Ranking Presidents by their IQ

Look retard, this has nothing to do with the fucking internet !!!!!!!!!!!!
The man conducted in depth research and made a calculated estimate of the IQ's of these subjects.
What is so fucking hard to understand here ?


No, the man produced fodder, the only real value of which is to sell some books. Anyone who knows anything about the study of human intelligence knows that "calculated estimate of the IQs of these subjects" means nothing more than "random ass guesses predicated on things that have no scientific basis for an IQ evaluation."

To highlight this fact I challenge you to provide a piece of information that would actually produce scientifically relevant information: On what type of scale are these estimated IQs arranged?
Look retard, this has nothing to do with the fucking internet !!!!!!!!!!!!
The man conducted in depth research and made a calculated estimate of the IQ's of these subjects.
What is so fucking hard to understand here ?


No, the man produced fodder, the only real value of which is to sell some books. Anyone who knows anything about the study of human intelligence knows that "calculated estimate of the IQs of these subjects" means nothing more than "random ass guesses predicated on things that have no scientific basis for an IQ evaluation."

To highlight this fact I challenge you to provide a piece of information that would actually produce scientifically relevant information: On what type of scale are these estimated IQs arranged?
They are on his scale, the imaginary one that he invented to calculate the IQ's of people long dead. Another serious reason why this is impossible, is because IQ is not a test of the individual that took the test, it is actually an average of all the people alive at a time and place, and without this average of all persons the test scores of the dead person (who never took the test anyway) mean nothing. The book is a hoax, and when transferred to the internet, it is a hoax site, like these. Hoax Sites

IQ demonstrated.
So you can not substantiate the claims that you found on the internet, or were you actually dumb enough to buy the book? Or are you a moron who actually paid money to be in this conman's class, and you believe everything he tells you because he tells you. I wonder can this simpleton of a professor predict my IQ to a tenth of a point?

The tenth of a point issue is not so relevant as much as the overall scale. The fact that these are offered in tenths of points might easily be because that is just where a certain percentile ranking lies on the scale. An IQ score itself is meaningless without the backdrop of the scale on which it is measured. For example: GWB is said to have an IQ of 130, but that score is not equal to the 130 IQ of most Americans who have had their IQ tested. The most common test in the US is the Wechsler Ingelligence scales, where a score of 130 would rank in the 97.7 percentile. However, the Wechsler maxes out at 160. Since the author here claims an IQ of 168 for John Quincy Adams, he is clearly not using the familiar Wechsler scales, and is instead using something with a much wider numerical range. Therefore, the 130 IQ attributed to GWB constitutes a comparatively lower score than a 130 on the familiar Wechsler.

Why the author conducts this degree of veiled deception is unknown.
what about Dan Qauyle! The Scholar!

Well for starters, he was never president.

I just have to post this one:

I served with Jack Kennedy, I drank scotch with Jack Kennedy, I watched Jack Kennedy tell the secret service that they were stupid and tell them that Jack Kennedy is the POTUS, and I watched the boozer lose his head on TV. So Mr. Quayle, you are no Jack Kennedy.

Thank God for that.
what about Dan Qauyle! The Scholar!

Well for starters, he was never president.

I just have to post this one:

What a time. Debates were dignified. So much different than the shit shows we have today.

Right On!! The networks of today run so many commercial advertisements that a two hour show lasts three hours. In the old days some programs prided themselves and advertised that a one hour production would contain two one minute commercials...one at the beginning and one at the end. In other words the program content was uninterrupted. 'Course that was back when America had a middle class and corporations and the wealthy didn't control everything. Every day we get closer in real life to the theme of the movie, "The Matrix," if you happened to see it.
what about Dan Qauyle! The Scholar!

Well for starters, he was never president.

I just have to post this one:

I served with Jack Kennedy, I drank scotch with Jack Kennedy, I watched Jack Kennedy tell the secret service that they were stupid and tell them that Jack Kennedy is the POTUS, and I watched the boozer lose his head on TV. So Mr. Quayle, you are no Jack Kennedy.

Thank God for that.

well at least President Dan Quayle didnt need a teleprompter at both of his swearing ins!!!!
Bill Clinton managed to keep his medical records secret and the media wasn't the least bit curious. Barry Hussein's school records are locked in a freaking vault somewhere and the media isn't the least bit curious. How accurate are the so-called I.Q. scores or are they just another political tool promoted by the ironically pathetic low I.Q left?
Look retard, this has nothing to do with the fucking internet !!!!!!!!!!!!
The man conducted in depth research and made a calculated estimate of the IQ's of these subjects.
What is so fucking hard to understand here ?


No, the man produced fodder, the only real value of which is to sell some books. Anyone who knows anything about the study of human intelligence knows that "calculated estimate of the IQs of these subjects" means nothing more than "random ass guesses predicated on things that have no scientific basis for an IQ evaluation."

To highlight this fact I challenge you to provide a piece of information that would actually produce scientifically relevant information: On what type of scale are these estimated IQs arranged?

It's not "random" guessing, it's based on research. You understand the meaning of research, right ?
How about you produce something that proves this guy could not come anywhere close to what his conclusions are ?
And make sure it's actual proof, and not just you spouting off.
Look retard, this has nothing to do with the fucking internet !!!!!!!!!!!!
The man conducted in depth research and made a calculated estimate of the IQ's of these subjects.
What is so fucking hard to understand here ?


