CDZ Question!

Lots of ways. First step is to get more personnel to deal with the recent increase in asylum seekers so they don't have to wait months at normal points of entry. Other things include drones, more border patrol, sensors, etc.

If those things would all do more than a fence, why did Democrats and Republicans vote for a fence in 2013?
In fact the last Democratic nominee for President stridently supported a fence in 2009.

There was 1.3 trillion allocated last year, but less than 10% of that has been spent. If Trump cared about border security instead of just building a stupid wall, he could have done lots with that money. He didn't
You wanna provide some proof of that?

I was mistaken. Working off of memory instead of looking at the actual figures. I apologize. The real number was 1.6 billion. in the omnibus spending package of which less than 10% has been spent.
But, that money was not earmarked for a wall, Bulldog.
From my previous post, this: However, it's supposed to be spent for existing projects. It's not supposed to be for a newly constructed wall along the lines of what the president has been advocating for.

Exactly. It could have been used for almost any type of border security except a new wall. That tells me he doesn't care about border security. He only cares about building that wall he's been running his head about.
If those things would all do more than a fence, why did Democrats and Republicans vote for a fence in 2013?
In fact the last Democratic nominee for President stridently supported a fence in 2009.

There was 1.3 trillion allocated last year, but less than 10% of that has been spent. If Trump cared about border security instead of just building a stupid wall, he could have done lots with that money. He didn't
You wanna provide some proof of that?

I was mistaken. Working off of memory instead of looking at the actual figures. I apologize. The real number was 1.6 billion. in the omnibus spending package of which less than 10% has been spent.
But, that money was not earmarked for a wall, Bulldog.
From my previous post, this: However, it's supposed to be spent for existing projects. It's not supposed to be for a newly constructed wall along the lines of what the president has been advocating for.

Exactly. It could have been used for almost any type of border security except a new wall. That tells me he doesn't care about border security. He only cares about building that wall he's been running his head about.
Nothing else has worked. That’s why we have 30 million people in this country who are here illegally. Wrap your mind around that!
Lots of ways. First step is to get more personnel to deal with the recent increase in asylum seekers so they don't have to wait months at normal points of entry. Other things include drones, more border patrol, sensors, etc.

All of which would be made far, far more effective with an effective wall/fence/barrier.
American politicians aren’t negotiating border security, that’s not subject to debate.

Democrats fully support border security and have agreed to funding to pay for measures that will foment actual, effective border security – a ‘wall’ does nothing to foment security and shouldn’t be funded accordingly, it would be a waste of money.

Trump and most Republicans advocate for a ‘wall’ in an effort to assuage their unwarranted fear, bigotry, and hate.

Democrats are working for the American people by seeking to make the border secure; Trump and the GOP are working to appease their hateful base, having nothing to do with border security.

What changed in the last few years?
There was 1.3 trillion allocated last year, but less than 10% of that has been spent. If Trump cared about border security instead of just building a stupid wall, he could have done lots with that money. He didn't

Specifically, what was $1.3 TRILLION allocated for last year.

According to this, the only thing allocated for more than $1.3 TRILLION is or entire budget for Social Security. Show us the other $1.3 TRILLION allocations. Thank you!

If someone wants across a fence, they will get across a fence.

Yep, just like someone will get through your front door but you lock it anyway and your goal is to make your house less attractive to break into than your neighbors. Or do you leave the front door open?
Sure they are. You didn't see those pictures a few days ago when all those people dug under and lined up on the US side to wait on Border patrol to turn themselves in?

Yeah, they were CAPTURED. Proving the fence, as rickety as it is, slowed them down enough, digging holes, that they were captured. Not that it does any good now that they are here.

375 Migrants Detained After Crossing Into Arizona Under U.S.-Mexico Border Fence
The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

The unusually large group was almost entirely from Guatemala. They were taken to Yuma after entering the country Monday.

The area became a major corridor for illegal crossings in the mid-2000s, prompting the federal government to weld steel plates to a barrier made of steel bollards that had been designed to stop people in vehicles, not on foot, Border Patrol spokesman Jose Garibay III said. In those spots, there is no concrete footing to prevent digging.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.
375 Migrants Detained After Crossing Into Arizona Under U.S.-Mexico Border Fence

My highlights above.

As you can see above, there was no tunnel, they dug holes which they could NOT have done with a decent barrier/wall.

They also know that once here, they'll be given a court date and then disappear. Great plan!
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I already admitted my mistake. the real number was 1.6 billion in the Omnibus Spending Bill March 2018.

Thank you for your apology. However, knowing that our budget was about $3.6 TRILLION, saying $1.3 TRILLION didn't sound absurd?
I kind of wished you would have debated what I stated. Walls work as well now as they did centuries ago.
Leeches and blood letting not so much.

