Rand Paul plans to keep pushing to defund U.S. Planned Parenthood


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2015
Oh Rand.. please, stop. I will never understand the priorities of these people..
Some info on planned parenthood:

"But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions"
U.S. Republican presidential contender Rand Paul said on Sunday he plans to push Congress to cut federal funding for the non-profit reproductive healthcare organization Planned Parenthood in a debate over its treatment of aborted fetal tissue.

"I think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such a gruesome procedure," Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News Sunday. "People are outraged by this and I think the American people deserve to have a vote on it."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has started a fast-track process to bring Paul's legislation for a vote soon, McConnell's spokesman told Reuters on Sunday.

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform abortions to preserve fetal tissue for research, as well as the costs involved. The videos were filmed by anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress.

Paul has urged cutting the nearly $500 million in annual taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood in the latest Republican effort to limit government support of the group over its abortion services.

A woman's right to abort a pregnancy has for decades been a highly politicized and hotly debated topic throughout the United States. Republicans now control Congress and, with it, government purse strings.

Republican lawmakers have called on the U.S. Justice Department to investigate whether Planned Parenthood illegally profited from selling fetal tissue, as well as to report how the department enforces abortion regulations and the ban on late-stage abortions. Democrats have called for a federal investigation of how the group obtained the videos.

Planned Parenthood has flatly denied all allegations. Its president, Cecile Richards, on Sunday said that the group "does not at all" profit from fetal tissue donations and that alteration of abortion procedures to better collect tissue is "absolutely not done."

"Planned Parenthood has broken no laws," she said on ABC's "This Week," adding that donation of aborted fetal tissue for scientific research is only allowed in a few states, with strict guidelines.

"We should not base any kind of decisions about healthcare in this country based on highly sensationalized folks who are nothing but militant anti-abortion extremists," she said.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said the Justice Department would review "all the information and determine what steps, if any, to take at the appropriate time." Two committees in Congress have launched probes.

Interviewed on the CBS program "Face the Nation," Paul said: "My legislation won't be about whether it's legal or not ... I think everybody in America is horrified by this, and they don't want their tax dollars going to this group."


Richards said the workers who appear in the videos have been reprimanded for their tone. She has previously apologized for the tone and statements of the filmed comments.

Planned Parenthood says in some cases when aborted tissue is donated, the organization receives reimbursements for the costs of delivering it to research centers, calling that a standard medical practice.

Democrats, including presidential contender Hillary Clinton, have defended Planned Parenthood, which provides various low-cost and free health services to women.

Abortions comprise 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's health services, according to the organization's website. About 40 percent of the non-profit's funding comes from government sources, including Medicaid managed-care plans.

Paul and rival Carly Fiorina raised ethical questions about the collection of aborted fetal tissue on Sunday talk shows. The two are seeking the Republican nomination in the campaign for the November 2016 election.

Before the videos were released, Republicans in the House of Representatives had moved to eliminate about $3 million in federal funding for a family-planning program involving Planned Parenthood. The budget cut was approved by a House committee late last month and is awaiting a House vote.
Oh Rand.. please, stop. I will never understand the priorities of these people..
Some info on planned parenthood:

"But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions"
U.S. Republican presidential contender Rand Paul said on Sunday he plans to push Congress to cut federal funding for the non-profit reproductive healthcare organization Planned Parenthood in a debate over its treatment of aborted fetal tissue.

"I think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such a gruesome procedure," Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News Sunday. "People are outraged by this and I think the American people deserve to have a vote on it."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has started a fast-track process to bring Paul's legislation for a vote soon, McConnell's spokesman told Reuters on Sunday.

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform abortions to preserve fetal tissue for research, as well as the costs involved. The videos were filmed by anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress.

Paul has urged cutting the nearly $500 million in annual taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood in the latest Republican effort to limit government support of the group over its abortion services.

A woman's right to abort a pregnancy has for decades been a highly politicized and hotly debated topic throughout the United States. Republicans now control Congress and, with it, government purse strings.

Republican lawmakers have called on the U.S. Justice Department to investigate whether Planned Parenthood illegally profited from selling fetal tissue, as well as to report how the department enforces abortion regulations and the ban on late-stage abortions. Democrats have called for a federal investigation of how the group obtained the videos.

Planned Parenthood has flatly denied all allegations. Its president, Cecile Richards, on Sunday said that the group "does not at all" profit from fetal tissue donations and that alteration of abortion procedures to better collect tissue is "absolutely not done."

"Planned Parenthood has broken no laws," she said on ABC's "This Week," adding that donation of aborted fetal tissue for scientific research is only allowed in a few states, with strict guidelines.

