For more than the last decade in Florida, a Pamela Gellar-type union between white supremacists and anti-Muslim Jews has repeatedly threatened me, harassed me, and made multiple attempts to take my life (and make it look like an accident) by running me off the road with their vehicles, angering me with terrible insults right before I have to get in my car to drive hoping that I’ll get in a car accident, repeatedly harassing me to make me fall out of my kayak and drown, and with several other methods.

They repeatedly tell me that they had my father killed through his own doctors. For example, every time I kayak in the Cape Coral, FL canals, or in Pine Island, FL, or in Sanibel, FL, or in the Florida Keys, etc. multiple boats pass me and yell, “We (white supremacists) killed your father!” Both white supremacists and anti-Muslim Jews claimed to have killed my father through his own doctors, (with errant medical treatments, etc.). I don’t know if this is true or not, but they’re not supposed to be scaring minorities away from the health care system like this.

At certain businesses or places that Jewish residents frequent, I’ve been repeatedly harassed by as many as thirty Jewish shoppers at a time, trying to call me the L-word. They aren’t one-to-one battles, they’re often twenty-people-to-one battles, and I’m often given the explanation that they don’t really care how they get rid of a Muslim.

They’re intentions are sinister, and it’s much more than overly racist people getting agitated and angry. They often tell me directly that they’re trying to damage my heart with the constant harassment and insults, by constantly dragging me into racial arguments (eg. at the boat dock), repeatedly trying to run my off the road when I’m driving, etc. Like I said, it’s been going on for ten years and I can actually feel they’re intentions. It’s designed to kill you. They’re level of hatred is off the charts, and they often tell me that they want to give me a long, painful death.

It’s ridiculous. The white supremacists give me double-punishment because in addition to being Muslim, they also feel that I was partially raised by Jews in New Jersey, and traditionally they really don’t like Jewish people here. They even have classless names like Jewfish for fish species that they commonly catch like the Goliath Grouper. Northerners don’t talk like that.

I’m a non-practicing Muslim from a northern Democrat family, and I’m much less racist than the average person in the United States. But I fell out of favor with the Jews (for reasons that I understand) which made it very dangerous for me. From what I’ve been told, several of the white supremacists here in Florida have been willing to carry out this targeted harassment for the anti-Muslim Jews in exchange for more job opportunities, etc. I actually see several of these people getting promotions after harassing me.

To further put things into context, multiple groups including the white supremacists and Jews have repeatedly told me that it’s basically a very bad multiway racial, political, and religious fight, and that they’ve made me a very bizarre symbol of this fight. For example, the Jews and white supremacists still fight each other here, but they’re willing to gang up on Muslims. Race relations are terrible in general right now, especially in Florida, with groups teaming up only so that they can do harm to another group. Furthermore, my harassers have been repeatedly telling me that there is a very bad underground war between the North and the South right now, and that they see my family as a liberal symbol of the North, (a minority family that came to the United States during the Civil Rights movement), that they want to destroy. My family was partially raised by conservatives in the Midwest but I’ve been told by multiple people in this white supremacist network that they got sick of us, conservatives need a scapegoat, and that many are in cahoots with these Florida Conservatives. Furthermore, from what both sides tell me, the North-South battle isn’t just a political one. Both sides have been using scary mob-like tactics, that never get identified as a hate crime, like running someone off of the road, and not getting caught. I’ve been intimidated from reporting this to the Florida police in a multitude of ways. In fact, the police often join in on the harassment, by swerving into me with their car on multiple occasions, by openly yelling insults at me at the grocery store, etc. I hear scary grumblings from African-Americans here saying that “Florida cops are like that,” and that “we really don’t like the cops hosting a pretty dangerous racist event like this,” etc. I’m from a family that was taught to respect police officers, but I didn’t grow up in the South. Minorities have a different perspective here.

The anti-Muslim Jews play both sides of the fence, trying to get me killed by white supremacists, while voting Democrat and fighting racism in other arenas. But it’s not just anti-Muslim Jews that do this. Democrats in Florida have told me on several occasions that they’ll join in on a movement to eliminate a Muslim, (basically a public lynching). They make it a point to tell me that the racism spans political parties and that too many groups in Florida are anti-Muslim right now. I definitely don’t plan on retiring here like my father did.

