Racism and ObamaCare

Yep. I'm sick and tired of folks on the left crying 'racism' whenever someone voices their disagreement and concern over what Obama is doing. What part of 'the government is too fucking big and we want it smaller' do people equate to 'it's because he is black'? :cuckoo:
Yep. I'm sick and tired of folks on the left crying 'racism' whenever someone voices their disagreement and concern over what Obama is doing. What part of 'the government is too fucking big and we want it smaller' do people equate to 'it's because he is black'? :cuckoo:

That won't end any time soon as Obama was elected in to office without:
Any vetting process
Any achievements as a Senator

He was and is never challenged.
The MSM has been in the tank for him since day 1. They put him in the presidency and to have him fail would mean that they were wrong.

The racism issue is just a way to shut down debate which is why the left is using it in response to the Tea Party movement. The majority that throw that word around could not give you the definition of it. The word has been used so often in the last 18 months, it has no relevance any more. IMO that is going to be the death of the Dems in November.
Yep. I'm sick and tired of folks on the left crying 'racism' whenever someone voices their disagreement and concern over what Obama is doing. What part of 'the government is too fucking big and we want it smaller' do people equate to 'it's because he is black'? :cuckoo:

That won't end any time soon as Obama was elected in to office without:
Any vetting process
Any achievements as a Senator

He was and is never challenged.
The MSM has been in the tank for him since day 1. They put him in the presidency and to have him fail would mean that they were wrong.

The racism issue is just a way to shut down debate which is why the left is using it in response to the Tea Party movement. The majority that throw that word around could not give you the definition of it. The word has been used so often in the last 18 months, it has no relevance any more. IMO that is going to be the death of the Dems in November.

The problem is tossing around the word "racism" and "racist" as loosely as has been occurring makes the words lose all meaning. I grew up in an era where very real racism existed and it was openly accepted as the norm. There was nothing considered wrong with it and nothing considered to be wrong if businesses refused to hire blacks OR serve them as customers. It was a time when blacks were openly denigrated, openly discriminated against, openly harassed and beaten by the police -and when people black or white who objected to the norm were physically hurt and even killed. In spite of the left constantly trying to re-write history, it was Democrats who opposed civil rights legislation. NOT Republicans who were nearly uniformly in support. It is the reason Democrats constantly demand to re-write history and today INSIST the Republican Party owns their own filthy history and that they own that of the Republican Party instead. But Democrats own their own filthy history and always will. No amount of pretense will replace the truth with the fantasy that the Democrat Party miraculously gave up its deeply ingrained racism and adopted the founding principles of the Republican Party AT THE VERY SAME TIME the Republican Party totally abandoned every one of their founding principles so they could adopt the filthy Democrat principles -principles the Republican Party had been formed to FIGHT in the first place! No amount of re-writes can erase the fact that it was Democrats who were the slave owners, Democrats who lynched blacks, Democrats who formed and joined the KKK, Democrats who killed the civil rights workers in MS, Democrats who formed the segregationist Dixiecrat Party and it was Democrats who warmly welcomed them all back when it collapsed. It was Democrats who stood in the doorways trying to prevent black children from attending white public schools and it was a Democrat governor who tried to block blacks from entering a state university. It was NOT Republicans. You'd never know that fact from listening to Democrats. According to Democrats the only reason conservatives are conservatives is because they long for the days when stringing up a black person from a sturdy branch of a tree and sticking a cross in the front yard of a black person and setting it on fire passed for fun. Oh wait....again, it was Democrats who did that. And not all that long ago either.

Today the word "racist" has been tossed around so loosely it means nothing more than disagreeing with a black person -which some Democrats seem to think really does amount to a crime (if you aren't a Democrat of course). It is thrown around for the specific purpose of trying to silence dissent and pressure others to not speak out. If you can label your opponent with a word that carries a strong negative connotation -it is an effective means of silencing their MESSAGE entirely -and it is NOT necessary for it to be true. Another Saul Alinski gem -left wing extremist radical strongly admired by the left who have taken his advice to heart in so many ways. It is fast losing any real meaning because it is so often used in situations where it didn't apply -and most importantly, everyone KNOWS IT. If I disagree with Obama's left wing extremist policies, I can only be doing so because I am a RACIST! It is hard to take these people seriously considering the fact this is THE most left wing extremist President in my lifetime. I am a CONSERVATIVE. I didn't vote for the man because of his POLITICS, not because of his skin color. I didn't even need to THINK about his skin color because his politics already ruled him OUT as a viable candidate for me and will the next time around as well. Changing his skin color would NEVER have changed my vote because I have NEVER cast a vote based on something as superficial and irrelevant as SKIN COLOR in the first place! The notion that if Obama were only white we would all be socialist, left wing extremist loving nutjobs slavishly applauding the abandonment of our VERY founding principles is ludicrous. Have I ever cut Gore any slack because he's white? LOL

