Public Unions.. Public Enemy # 1 ?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
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During Republican Governor Chris Christie's inauguration speech in New Jersey, he dropped some interesting news in regards to Public Unions. The question I'm considering is whether or not the American people can afford such liberal benefits to State and Federal employees, as I'm guessing these kind of benefit packages are country wide?

Also.. now with Obama and the Democratic Party so bent on ballooning government control over the people and expanding the size of government, you have to wonder, how can the people pay for it?....:eek:

One state retiree, 49 years old, paid, over the course of his entire career, a total of $124,000 towards his retirement pension and health benefits. What will we pay him? $3.3 million in pension payments over his life and nearly $500,000 for health care benefits -- a total of $3.8m on a $120,000 investment. Is that fair?

A retired teacher paid $62,000 towards her pension and nothing, yes nothing, for full family medical, dental and vision coverage over her entire career. What will we pay her? $1.4 million in pension benefits and another $215,000 in health care benefit premiums over her lifetime. Is it “fair” for all of us and our children to have to pay for this excess?

Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Governor Christie Declares "New Jersey on Edge of Bankruptcy"
Is it any surprise the industries (including Government) that use predominantly or a large number of union employees are the one's in the most trouble.
Is it any surprise the industries (including Government) that use predominantly or a large number of union employees are the one's in the most trouble.

Nope.. not a surprise..

Is it any wonder... Unions vote Democrat?...:wtf:
Is it any surprise the industries (including Government) that use predominantly or a large number of union employees are the one's in the most trouble.
Not a surprise at all since many unions have become destructive to both their members and their members employers, primarily due to the politician like greed of their union leadership. Unfortunately unions are not only hastening their own obsolescence they are running the risk of incurring a popular backlash upon themselves the likes of which has never been seen in the United States.
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Is it any surprise the industries (including Government) that use predominantly or a large number of union employees are the one's in the most trouble.
Not a surprise at all since many unions have become destructive to both their members and their members employers, primarily due to the politician like greed of their union leadership. Unfortunately unions are not only hastening their own obsolescence they are running the risk of incurring a popular backlash upon themselves the likes of which has never been seen in the United States.

Seems like legal extortion provided by the Democratic Party to me.... Saved jobs right..saved votes, would be more like it..
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Is it any surprise the industries (including Government) that use predominantly or a large number of union employees are the one's in the most trouble.
Not a surprise at all since many unions have become destructive to both their members and their members employers, primarily due to the politician like greed of their union leadership. Unfortunately unions are not only hastening their own obsolescence they are running the risk of incurring a popular backlash upon themselves the likes of which has never been seen in the United States.

Seems like legal extortion provided by the Democratic Party to me.... Saved jobs right..saved votes would be more like it..

It's a bit of stretch to blame the Democratic Party for the incompetence and corruption rampant in many American Labor Unions today, the Democratic Party has many sins to account for however corrupting the originally benign role of unions isn't in my opinion one of them, the union leaders did that all on their own.
these government unions need to broken up, workers we pay with our tax dollars are supposed to serve the public, not themselves

this is not financially sustainable in any event, regardless of who lobbies whom
NJ's pension problems are the result of years of "stealing from the cookie jar" by politicians who have used it as a slush fund. Public employees sacrificed wages in favor of better benefits. Now that they are running out of money, its easy to blame the people who have bargained for that security. Teachers receive x/ 60 years in pension pay. Retiring after 30 years at 50K is 25K before taxes. But it sounds so much sleazier at 3.3 million dollars.
NJ's pension problems are the result of years of "stealing from the cookie jar"

not sure about that, because same thing's happening here in Virginia, teachers get 80% of their salary and can retire at 55, and their base pay has gone up faster than inflation

taxpayers are being completely scammed
Not a surprise at all since many unions have become destructive to both their members and their members employers, primarily due to the politician like greed of their union leadership. Unfortunately unions are not only hastening their own obsolescence they are running the risk of incurring a popular backlash upon themselves the likes of which has never been seen in the United States.

Seems like legal extortion provided by the Democratic Party to me.... Saved jobs right..saved votes would be more like it..

It's a bit of stretch to blame the Democratic Party for the incompetence and corruption rampant in many American Labor Unions today, the Democratic Party has many sins to account for however corrupting the originally benign role of unions isn't in my opinion one of them, the union leaders did that all on their own.