Minorities in Florida are well aware of the heavy racism in some of these areas where I’m being harassed and targeted. There was a lawsuit filed by African-American educators that claims that the Lee County School District discriminates against African-American employees:

Suit against Lee district alleges pattern of discrimination

Lee County residents openly flaunt this attitude in public. For example, at the grocery store in Cape Coral, Caucasian shoppers angrily yell at me “The white person gets the better job here!”

I understand why Florida is the state with the second most hate groups in the country, yet very few hate crimes are reported here. Plenty of hate crimes occur in Florida. I’ve been repeatedly harassed, threatened, and followed by a network of white supremacists for more than a decade. But there is a culture here in Florida that seriously intimidates minorities from reporting hate crimes to the police. Furthermore, these hate groups basically operate as loose organizations that lie dormant, mobilizing their racist citizens when they decide to eliminate a minority that they dislike, or to eliminate someone that they deem to be a “white person’s problem.”

This has nothing to do with racism.
You're being gang stalked. They use whatever message they know will strike a nerve with you.

If you had a fear of clowns you'd see one everyday taunting you.

Thank you. Gang-stalking is exactly what they're doing:

Sign the Petition

It's too damn coordinated with them constantly stalking and following me by vehicle, mobbing me at the workplace, etc. That's exactly what they've been doing. Racism is involved but all of their activities and tactics combined, match the definition of gang-stalking exactly.
For more than the last decade in Florida, a Pamela Gellar-type union between white supremacists and anti-Muslim Jews has repeatedly threatened me, harassed me, and made multiple attempts to take my life (and make it look like an accident) by running me off the road with their vehicles, angering me with terrible insults right before I have to get in my car to drive hoping that I’ll get in a car accident, repeatedly harassing me to make me fall out of my kayak and drown, and with several other methods.

They repeatedly tell me that they had my father killed through his own doctors. For example, every time I kayak in the Cape Coral, FL canals, or in Pine Island, FL, or in Sanibel, FL, or in the Florida Keys, etc. multiple boats pass me and yell, “We (white supremacists) killed your father!” Both white supremacists and anti-Muslim Jews claimed to have killed my father through his own doctors, (with errant medical treatments, etc.). I don’t know if this is true or not, but they’re not supposed to be scaring minorities away from the health care system like this.

At certain businesses or places that Jewish residents frequent, I’ve been repeatedly harassed by as many as thirty Jewish shoppers at a time, trying to call me the L-word. They aren’t one-to-one battles, they’re often twenty-people-to-one battles, and I’m often given the explanation that they don’t really care how they get rid of a Muslim.

They’re intentions are sinister, and it’s much more than overly racist people getting agitated and angry. They often tell me directly that they’re trying to damage my heart with the constant harassment and insults, by constantly dragging me into racial arguments (eg. at the boat dock), repeatedly trying to run my off the road when I’m driving, etc. Like I said, it’s been going on for ten years and I can actually feel they’re intentions. It’s designed to kill you. They’re level of hatred is off the charts, and they often tell me that they want to give me a long, painful death.

It’s ridiculous. The white supremacists give me double-punishment because in addition to being Muslim, they also feel that I was partially raised by Jews in New Jersey, and traditionally they really don’t like Jewish people here. They even have classless names like Jewfish for fish species that they commonly catch like the Goliath Grouper. Northerners don’t talk like that.

I’m a non-practicing Muslim from a northern Democrat family, and I’m much less racist than the average person in the United States. But I fell out of favor with the Jews (for reasons that I understand) which made it very dangerous for me. From what I’ve been told, several of the white supremacists here in Florida have been willing to carry out this targeted harassment for the anti-Muslim Jews in exchange for more job opportunities, etc. I actually see several of these people getting promotions after harassing me.

