RACEBAITING OBAMA to LA's Rescue Teams: Don't be RACIST when offering assistance!

Did you know that that nigga went home to a white bitch and 9 bi racial chillins?

I am starting to wonder if you are really a black lady or an agent provocateur that is trying to make black folks look bad. If you are a white man trying to pass yourself off as "black", fuck you.....you are a blight on humanity.
I'm seeing some strange arguments tonight. I got a white woman who DENIES white democrats never hung a Negro despite my posting pictures otherwise. Is it a full moon or what?
Did you know that that nigga went home to a white bitch and 9 bi racial chillins?

I am starting to wonder if you are really a black lady or an agent provocateur that is trying to make black folks look bad. If you are a white man trying to pass yourself off as "black", fuck you.....you are a blight on humanity.

Tigerred, like many on the Left, are sick people. Sick, psychologically. That's the only conclusion that makes any sense for people who have a need to deny reality over and over.
I'm starting to wonder if youre a plant to make white people look really ignorant. Keep up the good job.

I know infinitely more than you and any time you want to take me on in a debate, please, by all means, let me know. We can let the masses decide on which one makes the better case.
Did you know that that nigga went home to a white bitch and 9 bi racial chillins?

I am starting to wonder if you are really a black lady or an agent provocateur that is trying to make black folks look bad. If you are a white man trying to pass yourself off as "black", fuck you.....you are a blight on humanity.
I'm seeing some strange arguments tonight. I got a white woman who DENIES white democrats never hung a Negro despite my posting pictures otherwise. Is it a full moon or what?
Did you know that that nigga went home to a white bitch and 9 bi racial chillins?

I am starting to wonder if you are really a black lady or an agent provocateur that is trying to make black folks look bad. If you are a white man trying to pass yourself off as "black", fuck you.....you are a blight on humanity.

Tigerred, like many on the Left, are sick people. Sick, psychologically. That's the only conclusion that makes any sense for people who have a need to deny reality over and over.
I'm starting to wonder if youre a plant to make white people look really ignorant. Keep up the good job.

I know infinitely more than you and any time you want to take me on in a debate, please, by all means, let me know. We can let the masses decide on which one makes the better case.
I dont debate inferior people. I educate and watch the light bulb go on in their heads. in your case it got darker so you are a lost cause. When you get to my level of knowledge I will know and give you a chance.
I am starting to wonder if you are really a black lady or an agent provocateur that is trying to make black folks look bad. If you are a white man trying to pass yourself off as "black", fuck you.....you are a blight on humanity.
I'm seeing some strange arguments tonight. I got a white woman who DENIES white democrats never hung a Negro despite my posting pictures otherwise. Is it a full moon or what?
Did you know that that nigga went home to a white bitch and 9 bi racial chillins?

I am starting to wonder if you are really a black lady or an agent provocateur that is trying to make black folks look bad. If you are a white man trying to pass yourself off as "black", fuck you.....you are a blight on humanity.

Tigerred, like many on the Left, are sick people. Sick, psychologically. That's the only conclusion that makes any sense for people who have a need to deny reality over and over.
I'm starting to wonder if youre a plant to make white people look really ignorant. Keep up the good job.

I know infinitely more than you and any time you want to take me on in a debate, please, by all means, let me know. We can let the masses decide on which one makes the better case.
I dont debate inferior people. I educate and watch the light bulb go on in their heads. in your case it got darker so you are a lost cause. When you get to my level of knowledge I will know and give you a chance.

From what I can tell, you don't debate anyone at all. You have this massive chip on your shoulder that you can't seem to shake off. But since you think your knowledge is superior to mine, why not prove it by discussing a topic with me and let the masses decide? What you are attempting to do is pretty chickenshit and it shows you to be a bit of a coward...either you have some "game" or you don't...it's one or the other.BTW, have you even noticed that I have stepped into the fray when racial insults were being hurled and you were by yourself even though you were the instigator at times?
The GREAT DIVIDER is back at it.



What s wrong with this scenario?

While the MSM WHORES tried to spin TRUMP's
visit to Louisiana as a "photo-op", they ignored
that TRUMP paid for 70,000+ pounds of supplies
that were greatly needed by the flood victims.
Meanwhile, the MSM WHORES ignored that Hillary phoned it in.
She simpy called a Louisiana State official to offer condolences.

It is just as well...because...