There's a lot of back scratching going on there... that can't be denied.
I want to ask about unions in the govt workers sector.... um...
If one works for the govt, is one really in some dire need to be in a union, to protect themselves from horrid workday conditions, child labor, unsafe situations?? just asking..because I cannot fathom why govt employees need a union as how they are much higher paid than the average priv sector joe.
Some one explain how badly you distrust your govt employer, at the same time he pays more. I may be waiting a long time for the answer to that!
think about it who, has the strongest union in the country Congress ,, when 90 % of the incumbents get reelected year after and 12 year for full benis , I bet a working man can't that deal, not to mention if you last long enough , they retire on more than they ever made working, but then again most of those a ssholes are lawyers, LOL just what we need more of ,not
NJ's pension problems are the result of years of "stealing from the cookie jar"

not sure about that, because same thing's happening here in Virginia, teachers get 80% of their salary and can retire at 55, and their base pay has gone up faster than inflation

taxpayers are being completely scammed

"Today's decision-makers and taxpayers are left with the legacy of that approach: high annual costs that come with significant unfunded liabilities, lower bond ratings, less money available for services, higher taxes and the specter of worsening problems in the future," the study said.

Pew held out the difference between New Jersey and New York - which has a well-funded pension, despite its current budget problems - as an example of "how poor management affects the bottom line," said Kil Huh, director of research for the Pew Center.

In 2000, both states' systems were fully funded. In the years after that, New York continued to make its full annual contributions while New Jersey did not, Huh said.

So by 2008, New Jersey's fund had fallen so far behind that its annual required contribution was $1 billion more than New York's - even though New York's long-term obligations were $15 billion more.

Study: Jersey pension system in dire straits -

80% of their salary eh? Maybe I should move there. :eusa_whistle:

Public employees are an easy target right now that people are losing their jobs. Ten years ago, no one cared.

I left a $35K a year private sector job in N. Jersey to work for county govt. at $12K in 1986. Family and friends thought I was nuts, but starting a family and having good benefits was my priority at the time. We all make choices. And to say that most public employees make more than the private sector equivalent is untrue.

Unions are necessary because if the public was to decide what to pay their cops and teachers, it would probably be slightly more than minimum wage. Once pay and benefits are slashed, only the slackers will apply. Be careful what you wish for.

I believe Christie is approaching this issue the sensible way. But he is not labeling the unions "public enemy #1". That kind of talk causes derision and anger. Not exactly the best way to solve a problem.
As Denis Leary would say, "Things are gonna change...........yup ahhhh ( takes long toke on ciggy)...............THINGS ARE GONNA CHANGE!!!!". The only question is......what politician(s) are going to have the balls to do it?
NJ's pension problems are the result of years of "stealing from the cookie jar"

not sure about that, because same thing's happening here in Virginia, teachers get 80% of their salary and can retire at 55, and their base pay has gone up faster than inflation

taxpayers are being completely scammed

Unions are necessary because if the public was to decide what to pay their cops and teachers, it would probably be slightly more than minimum wage. Once pay and benefits are slashed, only the slackers will apply. Be careful what you wish for.


BS.......if anything, unions ensure that the stinky educators get to continue teaching. You have to commit a homicide to get fired once you have tenure. Also........unions ensure that the bar stays uber low in terms of quality.
All that aside........the issue is the pensions. It just cant continue........they're absurd!!
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During Republican Governor Chris Christie's inauguration speech in New Jersey, he dropped some interesting news in regards to Public Unions. The question I'm considering is whether or not the American people can afford such liberal benefits to State and Federal employees, as I'm guessing these kind of benefit packages are country wide?

Also.. now with Obama and the Democratic Party so bent on ballooning government control over the people and expanding the size of government, you have to wonder, how can the people pay for it?....:eek:

One state retiree, 49 years old, paid, over the course of his entire career, a total of $124,000 towards his retirement pension and health benefits. What will we pay him? $3.3 million in pension payments over his life and nearly $500,000 for health care benefits -- a total of $3.8m on a $120,000 investment. Is that fair?

A retired teacher paid $62,000 towards her pension and nothing, yes nothing, for full family medical, dental and vision coverage over her entire career. What will we pay her? $1.4 million in pension benefits and another $215,000 in health care benefit premiums over her lifetime. Is it “fair” for all of us and our children to have to pay for this excess?

Why wouldn't it be fair? That was the deal. It's called collective bargaining.
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