Question The Left Never Answers.What About All Of Those Waiting In Line To Get In The USA?

Try reading my last statement again, it apparently went right over your head. I never said people shouldn't be held accountable, I said they shouldn't be deported if they fit certain criteria, they should be deported if they fit other criteria. Did you not understand that. You know, we have this thing called statute of limitations written in our law that literally expires crimes after a certain amount of time. Its not a crazy concept.

Remaining in the country without authorization renews daily, there is no statute of limitations.

Being in the country without authorization is not a criminal violation, it is a civil violation. Right?

With a remedy of deportation or removal, so by law they're gone. Any questions?

What’s the law you’re talking about? Please post a link to the law that requires undocumented individuals to be deported.

The penalty for someone who is unlawfully present concerns bars to admission to the United States. For purposes of determining eligibility for future admissions, those aliens who have been unlawfully present for more than 180 continuous days (as of Apri11, 1997), but less than one year prior to initiation of removal proceedings, are barred from admission the United States for three years from the date of departure. When someone has one year or more of unlawful presence, the bar is ten years.
Section 212 (a)(9) of the INA was effective April I, 1997. Presence

You just pointed out the penalties and guidelines for FUTURE ENTRY for deported aliens. Did you not understand what I asked for? I’ll try and me more clear.

Where in the law does it say that the penalty for being here illegally is deportation? Are there any exceptions that are defined in the law?
:argue: This has been going on at least since 2009. For those of us who are regular FOX news viewers, we have been watching this argument for quite some time,,especially since Obama became President. Every host has interviewed their share of angry/loony leftists fighting for the illegal aliens who just cross the border, and then Obama just lets them stay.
And when the host says,,,,well what about all of those waiting in line?,,the right/legal way?
And then they go off on how these millions of illegal aliens are contributing to society. Right?
And after these last 9/10 years of these arguments, they still wont give us a direct answer pertaining to those waiting in line.
We all know what they would say if they were ever honest,,,,,,"F Them!!!" F all of them white Europeans waiting in line !! they are all racist republicans and we dont need their votes",.......{pretty much something like that,,,right?}
:lalala: :iagree:
You are so far off base it is comical! I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration but they do stand up for them in this country because they see the humanity because poor people trying to make a better life for their family and don’t want to treat them like criminal dirt. I think most on the left would like to see our legal immigration system work better and plug up illegal immigration. Illegal crossings hurt those in line, that’s true. Let’s make the entire system better
It’s obvious you don’t know many Liberals.
Your probably closer to a Blue Dog.
:argue: This has been going on at least since 2009. For those of us who are regular FOX news viewers, we have been watching this argument for quite some time,,especially since Obama became President. Every host has interviewed their share of angry/loony leftists fighting for the illegal aliens who just cross the border, and then Obama just lets them stay.
And when the host says,,,,well what about all of those waiting in line?,,the right/legal way?
And then they go off on how these millions of illegal aliens are contributing to society. Right?
And after these last 9/10 years of these arguments, they still wont give us a direct answer pertaining to those waiting in line.
We all know what they would say if they were ever honest,,,,,,"F Them!!!" F all of them white Europeans waiting in line !! they are all racist republicans and we dont need their votes",.......{pretty much something like that,,,right?}
:lalala: :iagree:
You are so far off base it is comical! I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration but they do stand up for them in this country because they see the humanity because poor people trying to make a better life for their family and don’t want to treat them like criminal dirt. I think most on the left would like to see our legal immigration system work better and plug up illegal immigration. Illegal crossings hurt those in line, that’s true. Let’s make the entire system better
It’s obvious you don’t know many Liberals.
Your probably closer to a Blue Dog.
I live in California. I know plenty of liberals
Remaining in the country without authorization renews daily, there is no statute of limitations.

Being in the country without authorization is not a criminal violation, it is a civil violation. Right?

With a remedy of deportation or removal, so by law they're gone. Any questions?

What’s the law you’re talking about? Please post a link to the law that requires undocumented individuals to be deported.

The penalty for someone who is unlawfully present concerns bars to admission to the United States. For purposes of determining eligibility for future admissions, those aliens who have been unlawfully present for more than 180 continuous days (as of Apri11, 1997), but less than one year prior to initiation of removal proceedings, are barred from admission the United States for three years from the date of departure. When someone has one year or more of unlawful presence, the bar is ten years.
Section 212 (a)(9) of the INA was effective April I, 1997. Presence

You just pointed out the penalties and guidelines for FUTURE ENTRY for deported aliens. Did you not understand what I asked for? I’ll try and me more clear.