If The Clinton foundation was involved in "helping" LA's flood victims,
we ALREADY KNOW that the CLINTONS woud have KEPT over 85%
of the donations for THEMSELVES.

And what did OBAMA do?

He stayed on vacation, golfing with some idiot, Hollywood writer.

But Obama did stop long enough to issue a terribly RACIST and INSULTING
MEMO to LA's First Responders....Telling them to NOT BE RACIST while
offering assistance to flood victims!!!!!

Obama offends Louisiana flood victims with memo warning them not to discriminate
70,000 pounds of Play-doh?

Obama was exactly how a president should be. Outlining plans to help the residents. Smart. Concise.

Trump spent 49 seconds unloading boxes of Play-doh. Why would anyone send boxes of Play-doh to flood victims? To mock them? Because it was laying around in one of his buildings? Because he is so out of touch with people in terrible circumstances, Play-doh made sense to him in an emergency situation?
I don't know.
The GREAT DIVIDER is back at it.



What s wrong with this scenario?

While the MSM WHORES tried to spin TRUMP's
visit to Louisiana as a "photo-op", they ignored
that TRUMP paid for 70,000+ pounds of supplies
that were greatly needed by the flood victims.
Meanwhile, the MSM WHORES ignored that Hillary phoned it in.
She simpy called a Louisiana State official to offer condolences.

It is just as well...because...

If The Clinton foundation was involved in "helping" LA's flood victims,
we ALREADY KNOW that the CLINTONS woud have KEPT over 85%
of the donations for THEMSELVES.

And what did OBAMA do?

He stayed on vacation, golfing with some idiot, Hollywood writer.

But Obama did stop long enough to issue a terribly RACIST and INSULTING
MEMO to LA's First Responders....Telling them to NOT BE RACIST while
offering assistance to flood victims!!!!!

Obama offends Louisiana flood victims with memo warning them not to discriminate
You dumb cave ape. He knows what happened last flood.


Ace, the most compelling photo to date is watching Trump hand out goods....perhaps the first time in his life, he's ever done real work!!
You're an idiot. Trump has done more manual work than a welfare chimp like you will ever do. He grew up building things. WTF have you ever done?
Did you know that that nigga went home to a white bitch and 9 bi racial chillins?

I am starting to wonder if you are really a black lady or an agent provocateur that is trying to make black folks look bad. If you are a white man trying to pass yourself off as "black", fuck you.....you are a blight on humanity.
Please don't wonder about me, it'll require too much of your brain's activity to use up. I am black and anytime and I mean anytime my president is attack, expect the beast...end of story!!
Yes, that's my biggest fear, that you'll flip shit and go all Color Purple on all of us.
I'm seeing some strange arguments tonight. I got a white woman who DENIES white democrats never hung a Negro despite my posting pictures otherwise. Is it a full moon or what?
I am starting to wonder if you are really a black lady or an agent provocateur that is trying to make black folks look bad. If you are a white man trying to pass yourself off as "black", fuck you.....you are a blight on humanity.

Tigerred, like many on the Left, are sick people. Sick, psychologically. That's the only conclusion that makes any sense for people who have a need to deny reality over and over.
I'm starting to wonder if youre a plant to make white people look really ignorant. Keep up the good job.

I know infinitely more than you and any time you want to take me on in a debate, please, by all means, let me know. We can let the masses decide on which one makes the better case.
I dont debate inferior people. I educate and watch the light bulb go on in their heads. in your case it got darker so you are a lost cause. When you get to my level of knowledge I will know and give you a chance.

From what I can tell, you don't debate anyone at all. You have this massive chip on your shoulder that you can't seem to shake off. But since you think your knowledge is superior to mine, why not prove it by discussing a topic with me and let the masses decide? What you are attempting to do is pretty chickenshit and it shows you to be a bit of a coward...either you have some "game" or you don't...it's one or the other.BTW, have you even noticed that I have stepped into the fray when racial insults were being hurled and you were by yourself even though you were the instigator at times?
There are very few people I debate. Most people are not as smart as me and most of the ones that are intelligent enough either agree or they dont have the information to back their beliefs. When you cant really debate someone you leave it be. In your case since you are too dumb to debate it would be a waste of my time. Time is money.