"We should not base any kind of decisions about healthcare in this country based on highly sensationalized folks who are nothing but militant anti-abortion extremists," she said.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said the Justice Department would review "all the information and determine what steps, if any, to take at the appropriate time." Two committees in Congress have launched probes.

Interviewed on the CBS program "Face the Nation," Paul said: "My legislation won't be about whether it's legal or not ... I think everybody in America is horrified by this, and they don't want their tax dollars going to this group."


Richards said the workers who appear in the videos have been reprimanded for their tone. She has previously apologized for the tone and statements of the filmed comments.

Planned Parenthood says in some cases when aborted tissue is donated, the organization receives reimbursements for the costs of delivering it to research centers, calling that a standard medical practice.

Democrats, including presidential contender Hillary Clinton, have defended Planned Parenthood, which provides various low-cost and free health services to women.

Abortions comprise 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's health services, according to the organization's website. About 40 percent of the non-profit's funding comes from government sources, including Medicaid managed-care plans.

Paul and rival Carly Fiorina raised ethical questions about the collection of aborted fetal tissue on Sunday talk shows. The two are seeking the Republican nomination in the campaign for the November 2016 election.

Before the videos were released, Republicans in the House of Representatives had moved to eliminate about $3 million in federal funding for a family-planning program involving Planned Parenthood. The budget cut was approved by a House committee late last month and is awaiting a House vote.

Good, they are ghouls who kill babies and sell their organs for mi=oney...that they are still in business is a national shame.....

They kill babies....with arms, legs, and internal organs......and then sell them........................
Oh Rand.. please, stop. I will never understand the priorities of these people..
Some info on planned parenthood:

"But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions"
U.S. Republican presidential contender Rand Paul said on Sunday he plans to push Congress to cut federal funding for the non-profit reproductive healthcare organization Planned Parenthood in a debate over its treatment of aborted fetal tissue.

"I think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such a gruesome procedure," Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News Sunday. "People are outraged by this and I think the American people deserve to have a vote on it."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has started a fast-track process to bring Paul's legislation for a vote soon, McConnell's spokesman told Reuters on Sunday.

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform abortions to preserve fetal tissue for research, as well as the costs involved. The videos were filmed by anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress.

Paul has urged cutting the nearly $500 million in annual taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood in the latest Republican effort to limit government support of the group over its abortion services.

A woman's right to abort a pregnancy has for decades been a highly politicized and hotly debated topic throughout the United States. Republicans now control Congress and, with it, government purse strings.

Republican lawmakers have called on the U.S. Justice Department to investigate whether Planned Parenthood illegally profited from selling fetal tissue, as well as to report how the department enforces abortion regulations and the ban on late-stage abortions. Democrats have called for a federal investigation of how the group obtained the videos.

Planned Parenthood has flatly denied all allegations. Its president, Cecile Richards, on Sunday said that the group "does not at all" profit from fetal tissue donations and that alteration of abortion procedures to better collect tissue is "absolutely not done."

"Planned Parenthood has broken no laws," she said on ABC's "This Week," adding that donation of aborted fetal tissue for scientific research is only allowed in a few states, with strict guidelines.

"We should not base any kind of decisions about healthcare in this country based on highly sensationalized folks who are nothing but militant anti-abortion extremists," she said.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said the Justice Department would review "all the information and determine what steps, if any, to take at the appropriate time." Two committees in Congress have launched probes.

Interviewed on the CBS program "Face the Nation," Paul said: "My legislation won't be about whether it's legal or not ... I think everybody in America is horrified by this, and they don't want their tax dollars going to this group."


Richards said the workers who appear in the videos have been reprimanded for their tone. She has previously apologized for the tone and statements of the filmed comments.

Planned Parenthood says in some cases when aborted tissue is donated, the organization receives reimbursements for the costs of delivering it to research centers, calling that a standard medical practice.

Democrats, including presidential contender Hillary Clinton, have defended Planned Parenthood, which provides various low-cost and free health services to women.

Abortions comprise 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's health services, according to the organization's website. About 40 percent of the non-profit's funding comes from government sources, including Medicaid managed-care plans.

Paul and rival Carly Fiorina raised ethical questions about the collection of aborted fetal tissue on Sunday talk shows. The two are seeking the Republican nomination in the campaign for the November 2016 election.

Before the videos were released, Republicans in the House of Representatives had moved to eliminate about $3 million in federal funding for a family-planning program involving Planned Parenthood. The budget cut was approved by a House committee late last month and is awaiting a House vote.

Good, they are ghouls who kill babies and sell their organs for mi=oney...that they are still in business is a national shame.....