The real racists are the same ones they have always been. Democrats. They live and breathe racism and no one spends as much time dwelling on skin color like Democrats do. It is a NONSTOP topic for them -they OBSESS about it. They have never changed their racist beliefs at heart -they have merely dressed them up in the form of paternal racism. A deadly, soul-killing racism that is no less destructive and harmful to blacks and I think actually did more to destroy the black family than slavery did. How many generations of blacks have Democrats told they can't possibly expect to be able to compete against whites, they haven't a chance of succeeding in this country against whites with the hidden and implied message that it is really because they just aren't as good or as smart as whites. And they will never get ahead unless some of those "superior" whites give them hand-outs, change the rules, tell everyone else to stop expecting the same kind of performance as a white and insisting it means we must all lower expectations for anyone with a black skin as opposed to a white one. It only proves how insidious this message really is and how it can become adopted by an entire race led to believe in their "inherent" inferiority. Democrats managed to hide their blatant racism with paternalistic racism for the specific purpose of keeping blacks on their plantation in spite of emancipation. It is why no other race votes as a BLOC and most importantly, why Democrats never demand that any other race BUT blacks vote as a bloc. Otherwise any who think for themselves and reject the soul killing paternalistic racism of Democrats can expect the most vicious treatment allowed by law.

Democrats substituted one form of racism for another and pat themselves on the back for their "enlightened ways" -and insist that the fact the Republican Party refused to adopt even their paternalistic racism and continue to reject their racism which Democrats never abandoned -as proof Republicans suddenly become the real "racists".

One thing that has been and will always be true is that Democrats are the most guilty of accusing everyone else of their own worst sins. Probably because looking in the mirror would be just too traumatic for them.
Yep. I'm sick and tired of folks on the left crying 'racism' whenever someone voices their disagreement and concern over what Obama is doing. What part of 'the government is too fucking big and we want it smaller' do people equate to 'it's because he is black'? :cuckoo:

That won't end any time soon as Obama was elected in to office without:
Any vetting process
Any achievements as a Senator

He was and is never challenged.
The MSM has been in the tank for him since day 1. They put him in the presidency and to have him fail would mean that they were wrong.

The racism issue is just a way to shut down debate which is why the left is using it in response to the Tea Party movement. The majority that throw that word around could not give you the definition of it. The word has been used so often in the last 18 months, it has no relevance any more. IMO that is going to be the death of the Dems in November.

The problem is tossing around the word "racism" and "racist" as loosely as has been occurring makes the words lose all meaning. I grew up in an era where very real racism existed and it was openly accepted as the norm. There was nothing considered wrong with it and nothing considered to be wrong if businesses refused to hire blacks OR serve them as customers. It was a time when blacks were openly denigrated, openly discriminated against, openly harassed and beaten by the police -and when people black or white who objected to the norm were physically hurt and even killed. In spite of the left constantly trying to re-write history, it was Democrats who opposed civil rights legislation. NOT Republicans who were nearly uniformly in support. It is the reason Democrats constantly demand to re-write history and today INSIST the Republican Party owns their own filthy history and that they own that of the Republican Party instead. But Democrats own their own filthy history and always will. No amount of pretense will replace the truth with the fantasy that the Democrat Party miraculously gave up its deeply ingrained racism and adopted the founding principles of the Republican Party AT THE VERY SAME TIME the Republican Party totally abandoned every one of their founding principles so they could adopt the filthy Democrat principles -principles the Republican Party had been formed to FIGHT in the first place! No amount of re-writes can erase the fact that it was Democrats who were the slave owners, Democrats who lynched blacks, Democrats who formed and joined the KKK, Democrats who killed the civil rights workers in MS, Democrats who formed the segregationist Dixiecrat Party and it was Democrats who warmly welcomed them all back when it collapsed. It was Democrats who stood in the doorways trying to prevent black children from attending white public schools and it was a Democrat governor who tried to block blacks from entering a state university. It was NOT Republicans. You'd never know that fact from listening to Democrats. According to Democrats the only reason conservatives are conservatives is because they long for the days when stringing up a black person from a sturdy branch of a tree and sticking a cross in the front yard of a black person and setting it on fire passed for fun. Oh wait....again, it was Democrats who did that. And not all that long ago either.

