Putin again made an "inaccuracy" in the words

You are not quoting those who live along the border and have daily break ins. Yes, many Americans are trying to help individuals to cross the desert by leaving water and food. I’ve stated before my top concern is regarding the bulk of daily criminals (repeat offenders) and their reentry, the felons who swivel back in and out of the country with little concern for being jailed. Human trafficking and fentanyl smuggling. All illegal activity needs to be targeted and placed to the front of the line for effective measures to stop it. When there’s a will there’s a way, there’s just not a federal will.
Of course there are disproportionate problems. Once Biden gets the immigration courts up and going to match the demand, undocumented immigration will slow down greatly. The back log in documented immigration ( sometimes as much as 6 years ) is what created the surge in undocumented immigration.
Of course there are disproportionate problems. Once Biden gets the immigration courts up and going to match the demand, undocumented immigration will slow down greatly. The back log in documented immigration ( sometimes as much as 6 years ) is what created the surge in undocumented immigration.
Catch and release policy contributed greatly to the back load in the courts. Who in their right state of mind can claim that catch and release would be an effective policy? The claim was made because jails were full, no other option.

There are solutions, the current govt just didn’t want to pursue those solutions. Just like you mentioned the creation of more personnel working on these immigration cases. When is that supposed to happen? It should’ve happened instead of Biden’s statements to encourage more caravans to come and….wait it out for 18 months.

“A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.”

Biden’s comments and video were immediately posted and shared to millions on Twitter alone. Do you believe that did not fully exasperate the numbers and outcome? No surprise Biden later denied saying the exact words that he did say.
Catch and release policy contributed greatly to the back load in the courts. Who in their right state of mind can claim that catch and release would be an effective policy? The claim was made because jails were full, no other option.

There are solutions, the current govt just didn’t want to pursue those solutions. Just like you mentioned the creation of more personnel working on these immigration cases. When is that supposed to happen? It should’ve happened instead of Biden’s statements to encourage more caravans to come and….wait it out for 18 months.

“A video clipping of Biden speaking at a debate prior to general elections in 2019 clearly shows him say, 'Surge the borders.' "I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border. They deserve to be heard. That's who we are. "We're a nation that says, 'You want to flee, and you're fleeing oppression, you should come,'" Biden had told during a debate moderated by Univision's Jorge Ramos in 2019.”

Biden’s comments and video were immediately posted and shared to millions on Twitter alone. Do you believe that did not fully exasperate the numbers and outcome? No surprise Biden later denied saying the exact words that he did say.
Button had nothing to be concerned about in this statement. He was quoting international law governing immigration, which we abide by. It's duly stated in the Constitution. He was just as stating the rights of immigrants in all the free nations of the world.
Button had nothing to be concerned about in this statement. He was quoting international law governing immigration, which we abide by. It's duly stated in the Constitution. He was just as stating the rights of immigrants in all the free nations of the world.
Should have proof read the above. Begins as, " Biden had nothing to be concerned about in your statement. "
Button had nothing to be concerned about in this statement. He was quoting international law governing immigration, which we abide by. It's duly stated in the Constitution. He was just as stating the rights of immigrants in all the free nations of the world.
Would you consider changing your name to Cartman? Every time I see one of your posts that’s the character I visualize, not Stan. I’m now picturing drool coming out of the side of your mouth, is there any truth to this visual?

Over and out as I’m done beating my head up against the wall for today, as you have no rational thought whatsoever in your brain.
Would you consider changing your name to Cartman? Every time I see one of your posts that’s the character I visualize, not Stan. I’m now picturing drool coming out of the side of your mouth, is there any truth to this visual?

