Rand Paul Must Think Blacks Have Amnesia


Jun 2, 2011
Rand Paul at Howard University: Senator Hopes Blacks Forget GOP's Past

"So now we know the basis of Kentucky's libertarian Sen. Rand Paul's strategy for expanding the Republican Party's appeal to African Americans: amnesia.

That's the only conclusion I can reach after watching the C-SPAN broadcast of Paul's 52-minute appearance today at Howard University. He deserves credit for appearing before a potentially hostile audience to make the case for conservative policies with which most black voters utterly disagree. But he also deserves strong criticism -- even derision -- for pretending that there's any mystery about why most black folks are so skeptical about the GOP. He wants us to forget the party's recent history -- and his own.......He (Paul) left out the part (in his speech) that Republicans almost always leave out when they lament their lack of support from African Americans: the racial realignment that occurred during the 1960s, when Democratic politicians like President Lyndon B. Johnson and Robert F. Kennedy became champions for equal rights, and Republicans reinvented their party as a harbor for segregationists.........The simple truth is that the present-day Republican Party has virtually no resemblance to the Republican Party of, say, 1960, when Richard Nixon got 32 percent of the black vote in his race against John F. Kennedy. Four years later, the Republicans nominated right-wing Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater, who based his campaign on opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964. By 1968, Nixon had wholeheartedly accepted Goldwater's advice to "go hunting where the ducks are" by adopting a so-called Southern strategy dedicated to wooing segregationists like Strom Thurmond.

They consolidated their approach in 1980 when Ronald Reagan delivered the first major speech of his campaign in Philadelphia, Miss., where three civil rights workers were murdered in one of the 1960s' ugliest cases of racist violence. Reagan gave a ringing declaration of his support for "states' rights" -- code words for resistance to black advances clearly understood by white Southerners. Ever since then, the GOP has been the party of white privilege."
- Jack White (Jack White, a former columnist for Time magazine, is a freelance writer in Richmond, Va., and a contributing editor for The Root.)

What I've been saying all the long...but some forum members want to deny that the parties switched ideologies, as the author states in the period of the 60's thru the 80's, and that white privilege not only exists, but "thrives". What was Rand Paul doing at Howard University in the first place? It's a wonder they didn't put his ass on a pyre and burn him at the stake.
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The Root is a hate whitey rag.

No surprise they would bash any and all white people and surely the OP loves to hate whitey

And where is the evidence for that? I'll wait...but we know you have none.

I have no evidence?

that's all the Root does and same with you too.

Look in the mirror

No...back up the claim that The Root is a "hate whitey rag" and that they would "bash any and all white people", or retract your assertion. I want to see documentation supporting your claim, instead of it being more likely, that you pulled it out of your ass. Or get out of my thread, trying to derail it.
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Democrats have made sure that blacks (and everyone else too) is as ignorant as possible.

If the students at Howard is any indication of how democrats feel, it's that they want to be infantilized by a paternalistic govenment. http://realclearpolitics.com/video/...nt_a_government_that_is_going_to_help_me.html

This is why Romney lost the election. He was talking about jobs. He made a mistake in thinking that people wanted to be independent. They don't. They want a government that takes care of them and relieves the individual of the responsibility of taking care of himself.
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White privilege. :lmao:

You're stuck on stupid, poet. I feel bad for you.

Really? Well, fortunately for me, I consider the source of that charge. LOL.
Don't feel bad for me....I don't feel bad for you.
I have posted, numerous times, the video on White Privilege, by Tim Wise, a white man, who is an authority on the subject. That you choose to reject and dismiss it means nothing to me. There are still "flat Earth" theorists, lo, after all these years. LOL
Democrats have made sure that blacks (and everyone else too) is as ignorant as possible.

If the students at Howard is any indication of how democrats feel, it's that they want to be infantilized by a paternalistic govenment. Howard Student To Rand Paul: "I Want A Government That Is Going To Help Me" | RealClearPolitics

This is why Romney lost the election. He was talking about jobs. He made a mistake in thinking that people wanted to be independent. They don't. They want a government that takes care of them and relieves the individual of the responsibility of taking care of himself.

Opinion, and not fact. Real Clear Politics? Really? A decidedly "right wing rag". Infantilized by a paternalistic government???? Really? Some believe that government plays a role in helping those who encounter obstacles in their quest of the American Dream. Even George W. Bush pushed the notion of "compassionate conservatism", which, now, you seem to want to dismiss.
No one takes serious the notion that Democrats want to tie minorities to anybody's plantation, when it's the Republicans, which cater to their core base...."conservative white males", as opposed to any other group or constituency, and have, in place, a racist, bigoted, and misogynistic platform, which seeks to empower its' base, at the expediency and expense of women, gays, minorities, veterans, children, the elderly, and the poor.
The reason Romney lost the election was myriad. And people want a government that is less intrusive, and attentive to their needs as citizens....the bottom line of any democracy.
Get off the mantra of people not desiring to be responsible, not willing to work, or not being able to take care of themselves. Those are Fox News talking points, and having no basis in reality. Of course there are individuals who fit your characterizations, but not in the numbers you suggest. And certainly not "whole groups" defined by race, color, creed, or politics.
Civil rights "hero", LBJ...


“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

White privilege. :lmao:

You're stuck on stupid, poet. I feel bad for you.

Really? Well, fortunately for me, I consider the source of that charge. LOL.
Don't feel bad for me....I don't feel bad for you.
I have posted, numerous times, the video on White Privilege, by Tim Wise, a white man, who is an authority on the subject. That you choose to reject and dismiss it means nothing to me. There are still "flat Earth" theorists, lo, after all these years. LOL

Civil rights "hero", LBJ...


“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

Right. Who is the villain here? LBJ, who, despite his racist upbringing, transcended his beliefs, and wound up doing the right thing...or you, who chooses to write out the n-word, as if it were nothing, knowing full well, that there are black forum members who would be offended? Col. Klink, indeed. You racist Nazi.
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Suck it.
State Rights is code word for "oppress the black man".


If people spent half as much of their time being productive instead of dreaming up this shit, we'd have a whole different society.
Civil rights "hero", LBJ...


“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

Right. Who is the villain here? LBJ, who, despite his racist upbringing, transcended his beliefs, and wound up doing the right thing...or you, who chooses to write out the n-word, as if it were nothing, knowing full well, that there are black forum members who would be offended? Col. Klink, indeed. You racist Nazi.

Poor, poor plantation-dwelling Uncle Tom....:lmao:

Another gem, from civil rights "hero", LBJ....


"When I appoint a ****** to the bench (speaking about Thurgood Marshall), I want everyone to know he's a ******."
Civil rights "hero", LBJ...


“I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”

Right. Who is the villain here? LBJ, who, despite his racist upbringing, transcended his beliefs, and wound up doing the right thing...or you, who chooses to write out the n-word, as if it were nothing, knowing full well, that there are black forum members who would be offended? Col. Klink, indeed. You racist Nazi.

Poor, poor plantation-dwelling Uncle Tom....:lmao:

Another gem, from civil rights "hero", LBJ....


"When I appoint a ****** to the bench, I want everyone to know he's a ******."

Really? But you have no links supporting those quotes, do you? And I suggest you look up "Uncle Tom", as you have no idea of the meaning.
Plantation-dwelling? I'm sorry, but that would be the likes of Clarence Thomas, Herman Cain, and Allen West.
And there is nothing that you can post that will change my opinion of LBJ.
Placing you on ignore. Bye.

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