To further put things into context, multiple groups including the white supremacists and Jews have repeatedly told me that it’s basically a very bad multiway racial, political, and religious fight, and that they’ve made me a very bizarre symbol of this fight. For example, the Jews and white supremacists still fight each other here, but they’re willing to gang up on Muslims. Race relations are terrible in general right now, especially in Florida, with groups teaming up only so that they can do harm to another group. Furthermore, my harassers have been repeatedly telling me that there is a very bad underground war between the North and the South right now, and that they see my family as a liberal symbol of the North, (a minority family that came to the United States during the Civil Rights movement), that they want to destroy. My family was partially raised by conservatives in the Midwest but I’ve been told by multiple people in this white supremacist network that they got sick of us, conservatives need a scapegoat, and that many are in cahoots with these Florida Conservatives. Furthermore, from what both sides tell me, the North-South battle isn’t just a political one. Both sides have been using scary mob-like tactics, that never get identified as a hate crime, like running someone off of the road, and not getting caught. I’ve been intimidated from reporting this to the Florida police in a multitude of ways. In fact, the police often join in on the harassment, by swerving into me with their car on multiple occasions, by openly yelling insults at me at the grocery store, etc. I hear scary grumblings from African-Americans here saying that “Florida cops are like that,” and that “we really don’t like the cops hosting a pretty dangerous racist event like this,” etc. I’m from a family that was taught to respect police officers, but I didn’t grow up in the South. Minorities have a different perspective here.

The anti-Muslim Jews play both sides of the fence, trying to get me killed by white supremacists, while voting Democrat and fighting racism in other arenas. But it’s not just anti-Muslim Jews that do this. Democrats in Florida have told me on several occasions that they’ll join in on a movement to eliminate a Muslim, (basically a public lynching). They make it a point to tell me that the racism spans political parties and that too many groups in Florida are anti-Muslim right now. I definitely don’t plan on retiring here like my father did.

Minorities in Florida are well aware of the heavy racism in some of these areas where I’m being harassed and targeted. There was a lawsuit filed by African-American educators that claims that the Lee County School District discriminates against African-American employees:

Suit against Lee district alleges pattern of discrimination

Lee County residents openly flaunt this attitude in public. For example, at the grocery store in Cape Coral, Caucasian shoppers angrily yell at me “The white person gets the better job here!”

I understand why Florida is the state with the second most hate groups in the country, yet very few hate crimes are reported here. Plenty of hate crimes occur in Florida. I’ve been repeatedly harassed, threatened, and followed by a network of white supremacists for more than a decade. But there is a culture here in Florida that seriously intimidates minorities from reporting hate crimes to the police. Furthermore, these hate groups basically operate as loose organizations that lie dormant, mobilizing their racist citizens when they decide to eliminate a minority that they dislike, or to eliminate someone that they deem to be a “white person’s problem.”

This has nothing to do with racism.
You're being gang stalked. They use whatever message they know will strike a nerve with you.

If you had a fear of clowns you'd see one everyday taunting you.

Thank you. Gang-stalking is exactly what they're doing:

Sign the Petition

It's too damn coordinated with them constantly stalking and following me by vehicle, mobbing me at the workplace, etc. That's exactly what they've been doing. Racism is involved but all of their activities and tactics combined, match the definition of gang-stalking exactly.

It really doesnt have anything to do with racism. This shit happens to all races and religions.
They just know it gets your goat.
For more than the last decade in Florida, a Pamela Gellar-type union between white supremacists and anti-Muslim Jews has repeatedly threatened me, harassed me, and made multiple attempts to take my life (and make it look like an accident) by running me off the road with their vehicles, angering me with terrible insults right before I have to get in my car to drive hoping that I’ll get in a car accident, repeatedly harassing me to make me fall out of my kayak and drown, and with several other methods.

They repeatedly tell me that they had my father killed through his own doctors. For example, every time I kayak in the Cape Coral, FL canals, or in Pine Island, FL, or in Sanibel, FL, or in the Florida Keys, etc. multiple boats pass me and yell, “We (white supremacists) killed your father!” Both white supremacists and anti-Muslim Jews claimed to have killed my father through his own doctors, (with errant medical treatments, etc.). I don’t know if this is true or not, but they’re not supposed to be scaring minorities away from the health care system like this.

At certain businesses or places that Jewish residents frequent, I’ve been repeatedly harassed by as many as thirty Jewish shoppers at a time, trying to call me the L-word. They aren’t one-to-one battles, they’re often twenty-people-to-one battles, and I’m often given the explanation that they don’t really care how they get rid of a Muslim.

They’re intentions are sinister, and it’s much more than overly racist people getting agitated and angry. They often tell me directly that they’re trying to damage my heart with the constant harassment and insults, by constantly dragging me into racial arguments (eg. at the boat dock), repeatedly trying to run my off the road when I’m driving, etc. Like I said, it’s been going on for ten years and I can actually feel they’re intentions. It’s designed to kill you. They’re level of hatred is off the charts, and they often tell me that they want to give me a long, painful death.

