‘Racism’ – What The Heck Is It?


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Dang! ‘Racism!’ ‘Racism!’ ‘Racism!’ The Left has used this term as a ubiquitous invective. That's all we hear from the Democrat candidates and their spokespersons.

Overused it, in fact.

So much so, that they’re searching for an upgrade….hence, ‘White Nationalist.’

Liberals/Democrats, never looking deeply into any issue, simply toss the term…’racist’…at any opponent.
Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.

The distinctions in the above rubric are based on the country of origin of your beliefs: to you take your beliefs from government, or from your own calculations. For example, communism, Nazism, and Modern Liberalism come from the Germanic, specifically Hegel and Marx:

The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

In fact, in Germany today, any thought or speech not authorized by government is punishable:

Germany: Hundreds Probed Over Anti-Migrant Comments on Facebook

The massive police investigation is apparently meant as a warning to anonymous internet users critical of the country’s migrant policy.
Germany: Hundreds Probed Over Anti-Migrant Comments on Facebook

That’s the America that Liberals/Democrats yearn for: one that punishes thoughts.

Being an American, I see the rules spelled out in the Constitution as the correct way to behave. Specifically, the meaning of the first amendment, which guarantees Americans the right to be individuals, with any thoughts and with freedom of speech.

That means, Americans don’t have to toe the line that government approves. They can hate anyone they like as long as they don’t injure the party.

Hurt feelings are not an injury.

Soooo….I define ‘racism’ as an act, a behavior……not a thought crime.
But, then, I’m not a Liberal/Democrat.
The Democrats make politics about race because they are racist.
The Dem voters put their race ahead of their nationality and religion.
Dang! ‘Racism!’ ‘Racism!’ ‘Racism!’ The Left has used this term as a ubiquitous invective. That's all we hear from the Democrat candidates and their spokespersons.

Overused it, in fact.

So much so, that they’re searching for an upgrade….hence, ‘White Nationalist.’

Liberals/Democrats, never looking deeply into any issue, simply toss the term…’racist’…at any opponent.
Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.

The distinctions in the above rubric are based on the country of origin of your beliefs: to you take your beliefs from government, or from your own calculations. For example, communism, Nazism, and Modern Liberalism come from the Germanic, specifically Hegel and Marx:

The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

In fact, in Germany today, any thought or speech not authorized by government is punishable:

Germany: Hundreds Probed Over Anti-Migrant Comments on Facebook

The massive police investigation is apparently meant as a warning to anonymous internet users critical of the country’s migrant policy.
Germany: Hundreds Probed Over Anti-Migrant Comments on Facebook

That’s the America that Liberals/Democrats yearn for: one that punishes thoughts.

Being an American, I see the rules spelled out in the Constitution as the correct way to behave. Specifically, the meaning of the first amendment, which guarantees Americans the right to be individuals, with any thoughts and with freedom of speech.

That means, Americans don’t have to toe the line that government approves. They can hate anyone they like as long as they don’t injure the party.

Hurt feelings are not an injury.

Soooo….I define ‘racism’ as an act, a behavior……not a thought crime.
But, then, I’m not a Liberal/Democrat.

They can hate anyone they like as long as they don’t injure the party.

Hurt feelings are not an injury"

Does this mean you will stop whining about liberals hating conservatives?

I bet not......
The Democrats make politics about race because they are racist.
The Dem voters put their race ahead of their nationality and religion.

Soooo.....what is the essential meaning of 'racism'?????

Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.
You can't cite Western Europeans examples. Those people are too far gone to be helped. They never had and real rights, and as time passes the little ones they had have been eroded away by (((lobbyists))) and (((Socialists))) with the open and VERY pliable (see guilty) leadership of those nations .

Racism is a hammer that is used by the (((left))) in this nation to attempt to perform the same actions in the US.
FORTUNATELY, we have the shards of the Constitution remaining which protect our speech. However, like Europe we are infected by the same (((lobbyists))) and (((Socialists))).
Dang! ‘Racism!’ ‘Racism!’ ‘Racism!’ The Left has used this term as a ubiquitous invective. That's all we hear from the Democrat candidates and their spokespersons.

