Race riot in Cincinnati

Um...hey....this is racist!

No...not the black mobs hunting and lynching whites. But...you recognizing it.
Feral animals need to be put down. Where is the media, Sharpton and Obungles on this? Crickets

A video posted Sunday to the Facebook account of “QbabyOfTeamQ” purports to show the bloodied victim of a racial attack in Cincinnati during a race riot in Fountain Square on Saturday night.

The white man was beaten unconscious following a hip hop and electronica Fourth of July concert.

The video shows a mostly Black crowd gathered around the white male victim laid out on the sidewalk. A few are trying to help the unconscious man while others squeal in awe at the blood covering his head.
Many onlookers are laughing.

A report by a police officer posted online said that police had to rescue the man from an attacking mob of about forty Black people.

HORROR Black Youths Mock and Laugh at Unconscious and Bloody Victim After July 4th Beatdown VIDEO - The Gateway Pundit
The media's all tied up reporting on all the killings/woundings in Barry's Chicago over the 4th of July weekend. They're so committed to the black lives matter thing, along with race pimps Al and Jesse, Calypso Louie and other stalwarts of the Black Grievance Industry.

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