No they don't.
Yes, they do

Walls can be gone over, under and through. Without electronic monitoring, or border patrol already there to see the breach the wall is useless to stop anybody. With electronic monitoring and more border patrol, the wall is not needed.
Yet, where we have good fences, there is little breaching over the walls, and only a trickle go by tunnel.
I have no idea just how many more border agents you want to hire and electronics only go so far as to monitor and not stop a breach.
The people on the ground at the borders say they want more walls.
I believe them and not some skirt and a clown on the hill. Steny Hoyer even says he wants a wall.

Why didn't they spend more than 10% of the 1.3 trillion allotted last year?
Methinks you are getting your billions and trillions confused.
Walls worked well in medieval times.....what's changed?
They work well now, also. People haven't changed.
We can put all the electronics along the border to tell us of an illegal crossing, but it doesn't stop the crossing.
We don't have nearly enough border agents to apprehend those that breached the border.
A wall would cut the flow of illegals coming across to a trickle.

A wall plus electronics is a winner.

Yep. A fence and monitoring will slow down those that just walk over, amateurs and casuals, and free up more resources to focus on the pros bringing them in. We also need to force Mexico to stop enabling and promoting illegal activities, whether they like it or not; those that want to pander to corrupt narco states just because they're brown criminals just need to be put on ignore, or deported if they're so unhappy with the U.S. having borders and citizenship requirements. The Founders and Abraham Lincoln thought deportation was a wonderful solution for all kinds of traitors and whiney pains in the asses, so Democrats should be fine with being tossed out; the founders of their Party were..
Walls worked well in medieval times.....what's changed?
They work well now, also. People haven't changed.
We can put all the electronics along the border to tell us of an illegal crossing, but it doesn't stop the crossing.
We don't have nearly enough border agents to apprehend those that breached the border.
A wall would cut the flow of illegals coming across to a trickle.

A wall plus electronics is a winner.

A few leaches, or a good blood letting were prescribed for a sick person in the middle ages too. what's changed?

The realization that leeching and blood letting weren't sound medical procedures?

Kinda like we now realize there are much better ways to secure the border than a medieval wall.
Then why haven’t you done it? Did we get these methods yesterday or perhaps at the moment Trump was sworn in?
If those things would all do more than a fence, why did Democrats and Republicans vote for a fence in 2013?
In fact the last Democratic nominee for President stridently supported a fence in 2009.

There was 1.3 trillion allocated last year, but less than 10% of that has been spent. If Trump cared about border security instead of just building a stupid wall, he could have done lots with that money. He didn't
You wanna provide some proof of that?

I was mistaken. Working off of memory instead of looking at the actual figures. I apologize. The real number was 1.6 billion. in the omnibus spending package of which less than 10% has been spent.
But, that money was not earmarked for a wall, Bulldog.
From my previous post, this: However, it's supposed to be spent for existing projects. It's not supposed to be for a newly constructed wall along the lines of what the president has been advocating for.

Exactly. It could have been used for almost any type of border security except a new wall. That tells me he doesn't care about border security. He only cares about building that wall he's been running his head about.
If those things would all do more than a fence, why did Democrats and Republicans vote for a fence in 2013?
In fact the last Democratic nominee for President stridently supported a fence in 2009.

There was 1.3 trillion allocated last year, but less than 10% of that has been spent. If Trump cared about border security instead of just building a stupid wall, he could have done lots with that money. He didn't
You wanna provide some proof of that?

I was mistaken. Working off of memory instead of looking at the actual figures. I apologize. The real number was 1.6 billion. in the omnibus spending package of which less than 10% has been spent.
But, that money was not earmarked for a wall, Bulldog.
From my previous post, this: However, it's supposed to be spent for existing projects. It's not supposed to be for a newly constructed wall along the lines of what the president has been advocating for.

Exactly. It could have been used for almost any type of border security except a new wall. That tells me he doesn't care about border security. He only cares about building that wall he's been running his head about.

Do you understand that we in fact DID build some new "wall" last fiscal year and that all Trump is asking for is more money to build more fence?

Or are you under the impression that Border Patrol doesn't believe "walls" work and never had any interest in building one until that orange bastard came along?
There was 1.3 trillion allocated last year, but less than 10% of that has been spent. If Trump cared about border security instead of just building a stupid wall, he could have done lots with that money. He didn't

Specifically, what was $1.3 TRILLION allocated for last year.

According to this, the only thing allocated for more than $1.3 TRILLION is or entire budget for Social Security. Show us the other $1.3 TRILLION allocations. Thank you!


Not sure how many times I need to acknowledge my mistake.and correct the numbers. 3 or 4 should be enough. Please read the conversation.
Sure they are. You didn't see those pictures a few days ago when all those people dug under and lined up on the US side to wait on Border patrol to turn themselves in?

Yeah, they were CAPTURED. Proving the fence, as rickety as it is, slowed them down enough, digging holes, that they were captured. Not that it does any good now that they are here.

375 Migrants Detained After Crossing Into Arizona Under U.S.-Mexico Border Fence
The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

The unusually large group was almost entirely from Guatemala. They were taken to Yuma after entering the country Monday.

