Putin's 'police' beats veteran grandfather who raises money for treatment for his grandmother


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Horror in Mytishchi near Moscow:

Just for information. The Fascist Regime 1991-2018 rob Russians of all money and condemned them to survive having $100 - $ 200 monthly to life.Grandpas and grandmas have between $50 and $100 pension with no additional state support.
The station building, Mytishchi station..The grandfather who fought against Hitler raises money for treatment for his deadly ill grandmother, since he does not have enough pension. On the trolley of the Order, diplomas, veteran labor and awards.
No chance, Putin's 'police' ( which always is very nice to true criminals ) treats poor veterans as hardened villains.
While Putin and his non-Russian oligarchs own 95% of country more as 60% Russians condemned to starvation and dead in poverty in one of the most rich countries in the World
The fate of both veterans after arrest is unknown.A human life is of no value in Putin Russia, except of course ones of Oligarchs and Kremlins.

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