It’s ridiculous. The white supremacists give me double-punishment because in addition to being Muslim, they also feel that I was partially raised by Jews in New Jersey, and traditionally they really don’t like Jewish people here. They even have classless names like Jewfish for fish species that they commonly catch like the Goliath Grouper. Northerners don’t talk like that.

I’m a non-practicing Muslim from a northern Democrat family, and I’m much less racist than the average person in the United States. But I fell out of favor with the Jews (for reasons that I understand) which made it very dangerous for me. From what I’ve been told, several of the white supremacists here in Florida have been willing to carry out this targeted harassment for the anti-Muslim Jews in exchange for more job opportunities, etc. I actually see several of these people getting promotions after harassing me.

To further put things into context, multiple groups including the white supremacists and Jews have repeatedly told me that it’s basically a very bad multiway racial, political, and religious fight, and that they’ve made me a very bizarre symbol of this fight. For example, the Jews and white supremacists still fight each other here, but they’re willing to gang up on Muslims. Race relations are terrible in general right now, especially in Florida, with groups teaming up only so that they can do harm to another group. Furthermore, my harassers have been repeatedly telling me that there is a very bad underground war between the North and the South right now, and that they see my family as a liberal symbol of the North, (a minority family that came to the United States during the Civil Rights movement), that they want to destroy. My family was partially raised by conservatives in the Midwest but I’ve been told by multiple people in this white supremacist network that they got sick of us, conservatives need a scapegoat, and that many are in cahoots with these Florida Conservatives. Furthermore, from what both sides tell me, the North-South battle isn’t just a political one. Both sides have been using scary mob-like tactics, that never get identified as a hate crime, like running someone off of the road, and not getting caught. I’ve been intimidated from reporting this to the Florida police in a multitude of ways. In fact, the police often join in on the harassment, by swerving into me with their car on multiple occasions, by openly yelling insults at me at the grocery store, etc. I hear scary grumblings from African-Americans here saying that “Florida cops are like that,” and that “we really don’t like the cops hosting a pretty dangerous racist event like this,” etc. I’m from a family that was taught to respect police officers, but I didn’t grow up in the South. Minorities have a different perspective here.

The anti-Muslim Jews play both sides of the fence, trying to get me killed by white supremacists, while voting Democrat and fighting racism in other arenas. But it’s not just anti-Muslim Jews that do this. Democrats in Florida have told me on several occasions that they’ll join in on a movement to eliminate a Muslim, (basically a public lynching). They make it a point to tell me that the racism spans political parties and that too many groups in Florida are anti-Muslim right now. I definitely don’t plan on retiring here like my father did.

Minorities in Florida are well aware of the heavy racism in some of these areas where I’m being harassed and targeted. There was a lawsuit filed by African-American educators that claims that the Lee County School District discriminates against African-American employees:

Suit against Lee district alleges pattern of discrimination

Lee County residents openly flaunt this attitude in public. For example, at the grocery store in Cape Coral, Caucasian shoppers angrily yell at me “The white person gets the better job here!”

I understand why Florida is the state with the second most hate groups in the country, yet very few hate crimes are reported here. Plenty of hate crimes occur in Florida. I’ve been repeatedly harassed, threatened, and followed by a network of white supremacists for more than a decade. But there is a culture here in Florida that seriously intimidates minorities from reporting hate crimes to the police. Furthermore, these hate groups basically operate as loose organizations that lie dormant, mobilizing their racist citizens when they decide to eliminate a minority that they dislike, or to eliminate someone that they deem to be a “white person’s problem.”

This has nothing to do with racism.
You're being gang stalked. They use whatever message they know will strike a nerve with you.

If you had a fear of clowns you'd see one everyday taunting you.

Thank you. Gang-stalking is exactly what they're doing:

Sign the Petition

It's too damn coordinated with them constantly stalking and following me by vehicle, mobbing me at the workplace, etc. That's exactly what they've been doing. Racism is involved but all of their activities and tactics combined, match the definition of gang-stalking exactly.

It really doesnt have anything to do with racism. This shit happens to all races and religions.
They just know it gets your goat.