Today the word "racist" has been tossed around so loosely it means nothing more than disagreeing with a black person -which some Democrats seem to think really does amount to a crime (if you aren't a Democrat of course). It is thrown around for the specific purpose of trying to silence dissent and pressure others to not speak out. If you can label your opponent with a word that carries a strong negative connotation -it is an effective means of silencing their MESSAGE entirely -and it is NOT necessary for it to be true. Another Saul Alinski gem -left wing extremist radical strongly admired by the left who have taken his advice to heart in so many ways. It is fast losing any real meaning because it is so often used in situations where it didn't apply -and most importantly, everyone KNOWS IT. If I disagree with Obama's left wing extremist policies, I can only be doing so because I am a RACIST! It is hard to take these people seriously considering the fact this is THE most left wing extremist President in my lifetime. I am a CONSERVATIVE. I didn't vote for the man because of his POLITICS, not because of his skin color. I didn't even need to THINK about his skin color because his politics already ruled him OUT as a viable candidate for me and will the next time around as well. Changing his skin color would NEVER have changed my vote because I have NEVER cast a vote based on something as superficial and irrelevant as SKIN COLOR in the first place! The notion that if Obama were only white we would all be socialist, left wing extremist loving nutjobs slavishly applauding the abandonment of our VERY founding principles is ludicrous. Have I ever cut Gore any slack because he's white? LOL

The real racists are the same ones they have always been. Democrats. They live and breathe racism and no one spends as much time dwelling on skin color like Democrats do. It is a NONSTOP topic for them -they OBSESS about it. They have never changed their racist beliefs at heart -they have merely dressed them up in the form of paternal racism. A deadly, soul-killing racism that is no less destructive and harmful to blacks and I think actually did more to destroy the black family than slavery did. How many generations of blacks have Democrats told they can't possibly expect to be able to compete against whites, they haven't a chance of succeeding in this country against whites with the hidden and implied message that it is really because they just aren't as good or as smart as whites. And they will never get ahead unless some of those "superior" whites give them hand-outs, change the rules, tell everyone else to stop expecting the same kind of performance as a white and insisting it means we must all lower expectations for anyone with a black skin as opposed to a white one. It only proves how insidious this message really is and how it can become adopted by an entire race led to believe in their "inherent" inferiority. Democrats managed to hide their blatant racism with paternalistic racism for the specific purpose of keeping blacks on their plantation in spite of emancipation. It is why no other race votes as a BLOC and most importantly, why Democrats never demand that any other race BUT blacks vote as a bloc. Otherwise any who think for themselves and reject the soul killing paternalistic racism of Democrats can expect the most vicious treatment allowed by law.

Democrats substituted one form of racism for another and pat themselves on the back for their "enlightened ways" -and insist that the fact the Republican Party refused to adopt even their paternalistic racism and continue to reject their racism which Democrats never abandoned -as proof Republicans suddenly become the real "racists".

One thing that has been and will always be true is that Democrats are the most guilty of accusing everyone else of their own worst sins. Probably because looking in the mirror would be just too traumatic for them.

You tell yourself this. But you're wrong. It IS about race. Nobody would give a shit if a white Democrat or Republican were proposing tinkering with health insurance regulations and start swooning about "liberty" and bullshit.

White conservatives go apeshit over things that just don't merit getting upset about because THEY'RE NOT ALLOWED TO STATE THEIR TRUE FEELINGS, which are: "Jesus Christ, America is turning minority white and the president is black... where's my country, dude?"

White people, you will feel better when you admit your true feelings. And understand they're NOT WRONG.
That won't end any time soon as Obama was elected in to office without:
Any vetting process
Any achievements as a Senator

He was and is never challenged.
The MSM has been in the tank for him since day 1. They put him in the presidency and to have him fail would mean that they were wrong.

The racism issue is just a way to shut down debate which is why the left is using it in response to the Tea Party movement. The majority that throw that word around could not give you the definition of it. The word has been used so often in the last 18 months, it has no relevance any more. IMO that is going to be the death of the Dems in November.

One thing that has been and will always be true is that Democrats are the most guilty of accusing everyone else of their own worst sins. Probably because looking in the mirror would be just too traumatic for them.

You tell yourself this. But you're wrong. It IS about race. Nobody would give a shit if a white Democrat or Republican were proposing tinkering with health insurance regulations and start swooning about "liberty" and bullshit.

