Question about the statues


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
If these statues are so offensive, why didn't Obama take them down? Or Bush? Or Clinton?
If these statues are so offensive, why didn't Obama take them down? Or Bush? Or Clinton?

They are apparently racists.

I have asked this question. You will not get a real answer.

The real answer is because they are trying to get Trump out of office by any means at all. It's all political opportunism.
The uproar over the statues is nothing more than another leftist attempt to sow discord because their candidate lost.
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If these statues are so offensive, why didn't Obama take them down? Or Bush? Or Clinton?
Were the statues on Federal property, shit for Brains? All this States Rights bullshit you dumb assed far right mothers spew and whine about and you ask that stupidly insipid question.

Hey Forest, you stupid or something?
The statues aren't offensive. Those protesting the history of this country are.

They can take the statues down, but that does not erase what happened in the past.
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The statues aren't offensive. Those protesting the history of this country are.

They can take the statues down, but that does not erase what happened in the past.
And then what will they want to destroy?
The statues aren't offensive. Those protesting the history of this country are.

They can take the statues down, but that does not erase what happened in the past.

Correct! The Democrats are busy labeling everyone on the right racists! Division is the name of their game. Just part of the gigantic temper tantrum they have been having since they lost the election.
Political correctness, run amuck. It's all about genning up the political base on the Left.
Right there.

The politically correct have to have something to rage about. Considering the strides that this nation has made toward equality there are running out of things to be enraged about.
The statues aren't offensive. Those protesting the history of this country are.

They can take the statues down, but that does not erase what happened in the past.
History should be retained for posterity in libraries, places of learning and in the living body. Honoring those who have taken up arms against the Constitution and the People of the United States and committed treason do NOT deserve ANY honor being bestowed by others.

The first principles of our Nation was founded upon cannot be found or sustained for those celebrating the treasonous acts and conduct persons like Lee, Jackson and Davis, et al, committed. Remembered appropriately yes, but only for what they did in its historical context.
If these statues are so offensive, why didn't Obama take them down? Or Bush? Or Clinton?
Were the statues on Federal property, shit for Brains? All this States Rights bullshit you dumb assed far right mothers spew and whine about and you ask that stupidly insipid question.

Hey Forest, you stupid or something?

for the life of me, i can NOT understand why they are - ESPECIALLY inside the capital. & somearmy bases being named after CONfederate traitors who have committed treason by wanting & carrying out a civil war to secede from the UNION so they can fucking OWN people.

i do not condone any vandalism but remove them from government property & put the damn things in museums to preserve history all right- in all its glory & shame.
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The statues aren't offensive. Those protesting the history of this country are.

They can take the statues down, but that does not erase what happened in the past.

Correct! The Democrats are busy labeling everyone on the right racists! Division is the name of their game. Just part of the gigantic temper tantrum they have been having since they lost the election.

yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that's the ticket.............. :rolleyes:
If these statues are so offensive, why didn't Obama take them down? Or Bush? Or Clinton?

Obama had 8 years to take down these statues, was the guy an uncle Tom or something?

obama never had vanilla isis carrying torches creating a sickening spectacle under his watch either, much as they wanted to... but the orange overlord gave permission to bannon's ilk & now the shit is hitting the fan bigley.

that's why.
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The statues aren't offensive. Those protesting the history of this country are.

They can take the statues down, but that does not erase what happened in the past.

Correct! The Democrats are busy labeling everyone on the right racists! Division is the name of their game. Just part of the gigantic temper tantrum they have been having since they lost the election.

not everyone. not at all. those that showed up to make amerika white again are. & the (R)s speaking out against it & cheetolini are labeled RINOS anyway by the poorly educated trumpanzees.

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