Racial Microaggressions

Here's some "Microaggressions" I surely don't get nervous when older black people are around, it's them young hardheads I worry about. You know why? Because sometimes they're up to no good, that's why.

That clip is a bit "over the top," but I do understand that sometimes those you call young hardheads are indeed up to no good. But not all of them and not all the time. I know some terrific kids, bright, educated and who wouldn't hurt anyone. Yet they still get "the look" and the vibe of fear when they walk by. One kid told me he just wanted to shout out "I'm NOT going to hurt you!"
Yes, I did. The author dedicated a chapter to it and I found it very real and meaningful.

How old are you?
I am 67.

I'm guessing you took some classes later in life?
What kind of classes?

No college. Basically self-taught. Did take a writing correspondence course after high school.
Here's some "Microaggressions" I surely don't get nervous when older black people are around, it's them young hardheads I worry about. You know why? Because sometimes they're up to no good, that's why.

That clip is a bit "over the top," but I do understand that sometimes those you call young hardheads are indeed up to no good. But not all of them and not all the time. I know some terrific kids, bright, educated and who wouldn't hurt anyone. Yet they still get "the look" and the vibe of fear when they walk by. One kid told me he just wanted to shout out "I'm NOT going to hurt you!"

Until he can point out the white hardheads maybe we should not give him outs.
Yeah right nothing is a problem until whites imagine they are being screwed then the earth must stop spinning until their white asses get their way.

You're like what Reagan said of "his liberal friends":

You know so much that just isn't so.

I know so much that is so that you don't dare try taking me on.

Oh hush, yew.

No, you shouldn't talk shit.

Nobody's "talking shit", you just perceive that because you're warped.
Here's some "Microaggressions" I surely don't get nervous when older black people are around, it's them young hardheads I worry about. You know why? Because sometimes they're up to no good, that's why.

That clip is a bit "over the top," but I do understand that sometimes those you call young hardheads are indeed up to no good. But not all of them and not all the time. I know some terrific kids, bright, educated and who wouldn't hurt anyone. Yet they still get "the look" and the vibe of fear when they walk by. One kid told me he just wanted to shout out "I'm NOT going to hurt you!"

The clip is intentionally "over the top" to the max to illustrate a point. It's something that actually does happen, not in such an extreme manner.
My theory about "microaggressions" and "triggering" is that it's all a bunch of nonsense.

I didn't hear about "Safe Space" until mid-2016. IMO, it's a bunch of Marxist professor-concocted PC garbage.
“Is the baby-daddy in the picture?” “Do your kids all have the same dad?” “

This is asked of all races. Whom might ask that and why? What information would the answer reveal about an individual?
Are you the first person in your family to graduate?”

Why would anyone ask that question? Every race is asked that question.

If that's the first place your mind goes when encountering a 'person of color', or any minority, it expresses diminished expectations. It may reflect a real truth in society, eg that minorities have a tough time getting ahead in the world, but it's also a self fulfilling prophecy. Its not that different than the police assuming that a black person in a nice car has either stolen it, or is a drug dealer.

It's about the expectations and presumptions we express with these kinds of questions.

I'm reminded of a funny Anthony Jeselnik joke - goes something like:

"I was at a party the other day, and I saw this beautiful blonde woman standing by herself, so I introduced myself. She asked: 'What do you do?'

I said, 'I'm a comedian, what do you do?'

She looked at me and said, 'I'm a brain surgeon'.

And, I have to admit, I was surprised. Most women can't pull of sarcasm."
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Yeah right nothing is a problem until whites imagine they are being screwed then the earth must stop spinning until their white asses get their way.

You are a perfect illustration of the double standards now hardwired into American society. Blacks can be just as hateful and prejudiced towards whites as they want, but have to make up shit like "microaggression" arising from whites in order to find something they call racist in order to play victim.

You don't like racism, children? Stop being so fucking racist.
another DUMBASS thread
when you tell someone they speak English well--that's a COMPLIMENT
I can understand foreigners better than some blacks

considering blacks graduate at lower levels, I always ask my black 'friends' ''are you the first of your family to graduate''?? they don't seem to mind.... their answer is usually ''no, I didn't graduate''
My theory about "microaggressions" and "triggering" is that it's all a bunch of nonsense.

I didn't hear about "Safe Space" until mid-2016. IMO, it's a bunch of Marxist professor-concocted PC garbage.

As whites become less and less racist, many blacks become increasingly desperate to find racism, thus the fine tuning of it down to the micro level. Of course, they are indulging in it quite openly on the macro level, but utter hypocrisy sure never stopped anybody, has it?
Here's some "Microaggressions" I surely don't get nervous when older black people are around, it's them young hardheads I worry about. You know why? Because sometimes they're up to no good, that's why.

That clip is a bit "over the top," but I do understand that sometimes those you call young hardheads are indeed up to no good. But not all of them and not all the time. I know some terrific kids, bright, educated and who wouldn't hurt anyone. Yet they still get "the look" and the vibe of fear when they walk by. One kid told me he just wanted to shout out "I'm NOT going to hurt you!"