Over and out as I’m done beating my head up against the wall for today, as you have no rational thought whatsoever in your brain.
Rational is believing in international law, in the Constitution. You are the one who has not been rational about immigration.
Rational is believing in international law, in the Constitution. You are the one who has not been rational about immigration.
The perfect solution would be to have vast immigration portals on the border. Ideally everyone would be predocumented and pre-examined. They could have their day in court that same day and either go through one door into the United States or out another door back to Mexico with a document that says they could reapply in 6 months or so if they feel they were unjustly treated. These processing centers would have to be on a par with the ones we had during the Great migration on Ellis Island and other sites along the east coast. They processed millions upon millions, rejecting very few and embracing all the new Americans. That is the goal of immigration and emigration. That's what's kept our country growing and successful for over 200 years. If you can't appreciate that maybe you should consider emigrating out of the United States to a nation that does not have a legal perspective on immigration like we do. Your choices would be very limited to mostly communist countries and dictatorships. Good luck with that.
You are not quoting those who live along the border and have daily break ins. Yes, many Americans are trying to help individuals to cross the desert by leaving water and food. I’ve stated before my top concern is regarding the bulk of daily criminals (repeat offenders) and their reentry, the felons who swivel back in and out of the country with little concern for being jailed. Human trafficking and fentanyl smuggling. All illegal activity needs to be targeted and placed to the front of the line for effective measures to stop it. When there’s a will there’s a way, there’s just not a federal will.
Agreed illegal activity should be stopped I thought you were talking against the immigrants.
I can't give you direct quotes but I'll try my best to remember a few of them. It is very apparent to me that Donald Trump that got him into trouble and he was found guilty twice and two court cases in New York back in the seventies but I know of then you started attacking President Obama he said he was a black president from Kenya then he attacked undocumented immigrants he said Mexicans were rapists I remember that oh and your daddy had to call when he was attacked for all this racism he actually said and I quote I could say this I remember the exact words has been obsessed with race is entire life this began in the 1970s and 1980s and there's a New York developer he called blacks monkeys and he said he would never rent to them. Then I remember him calling Mexicans as rapists criminals anything bad he said they were all ms-15 people I mean that doesn't leave much for the imagination see you attacked President Obama he said he was from Kenya and you get that he kept that up longer than anybody else you just kept attacking and attacking him that he wasn't a real American citizen and then he had the call to say after he was attacked for racism he had the gall to say and I remember this exact words, " I am the least racist person in the world." I mean really what a joke he actually talks different to people of color he talks down to them if you know what I mean oh remember when those five black and Latino teenagers in or accused of raping that woman in Central Park even after the DNA evidence exonerated them he kept saying that they were guilty and that they he wanted them to have the death penalty without any proof I mean that's how crazy this guy is that's how racist he is and and once in response to affirmative action he said, " I would love to be a well-educated black because I really believe they do have an actual advantage. " The only advantage blocks have is if they work 10 times harder than whites to get the same job. He's attacked the dreamers program send kids back to where they never lived that makes a whole lot of sense it's send Americans to third world Nations that have never lived there yeah right. And then there was the Muslim thing I think that was in 2015 he wanted a total and complete shutdown of all Muslims into the United States. I don't remember for sure but I think he said he wanted Muslim mosques monitored for criminal activity. Right we're going to go into their churches when no equivalent was ever done to Christian churches. I think at that time he said criminals and unknown middle easterners should be banned from travel to the United States see these words that only he could use. Oh remember when you said he attacked the ruling of a judge because of his Mexican heritage he went out of his way to do that I remember that one and he called undocumented immigrants " animals ". This is exactly what racists do they dehumanize the people they are attacking. Trump does this all the time. Why the hell do you think all those white supremacists flock to him. Birds of a feather I could go on and on but then you'll just say I'm rambling on and I am I'm trying to tell you everything that comes to my mind. But if you listened you remembered it yourself it was all to startling to hear in the first place it is totally recognizable it is totally true that's the saddest part of this whole story. As far as the dehumanizing people the worst thing he did was to say the undocumented immigrants were " infesting the country " by doing that he's comparing them to vermin or insects, encouraging people to kill them. I rest my case.
Explain what you perceive as reality that Trump didn't.
Trump can't accept the truth he lives in his own reality he lives in a delusion in his collusion he is the smartest person in the world, he has the best hair of anyone in the world, he is attractive to all women they should watch him, he knows more than all the experts in every and any field, I could go on and on he's made some all these things came out of his own mouth that's how insane he is.
I can't give you direct quotes but I'll try my best to remember a few of them. It is very apparent to me that Donald Trump that got him into trouble and he was found guilty twice and two court cases in New York back in the seventies but I know of then you started attacking President Obama he said he was a black president from Kenya then he attacked undocumented immigrants he said Mexicans were rapists I remember that oh and your daddy had to call when he was attacked for all this racism he actually said and I quote I could say this I remember the exact words has been obsessed with race is entire life this began in the 1970s and 1980s and there's a New York developer he called blacks monkeys and he said he would never rent to them. Then I remember him calling Mexicans as rapists criminals anything bad he said they were all ms-15 people I mean that doesn't leave much for the imagination see you attacked President Obama he said he was from Kenya and you get that he kept that up longer than anybody else you just kept attacking and attacking him that he wasn't a real American citizen and then he had the call to say after he was attacked for racism he had the gall to say and I remember this exact words, " I am the least racist person in the world." I mean really what a joke he actually talks different to people of color he talks down to them if you know what I mean oh remember when those five black and Latino teenagers in or accused of raping that woman in Central Park even after the DNA evidence exonerated them he kept saying that they were guilty and that they he wanted them to have the death penalty without any proof I mean that's how crazy this guy is that's how racist he is and and once in response to affirmative action he said, " I would love to be a well-educated black because I really believe they do have an actual advantage. " The only advantage blocks have is if they work 10 times harder than whites to get the same job. He's attacked the dreamers program send kids back to where they never lived that makes a whole lot of sense it's send Americans to third world Nations that have never lived there yeah right. And then there was the Muslim thing I think that was in 2015 he wanted a total and complete shutdown of all Muslims into the United States. I don't remember for sure but I think he said he wanted Muslim mosques monitored for criminal activity. Right we're going to go into their churches when no equivalent was ever done to Christian churches. I think at that time he said criminals and unknown middle easterners should be banned from travel to the United States see these words that only he could use. Oh remember when you said he attacked the ruling of a judge because of his Mexican heritage he went out of his way to do that I remember that one and he called undocumented immigrants " animals ". This is exactly what racists do they dehumanize the people they are attacking. Trump does this all the time. Why the hell do you think all those white supremacists flock to him. Birds of a feather I could go on and on but then you'll just say I'm rambling on and I am I'm trying to tell you everything that comes to my mind. But if you listened you remembered it yourself it was all to startling to hear in the first place it is totally recognizable it is totally true that's the saddest part of this whole story. As far as the dehumanizing people the worst thing he did was to say the undocumented immigrants were " infesting the country " by doing that he's comparing them to vermin or insects, encouraging people to kill them. I rest my case.