Where in the law does it say that the penalty for being here illegally is deportation? Are there any exceptions that are defined in the law?

Excuse me dipstick. Did you miss the portion about the initiation of REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS, they can't be docked on reentry unless they're gone in the first place.


Oh nice of you to bring up yet another thing you know nothing about. How about you back up your words and show where I said that Hillary was honest. Since I know you can’t ill move in to suggesting you stop making shit up, you only make yourself look more foolish.

You are confused Moon Bat.

What all of us knows is that the despicable Democrat Party is a coalition of all the greedy and idiot scumbags in the US.

Negroes that vote their race and their welfare checks.
Environmental Wackos.
Anti Gun Nuts.
Welfare Queens.
Union Bosses.
Children Murdering Abortionists.
Confused College idiots and their Marxist Professors.
Pink Pussy Hat Pajama Boy Snowflake Moon Bats

All the scum in this country and the Democrats need to import poverty from shithole counties in order to have a base for the future. That is why they are against protecting our borders and real immigration reform .

Foolish was Moon Bats like you voting for that failure Obama and that corrupt bitch Crooked Hillary.
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Being in the country without authorization is not a criminal violation, it is a civil violation. Right?

With a remedy of deportation or removal, so by law they're gone. Any questions?

What’s the law you’re talking about? Please post a link to the law that requires undocumented individuals to be deported.

The penalty for someone who is unlawfully present concerns bars to admission to the United States. For purposes of determining eligibility for future admissions, those aliens who have been unlawfully present for more than 180 continuous days (as of Apri11, 1997), but less than one year prior to initiation of removal proceedings, are barred from admission the United States for three years from the date of departure. When someone has one year or more of unlawful presence, the bar is ten years.
Section 212 (a)(9) of the INA was effective April I, 1997. Presence

You just pointed out the penalties and guidelines for FUTURE ENTRY for deported aliens. Did you not understand what I asked for? I’ll try and me more clear.

Where in the law does it say that the penalty for being here illegally is deportation? Are there any exceptions that are defined in the law?

Excuse me dipstick. Did you miss the portion about the initiation of REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS, they can't be docked on reentry unless they're gone in the first place.

Yes and what does the law say regarding removal? That’s what I’ve been asking about.
The Illegals don't think Schumer was bat shit crazy enough for their liking. The poor sonofabitch wound up pissing everybody off. No wonder the Democrats lost 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency.

The Illegals will do to the national Democrat Party just like they did to Kalifornia and push it even more to the crazy Left insuring nobody but commie idiots vote for Democrats.

Angry illegals converge on Schumer home: 'We won't let him sleep!' - The American Mirror

Angry illegals converge on Schumer home: ‘We won’t let him sleep!’

Illegal immigrants are biting the only hand willing to feed them.

Months after crashing a Nancy Pelosi press conference and causing her to lash out, DACA defenders converged on Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer’s New York City home and protested what they believe is his lack of intestinal fortitude for their cause.

“If Chuck won’t let us dream, we won’t let him sleep!” they chanted, drumming on five-gallon buckets.

“Say it loud, say it clear, immigrants are welcome here!” they continued, as the mob gathered around his townhouse.

The mob, demanding to be Americans, chanted in Spanish.

Oh nice of you to bring up yet another thing you know nothing about. How about you back up your words and show where I said that Hillary was honest. Since I know you can’t ill move in to suggesting you stop making shit up, you only make yourself look more foolish.

You are confused Moon Bat.

What all of us knows is that the despicable Democrat Party is a coalition of all the greedy and idiot scumbags in the US.

Negroes that vote their race and their welfare checks.
Environmental Wackos.
Anti Gun Nuts.
Welfare Queens.
Union Bosses.
Confused College idiots and their Marxist Professors.
Pink Pussy Hat Pajama Boy Snowflake Moon Bats

All the scum in this country and the Democrats need to import poverty from shithole counties in order to have a base for the future. That is why they are against protecting our borders and real immigration reform .

