Zone1 Racism: Gallaudet University holds graduation ceremony for segregated Black deaf students and teachers


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
70 Years Later

Well at least this is a step in the right direction. They've acknowledged the harm and injustice done to these students by subjecting them to the unconstitutional doctrine of "separate but equal" due to the complaints of white parents based on nothing more than these students being Black:

"The Kendall School on the Gallaudet University enrolled and educated Black students starting in 1898, but after White parents complained about the integration of races in 1905, Black deaf students were transferred to the Maryland School for the Colored Blind and Deaf-Mutes in Baltimore or to the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf in Philadelphia, completely eliminating the presence of Black students at Kendall School, the university said. "​
"The court ruled that Black deaf students could not be sent outside the state or district to obtain the same education that White students were provided," the university said.​
But instead of simply accepting Black deaf students into Kendall School, Gallaudet built the segregated Kendall School on its campus, which had less resources."​

The complete article can be read here:
Gallaudet University holds graduation ceremony for segregated Black deaf students and teachers
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It's odd, the "black school" in my AO was the newest school in the system when they converted it to a middle school after desegregation.

Many of the teachers were black (they kept half of them on) and best of all the lunch room ladies were black.....Damn the food was good there. ;)

The Principal was a hard-ass, a former "death march" POW of the Japanese. He suffered no shit from anyone.

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