Overused it, in fact.

So much so, that they’re searching for an upgrade….hence, ‘White Nationalist.’

Liberals/Democrats, never looking deeply into any issue, simply toss the term…’racist’…at any opponent.
Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.

The distinctions in the above rubric are based on the country of origin of your beliefs: to you take your beliefs from government, or from your own calculations. For example, communism, Nazism, and Modern Liberalism come from the Germanic, specifically Hegel and Marx:

The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

In fact, in Germany today, any thought or speech not authorized by government is punishable:

Germany: Hundreds Probed Over Anti-Migrant Comments on Facebook

The massive police investigation is apparently meant as a warning to anonymous internet users critical of the country’s migrant policy.
Germany: Hundreds Probed Over Anti-Migrant Comments on Facebook

That’s the America that Liberals/Democrats yearn for: one that punishes thoughts.

Being an American, I see the rules spelled out in the Constitution as the correct way to behave. Specifically, the meaning of the first amendment, which guarantees Americans the right to be individuals, with any thoughts and with freedom of speech.

That means, Americans don’t have to toe the line that government approves. They can hate anyone they like as long as they don’t injure the party.

Hurt feelings are not an injury.

Soooo….I define ‘racism’ as an act, a behavior……not a thought crime.
But, then, I’m not a Liberal/Democrat.

They can hate anyone they like as long as they don’t injure the party.

Hurt feelings are not an injury"

Does this mean you will stop whining about liberals hating conservatives?

I bet not......

I don't mind Liberals/Democrat hating conservatives.

Not in the slightest.

I do mind them hating America.

"They hate conservatives. They hate our country. They hate the American flag. They hate police. They hate traditional values. They hate rural voters. They hate rural America. They hate working class people. They hate those without college degrees. They hate anything not situated in urban America."
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters
Intolerance: Oh, So This Is Why Around Half Of Liberals Can't Stand Being Around Trump Supporters

Dang! ‘Racism!’ ‘Racism!’ ‘Racism!’ The Left has used this term as a ubiquitous invective. That's all we hear from the Democrat candidates and their spokespersons.

Overused it, in fact.

So much so, that they’re searching for an upgrade….hence, ‘White Nationalist.’

Liberals/Democrats, never looking deeply into any issue, simply toss the term…’racist’…at any opponent.
Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.

The distinctions in the above rubric are based on the country of origin of your beliefs: to you take your beliefs from government, or from your own calculations. For example, communism, Nazism, and Modern Liberalism come from the Germanic, specifically Hegel and Marx:

The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

In fact, in Germany today, any thought or speech not authorized by government is punishable:

Germany: Hundreds Probed Over Anti-Migrant Comments on Facebook

The massive police investigation is apparently meant as a warning to anonymous internet users critical of the country’s migrant policy.
Germany: Hundreds Probed Over Anti-Migrant Comments on Facebook

That’s the America that Liberals/Democrats yearn for: one that punishes thoughts.

Being an American, I see the rules spelled out in the Constitution as the correct way to behave. Specifically, the meaning of the first amendment, which guarantees Americans the right to be individuals, with any thoughts and with freedom of speech.

That means, Americans don’t have to toe the line that government approves. They can hate anyone they like as long as they don’t injure the party.

Hurt feelings are not an injury.

Soooo….I define ‘racism’ as an act, a behavior……not a thought crime.
But, then, I’m not a Liberal/Democrat.

White nationalism is being used in relation to Trump's rhetoric and policies regarding immigration, retard.
You can't cite Western Europeans examples. Those people are too far gone to be helped. They never had and real rights, and as time passes the little ones they had have been eroded away by (((lobbyists))) and (((Socialists))) with the open and VERY pliable (see guilty) leadership of those nations .

Racism is a hammer that is used by the (((left))) in this nation to attempt to perform the same actions in the US.
FORTUNATELY, we have the shards of the Constitution remaining which protect our speech. However, like Europe we are infected by the same (((lobbyists))) and (((Socialists))).

A very well put exposition of your view.....but leads to lots of questions.