They kill babies....with arms, legs, and internal organs......and then sell them........................
Jesus christ, what the hell are you talking about? Fetuses are not babies, they are fetuses, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between an elephant fetus and a human fetus if shown both of them, unless the fetus was highly developed, and at that point, abortions are rarely done, and many in the pro choice community, like myself, frown upon it. None the less, planned parenthood does not sell organs for money.. They provide all sorts of services for women, only a tiny minority of what they do involves abortion, but of course, you'd rather have women suffer because of your idiocy. In all honesty, I see nothing wrong with selling fetal tissue, I'd prefer if it was donated, but stem cell research/etc helps everyone, and I'd rather not see a fetus wasted ;)
Oh Rand.. please, stop. I will never understand the priorities of these people..
Some info on planned parenthood:

"But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions"
U.S. Republican presidential contender Rand Paul said on Sunday he plans to push Congress to cut federal funding for the non-profit reproductive healthcare organization Planned Parenthood in a debate over its treatment of aborted fetal tissue.

"I think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such a gruesome procedure," Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News Sunday. "People are outraged by this and I think the American people deserve to have a vote on it."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has started a fast-track process to bring Paul's legislation for a vote soon, McConnell's spokesman told Reuters on Sunday.

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform abortions to preserve fetal tissue for research, as well as the costs involved. The videos were filmed by anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress.

Paul has urged cutting the nearly $500 million in annual taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood in the latest Republican effort to limit government support of the group over its abortion services.

A woman's right to abort a pregnancy has for decades been a highly politicized and hotly debated topic throughout the United States. Republicans now control Congress and, with it, government purse strings.

Republican lawmakers have called on the U.S. Justice Department to investigate whether Planned Parenthood illegally profited from selling fetal tissue, as well as to report how the department enforces abortion regulations and the ban on late-stage abortions. Democrats have called for a federal investigation of how the group obtained the videos.

Planned Parenthood has flatly denied all allegations. Its president, Cecile Richards, on Sunday said that the group "does not at all" profit from fetal tissue donations and that alteration of abortion procedures to better collect tissue is "absolutely not done."

"Planned Parenthood has broken no laws," she said on ABC's "This Week," adding that donation of aborted fetal tissue for scientific research is only allowed in a few states, with strict guidelines.

"We should not base any kind of decisions about healthcare in this country based on highly sensationalized folks who are nothing but militant anti-abortion extremists," she said.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said the Justice Department would review "all the information and determine what steps, if any, to take at the appropriate time." Two committees in Congress have launched probes.

Interviewed on the CBS program "Face the Nation," Paul said: "My legislation won't be about whether it's legal or not ... I think everybody in America is horrified by this, and they don't want their tax dollars going to this group."


Richards said the workers who appear in the videos have been reprimanded for their tone. She has previously apologized for the tone and statements of the filmed comments.

Planned Parenthood says in some cases when aborted tissue is donated, the organization receives reimbursements for the costs of delivering it to research centers, calling that a standard medical practice.

Democrats, including presidential contender Hillary Clinton, have defended Planned Parenthood, which provides various low-cost and free health services to women.

Abortions comprise 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's health services, according to the organization's website. About 40 percent of the non-profit's funding comes from government sources, including Medicaid managed-care plans.

Paul and rival Carly Fiorina raised ethical questions about the collection of aborted fetal tissue on Sunday talk shows. The two are seeking the Republican nomination in the campaign for the November 2016 election.

Before the videos were released, Republicans in the House of Representatives had moved to eliminate about $3 million in federal funding for a family-planning program involving Planned Parenthood. The budget cut was approved by a House committee late last month and is awaiting a House vote.

You realize they are lying to you...right....but no....you are a lefty.....killing babies is a sacrement to you guys.....
Oh Rand.. please, stop. I will never understand the priorities of these people..
Some info on planned parenthood:

"But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions"
U.S. Republican presidential contender Rand Paul said on Sunday he plans to push Congress to cut federal funding for the non-profit reproductive healthcare organization Planned Parenthood in a debate over its treatment of aborted fetal tissue.

"I think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such a gruesome procedure," Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News Sunday. "People are outraged by this and I think the American people deserve to have a vote on it."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has started a fast-track process to bring Paul's legislation for a vote soon, McConnell's spokesman told Reuters on Sunday.

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform abortions to preserve fetal tissue for research, as well as the costs involved. The videos were filmed by anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress.

Paul has urged cutting the nearly $500 million in annual taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood in the latest Republican effort to limit government support of the group over its abortion services.

A woman's right to abort a pregnancy has for decades been a highly politicized and hotly debated topic throughout the United States. Republicans now control Congress and, with it, government purse strings.

Republican lawmakers have called on the U.S. Justice Department to investigate whether Planned Parenthood illegally profited from selling fetal tissue, as well as to report how the department enforces abortion regulations and the ban on late-stage abortions. Democrats have called for a federal investigation of how the group obtained the videos.