Foolish was Moon Bats like you voting for that failure Obama and that corrupt bitch Crooked Hillary.
I’m not confused at all. I asked you to quote me saying that Hillary is honest like you claimed. Prove I voted for her like you claim. See, I know I didn’t do either of those things making you even more of an ignorant dipshit than you make yourself sound like. Learn how to stick to the facts, you’re incorrect assumptions don’t do you any favors.

I’m not confused at all. I asked you to quote me saying that Hillary is honest like you claimed. Prove I voted for her like you claim. See, I know I didn’t do either of those things making you even more of an ignorant dipshit than you make yourself sound like. Learn how to stick to the facts, you’re incorrect assumptions don’t do you any favors.

The ignorant dipshits are stupid Libtards like yourself. Especially Moon Bat idiots that are in denial about the massive dishonesty and corruption of that filthy ass bitch Crooked Hillary. Only a moron would have wanted her to be President of the US. The same kind of moron that voted for that dumbass affirmative action America hating failure Obama.

We told you morons that Crooked Hillary was a terrible candidate with more baggage than Delta Airlines but since you are stupid Moon Bats and not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier you went into your typical denial mode and she lost to a reality star. Maybe next time you can pull your head out of your Libtard ass and listen to people more intelligent than yourself.

There is a reason the filthy ass Democrat Party has lost over 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency. It is because idiot Moon Bats like you are in denial of the damage the Democrat Party is doing to this country in your zeal to turn it into a socialist shithole.

I’m not confused at all. I asked you to quote me saying that Hillary is honest like you claimed. Prove I voted for her like you claim. See, I know I didn’t do either of those things making you even more of an ignorant dipshit than you make yourself sound like. Learn how to stick to the facts, you’re incorrect assumptions don’t do you any favors.

The ignorant dipshits are stupid Libtards like yourself. Especially Moon Bat idiots that are in denial about the massive dishonesty and corruption of that filthy ass bitch Crooked Hillary. Only a moron would have wanted her to be President of the US. The same kind of moron that voted for that dumbass affirmative action America hating failure Obama.

We told you morons that Crooked Hillary was a terrible candidate with more baggage than Delta Airlines but since you are stupid Moon Bats and not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier you went into your typical denial mode and she lost to a reality star. Maybe next time you can pull your head out of your Libtard ass and listen to people more intelligent than yourself.

There is a reason the filthy ass Democrat Party has lost over 1,000 national seats, Congress and the Presidency. It is because idiot Moon Bats like you are in denial of the damage the Democrat Party is doing to this country in your zeal to turn it into a socialist shithole.
Honestly man I can’t even read your bullshit. You threw out completely false claims about me and then progress to spew garbage from your soapbox. You’re a joke. Not worth the time or energy. Learn how to have an honest intelligent conversation or you Are doing no better than hitting random keys on your keyboard.
With a remedy of deportation or removal, so by law they're gone. Any questions?

What’s the law you’re talking about? Please post a link to the law that requires undocumented individuals to be deported.

The penalty for someone who is unlawfully present concerns bars to admission to the United States. For purposes of determining eligibility for future admissions, those aliens who have been unlawfully present for more than 180 continuous days (as of Apri11, 1997), but less than one year prior to initiation of removal proceedings, are barred from admission the United States for three years from the date of departure. When someone has one year or more of unlawful presence, the bar is ten years.
Section 212 (a)(9) of the INA was effective April I, 1997. Presence

You just pointed out the penalties and guidelines for FUTURE ENTRY for deported aliens. Did you not understand what I asked for? I’ll try and me more clear.

Where in the law does it say that the penalty for being here illegally is deportation? Are there any exceptions that are defined in the law?

Excuse me dipstick. Did you miss the portion about the initiation of REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS, they can't be docked on reentry unless they're gone in the first place.

Yes and what does the law say regarding removal? That’s what I’ve been asking about.

Look it up. Anyone here illegally is subject to deportation.


Honestly man I can’t even read your bullshit. You threw out completely false claims about me and then progress to spew garbage from your soapbox. You’re a joke. Not worth the time or energy. Learn how to have an honest intelligent conversation or you Are doing no better than hitting random keys on your keyboard.

You are a stupid Moon Bat that voted for that corrupt piece of shit Crooked Hillary and you are in denial bout the idiocy of the Democrat Party so no wonder you have trouble understanding moral clarity.

