Putin's president says we should love Russia

In the eyes of the gullible. The DNC buys political votes from the welfare crowd, media giants influence people's decisions. Do not underestimate the power of the media. The moron is you, you just don't see it yet. BTW, it was not the electronics arm of Sony in the reference but Sony Pictures. Maybe you are just too uninformed to realize it.

Actually it was Sony Entertainment. And you're the one who couldn't spell its name properly - not once, but twice.

Yeah, yeah. All political parties kowtow to their constituents. I'm sure you had a point in there somewhere.
Trump us Putin's president. History will recall that Putin chose our 45th president.
The only thing that explains democrat insanity is the democrats have spent 8 years building up isis in Syria. They have supplied and fed isis and their affiliates. Putin has been fighting isis in Syria. Now, in order to destabilize the United States government since Shaka Zulu is no longer in power, the Democrats have created this myth of the duly elected president working with Russia.

Russia knows this. Trump knows this. The thinking half of the country know this. That is why democrats will not be able to punish the country by starting WWIII.
Excellent post.

Under Obama the USG has pressured Russia in every conceivable way to undermine Russia's capability to stop the USG in Syria. Trump threatens to destroy all the hard work.
Our involvement in Syria needs to end. All those people died for nothing but obama's vanity. Unless we are willing to get into a major war with Russia we were never going to win nor was sniffing isis ass going to win.
True. Our analysis has been that without Assad being out, Syria isn't going to improve.

So, our policy has been to bomb ISIS to keep them from expanding and to work with Russia toward forcing a peaceful transition. Russia started out looking receptive, but then dumped the idea and started bombing Syrian civilians who oppose Assad.

Nobody is going to cause ISIS to be ended by simply bombing Syrian cities flat. They will remain until Syrian citizens are ready to back the Syrian government vs. ISIS. And, that's not going to happen under Assad.
It would only happen under Assad. Had obama not interfered, Assad would have put that rebellion down and kicked isis out within a week. All those people would still be alive and there would be no refugee crisis.

The burr that Assad put up obama's ass is that Assad was a secular leader that protected the Christian minority. No way would little o tolerate that.
Our assessment was that Assad was NOT going to end the revolution and was NOT going to be able to eliminate ISIS. Assad has sectarian connection with Iran and is radically opposed to the Sunni 80% majority that he has repressed from the time of becoming their leader in 2000 - those he has refused to allow to vote.

Ask McCain. this wasn't some partisan assessment. Nobody thought Assad was going to win anything close to that.

And, your last paragraph is just plain stupid.
Our assessment? Who do you speak on behalf of?

Your assessment was wrong. Who other than Assad had the desire to eliminate ISIS from Syria?

And the revolution is a false narrative. It was the assessment of the DIA that AQI was part of the resistance from the start. There would have been no revolution without the assistance of outside actors. If you don't believe me let's take a look at Hillary's emails.
In the eyes of the gullible. The DNC buys political votes from the welfare crowd, media giants influence people's decisions. Do not underestimate the power of the media. The moron is you, you just don't see it yet. BTW, it was not the electronics arm of Sony in the reference but Sony Pictures. Maybe you are just too uninformed to realize it.

Actually it was Sony Entertainment. And you're the one who couldn't spell its name properly - not once, but twice.

Yeah, yeah. All political parties kowtow to their constituents. I'm sure you had a point in there somewhere.
Yes, I caught it late. I corrected it.
Excellent post.

Under Obama the USG has pressured Russia in every conceivable way to undermine Russia's capability to stop the USG in Syria. Trump threatens to destroy all the hard work.
Our involvement in Syria needs to end. All those people died for nothing but obama's vanity. Unless we are willing to get into a major war with Russia we were never going to win nor was sniffing isis ass going to win.
True. Our analysis has been that without Assad being out, Syria isn't going to improve.

So, our policy has been to bomb ISIS to keep them from expanding and to work with Russia toward forcing a peaceful transition. Russia started out looking receptive, but then dumped the idea and started bombing Syrian civilians who oppose Assad.