They repeatedly make it point to tell me that this basic public lynching of a Muslim is about something much larger than me. On several occasions I’ve gotten threats saying, “Don’t mess with the KKK people” with various people telling me that “the KKK has a lot of power here.” Furthermore, I’ve felt the rise of the disaffected white working-class American in the last decade. They punished me very severely for their troubles. They’re honest enough to tell me on several occasions that they really need a scapegoat, and Muslim-Americans are one of their current targets. The various groups are also telling me that race relations are terrible right now, especially in Florida. Seven in ten Americans currently feel that race relations are bad. That’s the lowest public opinion of race relations in a very long time. On the ground here in Florida, there’s also a lot of talk about an underground war between the North and the South. It’s a little more than the culture war between the North and the South that they talk about on the news every other day. There are some skirmishes at rallies, and both sides are using some mob-like tactics, including the gang-stalking tactics that you mention. From my understanding, they’re using these gang-stalking type tactics to chase out Northerners, and some minorities that they really don’t like. Other Northerners they don’t have a problem with. In some racist places, you’re fine as long as you’re white (liberal or conservative). There are also Northern white supremacists.

Regarding the culture war, I do hear complaints from Northerners about how Florida is too racist. People are aware of some of the differences. The North can be racist, but it’s more covert racism, and much less of the overt racism that you see in the South. For example, here in Florida it’s much more acceptable to use the N-word in public. I hear people say it in public several times a week here, and they even show me that I can use it also. I have no desire to use the N-word. It’s not classy, and it’s too demeaning to African-Americans. Other Northerners don’t like hearing it either, while it doesn’t really bother others. Here in Florida they’re also trying to get me to accept the notion of “modern white supremacy,” with more open (and institutional) racism than the North, some real (and in some cases unfair) advantages for Caucasians from a competitive standpoint, but still flexible enough to thrive in this modern age where they do have to live with and get along with minorities. I don’t like it. Belief systems like “modern white supremacy” set the United States too far backwards with respect to race relations, etc. erasing the very hard work of smart, thoughtful, and well-intentioned people.
For more than the last decade in Florida, a Pamela Gellar-type union between white supremacists and anti-Muslim Jews has repeatedly threatened me, harassed me, and made multiple attempts to take my life (and make it look like an accident) by running me off the road with their vehicles, angering me with terrible insults right before I have to get in my car to drive hoping that I’ll get in a car accident, repeatedly harassing me to make me fall out of my kayak and drown, and with several other methods.

They repeatedly tell me that they had my father killed through his own doctors. For example, every time I kayak in the Cape Coral, FL canals, or in Pine Island, FL, or in Sanibel, FL, or in the Florida Keys, etc. multiple boats pass me and yell, “We (white supremacists) killed your father!” Both white supremacists and anti-Muslim Jews claimed to have killed my father through his own doctors, (with errant medical treatments, etc.). I don’t know if this is true or not, but they’re not supposed to be scaring minorities away from the health care system like this.

At certain businesses or places that Jewish residents frequent, I’ve been repeatedly harassed by as many as thirty Jewish shoppers at a time, trying to call me the L-word. They aren’t one-to-one battles, they’re often twenty-people-to-one battles, and I’m often given the explanation that they don’t really care how they get rid of a Muslim.

They’re intentions are sinister, and it’s much more than overly racist people getting agitated and angry. They often tell me directly that they’re trying to damage my heart with the constant harassment and insults, by constantly dragging me into racial arguments (eg. at the boat dock), repeatedly trying to run my off the road when I’m driving, etc. Like I said, it’s been going on for ten years and I can actually feel they’re intentions. It’s designed to kill you. They’re level of hatred is off the charts, and they often tell me that they want to give me a long, painful death.

It’s ridiculous. The white supremacists give me double-punishment because in addition to being Muslim, they also feel that I was partially raised by Jews in New Jersey, and traditionally they really don’t like Jewish people here. They even have classless names like Jewfish for fish species that they commonly catch like the Goliath Grouper. Northerners don’t talk like that.

I’m a non-practicing Muslim from a northern Democrat family, and I’m much less racist than the average person in the United States. But I fell out of favor with the Jews (for reasons that I understand) which made it very dangerous for me. From what I’ve been told, several of the white supremacists here in Florida have been willing to carry out this targeted harassment for the anti-Muslim Jews in exchange for more job opportunities, etc. I actually see several of these people getting promotions after harassing me.

