Races of the homeless in the USA


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Number of homeless people in the U.S., by race 2019 | Statista

In 2019, there were an estimated 270,607 white homeless people in the United States, the most out of any ethnicity. However, there were around 297,108 minority homeless people in the U.S.

So...where do the illegals and immigrants go when in the USA? Family. That's where. If Maria and Jose' have a house or apartment, you can bet Uncle Fernando and Aunt Consuelo and their kids will have room made for them....or the government pushes back citizens to make room for them in gove funded housing. How about Muslims and Middle Eastern immigrants? Same thing. Asians? Ditto. So why so many white and black citizens homeless? Because they don't give a shit about their own? Looks like it.
So why so many white and black citizens homeless? Because they don't give a shit about their own?
I recognized a long time ago that "foreigners" held family in higher esteem than anglo's- with Black people they probably don't have the family structure to go to-
Number of homeless people in the U.S., by race 2019 | Statista

In 2019, there were an estimated 270,607 white homeless people in the United States, the most out of any ethnicity. However, there were around 297,108 minority homeless people in the U.S.

So...where do the illegals and immigrants go when in the USA? Family. That's where. If Maria and Jose' have a house or apartment, you can bet Uncle Fernando and Aunt Consuelo and their kids will have room made for them....or the government pushes back citizens to make room for them in gove funded housing. How about Muslims and Middle Eastern immigrants? Same thing. Asians? Ditto. So why so many white and black citizens homeless? Because they don't give a shit about their own? Looks like it.

So why so many white and black citizens homeless? Because they don't give a shit about their own?
I recognized a long time ago that "foreigners" held family in higher esteem than anglo's- with Black people they probably don't have the family structure to go to-

Wetbacks and Ragheads are human cockroaches...they are content living on top of one another like the subhuman filth they are. Niggs flat out have no regard for human life as demonstrated in Africa and in every ghetto in the world. White folks are prideful, they try to hide their issues and not burden family with their shortcomings...Simple shit.
Remember, this is a white persons nation; we are still 70% white...think per capita like smart people do.
Number of homeless people in the U.S., by race 2019 | Statista

In 2019, there were an estimated 270,607 white homeless people in the United States, the most out of any ethnicity. However, there were around 297,108 minority homeless people in the U.S.

So...where do the illegals and immigrants go when in the USA? Family. That's where. If Maria and Jose' have a house or apartment, you can bet Uncle Fernando and Aunt Consuelo and their kids will have room made for them....or the government pushes back citizens to make room for them in gove funded housing. How about Muslims and Middle Eastern immigrants? Same thing. Asians? Ditto. So why so many white and black citizens homeless? Because they don't give a shit about their own? Looks like it.

Meh....I let my shit head brother live with me for two years after his divorce for free.
When he showed no intention of getting a job I tossed his ass out and he ran to mommy for help. He then promptly stole all her money and left the Wife and I to take care of her in her declining years. The sorry piece of shit cost us well over 150k before it was all said and done.
Some people just cant be helped and if I never see him again it'll be to soon.
Number of homeless people in the U.S., by race 2019 | Statista

In 2019, there were an estimated 270,607 white homeless people in the United States, the most out of any ethnicity. However, there were around 297,108 minority homeless people in the U.S.

So...where do the illegals and immigrants go when in the USA? Family. That's where. If Maria and Jose' have a house or apartment, you can bet Uncle Fernando and Aunt Consuelo and their kids will have room made for them....or the government pushes back citizens to make room for them in gove funded housing. How about Muslims and Middle Eastern immigrants? Same thing. Asians? Ditto. So why so many white and black citizens homeless? Because they don't give a shit about their own? Looks like it.
Rich diversity of poor whites without jobs and losing their homes. And then there are all those brown people that get those same jobs and take those self same homes here illegally violating federal law then get sanctuary from federal law those same homeless dispossessed Americans didn't ask for or need, funny thing about humanitarianism. Charity beings at home...

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