Random Check for Plagiarism of Michelle Obama's 2008 Speech shows 96% plagiarized!

Love the smell of GOP desperation in the morning.

Smells like….


I cant figure out if the GOP position is now that Plagiarism is ok because other people have done it. Or plagiarism is not ok and Melania did not do it.

Seems like they want their cake and eat it too by throwing up every defense "Shes smart! And she copied a speech from Obama that we loved except when Obama gave it! And whats wrong with Copying anyway? She didnt copy but just saying! Everyone copies! Here is Obama copying someone which means copying is bad...when Obama does it. Not Melania tho because she didnt copy but if she did thats cool!"

I have been dealing with a lot of personal crap and work crap lately. Tell me, have they used the old line yet that; “All great writers borrow from others; the best steal outright”?

They've been using that one too. Pretty much any excuse you can imagine they like it. They are even doing the dumb down thing where they use topics instead of specifics like "Everyone has nice things to say about their spouse. That doesnt mean its copied" Except it was copied.
I CANNOT figure out what right wingers on this thread are really trying to get at......

Are they denying that Melania plagiarized, OR

Are they openly admitting that she did and others have done it also?

(my apologies to the good poster ClosedCaption.....I did not read the post that basically addressed the same question as mine.)
I CANNOT figure out what right wingers on this thread are really trying to get at......

Are they denying that Melania plagiarized, OR

Are they openly admitting that she did and others have done it also?

Their response: Yes!

Oh Gawd, some are so desperate to create drama. Who cares? Both speeches were awful. If you actually sat through em, you're awful too.
of course, if you google part of michelle obama's speech, google will find michelle obama's speech.

OP is a fucking embarrassingly dumb cuntass.

bripat is a known liar, hack and all around fool (I do wonder if he believes his own bullshit). BTW, his learning permit issued by the Society of Trolls is Us has been revoked.
of course, if you google part of michelle obama's speech, google will find michelle obama's speech.

OP is a fucking embarrassingly dumb cuntass.

bripat is a known liar, hack and all around fool (I do wonder if he believes his own bullshit). BTW, his learning permit issued by the Society of Trolls is Us has been revoked.

The New Right represents a great threat to our nation's traditions, values and democratic institutions. They have wrapped themselves in the American Flag, and while holding the cross of Christianity, they have soiled everything those symbols represent.

The above reminds me of Sinclair Lewis' famous quote:
"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"
of course, if you google part of michelle obama's speech, google will find michelle obama's speech.

OP is a fucking embarrassingly dumb cuntass.

bripat is a known liar, hack and all around fool (I do wonder if he believes his own bullshit). BTW, his learning permit issued by the Society of Trolls is Us has been revoked.

The New Right represents a great threat to our nation's traditions, values and democratic institutions. They have wrapped themselves in the American Flag, and while holding the cross of Christianity, they have soiled everything those symbols represent.

The above reminds me of Sinclair Lewis' famous quote:
"When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross"

Yep. That was my inspiration for the signature line. I suppose I should have added the proper attribution*** My point, that the New Right is fascist in word, and will most likely be fascists in deed, may become obvious if Donald J. Trump - known by the class of educated people as a demagogue first class, and a charlatan selling snake oil will come to understand.

*** I assumed most Americans understood the link to Sinclair Lewis, whose works might be censored if the Trumpsters, aka neo fascists, get power.
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Yep. That was my inspiration for the signature line. I suppose I should have added the proper attribution. My point, that the New Right is fascist in word, and will most likely be fascists in deed, may become obvious if Donald J. Trump - known by the class of educated people as a demagogue first class, and a charlatan selling snake oil will come to understand.

Very good sig. line and not too far from a prediction shared by many.

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