Planned Parenthood has flatly denied all allegations. Its president, Cecile Richards, on Sunday said that the group "does not at all" profit from fetal tissue donations and that alteration of abortion procedures to better collect tissue is "absolutely not done."

"Planned Parenthood has broken no laws," she said on ABC's "This Week," adding that donation of aborted fetal tissue for scientific research is only allowed in a few states, with strict guidelines.

"We should not base any kind of decisions about healthcare in this country based on highly sensationalized folks who are nothing but militant anti-abortion extremists," she said.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said the Justice Department would review "all the information and determine what steps, if any, to take at the appropriate time." Two committees in Congress have launched probes.

Interviewed on the CBS program "Face the Nation," Paul said: "My legislation won't be about whether it's legal or not ... I think everybody in America is horrified by this, and they don't want their tax dollars going to this group."


Richards said the workers who appear in the videos have been reprimanded for their tone. She has previously apologized for the tone and statements of the filmed comments.

Planned Parenthood says in some cases when aborted tissue is donated, the organization receives reimbursements for the costs of delivering it to research centers, calling that a standard medical practice.

Democrats, including presidential contender Hillary Clinton, have defended Planned Parenthood, which provides various low-cost and free health services to women.

Abortions comprise 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's health services, according to the organization's website. About 40 percent of the non-profit's funding comes from government sources, including Medicaid managed-care plans.

Paul and rival Carly Fiorina raised ethical questions about the collection of aborted fetal tissue on Sunday talk shows. The two are seeking the Republican nomination in the campaign for the November 2016 election.

Before the videos were released, Republicans in the House of Representatives had moved to eliminate about $3 million in federal funding for a family-planning program involving Planned Parenthood. The budget cut was approved by a House committee late last month and is awaiting a House vote.

You realize they are lying to you...right....but no....you are a lefty.....killing babies is a sacrement to you guys.....
Dear god, this is all the right wingers do on this damn forum, throw out meaningless terms and fail to understand basic science. Guess what? Abortion is legal, women have rights, sorry your bigotry means nothing, twit.
Oh Rand.. please, stop. I will never understand the priorities of these people..
Some info on planned parenthood:

"But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions"
U.S. Republican presidential contender Rand Paul said on Sunday he plans to push Congress to cut federal funding for the non-profit reproductive healthcare organization Planned Parenthood in a debate over its treatment of aborted fetal tissue.

"I think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such a gruesome procedure," Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News Sunday. "People are outraged by this and I think the American people deserve to have a vote on it."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has started a fast-track process to bring Paul's legislation for a vote soon, McConnell's spokesman told Reuters on Sunday.

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform abortions to preserve fetal tissue for research, as well as the costs involved. The videos were filmed by anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress.

Paul has urged cutting the nearly $500 million in annual taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood in the latest Republican effort to limit government support of the group over its abortion services.

A woman's right to abort a pregnancy has for decades been a highly politicized and hotly debated topic throughout the United States. Republicans now control Congress and, with it, government purse strings.

Republican lawmakers have called on the U.S. Justice Department to investigate whether Planned Parenthood illegally profited from selling fetal tissue, as well as to report how the department enforces abortion regulations and the ban on late-stage abortions. Democrats have called for a federal investigation of how the group obtained the videos.

Planned Parenthood has flatly denied all allegations. Its president, Cecile Richards, on Sunday said that the group "does not at all" profit from fetal tissue donations and that alteration of abortion procedures to better collect tissue is "absolutely not done."

"Planned Parenthood has broken no laws," she said on ABC's "This Week," adding that donation of aborted fetal tissue for scientific research is only allowed in a few states, with strict guidelines.

"We should not base any kind of decisions about healthcare in this country based on highly sensationalized folks who are nothing but militant anti-abortion extremists," she said.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said the Justice Department would review "all the information and determine what steps, if any, to take at the appropriate time." Two committees in Congress have launched probes.

Interviewed on the CBS program "Face the Nation," Paul said: "My legislation won't be about whether it's legal or not ... I think everybody in America is horrified by this, and they don't want their tax dollars going to this group."


Richards said the workers who appear in the videos have been reprimanded for their tone. She has previously apologized for the tone and statements of the filmed comments.

Planned Parenthood says in some cases when aborted tissue is donated, the organization receives reimbursements for the costs of delivering it to research centers, calling that a standard medical practice.

Democrats, including presidential contender Hillary Clinton, have defended Planned Parenthood, which provides various low-cost and free health services to women.

Abortions comprise 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's health services, according to the organization's website. About 40 percent of the non-profit's funding comes from government sources, including Medicaid managed-care plans.

Paul and rival Carly Fiorina raised ethical questions about the collection of aborted fetal tissue on Sunday talk shows. The two are seeking the Republican nomination in the campaign for the November 2016 election.