Nobody is going to cause ISIS to be ended by simply bombing Syrian cities flat. They will remain until Syrian citizens are ready to back the Syrian government vs. ISIS. And, that's not going to happen under Assad.
It would only happen under Assad. Had obama not interfered, Assad would have put that rebellion down and kicked isis out within a week. All those people would still be alive and there would be no refugee crisis.

The burr that Assad put up obama's ass is that Assad was a secular leader that protected the Christian minority. No way would little o tolerate that.
Our assessment was that Assad was NOT going to end the revolution and was NOT going to be able to eliminate ISIS. Assad has sectarian connection with Iran and is radically opposed to the Sunni 80% majority that he has repressed from the time of becoming their leader in 2000 - those he has refused to allow to vote.

Ask McCain. this wasn't some partisan assessment. Nobody thought Assad was going to win anything close to that.

And, your last paragraph is just plain stupid.
Our assessment? Who do you speak on behalf of?

Your assessment was wrong. Who other than Assad had the desire to eliminate ISIS from Syria?

And the revolution is a false narrative. It was the assessment of the DIA that AQI was part of the resistance from the start. There would have been no revolution without the assistance of outside actors. If you don't believe me let's take a look at Hillary's emails.
I'm talking about the US assessment.

And, you better come up with something more than that if you want to say it was wrong - like exactly who and in what way. Also, when, since the situation has not been static.

Who opposes ISIS??? The US, Russia, all of Europe, Turkey, Israel, every Islamic majority nation, India, china, ... wtf are you getting at? Everyone wants ISIS gone. Sunnis in Syria want ISIS gone - they just can't fight Assad AND fight ISIS, which is fighting Assad.

Yes, AQI was part of the resistance against Assad. But, the resistance against Assad was going on before AQI got there. The revolution has been carried out by a motley collection of independent groups including ISIS that have changing allegiance between themselves.

Remember that McCain went to Syria under Obama to try to find leadership that we could back. McCain didn't find that.
Trump: Only 'stupid' people, fools oppose better Russia ties

Let me get this straight. Putin just hacked the US and conducted one of the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country, all in an effort to elect their chosen candidate....and now we should seek closer ties with the Thug?

The man really does have a mental problem problem.
You are now saying that hacking the DNC and Hillary's unprotected server now ranks as the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country? Really? I would think the Rosenbergs might argue with you. That is assuming that the Russians did it, as it appears we are all suppose to assume.
No don't Ass ume Only a republican nitwit wouldn't believe russia is responsible
Why? Because the CIA never lies, only a partisan nitwit believes that.

So what if the Russians did? The US dropped 26,000 bombs last year, what else you think we did. If people in this day an age can not protect their emails or servers they deserve to be hacked. It made no difference, Hillary lost because she is Hillary. Only nitwits think otherwise.
Trump: Only 'stupid' people, fools oppose better Russia ties

Let me get this straight. Putin just hacked the US and conducted one of the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country, all in an effort to elect their chosen candidate....and now we should seek closer ties with the Thug?

The man really does have a mental problem problem.
You are now saying that hacking the DNC and Hillary's unprotected server now ranks as the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country? Really? I would think the Rosenbergs might argue with you. That is assuming that the Russians did it, as it appears we are all suppose to assume.
No don't Ass ume Only a republican nitwit wouldn't believe russia is responsible
Why? Because the CIA never lies, only a partisan nitwit believes that.

So what if the Russians did? The US dropped 26,000 bombs last year, what else you think we did. If people in this day an age can not protect their emails or servers they deserve to be hacked. It made no difference, Hillary lost because she is Hillary. Only nitwits think otherwise.
"So what if the Russians did?"

You must be f'ing kidding!

Russia attacks our democracy and you say we shouldn't care????

What the HELL kind of idea is that???
"So what if the Russians did?"

You must be f'ing kidding!

Russia attacks our democracy and you say we shouldn't care????