1. Is it the loss of faith that plummeted most of Europe into the miasma that exists?

2. America and the UK were more alike than America and the rest of Europe....yet, as Melanie Phillips writes, England has gone the way of most of the continent.

"It was," wrote O'Brien, "a major victory for the Muslim community in Britain."21 This was the proposed law against incitement to religious hatred, which provoked widespread opposition because of fears that it would criminalize legitimate comments about religion. In February 2006, it was defeated in Parliament by a combination of rebellion in Labour's ranks and tactical incompetence by the government. But a law that had the power to shut down necessary debate about Islam, and potentially put Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, secularists and others in the dock for speaking the truth, had been introduced to buy Muslim votes. The price to be paid for invading Iraq, in other words, was to have been Britain's freedom of speech."
p. 177
The Regressive Left sees racism everywhere.

The Talk Radio Right pretends its side is never racist.

The rest of us, the majority, know that both ends are dishonest about race.

I understand that your mission in life is to straddle that imaginary fence, but you seem to have missed the point in your desire to show what a good boy you are.

Try again:

Soooo.....what is the essential meaning of 'racism'?????

Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.
The Regressive Left sees racism everywhere.

The Talk Radio Right pretends its side is never racist.

The rest of us, the majority, know that both ends are dishonest about race.

I understand that your mission in life is to straddle that imaginary fence, but you seem to have missed the point in your desire to show what a good boy you are.

Try again:

Soooo.....what is the essential meaning of 'racism'?????

Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.
Let me make this simple for you, sweetie: Racism is the notion that another race is inferior.

The hypersensitive Regressive Left has over-used it to the point that it means essentially nothing. Or anything. They've wrecked the word to put people on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation about race.

Meanwhile, the Talk Radio Right, people like you, refuse to hold true conservative racists accountable for REAL racism. Or even worse, as in your case, some even pretend it doesn't even exist, just making things worse.

See, the two conditions can exist within the same universe simultaneously.

I hope this isn't too complicated.
You can tell what racism is by the people the Republicans ran during the midterms.

Even Fox News wrote about it.

Nazis and anti-Semites slip through GOP primaries, causing headaches for party

I never mind having to remind you of your errors and lies, because it instructs new readers.

1. This is the party you support:
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

2. Now, how can the Republicans be Nazis and anti-Semites, when the current Democrat Party stands for the same things the Bolsheviks and Nazis did???

5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)
1. The Family

2. Individuality

3. Eternal Truths

4. Nations

5. The Past

5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property) | Jon Miltimore

These were listed as the aims of the communist party, (CPUSA) after the war, and, to an almost 100% extent, they the same as today's Liberals/Progressives/Democrats.

1. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

2. Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.

3. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

4. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

5. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.

6. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

7. Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.

8. Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as "normal, natural, healthy."

9. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch."

10. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

11. Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man."

12. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.

13. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce

Now....wouldn't an honest appraisal agree that all or almost all are clearly the aims and direction of Democrats/Liberals/Progressive leaders?

I got 'em from a website of declared communist goals...

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals

10 planks of Communist manifesto

Communist Manifesto 10 Planks

I love when you post......write soon, y'hear!
Dang! ‘Racism!’ ‘Racism!’ ‘Racism!’ The Left has used this term as a ubiquitous invective. That's all we hear from the Democrat candidates and their spokespersons.

Overused it, in fact.

So much so, that they’re searching for an upgrade….hence, ‘White Nationalist.’

Liberals/Democrats, never looking deeply into any issue, simply toss the term…’racist’…at any opponent.
Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.

The distinctions in the above rubric are based on the country of origin of your beliefs: to you take your beliefs from government, or from your own calculations. For example, communism, Nazism, and Modern Liberalism come from the Germanic, specifically Hegel and Marx:

The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

In fact, in Germany today, any thought or speech not authorized by government is punishable:

Germany: Hundreds Probed Over Anti-Migrant Comments on Facebook

The massive police investigation is apparently meant as a warning to anonymous internet users critical of the country’s migrant policy.
Germany: Hundreds Probed Over Anti-Migrant Comments on Facebook

That’s the America that Liberals/Democrats yearn for: one that punishes thoughts.