To further put things into context, multiple groups including the white supremacists and Jews have repeatedly told me that it’s basically a very bad multiway racial, political, and religious fight, and that they’ve made me a very bizarre symbol of this fight. For example, the Jews and white supremacists still fight each other here, but they’re willing to gang up on Muslims. Race relations are terrible in general right now, especially in Florida, with groups teaming up only so that they can do harm to another group. Furthermore, my harassers have been repeatedly telling me that there is a very bad underground war between the North and the South right now, and that they see my family as a liberal symbol of the North, (a minority family that came to the United States during the Civil Rights movement), that they want to destroy. My family was partially raised by conservatives in the Midwest but I’ve been told by multiple people in this white supremacist network that they got sick of us, conservatives need a scapegoat, and that many are in cahoots with these Florida Conservatives. Furthermore, from what both sides tell me, the North-South battle isn’t just a political one. Both sides have been using scary mob-like tactics, that never get identified as a hate crime, like running someone off of the road, and not getting caught. I’ve been intimidated from reporting this to the Florida police in a multitude of ways. In fact, the police often join in on the harassment, by swerving into me with their car on multiple occasions, by openly yelling insults at me at the grocery store, etc. I hear scary grumblings from African-Americans here saying that “Florida cops are like that,” and that “we really don’t like the cops hosting a pretty dangerous racist event like this,” etc. I’m from a family that was taught to respect police officers, but I didn’t grow up in the South. Minorities have a different perspective here.

The anti-Muslim Jews play both sides of the fence, trying to get me killed by white supremacists, while voting Democrat and fighting racism in other arenas. But it’s not just anti-Muslim Jews that do this. Democrats in Florida have told me on several occasions that they’ll join in on a movement to eliminate a Muslim, (basically a public lynching). They make it a point to tell me that the racism spans political parties and that too many groups in Florida are anti-Muslim right now. I definitely don’t plan on retiring here like my father did.

Minorities in Florida are well aware of the heavy racism in some of these areas where I’m being harassed and targeted. There was a lawsuit filed by African-American educators that claims that the Lee County School District discriminates against African-American employees:

Suit against Lee district alleges pattern of discrimination

Lee County residents openly flaunt this attitude in public. For example, at the grocery store in Cape Coral, Caucasian shoppers angrily yell at me “The white person gets the better job here!”

I understand why Florida is the state with the second most hate groups in the country, yet very few hate crimes are reported here. Plenty of hate crimes occur in Florida. I’ve been repeatedly harassed, threatened, and followed by a network of white supremacists for more than a decade. But there is a culture here in Florida that seriously intimidates minorities from reporting hate crimes to the police. Furthermore, these hate groups basically operate as loose organizations that lie dormant, mobilizing their racist citizens when they decide to eliminate a minority that they dislike, or to eliminate someone that they deem to be a “white person’s problem.”

This has nothing to do with racism.
You're being gang stalked. They use whatever message they know will strike a nerve with you.

If you had a fear of clowns you'd see one everyday taunting you.

Thank you. Gang-stalking is exactly what they're doing:

Sign the Petition

It's too damn coordinated with them constantly stalking and following me by vehicle, mobbing me at the workplace, etc. That's exactly what they've been doing. Racism is involved but all of their activities and tactics combined, match the definition of gang-stalking exactly.

It really doesnt have anything to do with racism. This shit happens to all races and religions.
They just know it gets your goat.

They repeatedly make it point to tell me that this basic public lynching of a Muslim is about something much larger than me. On several occasions I’ve gotten threats saying, “Don’t mess with the KKK people” with various people telling me that “the KKK has a lot of power here.” Furthermore, I’ve felt the rise of the disaffected white working-class American in the last decade. They punished me very severely for their troubles. They’re honest enough to tell me on several occasions that they really need a scapegoat, and Muslim-Americans are one of their current targets. The various groups are also telling me that race relations are terrible right now, especially in Florida. Seven in ten Americans currently feel that race relations are bad. That’s the lowest public opinion of race relations in a very long time. On the ground here in Florida, there’s also a lot of talk about an underground war between the North and the South. It’s a little more than the culture war between the North and the South that they talk about on the news every other day. There are some skirmishes at rallies, and both sides are using some mob-like tactics, including the gang-stalking tactics that you mention. From my understanding, they’re using these gang-stalking type tactics to chase out Northerners, and some minorities that they really don’t like. Other Northerners they don’t have a problem with. In some racist places, you’re fine as long as you’re white (liberal or conservative). There are also Northern white supremacists.

