Rand Paul wants Susan Rice before Congress and under oath:he's going for the jugular

Rand Paul and Donald Trump were on the golf course together and the next day he pulls this stunt. Abuse his power as a Senator for cheap partisan gain. I'll bet Trump put him up to this. Nunes has no credibility either. He is the reason that a majority of Americans want a special commission to investigate Trump's ties to Russia.

Even if she asked for the names she committed no crime. If you wanted to view information on collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, it would be logical to ask for the names.

The evidence will be forthcoming in this investigation into the unmasking and the leaking. This investigation started to gear up after Nunes viewed the evidence that individuals who are protected were unmasked despite the communications having no relevance to Russia, the Russian investigation or any foreign surveillance. Gowdy announced that this would be a separate investigation.

Obama's administration was spying on Trump. WSJ is saying that the spying began before Trump even became the nominee. Unless the communications involved national security or a criminal act, Rice had no right to unmask US citizens.

And the leaks are criminal. I'm looking forward to this investigation.

You are relying on Nunes. He has hopelessly compromised his investigation by being partisan. That is why people want a special committee to investigate this. Obama was not spying on Trump. You a just another Trump Davidian. Another fanatic that will do anything to defend Trump.

Nunes has not been compromised whatsoever. He is head of the Intel committee after all. And after the whistleblowers gave him the new evidence that President Trump, his transition team and associates were spied on, unmasked and inflormation leaked despite the communications having nothing to do with the Russian investigation Nunes took appropriate action.

First off he consulted with Speaker Ryan and then went to the President. If D's feelings were hurt too bad, so sad.

BUT and it's a biggie. Farkas admitted in that interview that the Obama team was leaking all sorts of information to the hill.

To Democrats. Nunes played it close to his chest and then pulled the pin on this political grenade to blindside everyone.

Brilliant. I can't wait to see which Dem's were receiving classified information on American citizens, on the opposition knowing damn well it came from inappropriate surveillance.

Things are going to get hot!
We know how this ends.

Nothing happens, because it's a kook conspiracy theory.

A bit later, the kooks get fed a new "Obama/Clinton/etc are going to jail, this time for sure!" story.

Not being very bright, they fall for it again. And the cycle repeats endlessly. It's how their masters keep them hysterical and obedient.

Well a crime has been committed and all of this needs to be investigated. To the max.
Yes! Be still my heart. :) This is going to really heat up. Bottom line the bitch and others were spying on the Trump team.

"Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told reporters Monday afternoon that former Obama National Security Advisor Susan Rice “ought to testify under oath” after Bloomberg News’s Eli Lake revealed that, during the presidential transition, she deliberately sought to “unmask” President Donald Trump’s associates from intelligence surveillance.

Paul called the reports that Rice made dozens of requests to learn more about the identities of anonymous people thought to be close to the Trump transition team, inadvertently caught on tape during investigations into foreign persons of intelligence interest, “enormous news.”

“If it is allowed, we shouldn’t be allowing it. I don’t think we should discount how big a deal it is that Susan rice was looking at these,” Paul told the assembled reporters.

The Kentucky Senator then cut to the heart of the growing political fight behind what President Trump has called “wiretapping.”

“She needs to be asked, ‘did President Obama ask her to do this?’ I think she ought to testify under oath on this,” Paul opined.

Paul also tried to tie Monday’s revelations about Rice to the slew of leaks on the topic around the time of the handover of the White House. “I think she should be asked under oath, did she reveal it to the Washington Post?” he asked."

More at link:

Rand Paul Wants Susan Rice Before Congress - Breitbart
Invincible Alliance

Another #NeverTrumper wakes up, gets over his butthurt, and joins the winning side. For the first time, Randy might be able to show me something.
Nice nothingburger, Trump kooks.

But then, if it's all you have, you have to run with it, no matter how ridiculous you look.
These thugs leftovers from the Barack Hussein years think they are untouchable.

Got news for those thugs.....they are not!
Valerie Jarret was involved too.
So was Hillary Clinton since they shared Intel with her illegally.
So was her Computer Consultant Jean Camp
Obama was involved too, but somehow I think they let him slide in the Interest of "We Don't Want Our Cities Burnt To The Ground!"
She'll definitely have to be called. But will she plead that 5th like the despicable cretin Lois Lerner? I guess we'll see. Stay tuned.

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