No. I didnt notice you doing anything. I hardly ever read your posts as they are dull and bring nothing to the discussion. Its the internet. I dont need your help. Its not like there are 20 cave chimps attacking me in person.
Tigerred, like many on the Left, are sick people. Sick, psychologically. That's the only conclusion that makes any sense for people who have a need to deny reality over and over.
I'm starting to wonder if youre a plant to make white people look really ignorant. Keep up the good job.

I know infinitely more than you and any time you want to take me on in a debate, please, by all means, let me know. We can let the masses decide on which one makes the better case.
I dont debate inferior people. I educate and watch the light bulb go on in their heads. in your case it got darker so you are a lost cause. When you get to my level of knowledge I will know and give you a chance.

From what I can tell, you don't debate anyone at all. You have this massive chip on your shoulder that you can't seem to shake off. But since you think your knowledge is superior to mine, why not prove it by discussing a topic with me and let the masses decide? What you are attempting to do is pretty chickenshit and it shows you to be a bit of a coward...either you have some "game" or you don't...it's one or the other.BTW, have you even noticed that I have stepped into the fray when racial insults were being hurled and you were by yourself even though you were the instigator at times?
There are very few people I debate. Most people are not as smart as me and most of the ones that are intelligent enough either agree or they dont have the information to back their beliefs. When you cant really debate someone you leave it be. In your case since you are too dumb to debate it would be a waste of my time. Time is money.

No. I didnt notice you doing anything. I hardly ever read your posts as they are dull and bring nothing to the discussion. Its the internet. I dont need your help. Its not like there are 20 cave chimps attacking me in person.

Oh, I get it...the only "intelligent" ones are those that see things your way. That must be a pretty exclusive club of narrow minded morons that you belong to that don't have the sac to put their money where their mouth is..... but it's all good. I have to say, for someone that decries racism, you certainly don't have a problem with fanning the flames of the very thing that you allegedly decry. If I could bottle and sell your intellect for what you think it as opposed to what it's really worth? I'd make some decent coin on that transaction....(snicker)
I'm starting to wonder if youre a plant to make white people look really ignorant. Keep up the good job.

I know infinitely more than you and any time you want to take me on in a debate, please, by all means, let me know. We can let the masses decide on which one makes the better case.
I dont debate inferior people. I educate and watch the light bulb go on in their heads. in your case it got darker so you are a lost cause. When you get to my level of knowledge I will know and give you a chance.

From what I can tell, you don't debate anyone at all. You have this massive chip on your shoulder that you can't seem to shake off. But since you think your knowledge is superior to mine, why not prove it by discussing a topic with me and let the masses decide? What you are attempting to do is pretty chickenshit and it shows you to be a bit of a coward...either you have some "game" or you don't...it's one or the other.BTW, have you even noticed that I have stepped into the fray when racial insults were being hurled and you were by yourself even though you were the instigator at times?
There are very few people I debate. Most people are not as smart as me and most of the ones that are intelligent enough either agree or they dont have the information to back their beliefs. When you cant really debate someone you leave it be. In your case since you are too dumb to debate it would be a waste of my time. Time is money.

No. I didnt notice you doing anything. I hardly ever read your posts as they are dull and bring nothing to the discussion. Its the internet. I dont need your help. Its not like there are 20 cave chimps attacking me in person.

Oh, I get it...the only "intelligent" ones are those that see things your way. That must be a pretty exclusive club of narrow minded morons that you belong to that don't have the sac to put their money where their mouth is..... but it's all good. I have to say, for someone that decries racism, you certainly don't have a problem with fanning the flames of the very thing that you allegedly decry. If I could bottle and sell your intellect for what you think it as opposed to what it's really worth? I'd make some decent coin on that transaction....(snicker)

Obviously you dont get it or you have bad reading comprehension. There are intelligent people that disagree with me. I love debating those people. However, on most subjects intelligent people agree. Sorry you dont belong to that exclusive club or you would be worth debating.
The GREAT DIVIDER is back at it.



What s wrong with this scenario?

While the MSM WHORES tried to spin TRUMP's
visit to Louisiana as a "photo-op", they ignored
that TRUMP paid for 70,000+ pounds of supplies
that were greatly needed by the flood victims.
Meanwhile, the MSM WHORES ignored that Hillary phoned it in.
She simpy called a Louisiana State official to offer condolences.

It is just as well...because...

If The Clinton foundation was involved in "helping" LA's flood victims,
we ALREADY KNOW that the CLINTONS woud have KEPT over 85%
of the donations for THEMSELVES.