Regarding the culture war, I do hear complaints from Northerners about how Florida is too racist. People are aware of some of the differences. The North can be racist, but it’s more covert racism, and much less of the overt racism that you see in the South. For example, here in Florida it’s much more acceptable to use the N-word in public. I hear people say it in public several times a week here, and they even show me that I can use it also. I have no desire to use the N-word. It’s not classy, and it’s too demeaning to African-Americans. Other Northerners don’t like hearing it either, while it doesn’t really bother others. Here in Florida they’re also trying to get me to accept the notion of “modern white supremacy,” with more open (and institutional) racism than the North, some real (and in some cases unfair) advantages for Caucasians from a competitive standpoint, but still flexible enough to thrive in this modern age where they do have to live with and get along with minorities. I don’t like it. Belief systems like “modern white supremacy” set the United States too far backwards with respect to race relations, etc. erasing the very hard work of smart, thoughtful, and well-intentioned people.

I've been dealing with this shit for almost twenty years and I know many other people doing the same.
I'm a white guy as are all the other TI's I know.
These people are big into disinformation dont let em steer you around by the nose.
Honey, you are paranoid. Crazy drivers dominate south Florida both minorities and whites. As a matter of fact Broward county is pretty much equally white and non white. It has nothing to do with anyone’s religion. And never would a group of 30 Jews in a mall harass anyone.

They repeatedly tell me that they had my father killed through his own doctors. For example, every time I kayak in the Cape Coral, FL canals, or in Pine Island, FL, or in Sanibel, FL, or in the Florida Keys, etc. multiple boats pass me and yell, “We (white supremacists) killed your father!” Both white supremacists and anti-Muslim Jews claimed to have killed my father through his own doctors, (with errant medical treatments, etc.). I don’t know if this is true or not, but they’re not supposed to be scaring minorities away from the health care system like this.
At certain businesses or places that Jewish residents frequent, I’ve been repeatedly harassed by as many as thirty Jewish shoppers at a time, trying to call me the L-word. They aren’t one-to-one battles, they’re often twenty-people-to-one battles, and I’m often given the explanation that they don’t really care how they get rid of a Muslim....
You Wack Job cumstain.. here are/aren't the Jews in Lee County

Religions in Lee County, FL
They must be someplace in 'other,' because they are insignificant.
Lee County, FL Popular Religions - Christian and Jewish Stats 2018

Same in Cape Coral.
Cape Coral, Florida Religion

peace said:
I’m a non-practicing Muslim from a northern Democrat family, and I’m much less racist than the average person in the United States. But I fell out of favor with the Jews (for reasons that I understand) which made it very dangerous for me. From what I’ve been told, several of the white supremacists here in Florida have been willing to carry out this targeted harassment for the anti-Muslim Jews in exchange for more job opportunities, etc. I actually see several of these people getting promotions after harassing me.......
Why would you "Fall out of favor with Jews"? And why would you "understand" this.

Is that you Louis?

I suggest you give the other Patients a turn at the keyboard.

Broward County, FL is where I had the experiences with 30 Jewish shoppers at a time trying to call me the L-word. I told them to calm down. Davie, FL, also in Broward County, has crazy drivers that constantly try to drive minorities off the road, and gives them too many problems on the road while driving. A guy from New Jersey told me the same thing about Davie, FL a couple of months ago. People are aware of it.
America is really fucked up.

You've got Christian end timers supporting Jews and Israel. You've got Whites loving Blacks, and hating Mexicans and Asians. You've got the poor supporting the rich.

It's like Americans take pride in supporting a group other than their own, because they have no pride in their own identity.

There's no consistency about it. All I ask from America is for more consistency. People should just stick to and support their own group. I hate all of the confused and messed up alliances.
blacks commit more hate crimes per capita
let's be fair
Folks any input is appreciated. Am thinking of moving to Florida from Connecticut partly because it has been cloudy almost everyday this year so far in the northeast. I am considering Tampa for the possible live music scene, more in the context of a live performer at open mics or paying gigs, just love playing live.

Nope, Florida sucks! The mosquitos will carry you away, It's 92 degrees with 80% humidity. There's gators, Moccasins,Sharks, and Diamondbacks. Your blood will boil if you come to Florida in summer. It rains every afternoon, with lightning, possibly tornados. This summer will probably be 105 degrees with 88% humidity.

If I haven't discouraged you yet, there is a demand (somewhat) for live performers in Tampa.