Go ahead and continue to be a bat shit crazy pink pussy hat pajama boy howling at the sky Moon Bat that can't understand why we don't want Mexico to import their poverty to us. As long as the Democrat Party has stupid idiots like you then they will lose another 1,000 national seats and never control the Congress or the Presidency.
What’s the law you’re talking about? Please post a link to the law that requires undocumented individuals to be deported.

The penalty for someone who is unlawfully present concerns bars to admission to the United States. For purposes of determining eligibility for future admissions, those aliens who have been unlawfully present for more than 180 continuous days (as of Apri11, 1997), but less than one year prior to initiation of removal proceedings, are barred from admission the United States for three years from the date of departure. When someone has one year or more of unlawful presence, the bar is ten years.
Section 212 (a)(9) of the INA was effective April I, 1997. Presence

You just pointed out the penalties and guidelines for FUTURE ENTRY for deported aliens. Did you not understand what I asked for? I’ll try and me more clear.

Where in the law does it say that the penalty for being here illegally is deportation? Are there any exceptions that are defined in the law?

Excuse me dipstick. Did you miss the portion about the initiation of REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS, they can't be docked on reentry unless they're gone in the first place.

Yes and what does the law say regarding removal? That’s what I’ve been asking about.

Look it up. Anyone here illegally is subject to deportation.

I have looked it up. Have you? Show me where it is a mandatory punishment to be deported

Honestly man I can’t even read your bullshit. You threw out completely false claims about me and then progress to spew garbage from your soapbox. You’re a joke. Not worth the time or energy. Learn how to have an honest intelligent conversation or you Are doing no better than hitting random keys on your keyboard.

You are a stupid Moon Bat that voted for that corrupt piece of shit Crooked Hillary and you are in denial bout the idiocy of the Democrat Party so no wonder you have trouble understanding moral clarity.

Go ahead and continue to be a bat shit crazy pink pussy hat pajama boy howling at the sky Moon Bat that can't understand why we don't want Mexico to import their poverty to us. As long as the Democrat Party has stupid idiots like you then they will lose another 1,000 national seats and never control the Congress or the Presidency.
Wrong again. I’m not a dem and I didn’t vote for Hillary. You’re a joke
:argue: This has been going on at least since 2009. For those of us who are regular FOX news viewers, we have been watching this argument for quite some time,,especially since Obama became President. Every host has interviewed their share of angry/loony leftists fighting for the illegal aliens who just cross the border, and then Obama just lets them stay.
And when the host says,,,,well what about all of those waiting in line?,,the right/legal way?
And then they go off on how these millions of illegal aliens are contributing to society. Right?
And after these last 9/10 years of these arguments, they still wont give us a direct answer pertaining to those waiting in line.
We all know what they would say if they were ever honest,,,,,,"F Them!!!" F all of them white Europeans waiting in line !! they are all racist republicans and we dont need their votes",.......{pretty much something like that,,,right?}
:lalala: :iagree:
You are so far off base it is comical! I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration but they do stand up for them in this country because they see the humanity because poor people trying to make a better life for their family and don’t want to treat them like criminal dirt. I think most on the left would like to see our legal immigration system work better and plug up illegal immigration. Illegal crossings hurt those in line, that’s true. Let’s make the entire system better
It’s obvious you don’t know many Liberals.
Your probably closer to a Blue Dog.
I live in California. I know plenty of liberals
Then you’re fibbing.
:argue: This has been going on at least since 2009. For those of us who are regular FOX news viewers, we have been watching this argument for quite some time,,especially since Obama became President. Every host has interviewed their share of angry/loony leftists fighting for the illegal aliens who just cross the border, and then Obama just lets them stay.
And when the host says,,,,well what about all of those waiting in line?,,the right/legal way?
And then they go off on how these millions of illegal aliens are contributing to society. Right?
And after these last 9/10 years of these arguments, they still wont give us a direct answer pertaining to those waiting in line.
We all know what they would say if they were ever honest,,,,,,"F Them!!!" F all of them white Europeans waiting in line !! they are all racist republicans and we dont need their votes",.......{pretty much something like that,,,right?}
:lalala: :iagree:
You are so far off base it is comical! I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration but they do stand up for them in this country because they see the humanity because poor people trying to make a better life for their family and don’t want to treat them like criminal dirt. I think most on the left would like to see our legal immigration system work better and plug up illegal immigration. Illegal crossings hurt those in line, that’s true. Let’s make the entire system better
It’s obvious you don’t know many Liberals.
Your probably closer to a Blue Dog.
I live in California. I know plenty of liberals
Then you’re fibbing.
What do you think i'm fibbing about?
as far as the dreamers, they were brought here underage, so they broke no laws and are not held accountable for the sins of their parents as in all other cases when parents commit crimes. They are not criminals. They know no other country than the USA, as their country.

