Racism isn't the end all that the MSM tells us it is


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012
It's tribes fighting against tribes....there is a word for this.

If I say to you, your family sucks and mine is better...what is that? Is it familism?
If I say to you, your town sucks against mine, ...what is that?, is it Townsism?
If I say to you, your state sucks next to mine,...is that Statesism?
If I say to you, nation sucks next to mine, is that nationalism?

If comes a day when we say, Our world is much better than yours.... is that worldism?

The ism's are all tricks. It must be trickism... ;)

WAKE UP AND LIVE! Find Love...in truth...not the MSM...which is really today is run by global organized Crime....some ties even to those we fought at our birth as a nation.

Some, even older.... There is nothing new under the sun, but we just got here...to us simple tricks are "Amazing" BLAH BLAH BLAH :eusa_whistle:
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