Before the videos were released, Republicans in the House of Representatives had moved to eliminate about $3 million in federal funding for a family-planning program involving Planned Parenthood. The budget cut was approved by a House committee late last month and is awaiting a House vote.

Good, they are ghouls who kill babies and sell their organs for mi=oney...that they are still in business is a national shame.....

They kill babies....with arms, legs, and internal organs......and then sell them........................
Jesus christ, what the hell are you talking about? Fetuses are not babies, they are fetuses, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between an elephant fetus and a human fetus if shown both of them, unless the fetus was highly developed, and at that point, abortions are rarely done, and many in the pro choice community, like myself, frown upon it. None the less, planned parenthood does not sell organs for money.. They provide all sorts of services for women, only a tiny minority of what they do involves abortion, but of course, you'd rather have women suffer because of your idiocy. In all honesty, I see nothing wrong with selling fetal tissue, I'd prefer if it was donated, but stem cell research/etc helps everyone, and I'd rather not see a fetus wasted ;)

You are a brain dead drone aren't you....have you seen 20 week old babies.....they kill them, and sell their organs for money.......and you have bought the lie that abortions are the smallest thing they do....that is a lie......

And fetal stem cells cause cancer...adult stem cells are actually useful........all of the great medical break throughs with stem cells come from adult stem cells, fetal stem cells are too unstable and become cancerous........
Oh Rand.. please, stop. I will never understand the priorities of these people..
Some info on planned parenthood:

"But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions"
U.S. Republican presidential contender Rand Paul said on Sunday he plans to push Congress to cut federal funding for the non-profit reproductive healthcare organization Planned Parenthood in a debate over its treatment of aborted fetal tissue.

"I think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such a gruesome procedure," Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News Sunday. "People are outraged by this and I think the American people deserve to have a vote on it."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has started a fast-track process to bring Paul's legislation for a vote soon, McConnell's spokesman told Reuters on Sunday.

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform abortions to preserve fetal tissue for research, as well as the costs involved. The videos were filmed by anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress.

Paul has urged cutting the nearly $500 million in annual taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood in the latest Republican effort to limit government support of the group over its abortion services.

A woman's right to abort a pregnancy has for decades been a highly politicized and hotly debated topic throughout the United States. Republicans now control Congress and, with it, government purse strings.

Republican lawmakers have called on the U.S. Justice Department to investigate whether Planned Parenthood illegally profited from selling fetal tissue, as well as to report how the department enforces abortion regulations and the ban on late-stage abortions. Democrats have called for a federal investigation of how the group obtained the videos.

Planned Parenthood has flatly denied all allegations. Its president, Cecile Richards, on Sunday said that the group "does not at all" profit from fetal tissue donations and that alteration of abortion procedures to better collect tissue is "absolutely not done."

"Planned Parenthood has broken no laws," she said on ABC's "This Week," adding that donation of aborted fetal tissue for scientific research is only allowed in a few states, with strict guidelines.

"We should not base any kind of decisions about healthcare in this country based on highly sensationalized folks who are nothing but militant anti-abortion extremists," she said.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said the Justice Department would review "all the information and determine what steps, if any, to take at the appropriate time." Two committees in Congress have launched probes.

Interviewed on the CBS program "Face the Nation," Paul said: "My legislation won't be about whether it's legal or not ... I think everybody in America is horrified by this, and they don't want their tax dollars going to this group."


Richards said the workers who appear in the videos have been reprimanded for their tone. She has previously apologized for the tone and statements of the filmed comments.

Planned Parenthood says in some cases when aborted tissue is donated, the organization receives reimbursements for the costs of delivering it to research centers, calling that a standard medical practice.

Democrats, including presidential contender Hillary Clinton, have defended Planned Parenthood, which provides various low-cost and free health services to women.

Abortions comprise 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's health services, according to the organization's website. About 40 percent of the non-profit's funding comes from government sources, including Medicaid managed-care plans.

Paul and rival Carly Fiorina raised ethical questions about the collection of aborted fetal tissue on Sunday talk shows. The two are seeking the Republican nomination in the campaign for the November 2016 election.

Before the videos were released, Republicans in the House of Representatives had moved to eliminate about $3 million in federal funding for a family-planning program involving Planned Parenthood. The budget cut was approved by a House committee late last month and is awaiting a House vote.

Good, they are ghouls who kill babies and sell their organs for mi=oney...that they are still in business is a national shame.....