And what did OBAMA do?

He stayed on vacation, golfing with some idiot, Hollywood writer.

But Obama did stop long enough to issue a terribly RACIST and INSULTING
MEMO to LA's First Responders....Telling them to NOT BE RACIST while
offering assistance to flood victims!!!!!

Obama offends Louisiana flood victims with memo warning them not to discriminate
70,000 pounds of Play-doh?

Obama was exactly how a president should be. Outlining plans to help the residents. Smart. Concise.

Trump spent 49 seconds unloading boxes of Play-doh. Why would anyone send boxes of Play-doh to flood victims? To mock them? Because it was laying around in one of his buildings? Because he is so out of touch with people in terrible circumstances, Play-doh made sense to him in an emergency situation?
I don't know.

Wow, what a liar you are..........70,000 pounds of "Play-Doh"? No, that's not what happened....that's not what happened at all. Barrypuppet didn't spend one dime out of HIS deep pockets at all. Barrypuppet is an unmitigated joke in search of the proverbial punchline. How any leftard can take potshots at Trump given the reaction of Hitlery and Barrypuppet in the face of a manufactured, geo-engineered crises simply exposes stupid fucks like you for the idiots that you are.
I know infinitely more than you and any time you want to take me on in a debate, please, by all means, let me know. We can let the masses decide on which one makes the better case.
I dont debate inferior people. I educate and watch the light bulb go on in their heads. in your case it got darker so you are a lost cause. When you get to my level of knowledge I will know and give you a chance.

From what I can tell, you don't debate anyone at all. You have this massive chip on your shoulder that you can't seem to shake off. But since you think your knowledge is superior to mine, why not prove it by discussing a topic with me and let the masses decide? What you are attempting to do is pretty chickenshit and it shows you to be a bit of a coward...either you have some "game" or you don't...it's one or the other.BTW, have you even noticed that I have stepped into the fray when racial insults were being hurled and you were by yourself even though you were the instigator at times?
There are very few people I debate. Most people are not as smart as me and most of the ones that are intelligent enough either agree or they dont have the information to back their beliefs. When you cant really debate someone you leave it be. In your case since you are too dumb to debate it would be a waste of my time. Time is money.

No. I didnt notice you doing anything. I hardly ever read your posts as they are dull and bring nothing to the discussion. Its the internet. I dont need your help. Its not like there are 20 cave chimps attacking me in person.

Oh, I get it...the only "intelligent" ones are those that see things your way. That must be a pretty exclusive club of narrow minded morons that you belong to that don't have the sac to put their money where their mouth is..... but it's all good. I have to say, for someone that decries racism, you certainly don't have a problem with fanning the flames of the very thing that you allegedly decry. If I could bottle and sell your intellect for what you think it as opposed to what it's really worth? I'd make some decent coin on that transaction....(snicker)

Obviously you dont get it or you have bad reading comprehension. There are intelligent people that disagree with me. I love debating those people. However, on most subjects intelligent people agree. Sorry you dont belong to that exclusive club or you would be worth debating.

Nope, you are simply afraid and intimidated or you would take me up on the challenge...if nothing else? Just to prove your alleged "superior" intellect that you do not possess but wish that you did. I don't wish to belong to any "club" that you belong to....you can bet the bank on that.
I dont debate inferior people. I educate and watch the light bulb go on in their heads. in your case it got darker so you are a lost cause. When you get to my level of knowledge I will know and give you a chance.

From what I can tell, you don't debate anyone at all. You have this massive chip on your shoulder that you can't seem to shake off. But since you think your knowledge is superior to mine, why not prove it by discussing a topic with me and let the masses decide? What you are attempting to do is pretty chickenshit and it shows you to be a bit of a coward...either you have some "game" or you don't...it's one or the other.BTW, have you even noticed that I have stepped into the fray when racial insults were being hurled and you were by yourself even though you were the instigator at times?
There are very few people I debate. Most people are not as smart as me and most of the ones that are intelligent enough either agree or they dont have the information to back their beliefs. When you cant really debate someone you leave it be. In your case since you are too dumb to debate it would be a waste of my time. Time is money.

No. I didnt notice you doing anything. I hardly ever read your posts as they are dull and bring nothing to the discussion. Its the internet. I dont need your help. Its not like there are 20 cave chimps attacking me in person.

