Question for Republicans: How do you expect to recover from Trump?

Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Well let's see, as long as he avoids the every 4 years new war tradition and keeps the economy booming, the better question will be, how will the DNC ever recover?

Sure, his toupee is ugly and is as abrasive as sand paper and has diarrhea of the mouth.

So what?
You still don’t get it. Destroying the party was the whole idea. It’s happened to the democrats to. That’s why the DNC had to handle Bernie. You guys Trump is coming.

Surely you aren't suggesting draining the swamp doesn't start with blowing a hole in the dam and watching the fish flap around until they suffocate ... ;)

You still don’t get it. Destroying the party was the whole idea. It’s happened to the democrats to. That’s why the DNC had to handle Bernie. You guys Trump is coming.

Surely you aren't suggesting draining the swamp doesn't start with blowing a hole in the dam and watching the fish flap around until they suffocate ... ;)


More like dumping deadly chemicals in the swamp.
I guess we will see if that happens. I believe we will expand our majority in the house and grab 58 Senate seats.

I guess we need to wait until 2018

Screw that ... If the GOP flips one more state ... Theoretically they could rewrite the Constitution and get it ratified.

Republicans are in the drivers seat. They are calling the shots
Trump seems to be headed off the cliff.......Will Republicans be able to jump off?

So ... You want to come over to my house ... Crack a few beers, throw some steaks on the grill ... And watch the show?
As far as I can tell ... There are a lot folks on both sides of the aisle jumping off cliffs chasing President Trump ... Sorry if I don't have a problem laughing at them all ... :thup:


Trump is not even a year into his Presidency and he is already destroying his party

That seem all Trump is capable of doing
Trump is not even a year into his Presidency and he is already destroying his party

That seem all Trump is capable of doing

Are you attempting to suggest your blind partisanship could possibly allow you to focus on anything other than what you want to see?
Or are you suggesting you really don't like beer, don't eat red meat ... And couldn't possibly have fun watching what President Trump is actually doing?

Come on ... I have a broad assortment of cushions for the chairs on the deck.
You can insist on using the blue ones if you like.

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Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Wow. RW, it's so nice of you to be concerned for the welfare of your enemies that you hate....

Wait a minute, that's not like you at all.

YOu just want us to turn on each other because you know that you can't even defend your policies based on their merits. to win that way.

I've always said,

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Well let's see, as long as he avoids the every 4 years new war tradition and keeps the economy booming, the better question will be, how will the DNC ever recover?

Sure, his toupee is ugly and is as abrasive as sand paper and has diarrhea of the mouth.

So what?

I agree

Booming economy, inexpensive gas, no wars
Trump should be immensely popular right now

But he struggles at 35% approval
I agree

Booming economy, inexpensive gas, no wars
Trump should be immensely popular right now

But he struggles at 35% approval

At any case ... The Democrats and GOP in Congress are holding hands with an almost 16% approval rating respectively (that means each and to their own).
The case President Trump has them beat more that twice over ... Really isn't going to spur a whole lot of confidence.

Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Well let's see, as long as he avoids the every 4 years new war tradition and keeps the economy booming, the better question will be, how will the DNC ever recover?

Sure, his toupee is ugly and is as abrasive as sand paper and has diarrhea of the mouth.

So what?

I agree

Booming economy, inexpensive gas, no wars
Trump should be immensely popular right now

But he struggles at 35% approval

Really demonstrates the damage that liberals dominance of the media and pop culture causes.

Real democracy might be impossible in the Information Age without some sort of system to prevent such massive abuse.
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Considering the candidates we had last November, I'd say both parties are on their last legs.
I don't see what the dems stand for. I'm not sure about the gop either, since Trump waffles between Alt-R, which is pro-White Worker, and pro-corporate corruption. The one thing that seems certain to me is that the gop is no longer the Center-Right party. Since the US ceased being about "westward expansion" and "free soil," the dems have really only had success when the gop fragmented or we had economic collapse. And that's because America is at heart a center-right country and has been since Jefferson and Hamilton.

The next 20 years should be fascinating ... provided Trump doesn't blow us all up over NK having a nuclear warhead that isn't really much of a first strike danger.
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?
both parties are scraping the bottom of the barrel.....they cant get much worse,hopefully politicians like yesteryear will start to rise up...........

Yup. That's the problem when they only offer you a choice between two evils. You're still voting for evil.
the thing that always got me is the people who feel thats acceptable.....then they will give you an excuse as to why they had no choice....
We are Hearing from our Founding Fathers about Trump...its not good folks..its hard to recover from George Washington's Fickle Finger of Fate
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?
You should take a look at your party in the wake of Obama before you start shedding crocodile tears over the Republican party.
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Not quite as much as he's destroying the Democrat party. Needless to say, he's right on target.

He sure hasn't done anything good for the country. All we get is politics.

Give him time. It will take awhile to root out all the dead weight hypocrites.

He has years to go, but it's sure the slowest start ever for a president who's party is in control. Not seeing strong leadership at all.
Hitler and Stalin both exhibited "strong leadership."
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?
both parties are scraping the bottom of the barrel.....they cant get much worse,hopefully politicians like yesteryear will start to rise up...........

Yup. That's the problem when they only offer you a choice between two evils. You're still voting for evil.
the thing that always got me is the people who feel thats acceptable.....then they will give you an excuse as to why they had no choice....

So what's your alternative?
The Republicans chose to destroy themselves, from their love affair with Big Business to their love affair with phony "Christians" They chose to get into bed with these people. Shame on them.

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