DACA requires that they have finished k thru 12 at minimum, they are working or in school or in the military, have committed no serious crimes, belong to no gangs, and pretty much, have been straight laced, and pay a $500 fee each time they apply and apply for renewal....etc

It's hard not to have compassion for them... I know if I were in their shoes, I would hope and pray and hope and pray some more, that I could stay in the only country I knew, as my own....
Cradle of Crime and Treason

Their parents raised them with contempt for us and our laws. Besides, if someone receives stolen goods but doesn't know they've been stolen, does he get to keep them? Second, if someone's father gets rich illegally and dies, do the children get to inherit the loot from his criminal lifestyle?
:argue: This has been going on at least since 2009. For those of us who are regular FOX news viewers, we have been watching this argument for quite some time,,especially since Obama became President. Every host has interviewed their share of angry/loony leftists fighting for the illegal aliens who just cross the border, and then Obama just lets them stay.
And when the host says,,,,well what about all of those waiting in line?,,the right/legal way?
And then they go off on how these millions of illegal aliens are contributing to society. Right?
And after these last 9/10 years of these arguments, they still wont give us a direct answer pertaining to those waiting in line.
We all know what they would say if they were ever honest,,,,,,"F Them!!!" F all of them white Europeans waiting in line !! they are all racist republicans and we dont need their votes",.......{pretty much something like that,,,right?}
:lalala: :iagree:
You are so far off base it is comical! I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration but they do stand up for them in this country because they see the humanity because poor people trying to make a better life for their family and don’t want to treat them like criminal dirt. I think most on the left would like to see our legal immigration system work better and plug up illegal immigration. Illegal crossings hurt those in line, that’s true. Let’s make the entire system better
It’s obvious you don’t know many Liberals.
Your probably closer to a Blue Dog.
I live in California. I know plenty of liberals
Then you’re fibbing.
What do you think i'm fibbing about?
The Nassau County Liberals I know want unconditional open borders.
I can’t imagine California Liberals beautiful being less Nationalistic than suburban New Yorkers.
You are so far off base it is comical! I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration but they do stand up for them in this country because they see the humanity because poor people trying to make a better life for their family and don’t want to treat them like criminal dirt. I think most on the left would like to see our legal immigration system work better and plug up illegal immigration. Illegal crossings hurt those in line, that’s true. Let’s make the entire system better
It’s obvious you don’t know many Liberals.
Your probably closer to a Blue Dog.
I live in California. I know plenty of liberals
Then you’re fibbing.
What do you think i'm fibbing about?
The Nassau County Liberals I know want unconditional open borders.
I can’t imagine California Liberals beautiful being less Nationalistic than suburban New Yorkers.
I’ve met one person in my life that wants open borders, and he was an anarchist. This board is pretty wingnut partisan and I don’t see many making an open borders arguement. It would be a great topic for a new thread.

Honestly man I can’t even read your bullshit. You threw out completely false claims about me and then progress to spew garbage from your soapbox. You’re a joke. Not worth the time or energy. Learn how to have an honest intelligent conversation or you Are doing no better than hitting random keys on your keyboard.

You are a stupid Moon Bat that voted for that corrupt piece of shit Crooked Hillary and you are in denial bout the idiocy of the Democrat Party so no wonder you have trouble understanding moral clarity.

Go ahead and continue to be a bat shit crazy pink pussy hat pajama boy howling at the sky Moon Bat that can't understand why we don't want Mexico to import their poverty to us. As long as the Democrat Party has stupid idiots like you then they will lose another 1,000 national seats and never control the Congress or the Presidency.
Wrong again. I’m not a dem and I didn’t vote for Hillary. You’re a joke

If that is true then you better stop posting silly shit like a Moon Bat or else you will look like a fool.

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