Oh, I get it...the only "intelligent" ones are those that see things your way. That must be a pretty exclusive club of narrow minded morons that you belong to that don't have the sac to put their money where their mouth is..... but it's all good. I have to say, for someone that decries racism, you certainly don't have a problem with fanning the flames of the very thing that you allegedly decry. If I could bottle and sell your intellect for what you think it as opposed to what it's really worth? I'd make some decent coin on that transaction....(snicker)

Obviously you dont get it or you have bad reading comprehension. There are intelligent people that disagree with me. I love debating those people. However, on most subjects intelligent people agree. Sorry you dont belong to that exclusive club or you would be worth debating.

Nope, you are simply afraid and intimidated or you would take me up on the challenge...if nothing else? Just to prove your alleged "superior" intellect that you do not possess but wish that you did. I don't wish to belong to any "club" that you belong to....you can bet the bank on that.
Begging me wont change my mind. You need to take some classes and bolster your credibility. Like I said, if you improve i will notice and reevaluate my opinion of you. Until then you are not intelligent enough to debate. It will simply dissolve into a lot of bullshit.
From what I can tell, you don't debate anyone at all. You have this massive chip on your shoulder that you can't seem to shake off. But since you think your knowledge is superior to mine, why not prove it by discussing a topic with me and let the masses decide? What you are attempting to do is pretty chickenshit and it shows you to be a bit of a coward...either you have some "game" or you don't...it's one or the other.BTW, have you even noticed that I have stepped into the fray when racial insults were being hurled and you were by yourself even though you were the instigator at times?
There are very few people I debate. Most people are not as smart as me and most of the ones that are intelligent enough either agree or they dont have the information to back their beliefs. When you cant really debate someone you leave it be. In your case since you are too dumb to debate it would be a waste of my time. Time is money.

No. I didnt notice you doing anything. I hardly ever read your posts as they are dull and bring nothing to the discussion. Its the internet. I dont need your help. Its not like there are 20 cave chimps attacking me in person.

Oh, I get it...the only "intelligent" ones are those that see things your way. That must be a pretty exclusive club of narrow minded morons that you belong to that don't have the sac to put their money where their mouth is..... but it's all good. I have to say, for someone that decries racism, you certainly don't have a problem with fanning the flames of the very thing that you allegedly decry. If I could bottle and sell your intellect for what you think it as opposed to what it's really worth? I'd make some decent coin on that transaction....(snicker)

Obviously you dont get it or you have bad reading comprehension. There are intelligent people that disagree with me. I love debating those people. However, on most subjects intelligent people agree. Sorry you dont belong to that exclusive club or you would be worth debating.

Nope, you are simply afraid and intimidated or you would take me up on the challenge...if nothing else? Just to prove your alleged "superior" intellect that you do not possess but wish that you did. I don't wish to belong to any "club" that you belong to....you can bet the bank on that.
Begging me wont change my mind. You need to take some classes and bolster your credibility. Like I said, if you improve i will notice and reevaluate my opinion of you. Until then you are not intelligent enough to debate. It will simply dissolve into a lot of bullshit.

Begging? Hardly....just exposing you for the scared, cowardly fraud that you are for all to see and witness. I don't seek validation nor do I seek to make friends. I am here to try and wake people up as to what is really going on and what is heading towards us all.
There are very few people I debate. Most people are not as smart as me and most of the ones that are intelligent enough either agree or they dont have the information to back their beliefs. When you cant really debate someone you leave it be. In your case since you are too dumb to debate it would be a waste of my time. Time is money.

No. I didnt notice you doing anything. I hardly ever read your posts as they are dull and bring nothing to the discussion. Its the internet. I dont need your help. Its not like there are 20 cave chimps attacking me in person.

Oh, I get it...the only "intelligent" ones are those that see things your way. That must be a pretty exclusive club of narrow minded morons that you belong to that don't have the sac to put their money where their mouth is..... but it's all good. I have to say, for someone that decries racism, you certainly don't have a problem with fanning the flames of the very thing that you allegedly decry. If I could bottle and sell your intellect for what you think it as opposed to what it's really worth? I'd make some decent coin on that transaction....(snicker)

Obviously you dont get it or you have bad reading comprehension. There are intelligent people that disagree with me. I love debating those people. However, on most subjects intelligent people agree. Sorry you dont belong to that exclusive club or you would be worth debating.

