Race Baiter's Plan Foiled By Police Camera


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
An Oakland police officer was accused of bullying and racism after an encounter with a black firefighter. First, watch the video of the firefighter and his two sons, then watch what actually happened. If the cop hadn't been wearing a body camera, this likely would have escalated into another big story and the cop would have been attacked by Sharpton and other race baiters. If not for being able to prove that nothing inappropriate happened, this cop might even have lost his job. Obama might have accused him of acting stupidly.

Was the guy hoping to win a big lawsuit and did he like the idea of taking down a white cop?

The cop was responding to a possible break in at the fire station. Then he finds this guy in there with his two sons. Of course, cops don't automatically take people's word for things and the cop checked it out and was polite the entire time. The guy worked at the fire station in question and should have felt relieved that cops would check out anyone who would enter it. Instead he acts like a victim because the cop treated him like he would any other unknown subject. After all, the cop was responding to a call and it is perfectly normal that he'll ask questions and take precautions since he has no idea who he's dealing with or whether they might be armed.

This is disturbing because the guy making the accusations seems like a nice normal guy, yet he was making false accusations against a white police officer for no reason. How often does this happen these days? The media is quick to jump on board and start attacking white officers, but they likely won't care about this incident.

Maybe all cops should wear cameras at all times. It's the only way to ensure that they follow rules and that no one can claim they didn't. It seems like a lot of idiots in the media don't even question allegations of racism these days and just assume it's true. People can be ruined by the mere implications of this regardless of how baseless the accusations may be.

LIAR Black Firefighter Cries Racism Police Bullying Cop s Body-Cam Proves Him Wrong - Clash Daily
Yep, yet another claim of racism against the poor, oppressed black man. The kids were obviously coached by their unethical dad, who thought he could pick up a little cash with a phony charge. The cop did nothing wrong, dad's a liar.
And on another note of liars:

LAPD Officer Django Unchained Actress Is Lying - Yahoo Music

"She had no idea I was recording. So I asked her, 'Why are you in handcuffs? He's [Lucas] been here this whole time not in handcuffs. Tell me if someone has been disrespectful,'" Parker says he asked the actress when she returned, handcuffed and distressed, adding that the recording exonerates the LAPD in this situation. "Police officers can record surreptitiously without consent. The other officers also had their recording on. It helps the police department."

The LAPD confirmed it is conducting an internal investigation because of the widespread publicity surrounding the incident. If he hadn't made the recording, Parker says, "The three of us would be relieved of duty right now."

Hey, the guy's just trying to leverage the current pathetic state of affairs in America.

The predictable manifestation of the divisive culture the Left has created.

Not the first time, I'm sure, nor the last.

No comments from the PC Police yet, I notice.

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Hey, the guy's just trying to leverage the current pathetic state of affairs in America.

The predictable manifestation of the divisive culture the Left has created.

Not the first time, I'm sure, nor the last.

No comments from the PC Police yet, I notice.

They're still plotting their strategy of how to derail the thread.

Hey, the guy's just trying to leverage the current pathetic state of affairs in America.

The predictable manifestation of the divisive culture the Left has created.

Not the first time, I'm sure, nor the last.

No comments from the PC Police yet, I notice.

They're still plotting their strategy of how to derail the thread.

Sure beats looking in the mirror.

You are doing that thing again, Mac. Trying to intimidate others into responding to an event. Very PC of you, loser-boy. Thought you would have learned your lesson in the 9-11 thread. Guess not.

Looks like we have an honest to goodness case of race baiting! Fortunately, we have the body cam audio. The firefighter and his kids embellished the facts in an apparent attempt to gain sympathy or impugn the Oakland PD. A public apology is in order. The Oakland PD and the officer in question have been slandered. Legal recourse may be available to them. I'd like to hear the apology.

Now...the OP is chock full of "if's" and fantasy about Sharpton and Obama. Basically, the OP is doing exactly what the firefighter did. I wonder if the OP.....or Mac realizes that? Tsk.....tsk....tsk.

So.......what's the next outrage?
Okay, I watched both tapes, just not seeing what the big discrepency is.

The cop did draw down on a man and two kids.
Did he have his weapon drawn?

You really can't tell from that tape. In fact, the camera is aimed at the wall for about half of it.

The only thing that struck me is that they claimed the cop didn't apologize but he clearly did after he ascertained their identity.
Okay, I watched both tapes, just not seeing what the big discrepency is.

The cop did draw down on a man and two kids.
Did he have his weapon drawn?

You really can't tell from that tape. In fact, the camera is aimed at the wall for about half of it.

The only thing that struck me is that they claimed the cop didn't apologize but he clearly did after he ascertained their identity.
And all appeared to be fine with the firefighter.
Okay, I watched both tapes, just not seeing what the big discrepency is.

The cop did draw down on a man and two kids.
Did he have his weapon drawn?
Probably...but that's to be expected
I thought the firefighter said that he had his hand near the gun ready to draw.
I didn't catch that. Either way, the policeman was not abusive in any way. The fireman LIED...and encouraged his children to LIE. Such a good role model he is! (not)
Looks like a perception problem that turned into race-baiting.

The cam confirms the first half of the firefighter's story: that he had correctly identified himself as a firefighter who worked right there. You can also hear one of children starting to cry. And the boys also had their hands up. The police officer did tell them to put their hands up. That is, of course, standard police work. So, no big deal.

It's the second half of the vid where the firefighter's story doesn't match up. The cop did apologize and the firefighter seemed cool with it. The entire incident took under 5 minutes, so I just don't see the big deal in it.

The firefighter should never have gone to the press with this.

I must agree with the OP: this is indeed a form of race-baiting and was totally stupid.

There are millions of cops out there putting their lives on the line for we the people, the last thing they need is this stuff as well.

Race should never have been an issue here. Badly lit street, at night, someone in a public garage.... the cop did his job.

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