Platinum Member
The opening of Merkel's Berlin Airport is 2000 days delayed. It will be surely never open and in some years get demolished.No problem for Merkel who made anything wrong her full chancellorship. Any big polish or portugese construction company would have finish the airport construction already seven years ago if Merkel accepted their bid.Merkel's Airport is nothing else as decline of German Engineering and show how idiotic German politicians are who can perform nothing even in Berlin.
Against that Putin promised impossible: erection of Crimea Bridge within four years. There is no one day delay, anything run excellent. Just for remembrance almost no one in the West believed it would be possible. If for example Crimea Bridge would be erected by German construction companies it start could be postponed around hundred years.
Are Russian Engineers better as their German colleges?It is understandable why Russian Construction Companies win more construction contracts in international bidding now.
Against that Putin promised impossible: erection of Crimea Bridge within four years. There is no one day delay, anything run excellent. Just for remembrance almost no one in the West believed it would be possible. If for example Crimea Bridge would be erected by German construction companies it start could be postponed around hundred years.
Are Russian Engineers better as their German colleges?It is understandable why Russian Construction Companies win more construction contracts in international bidding now.