Putin’s Puppet: Russians Are Now Barking Orders at Joe Biden – They Are Against Any US Base in Central Asian Region


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Putin’s Puppet:​

Russians Are Now Barking Orders at Joe Biden​


They Are Against Any US Base in Central Asian Region​

12 Sep 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), the GOP leader of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.
During their discussion, McCaul confirmed that China is looking to take control of the abandoned Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.
McCaul also told Maria that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is now barking orders at Joe Biden. The Russian president told Biden he against any US base in the Central Asian “Stan” region.
Joe Biden is now leading from behind — the Taliban, China AND Russia!
What will it take to get Republicans off their butts and demanding this dangerous man resign from office?
Via Sunday Morning Futures:

Is this pure politics in McCaul making these accusations against Biden and this "Democrat" administration, or will we soon find this truth in the near future?
Is Biden and our foreign policy being dictated by Russia's Putin and China's Xi Jinping?
Is this really incompetence or a failure of leadership or is it treason at the highest levels of gov't, or is it all part of the "Fundamental Transformation of America" that Obama has droned on about for the passed Decade?
Despite Donald Trump's brashness he's become a hero to the citizens of countries all over the world for helping them break free of the tyrannical masters.
OTOH, Joey Xi Bai Dung is a hero to tyrannical masters allowing them rein in freedom-seeking citizens.
From all indications beginning January 21, 2021 our enemies are now in the process of making plans to act because they know that Joey Xi Bai Dung will do nothing to oppose them. Taiwan is in the CCP's sights and we under Joey Xi's treasonous leadership will do nothing to stop this from happening. Nor will Putin be stopped from building the oil pipeline from Russia through the Middle East to the Mediterranean.
We should be against any base there (or anywhere other than here). We wouldn't allow anyone else to put a military base here.

Putin’s Puppet:​

Russians Are Now Barking Orders at Joe Biden​


They Are Against Any US Base in Central Asian Region​

12 Sep 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), the GOP leader of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.
During their discussion, McCaul confirmed that China is looking to take control of the abandoned Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.
McCaul also told Maria that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is now barking orders at Joe Biden. The Russian president told Biden he against any US base in the Central Asian “Stan” region.
Joe Biden is now leading from behind — the Taliban, China AND Russia!
What will it take to get Republicans off their butts and demanding this dangerous man resign from office?
Via Sunday Morning Futures:

Is this pure politics in McCaul making these accusations against Biden and this "Democrat" administration, or will we soon find this truth in the near future?
Is Biden and our foreign policy being dictated by Russia's Putin and China's Xi Jinping?
Is this really incompetence or a failure of leadership or is it treason at the highest levels of gov't, or is it all part of the "Fundamental Transformation of America" that Obama has droned on about for the passed Decade?
Despite Donald Trump's brashness he's become a hero to the citizens of countries all over the world for helping them break free of the tyrannical masters.
OTOH, Joey Xi Bai Dung is a hero to tyrannical masters allowing them rein in freedom-seeking citizens.
From all indications beginning January 21, 2021 our enemies are now in the process of making plans to act because they know that Joey Xi Bai Dung will do nothing to oppose them. Taiwan is in the CCP's sights and we under Joey Xi's treasonous leadership will do nothing to stop this from happening. Nor will Putin be stopped from building the oil pipeline from Russia through the Middle East to the Mediterranean.

"What will it take to get republicans off their butts..." Doc7505: take a look @ the links below. On the right side of the first link you will see a window titled REPUBLICAN PARTY. Scroll down to the sub heading that is titled "International Affiliation" followed by "International Democrat Union". While the IDU SOUNDS right of center I have a strong feeling that the organization is manned by the "good ole boys" type of profe$$ional politician$ that are more global minded than concerned about our USA as an sovereign nation. I hope I am wrong so give me your opinion on the subject please.

yes the CCP and Putin are controlling our foriegn policies. Xiden doesn’t come a position of strength

Putin’s Puppet:​

Russians Are Now Barking Orders at Joe Biden​


They Are Against Any US Base in Central Asian Region​

12 Sep 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX), the GOP leader of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, joined Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning.
During their discussion, McCaul confirmed that China is looking to take control of the abandoned Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan.
McCaul also told Maria that Russian leader Vladimir Putin is now barking orders at Joe Biden. The Russian president told Biden he against any US base in the Central Asian “Stan” region.
Joe Biden is now leading from behind — the Taliban, China AND Russia!
What will it take to get Republicans off their butts and demanding this dangerous man resign from office?
Via Sunday Morning Futures:

Is this pure politics in McCaul making these accusations against Biden and this "Democrat" administration, or will we soon find this truth in the near future?
Is Biden and our foreign policy being dictated by Russia's Putin and China's Xi Jinping?
Is this really incompetence or a failure of leadership or is it treason at the highest levels of gov't, or is it all part of the "Fundamental Transformation of America" that Obama has droned on about for the passed Decade?
Despite Donald Trump's brashness he's become a hero to the citizens of countries all over the world for helping them break free of the tyrannical masters.
OTOH, Joey Xi Bai Dung is a hero to tyrannical masters allowing them rein in freedom-seeking citizens.
From all indications beginning January 21, 2021 our enemies are now in the process of making plans to act because they know that Joey Xi Bai Dung will do nothing to oppose them. Taiwan is in the CCP's sights and we under Joey Xi's treasonous leadership will do nothing to stop this from happening. Nor will Putin be stopped from building the oil pipeline from Russia through the Middle East to the Mediterranean.

10% of all revenues from Bagram go to the Big Guy

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