White conservatives go apeshit over things that just don't merit getting upset about because THEY'RE NOT ALLOWED TO STATE THEIR TRUE FEELINGS, which are: "Jesus Christ, America is turning minority white and the president is black... where's my country, dude?"

White people, you will feel better when you admit your true feelings. And understand they're NOT WRONG.

You must be very young. Insisting this is all about race is bullshit and nothing but an attempt by people like you who have no problem with tyranny as long as you are on the side doing the tyrannizing. If you call them racists then you don't have to debate the ISSUES that have people concerned and even angry about what our government is doing. In case you didn't notice, that anger is MUCH higher against Congress than against our President -which isn't consistent with it being due to racism, is it?

First of all, something that took more than 2,700 pages is not "tinkering" -this is a bill that once all parts of it are finally rolled out will insure life in this country will never be the same. This bill caused the DOWNGRADE in the status of this country as a free nation. We were listed a free nation and after this bill was passed it was changed to "mostly free" -that is because this bill really does STRIP PEOPLE of some of their FREEDOMS. That is NOT TINKERING! Tinkering with regulations would be a one page bill that dropped the ban on insurance companies from competing across state lines -something that actually WOULD lower the cost of insurance but was rejected -and NOT in this bill.

Either you hadn't even been born or were just a wee child when Clinton first took office. Because his Presidency was in MASSIVE trouble after he first took office and appointed his wife to "fix" health care. You never heard of Hillary Care? It almost tanked his Presidency right off the bat. As it was, it resulted in major Republican victories at his midterm giving Republicans control of Congress.

But here is what is different this time! Democrats didn't even attempt to ram it down the throats of the majority against their will. Instead Clinton LISTENED TO THE PEOPLE and promptly dropped it, stopped his far left agenda and immediately started governing from the middle. As soon as he did, his approval ratings soared. You don't get it, people WANT to like their President but if he goes too far off the reservation -they do not. No matter what color their skin is!

But THIS time Democrats rammed it down the throats of the people against their will and the majority of Americans still OPPOSE IT -they did not want this bill and they still do not want this bill! People are ANGRY about that and have EVERY right to be angry about it. Unlike Clinton, Obama has not given up his far left agenda whatsoever and is still going full steam ahead. Democrats will pay a price for REFUSING to listen to the people, their sheer ARROGANCE - and they sure as hell will pay for mocking them. Nobody elected a pack of mini-dictators but they sure as hell act like it.

Try to use some critical thinking skills on this one, ok? The majority of people elected Obama -around 55%, a better margin of win that many of our recent Presidents did not achieve - which sure as hell means his skin color wasn't an issue then. But today a majority of people OPPOSE his health care bill. Fully 64% of the people opposed it before it was passed and 55% still feel so strongly about it they want it repealed. And NOW Obama's approval ratings have dropped to around 46%. Even you should be able to do the math on this one. Do you REALLY think everyone just woke up one day and realized OH WOW THE DUDE IS BLACK AND NOW I MUST OPPOSE HIS GARGANTUAN MASSIVE MONSTROSITY OF A HEALTH CARE BILL -BECAUSE I ACTUALLY JUST LOVE IT BUT BECAUSE I JUST REALIZED THIS DUDE IS BLACK I DECIDED TO PRETEND THAT I HATE IT INSTEAD. That is apparently the process YOU seem to think took place here.

Obama's approval rating right after taking office was 69% -THE highest approval ratings for any incoming President in 20 years. That means MILLIONS of people who didn't even vote for him still approved of how he was doing at first. So clearly his skin color still wasn't an issue. I told you, Americans WANT to like their Presidents and even if they didn't vote for the guy, will still give him a fair shake and want him to succeed. The overwhelming vast majority of Americans are NOT political ideologues and are FAIR PEOPLE. But today Obama's approval rating is around 46%. Do you REALLY think that is because of his SKIN COLOR???? It dropped because people do not like this guy's POLICIES, a lot of people who even voted for him oppose his policies. This isn't rocket science -people do NOT like the MASSIVE out of control massive spending that has taken place by our government in just on year -quadrupling the government's deficit. In just one year. A level of spending the director of the Congressional Budget Office just reported this week was NOT sustainable! THAT has never happened in our history so it should be a real wake-up call even for the most hardcore left winger. You expecting good things as the result of a government with an unsustainable level of spending?

