Question for Hillary supporters: Have you finally had enough of trying to defend her?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
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Question for Hillary supporters: With all the new Wikileaks revelations everyday, and the FBI reopening its investigation into her emails, have you finally had enough of trying to defend her?

I predict that the mainstream media will finally reach its liimit of how much it can defend her, and will abandon her like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Like McBeth, she will find herself in the castle, surrounded by her enemies, and all her so-called friends will be nowhere to be seen.
Question for Hillary supporters: With all the new Wikileaks revelations everyday, and the FBI reopening its investigation into her emails, have you finally had enough of trying to defend her?

I predict that the mainstream media will finally reach its liimit of how much it can defend her, and will abandon her like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Like McBeth, she will find herself in the castle, surrounded by her enemies, and all her so-called friends will be nowhere to be seen.
They are all still at the abortion clinic, wait until later
Oh, I'm sure we can count on the full Hillary smoke screen until November 8th. They've been at it for a year, what's two more weeks of lies and distraction?
If they start to believe Hillary will lose, they will abandon her to save themselves. Careers are on the line, and the last people in Hillary's boat will sink with her. I predict that her near future includes prosecution, conviction, and possible prison time. They will send her to a cushy rich man's prison with tennis courts and a 3-foot-tall wall, but it will still be prison.
Question for Hillary supporters: With all the new Wikileaks revelations everyday, and the FBI reopening its investigation into her emails, have you finally had enough of trying to defend her?

I predict that the mainstream media will finally reach its liimit of how much it can defend her, and will abandon her like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Like McBeth, she will find herself in the castle, surrounded by her enemies, and all her so-called friends will be nowhere to be seen.
This will likely turn out to be a bunch of uninformed whiners having a fit about nothing. We are used to this.
No, they will never stop défend her she will be in jail and they still will go vote for her...they are hynoptisés by CNN, CNN tonignt they are not very happy but surely preparing their responses for criminal darling, they will dig a little poop on Trump and they will make a breaking new
who' defending her ?

I'd vote for the garbageman before I voted for Trump.
Question for Hillary supporters: With all the new Wikileaks revelations everyday, and the FBI reopening its investigation into her emails, have you finally had enough of trying to defend her?

I predict that the mainstream media will finally reach its liimit of how much it can defend her, and will abandon her like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Like McBeth, she will find herself in the castle, surrounded by her enemies, and all her so-called friends will be nowhere to be seen.

Nope...they like the fact she is a lying corrupt bitch. :D
They Created All Postmodern Ideas

Feminism exists in order for rich girls to become bosses just like their brothers always could, doubling the power those worthless spoiled brats have over us.
Question for Hillary supporters: With all the new Wikileaks revelations everyday, and the FBI reopening its investigation into her emails, have you finally had enough of trying to defend her?

I predict that the mainstream media will finally reach its liimit of how much it can defend her, and will abandon her like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Like McBeth, she will find herself in the castle, surrounded by her enemies, and all her so-called friends will be nowhere to be seen.


They will defend her by attempting to discredit Wikileaks, revealing the next Gloria Allred grope case, and blaming Russia because they ( Clinton voters ) can not live with the idea their candidate not winning this November...

She should be dead last in this race behind Johnson and Stein!
all that hillary does is sprinkle her followers with a bit of hot sauce, it's like chemical X-files created in a secret lab at area 51 or something. she is a witch, you know, she has such magical potions. that's kind of what is one of them metaphors, though. be on the look out for the pesky metaphors. there is no way that words like metaphor and media and medicine and madness have anything in common, just beware of the hot sauce.
Question for Hillary supporters: With all the new Wikileaks revelations everyday, and the FBI reopening its investigation into her emails, have you finally had enough of trying to defend her?

I predict that the mainstream media will finally reach its liimit of how much it can defend her, and will abandon her like rats abandoning a sinking ship.

Like McBeth, she will find herself in the castle, surrounded by her enemies, and all her so-called friends will be nowhere to be seen.
You're a hater.
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