They kill babies....with arms, legs, and internal organs......and then sell them........................
Jesus christ, what the hell are you talking about? Fetuses are not babies, they are fetuses, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between an elephant fetus and a human fetus if shown both of them, unless the fetus was highly developed, and at that point, abortions are rarely done, and many in the pro choice community, like myself, frown upon it. None the less, planned parenthood does not sell organs for money.. They provide all sorts of services for women, only a tiny minority of what they do involves abortion, but of course, you'd rather have women suffer because of your idiocy. In all honesty, I see nothing wrong with selling fetal tissue, I'd prefer if it was donated, but stem cell research/etc helps everyone, and I'd rather not see a fetus wasted ;)

You are a brain dead drone aren't you....have you seen 20 week old babies.....they kill them, and sell their organs for money.......and you have bought the lie that abortions are the smallest thing they do....that is a lie......

And fetal stem cells cause cancer...adult stem cells are actually useful........all of the great medical break throughs with stem cells come from adult stem cells, fetal stem cells are too unstable and become cancerous........
What the flying fuck? 20 week old abortions are not the most common done, and mainly done for incest/rape/medical complications.. Sell their organs for money? I'm about to block you, such a fucking moron, a video of discussing fetal tissue spun out of control by fox news is nothing, a women chose to abort a fetus, I'd rather have the fetus go to medical research then be wasted. It's not a lie, it's factual, something you fail to understand.
Here is the truth as you ignore the fact that they kill babies and sell their organs for money....

Exposing the Planned Parenthood business model TheHill

Planned Parenthood’s claim that abortions make up just 3 percent of its services is also a gimmick.

That number is actually closer to 12 percent, but strategically skewed by unbundling family planning services so that each patient shows anywhere from five to 20 “visits” per appointment (i.e., 12 packs of birth control equals 12 visits) and doing the opposite with abortion visits, bundling them together so that each appointment equals one visit. The resulting difference between family planning and abortion “visits” is striking.

But that’s not the only deception Planned Parenthood is spreading.

It also claims to help reduce the number of abortions. Not only is this not what Planned Parenthood actually accomplishes, but its goal couldn’t be more opposite. As a Planned Parenthood clinic manager, I was directed to double the number of abortions our clinic performed in order to drive up revenue. In keeping, Planned Parenthood headquarters recentlyissued a directive mandating that all of its affiliates provide abortions by 2013.

Planned Parenthood is also spending a lot of money convincing its primary income providers – taxpayers – that its highest priority is women's health and safety. Live Action and the Expose Planned Parenthood coalition released numerous undercover videos showing clinic staff aiding and abetting alleged sex traffickers in exploiting underage girls – some as young as 14.

After initially downplaying the first video as a scam, Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey came under so much pressure that it fired the office manager in the footage. New Jersey Attorney General Paula Dow quickly called for an investigation, but Planned Parenthood’s problems don’t end with firing one office manager. Later Live Action videos revealed an unbroken chain of similar problems in clinics up and down the East Coast.

Planned Parenthood has found other ways to increase revenue at the expense of women’s safety. Abortion consultations are now often done without a doctor in the room through online “telemedicine.” Abortion is a severely traumatic and potentially dangerous procedure. Even as Planned Parenthood's 2008 Employee of the Year, I saw this aggressive push toward more “efficient” telemedicine as risky.
Here is the truth as you ignore the fact that they kill babies and sell their organs for money....

Exposing the Planned Parenthood business model TheHill
"Though 98 percent of Planned Parenthood’s services to pregnant women are abortion, Planned Parenthood and its political allies have sworn up and down that taxpayer dollars do not to pay for abortion.
This article is a crock of shit, of course 98% of pregnant women to PP get abortions, that's obvious, the majority of what PP does involves std protection/birth control/etc..
Oh Rand.. please, stop. I will never understand the priorities of these people..
Some info on planned parenthood:

"But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions"
U.S. Republican presidential contender Rand Paul said on Sunday he plans to push Congress to cut federal funding for the non-profit reproductive healthcare organization Planned Parenthood in a debate over its treatment of aborted fetal tissue.

"I think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such a gruesome procedure," Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News Sunday. "People are outraged by this and I think the American people deserve to have a vote on it."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has started a fast-track process to bring Paul's legislation for a vote soon, McConnell's spokesman told Reuters on Sunday.

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform abortions to preserve fetal tissue for research, as well as the costs involved. The videos were filmed by anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress.

Paul has urged cutting the nearly $500 million in annual taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood in the latest Republican effort to limit government support of the group over its abortion services.

A woman's right to abort a pregnancy has for decades been a highly politicized and hotly debated topic throughout the United States. Republicans now control Congress and, with it, government purse strings.

Republican lawmakers have called on the U.S. Justice Department to investigate whether Planned Parenthood illegally profited from selling fetal tissue, as well as to report how the department enforces abortion regulations and the ban on late-stage abortions. Democrats have called for a federal investigation of how the group obtained the videos.

Planned Parenthood has flatly denied all allegations. Its president, Cecile Richards, on Sunday said that the group "does not at all" profit from fetal tissue donations and that alteration of abortion procedures to better collect tissue is "absolutely not done."

