Question for the democrat - ISIS alliance


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Since you claim that Islam is not an idolatrous religion, what would the real harm be in destroying the idol of Islam, the Phallic or Black Stone? (Which looks like a clit, not a phallis.)

I have pointed out for years that when Muslims bow toward Mecca 5 times per day, it is actually the idol that they are bowing to, not the city of Mecca. If Iran were to invade (a serious possibility) and capture the idol, taking it back to Teheran, then all Muslims would bow toward Teheran. This is fact. When Muslims Haaj, it is the idol they travel to see. If Iran took the idol, then all Haaj pilgrimages would be to Iran. To touch or kiss the idol is the most important thing in life to Muslims, who tell tales of vibrations and shocks coming from the idol.

I have long held that if the idol were to be taken into the desert and a nuke used to destroy it, Islam would cease to exist. If Allah cannot protect his idol, then he ain't much of a god.

So for the Muslims here and their democrat lackeys, what say you?
I like personal freedoms and don't believe in being held to the idiocy islam holds people too.

That's nice.

But your party demands that their allies in Islam are not worshipping an idol, so IF the Phallic stone is just a stone, the destruction of it would not be a big deal, right?

So let's nuke it.
I like personal freedoms and don't believe in being held to the idiocy islam holds people too.

That's nice.

But your party demands that their allies in Islam are not worshipping an idol, so IF the Phallic stone is just a stone, the destruction of it would not be a big deal, right?

So let's nuke it.

Oh, and it STILL looks like a clit.


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