Racism: The biggest fraud ever?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
BLM Creator Patrice Collours avowed communist fighting "racism" profited bigtime off of gullible white idiots. She even said THAT, she reminded me of the con artists from "Music man or Elmer Gantry". Racism went from a valid issue to the Jesse Smollett topic for scam artists, and the fucking democrats bought into it, hook line and sinker.

MaryL In case you did not catch it, Race Relations forum is now under Zone1 rules. It's total civil discussion just like the Clean Debate Zone. Read the brief description of what's expected in the sticky thread at the top of the Race Forum listings. I struck thru the profanity above.
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I'm 65 years old. I met exactly 2 white supremacist's in my entire life. 2. That is it, 2. The bigger issue is: Imaginary monsters under the bed that the liberals use to justify their far larger hate of whites to validate their anti white pogroms and anti truth censorship.
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Of all the races I only have a problem with one.....is it possible for a racist to only have a problem with one race?

My problem with this race actually has little or nothing to do with the race itself....it has more to do with how they attempt to use their race to gain advantage(the politics of victimhood)or make excuses for their failures aka as a scapegoat.

I think the best definition of racism is to recognize that genetics determines most if not all human atributes.....liberals do believe sexuality is determined by genetics.

I think it only logical to understand that if genetics determines ones sexuality then it must also control much more.
BLM Creator Patrice Collours avowed communist fighting "racism" profited bigtime off of gullible white idiots. She even said THAT, she reminded me of the con artists from "Music man or Elmer Gantry". Racism went from a valid issue to the Jesse Smollett topic for scam artists, and the fucking democrats bought into it, hook line and sinker.
BLM is the most successful Institutional fraud based on racism ever. Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan and various Black Democrat leaders have their careers and millions of dollars by exploiting Black people and promoting the fantasy of systemic racism for decades.
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One thing I've learned from Liberals: Double think is good think. Hate is bad/good. Liberals puzzle me. So why is "racism" absolutely bad when Liberals don't believe in absolutes? When y'all abandon all standards, No sexes, no standards, what the hell is wrong with racism?
BLM Creator Patrice Collours avowed communist fighting "racism" profited bigtime off of gullible white idiots. She even said THAT, she reminded me of the con artists from "Music man or Elmer Gantry". Racism went from a valid issue to the Jesse Smollett topic for scam artists, and the fucking democrats bought into it, hook line and sinker.

You denying racism is on it's face is incorrect. It's a matter of degree and NOT "a fraud". In every group of haters -- whether it's by religion, skin color, ethnicity/origin there's 2 different classes of haters. The ones that can HURT YOU and the ones who CANNOT. Usually, the ones that CAN hurt you are about 10 to 20% because of either their power/privilege OR their tendency to violence. THOSE people are obvious. The vast majority just have a lot of unfounded bias either inherited or thru indoctrination that never uses fact or logic and are easy to defuse or ignore.

We were making progress towards eliminating racists until EVERYTHING became racist. And that's a failure to preserve LANGUAGE and definitions. Because obviously, EVERYTHING is not racist.
I'm 65 years old. I met exactly 2 white supremacist's in my entire live. 2. That is it, 2. The bigger issue is: Imaginary monsters under the bed that the liberals use to justify their far larger hate of whites to validate their anti white pogroms and anti truth censorship.
I met a lot more in Oregon outside Corvallis and in California than I have ever met in Texas and do not get me started about the Burbs in Chicago…

I guess I know them because I lived with them at one time…
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I hate all you white people for stealing my people's land....
Just Kidding. 'We' have our own Casinos now...

:p LOL
Where I live, the Indians sold the land & surface rights but kept the mineral rights. They don't have to pay anything but surface damages, no royalties, & are raking it in with oil & casinos.
At least not all got F*d over by the US govt, at least not the Indian Nations.
I went to a pow wow once....most of the participants looked white.
Our property line neighbors have an annual pow wow with hundreds showing up. Kinda like a carnival. Been to a few & many are very white looking but have enough blood to qualify.
Indians are great people. Just like blacks are once they get away from that gangsta/ghetto environment.
Most people are the same- we want to live our lives & raise families in peace without govt interference.
Live & let live.
Color & race are skin deep & artificial constructs once you realize we all pretty much want the same things
If "gender is construct", perhaps questioning basic societal norms, perhaps "racism" is also a construct meant tor demonize a certain group created by a certain political group because its all bullshit.
I hate all you white people for stealing my people's land....
Just Kidding. 'We' have our own Casinos now...

:p LOL

I used to joke about Indians eventually owning us once that biz started growing. Still possible. Also thought we could abolish the BLM and give the tribes all the BLM holding back. They'd do a better job managing them.. Probably MORE land in that portfolio than what the white man actually stole.
If "gender is construct", perhaps questioning basic societal norms, perhaps "racism" is also a construct meant tor demonize a certain group created by a certain political group because its all bullshit.

A lot of the racist discord IS political differences. There's no doubt of that.
And a bidding war for allegiances with political kickbacks.
I once met a southerner pro Confederate gun toting white supremist . Cute blue eyed hypnotic. I am an grammatically challenged idiot, but never bought that shit. Because. Unlike say Democrat BLM supporters that where seduced by false causes these shit heads buy into that shit and act like it's a saving grace. Being fooled By BLM is not a saving grace.
I once met a southerner pro Confederate gun toting white supremist . Cute blue eyed hypnotic. I am an grammatically challenged idiot, but never bought that shit. Because. Unlike say Democrat BLM supporters that where seduced by false causes these shit heads buy into that shit and act like it's a saving grace. Being fooled By BLM is not a saving grace.
I live in the South. I have met and known a lot of racists but few supremacist. I don’t know many whites who hold any power over people.
I'm 65 years old. I met exactly 2 white supremacist's in my entire life. 2. That is it, 2. The bigger issue is: Imaginary monsters under the bed that the liberals use to justify their far larger hate of whites to validate their anti white pogroms and anti truth censorship.
You are a white supremacist.

Cant do that anymore. Zone1 rules. IM2
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I live in the South. I have met and known a lot of racists but few supremacist. I don’t know many whites who hold any power over people.
Lots of definitions of racism...most folks make up their own and there is much confusion about it.

I think most people black and white prefer to be around their own kind for the most part....though ghetto blacks would of course prefer to live in a white neighborhood ....not because they want to be around whites but because there is so much crime in the ghetto.

I think it only natural that people want to take care of their own as in whites generally speaking want the best for all whites and do not care for all the promotion given to blacks by the government and the media based on myths and downright lies.

Though they do not want to see blacks mistreated.....they thiink and believe that all should be equal before the law.

I remember back in the military (the military led the way in integration) that iin the mess hall most blacks would sit together. No one saw anything peculiar about it.

Unfortunately....race relations are only getting worse....and sometimes it seems the media actually wants a race war....that is what they are promoting whether they realize it or not.

Abraham Lincoln had it right all those years ago....just too many differences betweeen blacks and whites for them ever to live together in a peaceful, equitable and harmonious manner.

That is what motivated him to try and start a program to send the blacks back to their native land.

Anyhow.....when all is said and done I see no possible solution for the racial situation in America...it will only get worse.
Politicians do not even attempt to deal with it because they know they cannot do so without being labeled racist.

The most that can be hoped for is for us to remain a nation of laws and do our best to enforce the law in a fair and equitable manner.

Which of course means that our penal institutions will grow and grow....to the point where I see that the group from which most of these inmates come will rise up and demand it be stopped....which would mean a total break down of law and order.

There can be no remission of sin without the shedding of blood....that is our future.

Pity those with children.
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