

Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Another POV....So what? Are we not supposed to avail ourselves of certain places now? WTF is that Savanna doing questioning Trump about that? Total insanity and a tacit MSM manipulation to get you to NOT listen to 'unapproved' news and other sources. Fuck them!!
Not really. Establishment G.O.P. mainstream media. Nothing else.
So what? It's another POV. Why should Trump be questioned about that? We have a free press but apparently, only the 'preferred free press' is considered reliable. We just had 3+ years of the MSM reporting that Trump was a Russian agent and needed to be removed from office. That's the 'establishment D.N.C. mainstream media which covers a much larger demographic. You have been duped.
establishment D.N.C. mainstream media which covers a much larger demographic. You have been duped
Establishment G.O.P. plays right into DNC pro-abortion, pro-gun-control politics. It's all the same to us little people who've had our rights revoked.
Another POV....So what? Are we not supposed to avail ourselves of certain places now? WTF is that Savanna doing questioning Trump about that? Total insanity and a tacit MSM manipulation to get you to NOT listen to 'unapproved' news and other sources. Fuck them!!
The whole media circus has given that goof more attention than he got on his own.

More Streisand effect is in effect.
establishment D.N.C. mainstream media which covers a much larger demographic. You have been duped
Establishment G.O.P. plays right into DNC pro-abortion, pro-gun-control politics. It's all the same to us little people who've had our rights revoked.
But Trump is not G.O.P. establisment. That's why I voted for him and will vote for him in November. He doesn't care about Qanon, the INTERVIEWER cares because OTHER information sources THREATEN the establishment media. The establishment media will tell you NOT to go there! It's 'dangerous' with 'radical views' etc. etc. etc.
Another POV....So what? Are we not supposed to avail ourselves of certain places now? WTF is that Savanna doing questioning Trump about that? Total insanity and a tacit MSM manipulation to get you to NOT listen to 'unapproved' news and other sources. Fuck them!!
I thought it was a Quaalude help line.
Another POV....So what? Are we not supposed to avail ourselves of certain places now? WTF is that Savanna doing questioning Trump about that? Total insanity and a tacit MSM manipulation to get you to NOT listen to 'unapproved' news and other sources. Fuck them!!

Trump keeps saying "ive never heard of them"
Another POV....So what? Are we not supposed to avail ourselves of certain places now? WTF is that Savanna doing questioning Trump about that? Total insanity and a tacit MSM manipulation to get you to NOT listen to 'unapproved' news and other sources. Fuck them!!

When given the chance to denounce White Supremacists he didn't do it.
When given the chance to denounce conspiracy kooks that slander numerous people, he doesn't do it.
Trump has no more reason to denounce Qanon than he does to denounce Drudge. They are the same kind of entity.

Trump has denounced white supremacy more than 20 times.

Didn't the communist democrats do this during the first campaign? I seem to remember Trump beginning every interview with "I denounce white supremacy and I disavow David Duke. Now that we have that out of the way, what's your first question."

What he DOESN'T say and what the communists what him to say is "I wish my white wife and my white children were dead."
When given the chance to denounce White Supremacists he didn't do it.
When given the chance to denounce conspiracy kooks that slander numerous people, he doesn't do it.
And this is the biggest reason he will LOSE.
Americans and SICK & TIRED of this bigotry and division.

We're turning the page.
When given the chance to denounce White Supremacists he didn't do it.
When given the chance to denounce conspiracy kooks that slander numerous people, he doesn't do it.
And this is the biggest reason he will LOSE.
Americans and SICK & TIRED of this bigotry and division.

We're turning the page.

Hope you're right.
I hope he alienates enough people to vote for Joe. The behavior of his supporters just may do the trick in that regard.

*fingers crossed*
Another POV....So what? Are we not supposed to avail ourselves of certain places now? WTF is that Savanna doing questioning Trump about that? Total insanity and a tacit MSM manipulation to get you to NOT listen to 'unapproved' news and other sources. Fuck them!!

Trump keeps saying "ive never heard of them"

Its pretty sad that we have a President who continues to promote people he's never heard of. Didn't he say the same thing about Cohen...his personal lawyer? isn't *hurting* him at the present time. It's just that there isn't much new there that hasn't been said already.
They're trying to associate Trump with Qanon which is, to the left, a radical right wing site. They are basically solidifying their base, while trying to denigrate Trump. Pure dirty politics which is what we have come to expect expect from the DNC. and their lackeys in the MSM.
And this is the biggest reason he will LOSE.
Americans and SICK & TIRED of this bigotry and division.

We're turning the page.
What bigotry and division? You mean like 'Black Lives Matter' is not bigotry and division? How about 'White Lives Matter?' Or "Hispanic Lives Matter?'......Only Black lives matter? What kind of racist bullshit is that? When has Trump ever supported bigotry and division? Be specific , I don't want your fevered imagination.
I want it in detail how Trump is taking down satanic pedophiles, not that I believe its anything but a Lie, but explain it to me anyway, its been a slow night.
The Democrats are terrified of Q.


Anons were warned years ago of pending 'China [communist] style' tactic approaching re: censor and terminate any/all dissenting views.
They are not in control of their own platform(s).
You didn't think it was just a conspiracy did you?


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