No, the man produced fodder, the only real value of which is to sell some books. Anyone who knows anything about the study of human intelligence knows that "calculated estimate of the IQs of these subjects" means nothing more than "random ass guesses predicated on things that have no scientific basis for an IQ evaluation."

To highlight this fact I challenge you to provide a piece of information that would actually produce scientifically relevant information: On what type of scale are these estimated IQs arranged?
They are on his scale, the imaginary one that he invented to calculate the IQ's of people long dead. Another serious reason why this is impossible, is because IQ is not a test of the individual that took the test, it is actually an average of all the people alive at a time and place, and without this average of all persons the test scores of the dead person (who never took the test anyway) mean nothing. The book is a hoax, and when transferred to the internet, it is a hoax site, like these. Hoax Sites

IQ demonstrated.

Is the professor and his books on a hoax site ? If so please provide the link.
How about you produce something that proves this guy could not come anywhere close to what his conclusions are ?
And make sure it's actual proof, and not just you spouting off.


Now you're arguing from ignorance and demanding proof of a negative. Logic fail.
How about you produce something that proves this guy could not come anywhere close to what his conclusions are ?
And make sure it's actual proof, and not just you spouting off.


Now you're arguing from ignorance and demanding proof of a negative. Logic fail.

You're the one claiming the conclusions of this research piece are not possible, so let's have you debunk this professor with more than just your irrelevant opinions.
Obama is the smartest human being to ever walk the planet, only he knows there are 57 states.

"Mic drop"
Look retard, this has nothing to do with the fucking internet !!!!!!!!!!!!
The man conducted in depth research and made a calculated estimate of the IQ's of these subjects.
What is so fucking hard to understand here ?


No, the man produced fodder, the only real value of which is to sell some books. Anyone who knows anything about the study of human intelligence knows that "calculated estimate of the IQs of these subjects" means nothing more than "random ass guesses predicated on things that have no scientific basis for an IQ evaluation."

To highlight this fact I challenge you to provide a piece of information that would actually produce scientifically relevant information: On what type of scale are these estimated IQs arranged?
They are on his scale, the imaginary one that he invented to calculate the IQ's of people long dead. Another serious reason why this is impossible, is because IQ is not a test of the individual that took the test, it is actually an average of all the people alive at a time and place, and without this average of all persons the test scores of the dead person (who never took the test anyway) mean nothing. The book is a hoax, and when transferred to the internet, it is a hoax site, like these. Hoax Sites

IQ demonstrated.

Is the professor and his books on a hoax site ? If so please provide the link.

The entire concept is a hoax, until the concept can be proven, which it can never be proven. This is just like saying that one can not prove that Bigfoot does not exist, or that his IQ is 102.5. Did you hear that the Martians just landed at Grovers Mill? 1938 Martian Landing Site Monument, Princeton Junction, New Jersey

People ran in the streets screaming, the Martians are here, and you were one of them, as I laughed my ass off.
How about you produce something that proves this guy could not come anywhere close to what his conclusions are ?
And make sure it's actual proof, and not just you spouting off.


Now you're arguing from ignorance and demanding proof of a negative. Logic fail.

A query is not an argument. It is an inquiry, which seeks to gain further information... .

The individual made an assertion on zero evidence. The query seeks to acquire evidence which might on some level sustain the assertion.

See how that works?
Look retard, this has nothing to do with the fucking internet !!!!!!!!!!!!
The man conducted in depth research and made a calculated estimate of the IQ's of these subjects.
What is so fucking hard to understand here ?


No, the man produced fodder, the only real value of which is to sell some books. Anyone who knows anything about the study of human intelligence knows that "calculated estimate of the IQs of these subjects" means nothing more than "random ass guesses predicated on things that have no scientific basis for an IQ evaluation."

To highlight this fact I challenge you to provide a piece of information that would actually produce scientifically relevant information: On what type of scale are these estimated IQs arranged?
They are on his scale, the imaginary one that he invented to calculate the IQ's of people long dead. Another serious reason why this is impossible, is because IQ is not a test of the individual that took the test, it is actually an average of all the people alive at a time and place, and without this average of all persons the test scores of the dead person (who never took the test anyway) mean nothing. The book is a hoax, and when transferred to the internet, it is a hoax site, like these. Hoax Sites

IQ demonstrated.

Is the professor and his books on a hoax site ? If so please provide the link.

The entire concept is a hoax, until the concept can be proven, which it can never be proven. This is just like saying that one can not prove that Bigfoot does not exist, or that his IQ is 102.5. Did you hear that the Martians just landed at Grovers Mill? 1938 Martian Landing Site Monument, Princeton Junction, New Jersey

People ran in the streets screaming, the Martians are here, and you were one of them, as I laughed my ass off.

You said, quote: "The book is a hoax, and when transferred to the internet, it is a hoax site, like these. Hoax Sites"

So do you have proof of that, or is this just you making shit up ?
Kennedy at one time was talking about a group of very distinguished people coming to the White House to dine. Kennedy said something like: the white house has never seen such a display of intelligence unless it was Jefferson dining alone.

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