They get the look, because being wrong is deadly. You want to smile sweetly and walk on by, only to be sucker punched, knocked out and robbed.

Do not let a black person walk behind you. If necessary, put your back up against a wall and wait until they pass. Do not get into an elevator if the only other passenger is black. If you come upon a group of young black men, cross the street. Make eye contact, so they know they were noticed. When leaving a shopping mall, if you see that you are being followed by a black, turn around and go back into the mall until it is safe to leave. I wear a shoulder purse cross body with the body of the hand bag under my arm.

Just to make sure blacks know that I'm a pisser, I wear hoop earrings!

I know older people who have taken to walking with a cane so they have a weapon at hand. Many martial arts studios now have classes in cane fighting for older people. Always, always, always, make sure you know who is behind you. The entire pleasure of the black knock out game is to attack someone who is unaware. Always be aware.
My theory about "microaggressions" and "triggering" is that it's all a bunch of nonsense.

I didn't hear about "Safe Space" until mid-2016. IMO, it's a bunch of Marxist professor-concocted PC garbage.

As whites become less and less racist, many blacks become increasingly desperate to find racism, thus the fine tuning of it down to the micro level. Of course, they are indulging in it quite openly on the macro level, but utter hypocrisy sure never stopped anybody, has it?

The past has consequences. Take a spouse with a long history of infidelity. The spouse is trying to clean up his or her act. A big project has come up at work requiring the spouse to work late into the night on many days. Is the other spouse looking for infidelity or simply suspect because of the demonstration of the same patterns that previously were due to infidelity? Is the other spouse looking for infidelity or simply trying to protect him or herself from being used and hurt yet again?

Sure, racism happens a lot less than blacks think it does....but its not unnatural and should not be unexpected that blacks assume racism given the history of this nation. It happens (racism), however, a lot more than whites think it does, which is rather unnatural given the history of this nation and how intransigent most people are in their beliefs and views.

Racism and homosexuality have flipped flopped. There was a time where racism was socially acceptable and homosexuality was not. Racist were out in the open and homosexuals were in hiding. Homosexuals, because it was not socially acceptable, carried and presented themselves as heterosexuals. They married, had children and went about in an effort to be undetected as homosexual. Some, however, found ways to meet up with other homosexuals clandestinely to actualize on their real attractions. Back then, it did not seem like there were a lot of homosexuals relative to today when social acceptance brought them out the closet.

Today, racist do what homosexuals used to do. They try to blend in as non racist. They have friends who are black or maybe even romantic relationships with people who are black. They don't openly say racist things and they know what things not to say. The penalty today, for being an overt racist, is similar to the penalty of being overtly gay in an era where homosexuality was not accepted. A racist whites person in hiding, can commit an act of discrimination unbeknownst to any other white person. The black person may then accuse that person of being racist.......then all other white folks jump in the white persons defense, because they never heard him say the N word and that he has black friends.

Keep in mind that Dylan Roof, the white guy who shot those 10 blacks in a church in SC had a black friend. White people can be racist and their racism not known and shared with other whites, just like people can and have been homosexual and never share that they are homosexual with others....unless they feel that they are the same way. Some whites, however, want us to believe that if a white person is racist, he will share that with friends and family. That is the way is used to be, but today there is too much of a cost professionally and morally in being an out in the open racist. The fact that people try to hide their racism seems to be lost among many whites who will only acknowledge racism as an issue if it is out in the open. How many times have you heard on the news the neighbor say their neighbor accused of some crime like child molestation or something else...."was a nice guy" or "did not have a clue" etc? That happens MOST of the time. You will not know if you are living next to a sex offender unless its reported. They will not share it with you. Yet, people don't want to say the same about racist. People act as if racist go around announcing and sharing it and that blacks are just making it all up......

The ultimate goal of racist......is to discredit blacks claims of racism, leaving only black inferiority to blame for the black condition of inequality. Its like the guy who just walked into a sworn of gnats. The only thing is that other people cannot see the gnats, but just see the guy flinging his arm and seemingly acting mentally unstable. The racist, analogously speaking, does not want people to know that the black person has walked into a sworn of gnats. The racist just want people to think the black guy is naturally crazy.
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Here's some "Microaggressions" I surely don't get nervous when older black people are around, it's them young hardheads I worry about. You know why? Because sometimes they're up to no good, that's why.

That clip is a bit "over the top," but I do understand that sometimes those you call young hardheads are indeed up to no good. But not all of them and not all the time. I know some terrific kids, bright, educated and who wouldn't hurt anyone. Yet they still get "the look" and the vibe of fear when they walk by. One kid told me he just wanted to shout out "I'm NOT going to hurt you!"

They get the look, because being wrong is deadly. You want to smile sweetly and walk on by, only to be sucker punched, knocked out and robbed.

Do not let a black person walk behind you. If necessary, put your back up against a wall and wait until they pass. Do not get into an elevator if the only other passenger is black. If you come upon a group of young black men, cross the street. Make eye contact, so they know they were noticed. When leaving a shopping mall, if you see that you are being followed by a black, turn around and go back into the mall until it is safe to leave. I wear a shoulder purse cross body with the body of the hand bag under my arm.