Now if it makes you feel any better 64% or so opposed this health care bill monstrosity before it passed while close to 85% opposed Hillary Care. Clearly that high of a rate of people opposing it was only because Clinton was white though. The anger against Clinton disappeared as soon as Hillary Care disappeared and Clinton started governing as the centrist he had held himself out to be in the first place. ObamaCare didn't disappear though -and neither has the anger.

The good news is that even though Obama's approval numbers are low -they still aren't as low as Reid's and Pelosi's who are truly despised in this country. Just a couple of weeks ago Reid's approval rating was just 9% and Pelosi's was 11%. No doubt the fact they are much worse than Obama's approval ratings is due entirely to the fact they are white. :cuckoo:
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That won't end any time soon as Obama was elected in to office without:
Any vetting process
Any achievements as a Senator

He was and is never challenged.
The MSM has been in the tank for him since day 1. They put him in the presidency and to have him fail would mean that they were wrong.

The racism issue is just a way to shut down debate which is why the left is using it in response to the Tea Party movement. The majority that throw that word around could not give you the definition of it. The word has been used so often in the last 18 months, it has no relevance any more. IMO that is going to be the death of the Dems in November.

One thing that has been and will always be true is that Democrats are the most guilty of accusing everyone else of their own worst sins. Probably because looking in the mirror would be just too traumatic for them.

You tell yourself this. But you're wrong. It IS about race. Nobody would give a shit if a white Democrat or Republican were proposing tinkering with health insurance regulations and start swooning about "liberty" and bullshit.

White conservatives go apeshit over things that just don't merit getting upset about because THEY'RE NOT ALLOWED TO STATE THEIR TRUE FEELINGS, which are: "Jesus Christ, America is turning minority white and the president is black... where's my country, dude?"

White people, you will feel better when you admit your true feelings. And understand they're NOT WRONG.

I shouldn't have bothered dignifying your asshole post with a serious response. You really are a racist hoping to find company among those who are seriously concerned about the looming financial crisis this nation faces -while the only thing that occupies your diseased mind is the shade of someone's skin color! Go crawl back under the rock you slithered out from under because you do nothing but induce vomiting in normal people.
'The good news is that even though Obama's approval numbers are low -they still aren't as low as Reid's and Pelosi's who are truly despised in this country. Just a couple of weeks ago Reid's approval rating was just 9% and Pelosi's was 11%. No doubt the fact they are much worse than Obama's approval ratings is due entirely to the fact they are white.'

Obama's approval numbers are very low - it's just that you won't hear it said. Don't forget that in this country people fear being labelled as racists the most. If what is going on right now was being perpretrated by a 'white' president, you can bet his true low ratings would be televised world wide. Just keep in mind was was done to GWB.
Yep. I'm sick and tired of folks on the left crying 'racism' whenever someone voices their disagreement and concern over what Obama is doing. What part of 'the government is too fucking big and we want it smaller' do people equate to 'it's because he is black'? :cuckoo:

Where were you village idiots when Bush was spending your hard earned money like a drunken sailor, giving tax cuts to the rich, and starting wars to make his friends wealthy, like Halliburton and BlackWater, Cheney,etc. I guess you were all sleeping and it took a black man to wake you all up.:clap2::evil:

Obama is trying to do what your GOD would do. Clean up the mess Bush made and see that the poor and sick are taken care of.
The reason people think its' all because of the black man is when the white man was doing the same thing, no problem
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People who are constantly talking about Obama being black are the biggest racists. Did all of you throw his 'white half' under the bus???? Geez people, give it a rest. The man is losing popularity because of his controlling personality and his holier than thou attitude. Power corrupts and we are seeing it first hand. Just pray that the next 3 yrs go by fast and our country will still stand.
Yep. I'm sick and tired of folks on the left crying 'racism' whenever someone voices their disagreement and concern over what Obama is doing. What part of 'the government is too fucking big and we want it smaller' do people equate to 'it's because he is black'? :cuckoo:

Where were you village idiots when Bush was spending your hard earned money like a drunken sailor, giving tax cuts to the rich, and starting wars to make his friends wealthy, like Halliburton and BlackWater, Cheney,etc. I guess you were all sleeping and it took a black man to wake you all up.:clap2::evil:

Bitchin' and moaning about government growing too big, same as now.

Obama is trying to do what your GOD would do. Clean up the mess Bush made and see that the poor and sick are taken care of.
The reason people think its' all because of the black man is when the white man was doing the same thing, no problem

Obama is doing what Bush did except Obama is on steriods, red bull, and speed. But you're just fine with him, eh? If he were white what would you say then?
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