What the HELL kind of idea is that???
Russia did what? Uh... dude, you are way out there...
Trump: Only 'stupid' people, fools oppose better Russia ties

Let me get this straight. Putin just hacked the US and conducted one of the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country, all in an effort to elect their chosen candidate....and now we should seek closer ties with the Thug?

The man really does have a mental problem problem.
You are now saying that hacking the DNC and Hillary's unprotected server now ranks as the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country? Really? I would think the Rosenbergs might argue with you. That is assuming that the Russians did it, as it appears we are all suppose to assume.
No don't Ass ume Only a republican nitwit wouldn't believe russia is responsible
Why? Because the CIA never lies, only a partisan nitwit believes that.

So what if the Russians did? The US dropped 26,000 bombs last year, what else you think we did. If people in this day an age can not protect their emails or servers they deserve to be hacked. It made no difference, Hillary lost because she is Hillary. Only nitwits think otherwise.
"So what if the Russians did?"

You must be f'ing kidding!

Russia attacks our democracy and you say we shouldn't care????

What the HELL kind of idea is that???
We live in a REPUBLIC, how many times do people need told? YES, people interchange the terms but they are WRONG to do so.

NOW do a google, do whatever and tell me exactly what the Russians did. This whole situation reminds me of the southern lost causers. Making BS up to smooth the burn is really attacking the Republic, JUST LIKE HILLARY SAID.

Hillary lost for what we told you folks the whole cycle, she SUCKS.
I would guess that you double dealing cretins speak out of both sides of your mouths
what was his point eddy?.....if he admits both sides would do it....why did he criticize the righties for doing it?...see if your little brain can give me an answer...
My belief is if the opposite took place Dems would be incensed at Russia for hacking into the RNC
Both the RNC and DNC are private organizations. I did not hear you screaming too loud when Sony was hacked. Same thing, no?
Sony isnt a political organization that has influence over American politics....
Are you really so naive? Sony is part of the brainwashing media. They have more influence than you think. Their movies have sociopolitical "suggestions" repetitively thus instilling ideas in the minds of the unaware, especially the young and inexperienced who are unable to see through some of the machinations.
they did their job on you didnt they....
The dumbest thing about this is that if Putin had done the exact same thing to help Clinton win, the RWs on this board would be throwing tantrums over it everyday. But, oh no, it was Trump who got the assist so Putin is the man.
Instead it's democrats throwing the tantrums. Now do you see how silly democrats look?
They are and of course it makes sense that they would. Duh!
so what was your point then?....
That republicans have selective outrage. Duh!
so do democrats...duh!....
Instead it's democrats throwing the tantrums. Now do you see how silly democrats look?
They are and of course it makes sense that they would. Duh!
so what was your point then?....
I would guess that you double dealing cretins speak out of both sides of your mouths
what was his point eddy?.....if he admits both sides would do it....why did he criticize the righties for doing it?...see if your little brain can give me an answer...
Christ the point is Repubs would only find this outrageous if Putin had colluded with democrats instead.
far left democrats aint much different billy....you cant see that because you are one of them.....
"So what if the Russians did?"

You must be f'ing kidding!

Russia attacks our democracy and you say we shouldn't care????

What the HELL kind of idea is that???
Russia did what? Uh... dude, you are way out there...
Our intel services all point to Russia hacking our election, including a fake news assault, etc.

Ignoring that makes no more sense than ignoring any other organized attack on America.
Trump: Only 'stupid' people, fools oppose better Russia ties

Let me get this straight. Putin just hacked the US and conducted one of the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country, all in an effort to elect their chosen candidate....and now we should seek closer ties with the Thug?

The man really does have a mental problem problem.
You are now saying that hacking the DNC and Hillary's unprotected server now ranks as the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country? Really? I would think the Rosenbergs might argue with you. That is assuming that the Russians did it, as it appears we are all suppose to assume.
No don't Ass ume Only a republican nitwit wouldn't believe russia is responsible
Why? Because the CIA never lies, only a partisan nitwit believes that.