"Planned Parenthood has broken no laws," she said on ABC's "This Week," adding that donation of aborted fetal tissue for scientific research is only allowed in a few states, with strict guidelines.

"We should not base any kind of decisions about healthcare in this country based on highly sensationalized folks who are nothing but militant anti-abortion extremists," she said.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said the Justice Department would review "all the information and determine what steps, if any, to take at the appropriate time." Two committees in Congress have launched probes.

Interviewed on the CBS program "Face the Nation," Paul said: "My legislation won't be about whether it's legal or not ... I think everybody in America is horrified by this, and they don't want their tax dollars going to this group."


Richards said the workers who appear in the videos have been reprimanded for their tone. She has previously apologized for the tone and statements of the filmed comments.

Planned Parenthood says in some cases when aborted tissue is donated, the organization receives reimbursements for the costs of delivering it to research centers, calling that a standard medical practice.

Democrats, including presidential contender Hillary Clinton, have defended Planned Parenthood, which provides various low-cost and free health services to women.

Abortions comprise 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's health services, according to the organization's website. About 40 percent of the non-profit's funding comes from government sources, including Medicaid managed-care plans.

Paul and rival Carly Fiorina raised ethical questions about the collection of aborted fetal tissue on Sunday talk shows. The two are seeking the Republican nomination in the campaign for the November 2016 election.

Before the videos were released, Republicans in the House of Representatives had moved to eliminate about $3 million in federal funding for a family-planning program involving Planned Parenthood. The budget cut was approved by a House committee late last month and is awaiting a House vote.

Good, they are ghouls who kill babies and sell their organs for mi=oney...that they are still in business is a national shame.....

They kill babies....with arms, legs, and internal organs......and then sell them........................
Jesus christ, what the hell are you talking about? Fetuses are not babies, they are fetuses, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between an elephant fetus and a human fetus if shown both of them, unless the fetus was highly developed, and at that point, abortions are rarely done, and many in the pro choice community, like myself, frown upon it. None the less, planned parenthood does not sell organs for money.. They provide all sorts of services for women, only a tiny minority of what they do involves abortion, but of course, you'd rather have women suffer because of your idiocy. In all honesty, I see nothing wrong with selling fetal tissue, I'd prefer if it was donated, but stem cell research/etc helps everyone, and I'd rather not see a fetus wasted ;)

Its big news right now, and yes they do what they call harvesting the limbs ect. . This is really awful, I had no idea until this last week .
Oh Rand.. please, stop. I will never understand the priorities of these people..
Some info on planned parenthood:

"But Planned Parenthood cannot use the money it receives from the federal government for abortions anyway. According to the Department of Health and Human Service’s website, "by law, Title X funds may not be used in programs where abortion is a method of family planning." Medicaid funding is restricted by the Hyde Amendment to only abortion cases involving rape, incest or endangerment to the life of the mother. Some states use their own funds under Medicaid to go beyond that. Seventeen states and, until recently, the District of Columbia pay for "medically necessary" abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. The federal budget deal now bans Washington, D.C., from using its funds to pay for abortions"
U.S. Republican presidential contender Rand Paul said on Sunday he plans to push Congress to cut federal funding for the non-profit reproductive healthcare organization Planned Parenthood in a debate over its treatment of aborted fetal tissue.

"I think the time is now to discuss whether taxpayer dollars should be going to such a gruesome procedure," Paul, a Kentucky senator, said on Fox News Sunday. "People are outraged by this and I think the American people deserve to have a vote on it."

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has started a fast-track process to bring Paul's legislation for a vote soon, McConnell's spokesman told Reuters on Sunday.

Republicans have rallied around secretly recorded videos showing Planned Parenthood officials discussing ways to perform abortions to preserve fetal tissue for research, as well as the costs involved. The videos were filmed by anti-abortion group Center for Medical Progress.

Paul has urged cutting the nearly $500 million in annual taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood in the latest Republican effort to limit government support of the group over its abortion services.

A woman's right to abort a pregnancy has for decades been a highly politicized and hotly debated topic throughout the United States. Republicans now control Congress and, with it, government purse strings.

Republican lawmakers have called on the U.S. Justice Department to investigate whether Planned Parenthood illegally profited from selling fetal tissue, as well as to report how the department enforces abortion regulations and the ban on late-stage abortions. Democrats have called for a federal investigation of how the group obtained the videos.

Planned Parenthood has flatly denied all allegations. Its president, Cecile Richards, on Sunday said that the group "does not at all" profit from fetal tissue donations and that alteration of abortion procedures to better collect tissue is "absolutely not done."

"Planned Parenthood has broken no laws," she said on ABC's "This Week," adding that donation of aborted fetal tissue for scientific research is only allowed in a few states, with strict guidelines.