Nope, you are simply afraid and intimidated or you would take me up on the challenge...if nothing else? Just to prove your alleged "superior" intellect that you do not possess but wish that you did. I don't wish to belong to any "club" that you belong to....you can bet the bank on that.
Begging me wont change my mind. You need to take some classes and bolster your credibility. Like I said, if you improve i will notice and reevaluate my opinion of you. Until then you are not intelligent enough to debate. It will simply dissolve into a lot of bullshit.

Begging? Hardly....just exposing you for the scared, cowardly fraud that you are for all to see and witness. I don't seek validation nor do I seek to make friends. I am here to try and wake people up as to what is really going on and what is heading towards us all.
Yeah youre begging. Now youre using the "I'm scared" gambit in the hopes it will push me to prove you wrong. Since I am smarter than you and saw it coming a mile away I just will give you a quiet chuckle, a pat on the head and tell you good try. :itsok:
Oh, I get it...the only "intelligent" ones are those that see things your way. That must be a pretty exclusive club of narrow minded morons that you belong to that don't have the sac to put their money where their mouth is..... but it's all good. I have to say, for someone that decries racism, you certainly don't have a problem with fanning the flames of the very thing that you allegedly decry. If I could bottle and sell your intellect for what you think it as opposed to what it's really worth? I'd make some decent coin on that transaction....(snicker)

Obviously you dont get it or you have bad reading comprehension. There are intelligent people that disagree with me. I love debating those people. However, on most subjects intelligent people agree. Sorry you dont belong to that exclusive club or you would be worth debating.

Nope, you are simply afraid and intimidated or you would take me up on the challenge...if nothing else? Just to prove your alleged "superior" intellect that you do not possess but wish that you did. I don't wish to belong to any "club" that you belong to....you can bet the bank on that.
Begging me wont change my mind. You need to take some classes and bolster your credibility. Like I said, if you improve i will notice and reevaluate my opinion of you. Until then you are not intelligent enough to debate. It will simply dissolve into a lot of bullshit.

Begging? Hardly....just exposing you for the scared, cowardly fraud that you are for all to see and witness. I don't seek validation nor do I seek to make friends. I am here to try and wake people up as to what is really going on and what is heading towards us all.
Yeah youre begging. Now youre using the "I'm scared" gambit in the hopes it will push me to prove you wrong. Since I am smarter than you and saw it coming a mile away I just will give you a quiet chuckle, a pat on the head and tell you good try. :itsok:

Nope, I am simply stating a fact and it's a fact that I will be able to use against you because you refuse to put your money where your mouth is. I set you up and you never saw it coming. Soooo, whenever you lamely attempt to bust on a poster that doesn't see things quite the way you do? I will simply tell them of how you bailed.......and how you lamely attempted to play the "I'm too intelligent to debate you" card. Your credibility is only as good as your ability to make a coherent point that you can back up.
The GREAT DIVIDER is back at it.



What s wrong with this scenario?

While the MSM WHORES tried to spin TRUMP's
visit to Louisiana as a "photo-op", they ignored
that TRUMP paid for 70,000+ pounds of supplies
that were greatly needed by the flood victims.
Meanwhile, the MSM WHORES ignored that Hillary phoned it in.
She simpy called a Louisiana State official to offer condolences.

It is just as well...because...

If The Clinton foundation was involved in "helping" LA's flood victims,
we ALREADY KNOW that the CLINTONS woud have KEPT over 85%
of the donations for THEMSELVES.

And what did OBAMA do?

He stayed on vacation, golfing with some idiot, Hollywood writer.

But Obama did stop long enough to issue a terribly RACIST and INSULTING
MEMO to LA's First Responders....Telling them to NOT BE RACIST while
offering assistance to flood victims!!!!!

Obama offends Louisiana flood victims with memo warning them not to discriminate
Question.....how many catostophic events have Trump with all his billions manage to attend in the past? Name just ONE!! Until then bitch, shut the fuck up and go screw yourself.

Name one "catastrophic event" that has occurred in the past year since Mr Trump declared his candidacy he has missed.

Obama is an asshole and the MSM are lapdogs of the DNC. Jan 20, 2017 can't come soon enough. Trump will jail Hillary and defund Obama's SEcret Service protection. Let the MSM fund his security since they protected him the last 8 years.
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