Being an American, I see the rules spelled out in the Constitution as the correct way to behave. Specifically, the meaning of the first amendment, which guarantees Americans the right to be individuals, with any thoughts and with freedom of speech.

That means, Americans don’t have to toe the line that government approves. They can hate anyone they like as long as they don’t injure the party.

Hurt feelings are not an injury.

Soooo….I define ‘racism’ as an act, a behavior……not a thought crime.
But, then, I’m not a Liberal/Democrat.

White nationalism is being used in relation to Trump's rhetoric and policies regarding immigration, retard.

Can you give any examples, or are you simply trying to burnish your Liberal credentials.
The Regressive Left sees racism everywhere.

The Talk Radio Right pretends its side is never racist.

The rest of us, the majority, know that both ends are dishonest about race.

I understand that your mission in life is to straddle that imaginary fence, but you seem to have missed the point in your desire to show what a good boy you are.

Try again:

Soooo.....what is the essential meaning of 'racism'?????

Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.
Let me make this simple for you, sweetie: Racism is the notion that another race is inferior.

The hypersensitive Regressive Left has over-used it to the point that it means essentially nothing. Or anything. They've wrecked the word to put people on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation about race.

Meanwhile, the Talk Radio Right, people like you, refuse to hold true conservative racists accountable for REAL racism. Or even worse, as in your case, some even pretend it doesn't even exist, just making things worse.

See, the two conditions can exist within the same universe simultaneously.

I hope this isn't too complicated.

"Racism is the notion that another race is inferior."

According to Liberals, that is what every race should believe: it is the basis of their self-esteem movement.

So I got you to admit that you believe in thought crimes.

Every Nazi and Bolshevik does, too.

Witness is dismissed.
The Regressive Left sees racism everywhere.

The Talk Radio Right pretends its side is never racist.

The rest of us, the majority, know that both ends are dishonest about race.

I understand that your mission in life is to straddle that imaginary fence, but you seem to have missed the point in your desire to show what a good boy you are.

Try again:

Soooo.....what is the essential meaning of 'racism'?????

Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.
Let me make this simple for you, sweetie: Racism is the notion that another race is inferior.

The hypersensitive Regressive Left has over-used it to the point that it means essentially nothing. Or anything. They've wrecked the word to put people on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation about race.

Meanwhile, the Talk Radio Right, people like you, refuse to hold true conservative racists accountable for REAL racism. Or even worse, as in your case, some even pretend it doesn't even exist, just making things worse.

See, the two conditions can exist within the same universe simultaneously.

I hope this isn't too complicated.

"Racism is the notion that another race is inferior."

According to Liberals, that is what every race should believe: it is the basis of their self-esteem movement.

So I got you to admit that you believe in thought crimes.

Every Nazi and Bolshevik does, too.

Witness is dismissed.
As I expected, my answer was a bit too complicated for you.

Liar is dismissed.
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The Democrats make politics about race because they are racist.
The Dem voters put their race ahead of their nationality and religion.

Soooo.....what is the essential meaning of 'racism'?????

Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.
Racism is when someone is obsessed with race, especially when they practice race based politics.
So, it's an idea that can lead to violence.
Race based political organizations, student organizations and employee organization are inherently racist.
There are racist on both sides, but it's like comparing BBs to beachballs, the are both round, however one is huge and they other is tiny.
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You can't cite Western Europeans examples. Those people are too far gone to be helped. They never had and real rights, and as time passes the little ones they had have been eroded away by (((lobbyists))) and (((Socialists))) with the open and VERY pliable (see guilty) leadership of those nations .

Racism is a hammer that is used by the (((left))) in this nation to attempt to perform the same actions in the US.
FORTUNATELY, we have the shards of the Constitution remaining which protect our speech. However, like Europe we are infected by the same (((lobbyists))) and (((Socialists))).

A very well put exposition of your view.....but leads to lots of questions.

1. Is it the loss of faith that plummeted most of Europe into the miasma that exists?

2. America and the UK were more alike than America and the rest of Europe....yet, as Melanie Phillips writes, England has gone the way of most of the continent.