"We should not base any kind of decisions about healthcare in this country based on highly sensationalized folks who are nothing but militant anti-abortion extremists," she said.

U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has said the Justice Department would review "all the information and determine what steps, if any, to take at the appropriate time." Two committees in Congress have launched probes.

Interviewed on the CBS program "Face the Nation," Paul said: "My legislation won't be about whether it's legal or not ... I think everybody in America is horrified by this, and they don't want their tax dollars going to this group."


Richards said the workers who appear in the videos have been reprimanded for their tone. She has previously apologized for the tone and statements of the filmed comments.

Planned Parenthood says in some cases when aborted tissue is donated, the organization receives reimbursements for the costs of delivering it to research centers, calling that a standard medical practice.

Democrats, including presidential contender Hillary Clinton, have defended Planned Parenthood, which provides various low-cost and free health services to women.

Abortions comprise 3 percent of Planned Parenthood's health services, according to the organization's website. About 40 percent of the non-profit's funding comes from government sources, including Medicaid managed-care plans.

Paul and rival Carly Fiorina raised ethical questions about the collection of aborted fetal tissue on Sunday talk shows. The two are seeking the Republican nomination in the campaign for the November 2016 election.

Before the videos were released, Republicans in the House of Representatives had moved to eliminate about $3 million in federal funding for a family-planning program involving Planned Parenthood. The budget cut was approved by a House committee late last month and is awaiting a House vote.

Good, they are ghouls who kill babies and sell their organs for mi=oney...that they are still in business is a national shame.....

They kill babies....with arms, legs, and internal organs......and then sell them........................
Jesus christ, what the hell are you talking about? Fetuses are not babies, they are fetuses, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between an elephant fetus and a human fetus if shown both of them, unless the fetus was highly developed, and at that point, abortions are rarely done, and many in the pro choice community, like myself, frown upon it. None the less, planned parenthood does not sell organs for money.. They provide all sorts of services for women, only a tiny minority of what they do involves abortion, but of course, you'd rather have women suffer because of your idiocy. In all honesty, I see nothing wrong with selling fetal tissue, I'd prefer if it was donated, but stem cell research/etc helps everyone, and I'd rather not see a fetus wasted ;)

You are a brain dead drone aren't you....have you seen 20 week old babies.....they kill them, and sell their organs for money.......and you have bought the lie that abortions are the smallest thing they do....that is a lie......

And fetal stem cells cause cancer...adult stem cells are actually useful........all of the great medical break throughs with stem cells come from adult stem cells, fetal stem cells are too unstable and become cancerous........
What the flying fuck? 20 week old abortions are not the most common done, and mainly done for incest/rape/medical complications.. Sell their organs for money? I'm about to block you, such a fucking moron, a video of discussing fetal tissue spun out of control by fox news is nothing, a women chose to abort a fetus, I'd rather have the fetus go to medical research then be wasted. It's not a lie, it's factual, something you fail to understand.

Go ahead asshole....block me....they kill babies and sell their organs for money....a harsh reality...and you have been brainwashed to think it is okay......have you seen the "Fetuses" they are killing......with the arms, and legs........they sell organs moron......not "tissue"...........and they use different techniques to save the organs for what they want.....asshole.....so one day you will realize you were wrong...good luck, I hope it is soon.....
They sell whole livers, hearts, lungs and kidneys....not "Tissue" you moron......

They kill babies.......and harvest their organs for sale.....
You say they can't use federal funds for abortions, prove they don't.
Prove that they do.

Maybe now someone will actually take a look at their books....do you even know who Kermit Goznell is...he also got away with killing babies...for years...because no one would look at what he was doing because he was an abortionist........and they have special status with the left...they are a priesthood and above the law....
They sell whole livers, hearts, lungs and kidneys....not "Tissue" you moron......

They kill babies.......and harvest their organs for sale.....
They provide legal abortions to women, and I can care less if they sell organs from a fetus, it's a fucking fetus, I don't fucking care. :alirulz:
You say they can't use federal funds for abortions, prove they don't.
Prove that they do.

Maybe now someone will actually take a look at their books....do you even know who Kermit Goznell is...he also got away with killing babies...for years...because no one would look at what he was doing because he was an abortionist........and they have special status with the left...they are a priesthood and above the law....
Sounds like the right wing and big oil. :clap:
They sell whole livers, hearts, lungs and kidneys....not "Tissue" you moron......

They kill babies.......and harvest their organs for sale.....
They provide legal abortions to women, and I can care less if they sell organs from a fetus, it's a fucking fetus, I don't fucking care. :alirulz:

Yeah....babies......but justify it anyway you want.........they are killing babies and selling their organs for money.......think on that.....

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