The area became a major corridor for illegal crossings in the mid-2000s, prompting the federal government to weld steel plates to a barrier made of steel bollards that had been designed to stop people in vehicles, not on foot, Border Patrol spokesman Jose Garibay III said. In those spots, there is no concrete footing to prevent digging.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.
375 Migrants Detained After Crossing Into Arizona Under U.S.-Mexico Border Fence

My highlights above.

As you can see above, there was no tunnel, they dug holes which they could NOT have done with a decent barrier/wall.

They also know that once here, they'll be given a court date and then disappear. Great plan!

They made no effort to avoid the capture, instead they purposefully lined up and waited for border patrol to "capture" them.
Walls worked well in medieval times.....what's changed?
They work well now, also. People haven't changed.
We can put all the electronics along the border to tell us of an illegal crossing, but it doesn't stop the crossing.
We don't have nearly enough border agents to apprehend those that breached the border.
A wall would cut the flow of illegals coming across to a trickle.

A wall plus electronics is a winner.

A few leaches, or a good blood letting were prescribed for a sick person in the middle ages too. what's changed?

The realization that leeching and blood letting weren't sound medical procedures?

Kinda like we now realize there are much better ways to secure the border than a medieval wall.
Then why haven’t you done it? Did we get these methods yesterday or perhaps at the moment Trump was sworn in?

Why haven't I done it? Sorry, but I'm not in charge of such things.
Sure they are. You didn't see those pictures a few days ago when all those people dug under and lined up on the US side to wait on Border patrol to turn themselves in?

Yeah, they were CAPTURED. Proving the fence, as rickety as it is, slowed them down enough, digging holes, that they were captured. Not that it does any good now that they are here.

375 Migrants Detained After Crossing Into Arizona Under U.S.-Mexico Border Fence
The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

The unusually large group was almost entirely from Guatemala. They were taken to Yuma after entering the country Monday.

The area became a major corridor for illegal crossings in the mid-2000s, prompting the federal government to weld steel plates to a barrier made of steel bollards that had been designed to stop people in vehicles, not on foot, Border Patrol spokesman Jose Garibay III said. In those spots, there is no concrete footing to prevent digging.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.
375 Migrants Detained After Crossing Into Arizona Under U.S.-Mexico Border Fence

My highlights above.

As you can see above, there was no tunnel, they dug holes which they could NOT have done with a decent barrier/wall.

They also know that once here, they'll be given a court date and then disappear. Great plan!

They made no effort to avoid the capture, instead they purposefully lined up and waited for border patrol to "capture" them.
Yup, they do this. They get arrested, they get a notification for a court date, and then they disappear never to show up in court.

Pretty slick how that works out for them.
Walls worked well in medieval times.....what's changed?
They work well now, also. People haven't changed.
We can put all the electronics along the border to tell us of an illegal crossing, but it doesn't stop the crossing.
We don't have nearly enough border agents to apprehend those that breached the border.
A wall would cut the flow of illegals coming across to a trickle.

A wall plus electronics is a winner.

A few leaches, or a good blood letting were prescribed for a sick person in the middle ages too. what's changed?

The realization that leeching and blood letting weren't sound medical procedures?

Kinda like we now realize there are much better ways to secure the border than a medieval wall.
Then why haven’t you done it? Did we get these methods yesterday or perhaps at the moment Trump was sworn in?

Why haven't I done it? Sorry, but I'm not in charge of such things.

15th request, why was a "wall" necessary in 2009 when Dems voted for the second time to build one, but not now?
Sure they are. You didn't see those pictures a few days ago when all those people dug under and lined up on the US side to wait on Border patrol to turn themselves in?

Yeah, they were CAPTURED. Proving the fence, as rickety as it is, slowed them down enough, digging holes, that they were captured. Not that it does any good now that they are here.

375 Migrants Detained After Crossing Into Arizona Under U.S.-Mexico Border Fence
The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.

The unusually large group was almost entirely from Guatemala. They were taken to Yuma after entering the country Monday.

The area became a major corridor for illegal crossings in the mid-2000s, prompting the federal government to weld steel plates to a barrier made of steel bollards that had been designed to stop people in vehicles, not on foot, Border Patrol spokesman Jose Garibay III said. In those spots, there is no concrete footing to prevent digging.

The group dug under a steel barrier in seven spots about 10 miles east of a border crossing in San Luis and made no effort to elude immigration agents. They included 176 children.
375 Migrants Detained After Crossing Into Arizona Under U.S.-Mexico Border Fence

My highlights above.

As you can see above, there was no tunnel, they dug holes which they could NOT have done with a decent barrier/wall.

They also know that once here, they'll be given a court date and then disappear. Great plan!

They made no effort to avoid the capture, instead they purposefully lined up and waited for border patrol to "capture" them.
Yup, they do this. They get arrested, they get a notification for a court date, and then they disappear never to show up in court.

Pretty slick how that works out for them.

To be fair to them, their court date is anywhere from 3-5 years from the time they were arrested, and I don't believe we should be holding people for 3 years waiting for a court date.

The law simply needs to be changed, if you come across illegally you are deported IMMEDIATELY, no court date.

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