"It was," wrote O'Brien, "a major victory for the Muslim community in Britain."21 This was the proposed law against incitement to religious hatred, which provoked widespread opposition because of fears that it would criminalize legitimate comments about religion. In February 2006, it was defeated in Parliament by a combination of rebellion in Labour's ranks and tactical incompetence by the government. But a law that had the power to shut down necessary debate about Islam, and potentially put Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, secularists and others in the dock for speaking the truth, had been introduced to buy Muslim votes. The price to be paid for invading Iraq, in other words, was to have been Britain's freedom of speech."
p. 177

Is it the loss of faith that plummeted most of Europe into the miasma that exists?
That is the root of it. Once you split religion and the social order that it creates from the populous then you scatter people like ships on a sea. Each independent, open and unattached to both man and God are no longer restrained by morals.
These ideas we germinated in the early 1960's and we can see the result.

America and the UK were more alike than America and the rest of Europe....yet, as Melanie Phillips writes, England has gone the way of most of the continent.

The UK IS what the US will be in 50 years. This police, surveillance island state. That is the shortest answers.
I firmly believe that. as the US becomes less and less what it was (WASP) and becomes more Catholic (Hispanic), and Asian (Muslim, Hindu) the core cultural morals and values will shift due to demography.
These peoples simply do not value the same things that people of Anglo Saxon stock do.
Even if we examine the Nordic populations in the north of the country (Minn, Wis). Those immigrant populations have transformed, either intentionally or not, the political demographics of that sector of the nation to Social Democracies.
If we examine the subsequent migrant populations encouraged to emigrate there were see much of the same as the Nordic countries in Europe (Swe, Nor, Den). Peoples from the Horn of Africa (Eritrea, Somalia).
This really is a blood thing.
The Regressive Left sees racism everywhere.

The Talk Radio Right pretends its side is never racist.

The rest of us, the majority, know that both ends are dishonest about race.

I understand that your mission in life is to straddle that imaginary fence, but you seem to have missed the point in your desire to show what a good boy you are.

Try again:

Soooo.....what is the essential meaning of 'racism'?????

Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.
Let me make this simple for you, sweetie: Racism is the notion that another race is inferior.

The hypersensitive Regressive Left has over-used it to the point that it means essentially nothing. Or anything. They've wrecked the word to put people on the defensive and avoid an honest conversation about race.

Meanwhile, the Talk Radio Right, people like you, refuse to hold true conservative racists accountable for REAL racism. Or even worse, as in your case, some even pretend it doesn't even exist, just making things worse.

See, the two conditions can exist within the same universe simultaneously.

I hope this isn't too complicated.

"Racism is the notion that another race is inferior."

According to Liberals, that is what every race should believe: it is the basis of their self-esteem movement.

So I got you to admit that you believe in thought crimes.

Every Nazi and Bolshevik does, too.

Witness is dismissed.
As I expected, my answer was a bit too complicated for you.

Liar is dismissed.

I got you to admit Nazi tendencies....you've served the purpose you were born to serve.

Again....you're dismissed.
The Democrats make politics about race because they are racist.
The Dem voters put their race ahead of their nationality and religion.

Soooo.....what is the essential meaning of 'racism'?????

Now....which of these is it???
1.Is racism ANY reference to black folks?

2. Is racism having an opinion that leaves Liberals/Democrats aghast….unless it comes from a Liberal/Democrat?

3. It is the injurious sort of act that we associate with KKKers (Democrats) of an earlier era, acts that involve actual physical violence?

4.Is it the term for a conservative winning an argument with a Liberal/Democrat?

5. Is it, when applied by a Liberal/Democrat simply virtue-signaling, like driving a Prius?

Is 'racism' an act or an idea???? Because the former shouldn't be allowed...but the latter, should.
Racism is when someone is obsessed with race, especially when they practice race based politics.
So, it's an idea that can lead to violence.
Race based political organizations, student organizations and employee organization are inherently racist.
There are racist on both sides, but it's like comparing BBs to beachballs, they are both round, however one is huge and they other is tiny.

A mental condition rather than a political doctrine to be condemned?

So....why are the Democrats constantly tossing it around?


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