So what if the Russians did? The US dropped 26,000 bombs last year, what else you think we did. If people in this day an age can not protect their emails or servers they deserve to be hacked. It made no difference, Hillary lost because she is Hillary. Only nitwits think otherwise.
"So what if the Russians did?"

You must be f'ing kidding!

Russia attacks our democracy and you say we shouldn't care????

What the HELL kind of idea is that???
We live in a REPUBLIC, how many times do people need told? YES, people interchange the terms but they are WRONG to do so.

NOW do a google, do whatever and tell me exactly what the Russians did. This whole situation reminds me of the southern lost causers. Making BS up to smooth the burn is really attacking the Republic, JUST LIKE HILLARY SAID.

Hillary lost for what we told you folks the whole cycle, she SUCKS.
Your total partisan toadyism is preventing you from caring about America.

I've said nothing about the election or whether Russia's assault changed the outcome of the last election.

The issue is that Russia attacked us. They assaulted our democracy. And, our intel agencies have demonstrated that with crystal clarity in their publicly available report.

And, our congress and president elect are IGNORING that!!!

Even if you aren't sure whether it happened, the idea of ignoring such an attack by a foreign power is unforgiveable.
Not really...Adolph Trump is in trouble. Maybe Putee has some photos of Donnie and an underaged girl? I think we will eventually find out why Donnie is having a love affair with Putee.
Putin is better than our own democrats is reason enough.
And there it is. The erratic fanatics hate so much that they are willing to give control of America over to a former KGB operative and Russian dictator than fellow Americans who disagree with them on politics. And they believe in their hate so much that it all makes sense and logic to them.
Democrats are not fellow Americans.
neither are those who have your 1938 mindset....
Everything you don't like is Hitler. Yes we get it.
did i mention hitler at any time....or was that you?....and is it me or you who always mentions how great russia and china are compared to the country you hate,but yet will not move to one of them for some reason....
Trump: Only 'stupid' people, fools oppose better Russia ties

Let me get this straight. Putin just hacked the US and conducted one of the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country, all in an effort to elect their chosen candidate....and now we should seek closer ties with the Thug?

The man really does have a mental problem problem.

So let me get this straight, we give Billions and trust This government to be truthful in a nuclear agreement while they try to do SEVERE damage against our country. Now its ok for Obama to cozy up to them for the sake of better relations, but we better not do that with Russia.

Iranians Charged with Hacking U.S. Financial Sector
You are now saying that hacking the DNC and Hillary's unprotected server now ranks as the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country? Really? I would think the Rosenbergs might argue with you. That is assuming that the Russians did it, as it appears we are all suppose to assume.
No don't Ass ume Only a republican nitwit wouldn't believe russia is responsible
Why? Because the CIA never lies, only a partisan nitwit believes that.

So what if the Russians did? The US dropped 26,000 bombs last year, what else you think we did. If people in this day an age can not protect their emails or servers they deserve to be hacked. It made no difference, Hillary lost because she is Hillary. Only nitwits think otherwise.
"So what if the Russians did?"

You must be f'ing kidding!

Russia attacks our democracy and you say we shouldn't care????

What the HELL kind of idea is that???
We live in a REPUBLIC, how many times do people need told? YES, people interchange the terms but they are WRONG to do so.

NOW do a google, do whatever and tell me exactly what the Russians did. This whole situation reminds me of the southern lost causers. Making BS up to smooth the burn is really attacking the Republic, JUST LIKE HILLARY SAID.

Hillary lost for what we told you folks the whole cycle, she SUCKS.
Your total partisan toadyism is preventing you from caring about America.

I've said nothing about the election or whether Russia's assault changed the outcome of the last election.

The issue is that Russia attacked us. They assaulted our democracy. And, our intel agencies have demonstrated that with crystal clarity in their publicly available report.

And, our congress and president elect are IGNORING that!!!

