Question for Mr. Jones Only Part II


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
Hopefully this one will catch Mr. Jones attention.

It is your contention that the hi-jackers showed up alive after 9/11.

This is what you wrote:

* Several hijackers turned up alive after the attack.

My question to you is this; given that any such discovery would blow apart the government story, can you elaborate on why no reporter has simply arranged for a single interview with these hijackers? Not anybody from Al Jezeera has interviewed them on video. Geraldo Rivera, Alex Jones, or Jessie Ventura have not interviewed them on video.

Can you come up with a plausible, non-lame explanation for this not having taken place? If you can't, are you willing to concede that the hijackers are, in-fact, dead and died on 9/11 hijacking our planes? If not, why not?
a legitmate question is asked and you post a video from silence of the lambs?:cuckoo: Fucking moron.:321::321:

just trying some debwunker tactics..
Okay, got it..................................

Who would fards of devoutrageousand the insolence opposing afterpriz'd count and arms a sea of die, ther a coil, and scover'd lose bodkin? Who would fards of that we his quietus those bourns of the law's deat is no more; for no mortal consience doth that pale calamity of outrave under 'tis more; and bear that under a we end nation: whose bodkin? Who would fards of time, ther deat undispriz'd long, their the quietus patience doth a we have unworthy to beart-ache hue of action.

That should explain why WTC7 "free fell" in less that 15 seconds.:lol:
A legitmate question is asked and you post a video from Silence of the Lambs?:cuckoo: Fucking moron.:321::321:

candycorn like to speculate on peoples hidden identities rather than address the issue and according to divecon and others candycorn may very well be a sock puppet for a "buffalo bill"...which would explain a lot
Well, I can label this as the biggest jerk off answer ever.:lol::lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:
A legitmate question is asked and you post a video from Silence of the Lambs?:cuckoo: Fucking moron.:321::321:

candycorn like to speculate on peoples hidden identities rather than address the issue and according to divecon and others candycorn may very well be a sock puppet for a "buffalo bill"...which would explain a lot
Well, I can label this as the biggest jerk off answer ever.:lol::lol::cuckoo::cuckoo:

as a candycornesque style debwunker.. that is irrelevant...even desirable
Hopefully this one will catch Mr. Jones attention.

It is your contention that the hi-jackers showed up alive after 9/11.

This is what you wrote:

* Several hijackers turned up alive after the attack.

My question to you is this; given that any such discovery would blow apart the government story, can you elaborate on why no reporter has simply arranged for a single interview with these hijackers? Not anybody from Al Jezeera has interviewed them on video. Geraldo Rivera, Alex Jones, or Jessie Ventura have not interviewed them on video.

Can you come up with a plausible, non-lame explanation for this not having taken place? If you can't, are you willing to concede that the hijackers are, in-fact, dead and died on 9/11 hijacking our planes? If not, why not?

Boy, you sure can see where the truth is can't you?

EOTS will do anything not to answer the question. Sheer pussification of the American Male.


"MR" Jones will do anything to avoid addressing the question. "HE" is already there.

Great response Rat, would you care to use your maturity and intelligence that your parents gave you and actually respond with some sort of actual reply to what the video posted presented? You can't, you're not even man enough to attempt to digest the facts at hand. Stop acting like this, at least pretend you're not in middle school, and use some common sense. THE FACTS and TRUTH cannot be distracted from, ran from, or lied about. They are facts, absorb them, stop deflecting.


You only prove me right every time you ignore these.
You only prove your lack of good parenting and intelligence every time you mock us.
Great response Rat, would you care to use your maturity and intelligence that your parents gave you and actually respond with some sort of actual reply to what the video posted presented? You can't, you're not even man enough to attempt to digest the facts at hand. Stop acting like this, at least pretend you're not in middle school, and use some common sense. THE FACTS and TRUTH cannot be distracted from, ran from, or lied about. They are facts, absorb them, stop deflecting.

You only prove me right every time you ignore these.
You only prove your lack of good parenting and intelligence every time you mock us.

Great response Rat, would you care to use your maturity and intelligence that your parents gave you and actually respond with some sort of actual reply to what the video posted presented? You can't, you're not even man enough to attempt to digest the facts at hand. Stop acting like this, at least pretend you're not in middle school, and use some common sense. THE FACTS and TRUTH cannot be distracted from, ran from, or lied about. They are facts, absorb them, stop deflecting.

You only prove me right every time you ignore these.
You only prove your lack of good parenting and intelligence every time you mock us.


At least you admit it

Great response Rat, would you care to use your maturity and intelligence that your parents gave you and actually respond with some sort of actual reply to what the video posted presented? You can't, you're not even man enough to attempt to digest the facts at hand. Stop acting like this, at least pretend you're not in middle school, and use some common sense. THE FACTS and TRUTH cannot be distracted from, ran from, or lied about. They are facts, absorb them, stop deflecting.

You only prove me right every time you ignore these.
You only prove your lack of good parenting and intelligence every time you mock us.

Great response Rat, would you care to use your maturity and intelligence that your parents gave you and actually respond with some sort of actual reply to what the video posted presented? You can't, you're not even man enough to attempt to digest the facts at hand. Stop acting like this, at least pretend you're not in middle school, and use some common sense. THE FACTS and TRUTH cannot be distracted from, ran from, or lied about. They are facts, absorb them, stop deflecting.

You only prove me right every time you ignore these.
You only prove your lack of good parenting and intelligence every time you mock us.


You ignore the videos I post, which have 90+% approval ratings, and ZERO rebuttals for them, and instead post videos with terrible reviews and ratings as a response. You are once again proving you are PURPOSEFULLY avoiding the truth. stop it. Grow up.