Just to make sure blacks know that I'm a pisser, I wear hoop earrings!

I know older people who have taken to walking with a cane so they have a weapon at hand. Many martial arts studios now have classes in cane fighting for older people. Always, always, always, make sure you know who is behind you. The entire pleasure of the black knock out game is to attack someone who is unaware. Always be aware.

There's a lot of truth to your post. The overarching theme to take away would be situational awareness. And this is a discipline that needs to be in effect at all times. However the intensity should indeed increase, when the environmental risk factors elevate.
Another subject pertaing to situational awareness is "maintaining your bubble". Never allow an agitated or hostile person within your bubble. Your bubble for the purpose of this example is the range in which the person could strike, or grab you. Any breach of said bubble is grounds for active, forceful, self defence. No one is obligated to be struck first, before defending themselves.
My theory about "microaggressions" and "triggering" is that it's all a bunch of nonsense.

I didn't hear about "Safe Space" until mid-2016. IMO, it's a bunch of Marxist professor-concocted PC garbage.

As whites become less and less racist, many blacks become increasingly desperate to find racism, thus the fine tuning of it down to the micro level. Of course, they are indulging in it quite openly on the macro level, but utter hypocrisy sure never stopped anybody, has it?

The past has consequences. Take a spouse with a long history of infidelity. The spouse is trying to clean up his or her act. A big project has come up at work requiring the spouse to work late into the night on many days. Is the other spouse looking for infidelity or simply suspect because of the demonstration of the same patterns that previously were due to infidelity? Is the other spouse looking for infidelity or simply trying to protect him or herself from being used and hurt yet again?

Sure, racism happens a lot less than blacks think it does....but its not unnatural and should not be unexpected that blacks assume racism given the history of this nation. It happens (racism), however, a lot more than whites think it does, which is rather unnatural given the history of this nation and how intransigent most people are in their beliefs and views.

Racism and homosexuality have flipped flopped. There was a time where racism was socially acceptable and homosexuality was not. Racist were out in the open and homosexuals were in hiding. Homosexuals, because it was not socially acceptable, carried and presented themselves as heterosexuals. They married, had children and went about in an effort to be undetected as homosexual. Some, however, found ways to meet up with other homosexuals clandestinely to actualize on their real attractions. Back then, it did not seem like there were a lot of homosexuals relative to today when social acceptance brought them out the closet.

Today, racist do what homosexuals used to do. They try to blend in as non racist. They have friends who are black or maybe even romantic relationships with people who are black. They don't openly say racist things and they know what things not to say. The penalty today, for being an overt racist, is similar to the penalty of being overtly gay in an era where homosexuality was not accepted. A racist whites person in hiding, can commit an act of discrimination unbeknownst to any other white person. The black person may then accuse that person of being racist.......then all other white folks jump in the white persons defense, because they never heard him say the N word and that he has black friends.

Keep in mind that Dylan Roof, the white guy who shot those 10 blacks in a church in SC had a black friend. White people can be racist and their racism not known and shared with other whites, just like people can and have been homosexual and never share that they are homosexual with others....unless they feel that they are the same way. Some whites, however, want us to believe that if a white person is racist, he will share that with friends and family. That is the way is used to be, but today there is too much of a cost professionally and morally in being an out in the open racist. The fact that people try to hide their racism seems to be lost among many whites who will only acknowledge racism as an issue if it is out in the open. How many times have you heard on the news the neighbor say their neighbor accused of some crime like child molestation or something else...."was a nice guy" or "did not have a clue" etc? That happens MOST of the time. You will not know if you are living next to a sex offender unless its reported. They will not share it with you. Yet, people don't want to say the same about racist. People act as if racist go around announcing and sharing it and that blacks are just making it all up......

The ultimate goal of racist......is to discredit blacks claims of racism, leaving only black inferiority to blame for the black condition of inequality. Its like the guy who just walked into a sworn of gnats. The only thing is that other people cannot see the gnats, but just see the guy flinging his arm and seemingly acting mentally unstable. The racist, analogously speaking, does not want people to know that the black person has walked into a sworn of gnats. The racist just want people to think the black guy is naturally crazy.

.....or you can start taking responsibility for your behavior without blaming white people for your various shortcomings. It's this mantle of victimhood you wear that acts as a self-fulfilling prophesy. You scrutinize whites for even the mere trace of racism, while expressing such hostility and lack of introspection towards your own behavior that you keep yourselves down better than any white person could. Our country has seen two full generations of black privilege when it comes to educational and work opportunities, yet you walk around with this yoke around your necks that prevents you from succeeding.

If you want a recipe for failure, you can't do much better than expressing constant hostility towards white people, refusing to learn the lesson of racism by being racist, yourselves, and Uncle Tomming your fellow blacks if they "act white" by not being racist just like you. You want to get ahead? Drop the enormous chip on your shoulder that acts as a crutch, start valuing hard work and education, take responsibility for instilling decent values in your children and start holding yourselves to the same standards as you do white people when it comes to racism.
Another thread about racism that doesnt involve racism..
All of that shit can be applied to any race.
You wonder why people laugh when someone says "racist?"
You people are fucking idiots.

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