tries to abolish abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, bringing up the issue of the bill not allowing rape as an exception to the 15-week rule.

After Tapper raised the law by asking Governor Tate Reeves (R-MS) if he hoped that that it would result in the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, and then followed up: "And what do you say to a Mississippian who says, "Why are you telling a girl who has been raped by her uncle that she has to carry the child to term?"

2. What is most interesting is not that the Left objects to the 15-week as the time of viability outside the womb.....as of now it is about 20 weeks.......but that they are not claiming that either the unborn is a human being, or that it would go on to be a human being sans the bloody hands of the infanticide party killing it.

3. Now......the hand-wringing over carrying a child created by incest or rape....
By now, most know- whether they will admit it or not- that abortion is basically the coward's chosen method of birth control.

3. Never mind the bogus 'incest, and rape' ....

The concept that there are "cases of rape or incest" is a chimera
They really don't exist.....well, the fact is that 98.5% of abortion don't involve either abhorrent event.

The cases in which abortion is for rape, 1%; and .5% incest.http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/psrh/full/3711005.pdf

How about simply outlawing all fetus-murders that don't involve incest or rape?

Are Democrats down with that???

4. The overwhelming basis used for killing the unborn is convenience.

Convenience, as in having your groceries delivered rather than having to walk across the street to pick them up.....this level of effort in deciding to execute the child you've created.

Nearly all abortions are based on the birth being inconvenient......as though the 'client' didn't know about the causation of pregnancy,

5. And let's be clear: the Democrat Party is fully in favor of killing not just the unborn, but the new born as well.
Democrat Virginia Governor, and medical doctor, Northam, adhered to and explained that Democrat principle, here: "If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother," Northam said, alluding to the physician and mother discussing whether the born infant should live or die.” Fake News: Liberal Rag Says Trump Lied About VA Governor's Support For After Birth Abortion. Uh, There's Tape.

Do you need the definition of 'infanticide'?

“What happens when the mother and doctor decide not to let the infant live?

Do they withhold care and let the infant die on its own or do they kill the infant? And how?

The media claims Trump’s comment is incorrect, but no one in the abortion industry will answer the question.”
What Happens to a Child Born-alive? The Media Won’t Tell Us.

"Exactly zero Democratic senators voted to protect pain-capable children? Have they not been paying attention to the laws in states like Illinois, New Mexico, New York, Vermont, and Virginia? The Democratic governor of Virginia — a man considered a moderate in his party — proved on live radio that the Post’s description is inaccurate.

A born, living human being—with no human rights. That is the position of the Democratic Party. The Democratic platform calls for worldwide, unlimited, taxpayer-funded elective abortion on demand. Not only that, but the Democratic establishment also promises a litmus test for federal judges who will rule without fail for elective abortion on demand, no matter what the law or facts provide. The Democratic establishment is a hotbed of abortion extremism the likes of which we have never before seen on a national scale.”
Washington Post Lies About Democratic Party’s Support For Infanticide

I don't have much faith in the Supreme Court.....

......but I do know the difference between right and wrong.

Some severe birth defects can't be tested for until 16 weeks.
It is not the child's fault that the father was an asshole and should not be a death sentence.
I think abortion is horrible but forced gestation is worse. It is not the job of the state to force someone to do certain things with what is growing in their bodies.

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