Comments from that video:
Highest Rated Comments

now do this with wtc7 :)
911Brit1 2 months ago

Now we know why 1200 architects and engineers are wrong about the physics of melting steel and kerosine...

because YOU made a video!
FallaciesDetective 3 months ago

You dont even try, its disturbing. Open your mind, accept the facts, and find the truth.

Great response Rat, would you care to use your maturity and intelligence that your parents gave you and actually respond with some sort of actual reply to what the video posted presented? You can't, you're not even man enough to attempt to digest the facts at hand. Stop acting like this, at least pretend you're not in middle school, and use some common sense. THE FACTS and TRUTH cannot be distracted from, ran from, or lied about. They are facts, absorb them, stop deflecting.

You only prove me right every time you ignore these.
You only prove your lack of good parenting and intelligence every time you mock us.


You ignore the videos I post, which have 90+% approval ratings, and ZERO rebuttals for them, and instead post videos with terrible reviews and ratings as a response. You are once again proving you are PURPOSEFULLY avoiding the truth. stop it. Grow up.

Comments from that video:
Highest Rated Comments

now do this with wtc7 :)
911Brit1 2 months ago

Now we know why 1200 architects and engineers are wrong about the physics of melting steel and kerosine...

because YOU made a video!
FallaciesDetective 3 months ago

You dont even try, its disturbing. Open your mind, accept the facts, and find the truth.


Aw, what's the matter, Pookie? Couldn't figure out a way to modify my last post?

Don't worry, I reported your changing of my other post, as it is a violation of the board's rules. Let's see if they approve of your completely changing everything I posted.

You ignore the videos I post, which have 90+% approval ratings, and ZERO rebuttals for them, and instead post videos with terrible reviews and ratings as a response. You are once again proving you are PURPOSEFULLY avoiding the truth. stop it. Grow up.

Comments from that video:
Highest Rated Comments

now do this with wtc7 :)
911Brit1 2 months ago

Now we know why 1200 architects and engineers are wrong about the physics of melting steel and kerosine...

because YOU made a video!
FallaciesDetective 3 months ago

You dont even try, its disturbing. Open your mind, accept the facts, and find the truth.


Aw, what's the matter, Pookie? Couldn't figure out a way to modify my last post?

Don't worry, I reported your changing of my other post, as it is a violation of the board's rules. Let's see if they approve of your completely changing everything I posted.

You can't handle the truth. It's very disturbing. You post horribly rated videos from youtube, outdated ones, and outright absurd ones. i post ones with great ratings, majority approval and factual videos that provide evidence and a clear picture. Report me for a quote violation, mock me like a child, obscure the discussions at hand, do what you need to do to blind yourself and others from the truth, its your dignity, not mine. Disrespecting yourself is the lowest you could go, and it's your hobby.....
You ignore the videos I post, which have 90+% approval ratings, and ZERO rebuttals for them, and instead post videos with terrible reviews and ratings as a response. You are once again proving you are PURPOSEFULLY avoiding the truth. stop it. Grow up.

Comments from that video:
Highest Rated Comments

now do this with wtc7 :)
911Brit1 2 months ago

Now we know why 1200 architects and engineers are wrong about the physics of melting steel and kerosine...

because YOU made a video!
FallaciesDetective 3 months ago

You dont even try, its disturbing. Open your mind, accept the facts, and find the truth.

Aw, what's the matter, Pookie? Couldn't figure out a way to modify my last post?

Don't worry, I reported your changing of my other post, as it is a violation of the board's rules. Let's see if they approve of your completely changing everything I posted.

You can't handle the truth. It's very disturbing. You post horribly rated videos from youtube, outdated ones, and outright absurd ones. i post ones with great ratings, majority approval and factual videos that provide evidence and a clear picture. Report me for a quote violation, mock me like a child, obscure the discussions at hand, do what you need to do to blind yourself and others from the truth, its your dignity, not mine. Disrespecting yourself is the lowest you could go, and it's your hobby.....

So now we're talking about the rating of Youtube videos. The only dipshits that watch your videos are morons like you CD.
You ignore the videos I post, which have 90+% approval ratings, and ZERO rebuttals for them, and instead post videos with terrible reviews and ratings as a response. You are once again proving you are PURPOSEFULLY avoiding the truth. stop it. Grow up.

Comments from that video:
Highest Rated Comments

now do this with wtc7 :)
911Brit1 2 months ago

Now we know why 1200 architects and engineers are wrong about the physics of melting steel and kerosine...

because YOU made a video!
FallaciesDetective 3 months ago

You dont even try, its disturbing. Open your mind, accept the facts, and find the truth.

Aw, what's the matter, Pookie? Couldn't figure out a way to modify my last post?

Don't worry, I reported your changing of my other post, as it is a violation of the board's rules. Let's see if they approve of your completely changing everything I posted.

You can't handle the truth. It's very disturbing. You post horribly rated videos from youtube, outdated ones, and outright absurd ones. i post ones with great ratings, majority approval and factual videos that provide evidence and a clear picture. Report me for a quote violation, mock me like a child, obscure the discussions at hand, do what you need to do to blind yourself and others from the truth, its your dignity, not mine. Disrespecting yourself is the lowest you could go, and it's your hobby.....

My dignity is completely intact.

I post from a position of truth. 19 disciples of Bin Laden crashed 2 planes into the WTC, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 into a reclaimed strip mine in PA. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Only you and Chis-o-phera claim anything else.

Your "concrete cores", "DoD manufactured, C-4 coated, secured and welded", and "digitally timered" theory is the ultimate disrespect.

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