Rambling is putting it mildly.

You do know it was Hillary and her campaign that were responsible for the Kenya and birther thing,
don't you?
This is exactly what racists do they dehumanize the people they are attacking. Trump does this all the time.

So racists dehumanize the people they are attacking?

Obama 'cling to their guns or religion'?

Or the unvaccinated?

Or Christians?

Or Hillary and 'the deplorables'?

By the way, what's this repeated "I said" bullshit?
Rambling is putting it mildly.

You do know it was Hillary and her campaign that were responsible for the Kenya and birther thing,
don't you?

So racists dehumanize the people they are attacking?

Obama 'cling to their guns or religion'?

Or the unvaccinated?

Or Christians?

Or Hillary and 'the deplorables'?

By the way, what's this repeated "I said" bullshit?
When I go into a long speech I have to use the voice machine the words that print out on hours the same that's what I say that's where you get the general gist of it anyway and I was correct there's no doubt if you put it all together there's no doubt at all that trump is a racist. Has been his entire life. Your claim that Clinton started the Obama birther thing it was disproven long ago I looked up an article for you that fact checked it. www.politico.com No, Clinton didn't start the northern thing. Sept 16, 2016 Andy Martin, an Illinois fringe politician started that conspiracy in 2004. He even ran for president. A real nut case.
Your claim that Clinton started the Obama birther thing it was disproven long ago I looked up an article for you that fact checked it. www.politico.com No, Clinton didn't start the northern thing. Sept 16, 2016 Andy Martin, an Illinois fringe politician started that conspiracy in 2004. He even ran for president. A real nut case.

Came out of her campaign. She was involved but you'll never link her. A tactic just like the Russia Russia Russia dossier.

The Clinton campaign discussed targeting Obama’s “lack of American roots,” which led to campaign staff circulating a photo of Obama in Muslim garb. (The Obama campaign was not above such tactics, with a campaign memo referring to Clinton as “(D-Punjab),” due to her family’s financial links to India.) Later, Clinton supporters (though not the candidate or campaign, according to available information) began circulating the rumor that Barack Obama was born abroad. One, Philip J. Burg, filed one of the more notable lawsuits challenging Obama’s Democratic Party nomination (dismissed for lack of standing).
The story has been affirmed by, of all networks, MSNBC. Birtherism began “with [Clinton] and her campaign” in 2008.
Now, the 2016 version of the Clinton campaign wants to use Birtherism against Trump — or, to be precise, against Breitbart, covering up her own role in the Birther theory. How fitting for a candidate that only 11% of Americans consider honest.
Original Birther Hillary Falsely Accuses Breitbart of Birtherism