If you can't play Skynyrd, you better stay where you are. <<<This is not a joke.

They repeatedly tell me that they had my father killed through his own doctors. For example, every time I kayak in the Cape Coral, FL canals, or in Pine Island, FL, or in Sanibel, FL, or in the Florida Keys, etc. multiple boats pass me and yell, “We (white supremacists) killed your father!” Both white supremacists and anti-Muslim Jews claimed to have killed my father through his own doctors, (with errant medical treatments, etc.). I don’t know if this is true or not, but they’re not supposed to be scaring minorities away from the health care system like this.
At certain businesses or places that Jewish residents frequent, I’ve been repeatedly harassed by as many as thirty Jewish shoppers at a time, trying to call me the L-word. They aren’t one-to-one battles, they’re often twenty-people-to-one battles, and I’m often given the explanation that they don’t really care how they get rid of a Muslim....
You Wack Job cumstain.. here are/aren't the Jews in Lee County

Religions in Lee County, FL
They must be someplace in 'other,' because they are insignificant.
Lee County, FL Popular Religions - Christian and Jewish Stats 2018

Same in Cape Coral.
Cape Coral, Florida Religion

peace said:
I’m a non-practicing Muslim from a northern Democrat family, and I’m much less racist than the average person in the United States. But I fell out of favor with the Jews (for reasons that I understand) which made it very dangerous for me. From what I’ve been told, several of the white supremacists here in Florida have been willing to carry out this targeted harassment for the anti-Muslim Jews in exchange for more job opportunities, etc. I actually see several of these people getting promotions after harassing me.......
Why would you "Fall out of favor with Jews"? And why would you "understand" this.

Is that you Louis?

I suggest you give the other Patients a turn at the keyboard.

Broward County, FL is where I had the experiences with 30 Jewish shoppers at a time trying to call me the L-word. I told them to calm down. Davie, FL, also in Broward County, has crazy drivers that constantly try to drive minorities off the road, and gives them too many problems on the road while driving. A guy from New Jersey told me the same thing about Davie, FL a couple of months ago. People are aware of it.

Maybe he shoulda stayed his embezzling/snitch self up in New Joisey, huh? Yeah, we're aware of it all right. You know, I have this friend with a 650-lb hog...

In FL, Muslims don't eat hogs, hogs eat them. Don't venture out into the woods.
Florida is awesome! Now Tampa is not my ideal area. It is a liberal enclave. And plenty humid.

We live south of there, great weather. Just inland from the coast. Right now the temp is 74 with 62% humidity and only 60% dew point.
Folks any input is appreciated. Am thinking of moving to Florida from Connecticut partly because it has been cloudy almost everyday this year so far in the northeast. I am considering Tampa for the possible live music scene, more in the context of a live performer at open mics or paying gigs, just love playing live.

Nope, Florida sucks! The mosquitos will carry you away, It's 92 degrees with 80% humidity. There's gators, Moccasins,Sharks, and Diamondbacks. Your blood will boil if you come to Florida in summer. It rains every afternoon, with lightning, possibly tornados. This summer will probably be 105 degrees with 88% humidity.

If I haven't discouraged you yet, there is a demand (somewhat) for live performers in Tampa.

If you can't play Skynyrd, you better stay where you are. <<<This is not a joke.
Florida is awesome! Now Tampa is not my ideal area. It is a liberal enclave. And plenty humid.

We live south of there, great weather. Just inland from the coast. Right now the temp is 74 with 62% humidity and only 60% dew point.
Folks any input is appreciated. Am thinking of moving to Florida from Connecticut partly because it has been cloudy almost everyday this year so far in the northeast. I am considering Tampa for the possible live music scene, more in the context of a live performer at open mics or paying gigs, just love playing live.

Nope, Florida sucks! The mosquitos will carry you away, It's 92 degrees with 80% humidity. There's gators, Moccasins,Sharks, and Diamondbacks. Your blood will boil if you come to Florida in summer. It rains every afternoon, with lightning, possibly tornados. This summer will probably be 105 degrees with 88% humidity.

If I haven't discouraged you yet, there is a demand (somewhat) for live performers in Tampa.

If you can't play Skynyrd, you better stay where you are. <<<This is not a joke.


I'm not lying about the critters or playing Skynyrd, though. If you can't play Skynyrd, expect a Bud longneck in the face, unless the bar you're in is nice and has a fence.

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