Even if you aren't sure whether it happened, the idea of ignoring such an attack by a foreign power is unforgiveable.

You know noting about me or apparently anything else. Waving the flag sure is funny coming from the left. Such disingenuous behavior is so par for the course it funny we even bat an eye at anything the left spews.

You were asked to produce what the Russian did, you didn't yet you continue on.

I suppose you don't think that the US doesn't try and hack computers? If you do then there is swamp land you might be interested in buying.
No don't Ass ume Only a republican nitwit wouldn't believe russia is responsible
Why? Because the CIA never lies, only a partisan nitwit believes that.

So what if the Russians did? The US dropped 26,000 bombs last year, what else you think we did. If people in this day an age can not protect their emails or servers they deserve to be hacked. It made no difference, Hillary lost because she is Hillary. Only nitwits think otherwise.
"So what if the Russians did?"

You must be f'ing kidding!

Russia attacks our democracy and you say we shouldn't care????

What the HELL kind of idea is that???
We live in a REPUBLIC, how many times do people need told? YES, people interchange the terms but they are WRONG to do so.

NOW do a google, do whatever and tell me exactly what the Russians did. This whole situation reminds me of the southern lost causers. Making BS up to smooth the burn is really attacking the Republic, JUST LIKE HILLARY SAID.

Hillary lost for what we told you folks the whole cycle, she SUCKS.
Your total partisan toadyism is preventing you from caring about America.

I've said nothing about the election or whether Russia's assault changed the outcome of the last election.

The issue is that Russia attacked us. They assaulted our democracy. And, our intel agencies have demonstrated that with crystal clarity in their publicly available report.

And, our congress and president elect are IGNORING that!!!

Even if you aren't sure whether it happened, the idea of ignoring such an attack by a foreign power is unforgiveable.

You know noting about me or apparently anything else. Waving the flag sure is funny coming from the left. Such disingenuous behavior is so par for the course it funny we even bat an eye at anything the left spews.

You were asked to produce what the Russian did, you didn't yet you continue on.

I suppose you don't think that the US doesn't try and hack computers? If you do then there is swamp land you might be interested in buying.
From the party that started the iraq war and all the mideast turmoil I wouldn't be so proud to be a republican pos And now you give us this garbage??
Trump: Only 'stupid' people, fools oppose better Russia ties

Let me get this straight. Putin just hacked the US and conducted one of the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country, all in an effort to elect their chosen candidate....and now we should seek closer ties with the Thug?

The man really does have a mental problem problem.
You are now saying that hacking the DNC and Hillary's unprotected server now ranks as the most sophisticated espionage attack on this country? Really? I would think the Rosenbergs might argue with you. That is assuming that the Russians did it, as it appears we are all suppose to assume.
No don't Ass ume Only a republican nitwit wouldn't believe russia is responsible
Why? Because the CIA never lies, only a partisan nitwit believes that.

So what if the Russians did? The US dropped 26,000 bombs last year, what else you think we did. If people in this day an age can not protect their emails or servers they deserve to be hacked. It made no difference, Hillary lost because she is Hillary. Only nitwits think otherwise.
"So what if the Russians did?"

You must be f'ing kidding!

Russia attacks our democracy and you say we shouldn't care????

What the HELL kind of idea is that???
We live in a REPUBLIC, how many times do people need told? YES, people interchange the terms but they are WRONG to do so.

NOW do a google, do whatever and tell me exactly what the Russians did. This whole situation reminds me of the southern lost causers. Making BS up to smooth the burn is really attacking the Republic, JUST LIKE HILLARY SAID.

Hillary lost for what we told you folks the whole cycle, she SUCKS.
You are confused.

Voting is a feature of DEMOCRACY not of Republic.

Everybody knows we're a republic. You should also remember that our system is democratic.

You are just plain wrong about what the issue is.

The issue is NOT who won the election.

The issue is that America was attacked by a foreign power.

After that, I want to know why congress and the president elect DON'T CARE!!!

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