Patti Solis Doyle, who was Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager in 2008 until the Iowa caucuses, admitted on Friday that a Clinton campaign staffer had, in fact, circulated the Birther conspiracy theory that Barack Obama was born outside the U.S. and therefore potentially ineligible to serve in the presidency.
Doyle made the admission on Twitter,
as she responded to former George W. Bush spokesman Ari Fleischer. Fleischer said that Clinton’s staff had spread the rumor. Doyle said that was a “lie” — but admitted, in the same tweet, that she had fired the “rogue” staffer who had used email to spread the Birther conspiracy theory.
Doyle appeared about an hour later on CNN with Wolf Blitzer to address the issue once again. She denied that Hillary Clinton had started the Birther theory — then admitted that someone in the Clinton campaign had, in fact, been involved. Here is part their exchange:
Blitzer: Someone supporting Hillary Clinton was trying to promote this so-called Birther issue? What happened?
Doyle: So we — absolutely, the campaign nor Hillary did not start the Birther movement, period, end of story there. There was a volunteer coordinator, I believe, in late 2007, I believe, in December, one of our volunteer coordinators in one of the counties in Iowa — I don’t recall whether they were an actual paid staffer, but they did forward an email that promoted the conspiracy.
Blitzer: The Birther conspiracy?
Doyle: Yeah, Hillary made the decision immediately to let that person go. We let that person go. And it was so, beyond the pale, Wolf, and so not worthy of the kind of campaign that certainly Hillary wanted to run.
Doyle went on to relate how she personally called Obama campaign manager David Plouffe to apologize, and he accepted. Blitzer then asked her about the Mark Penn memorandum, in which the campaign’s strategist proposed exploiting Obama’s “lack of American roots.” Doyle asserted, and Blitzer agreed, that the memo had nothing to do with Birtherism.
Internal email generated from Sid Blumenthal sending someone to Kenya to investigate reports Obama was foreign born. Internal campaign email. Some low level staffer was thrown under the bus....they call it 'plausible deniability'.

Obama slams smear photo​

Obama campaign manager David Plouffe accused the Clinton campaign Monday of "shameful offensive fear-mongering" by circulating a photo as an attempted smear.

Plouffe was reacting to a banner headline on the Drudge Report saying that aides to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) had e-mailed a photo calling attention to the African roots of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

On the very day that Senator Clinton is giving a speech about restoring respect for America in the world, her campaign has engaged in the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election. This is part of a disturbing pattern that led her county chairs to resign in Iowa, her campaign chairman to resign in New Hampshire, and it’s exactly the kind of divisive politics that turns away Americans of all parties and diminishes respect for America in the world," said Plouffe.
Obama slams smear photo

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff'​

Barack Obama tribal photo 'sent to Drudge Report by Hillary Clinton staff'
Came out of her campaign. She was involved but you'll never link her. A tactic just like the Russia Russia Russia dossier.

Internal email generated from Sid Blumenthal sending someone to Kenya to investigate reports Obama was foreign born. Internal campaign email. Some low level staffer was thrown under the bus....they call it 'plausible deniability'.
Andy Martin,was a Democrat at the time, it could have even been on the Clinton team. But the Clinton organization immediately denounced his actions when they found out about it. But believe whatever you wish.
Andy Martin,was a Democrat at the time, it could have even been on the Clinton team. But the Clinton organization immediately denounced his actions when they found out about it. But believe whatever you wish.

Did Sid Blumenthal really push birtherism?​

He says no, but he did urge journalists to look into Barack Obama's ties to Kenya back in 2008.
Did Sid Blumenthal really push birtherism?

2 Clinton supporters in ’08 reportedly shared Obama ‘birther’ story​

Two supporters of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign reportedly shared the claim that then-rival Barack Obama was not born in the United States and thus was not eligible to be president. One was a volunteer in Iowa, who was fired, Clinton’s former campaign manager said Friday. The other was Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal, according to a former McClatchy Washington Bureau chief.

Patti Solis Doyle, Clinton’s campaign manager during part of the 2008 race, told CNN on Friday that an Iowa campaign worker had passed on an email about the birther conspiracy and that Clinton quickly fired him. Solis Doyle said she’d called Obama campaign official David Plouffe at the time “to apologize and basically say that this was not coming from us. It was a rogue volunteer coordinator.”

Read more at: https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/election/article102354777.html#storylink=cpy

A 'rogue' volunteer coordinator.....way out in Bugtussel, Tennessee, no doubt,who had access to internal campaign documents.

That is funny as all hell.

A 'rogue' volunteer coordinator.....way out in Bugtussel, Tennessee, no doubt,who had access to internal campaign documents.

That is funny as all hell.
Like I said it was fact checked believe whatever you wish your opinion is your right.
Like I said it was fact checked believe whatever you wish your opinion is your right.
Fact checked by left media sources, what could go wrong there? Yet the same Politico you chose, had a bunch of articles on the HRC campaign busting on the 'Muslim' Obama. So go figure.
Just like HRC funded the Steele Dossier.......pushed the Trump Russia BS.....but ain't no chance in the universe she had anything whatsoever to do with the Obama birther BS.

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